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2011/06/15 04:33:27 (permalink)

MIdi bounce to Audio

....lookin for the best [most effective] way to bounce MIDI track to Audio, there seems to be a few ways and the issues that are presenting themselves are I/O issues with the receivnig Audio track  ,,,,thanks in advance for you help Frazzel
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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/15 07:07:22 (permalink)
The best way?  Send the midi track to a synth that creates audio.  I think may just freeze now, but you can bounce (just remember to select the midi track and the audio track.)
What problems are you having?


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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/15 07:41:42 (permalink)
Please give some info to make answering possible. Soft synth or hardware? If hardware what kind of audio inteface (for MIDI-out to synth and back as audio)?
Bouncing and freezing of soft synths are so straightforward tasks that I don't understand the question "Which is the best way?".

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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/15 11:32:23 (permalink)

..hi, appreciate you getting back to us.....the issue is this....insert new audio track to bounce the midi onto it....but not sure exactly how to if we try and do a straigh t record when we set up the Input so that the audio track picks up the MIDI in stereo the record button is not available to us...I know we must be overlooking the correct way to bounce but the instructions seem to be at odds...d'ya know what the secret is ?  thanks in advance for your help, Frazzel
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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/15 11:35:44 (permalink)

......MIDI out to synth and back as Audio....why ? all we want to do is bounce the MIDI track already recorded straight down onto the new audio track but when I set up the input to allow the audio track to pick up the MIDI track in stereo the friggin record button goes !!!! so its not that simple or rther it is not 'intuitive' thats all you would do in a recording studio  :  ) appreciate you getting back to us so wots the simple way without going out to synths ?
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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/15 14:42:59 (permalink)

......MIDI out to synth and back as Audio....why ? all we want to do is bounce the MIDI track already recorded straight down onto the new audio track but when I set up the input to allow the audio track to pick up the MIDI track in stereo the friggin record button goes !!!! so its not that simple or rther it is not 'intuitive' thats all you would do in a recording studio  :  ) appreciate you getting back to us so wots the simple way without going out to synths ?

You don't need to record to bounce, you select the tracks and then bounce them - or you use the freeze button.

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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/15 14:51:50 (permalink)

..Hi Brian.....perhaps it's me but I can;t see how to 'bounce' the track...? sorry if we're being the daftest animals in the zoo ....can you advise the actual mechanics because we seemto be missing something !! Thanks
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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/15 15:08:01 (permalink)
You still haven't said if you're using a soft synth or an external sound module.

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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/15 15:10:35 (permalink)
If using a soft synth:

In Track View, select the MIDI track and the soft synth track using the control key and left mouse button simultaneously.  Click the Track drop down menu near the top and select Bounce To Track (or something similar as I am not at my DAW right now).

Don't forget to feed the some of the zoo animals.

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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/15 15:12:31 (permalink)

...soft synth 
Kalle Rantaaho
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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/15 15:15:57 (permalink)
Please tell which part of the bouncing function is unclear to you, and you will be adviced. You're expecting people to start copypasting the manual for you.

You still haven't answered the basic question: Hardware or a soft synth? If you're talking about the GS Wavetable synth that's another story. You should understand it's a very essential info. We can't answer if you can't give the info we need.

I've written this at least once to you already: Do the tutorials and read the manual. You've been all around these forums for several days now expecting to be spoonfed. It's not fair.

Your post #4 and #5 above shows you've not even launched the help files not to mention the tutorials. As said above, you don't  record anything when you bounce soft synths to audio.

Try the search word "bounce" in the Help files. That's how you solve problems. People help the ones who show some effort of trying to help themselves.

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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/15 15:17:44 (permalink)

...the animals (great band by the way : ) ) r getting hungry ....appreciate the inut butit's a non starter as no matter what combination |I use there's no way to highlight both tracks at the same time we're on X! Essential please God dont tell me this is a Producer - Studio capability onlyu  !!!  Yikes....we can't find Bounce to Tracksa anywhere or get the dialogue to appear !!
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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/15 15:22:33 (permalink)

.....set up is as follows

data contoller...n2 PC (USB) UA 25 Edirol ...PC Sonar X! Essential (with patches 1a - 1b) softsynth Cakewalk. hope this helps we seem to have not got the Bounce to Tracks availbale to us ,,,mmmmmm
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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/15 15:25:58 (permalink)

...I've RTFM an its ****e .sorry mate but thats why I'm on here like I still ain't got a this "dead simple task"  its sure as heck aint simple and it as a light year from intuitive ..I've been in software for 20 years an music for 30 an I cant find out how to do ti so kinda gives you a feel for why we're on here ...thanks 
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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/15 15:30:04 (permalink)
Select all tracks associated with the soft synths. this includes MIDI tracks, audio tracks, track folders and instrument tracks. Then click the track button and select bounce to tracks.

Its a few easy steps. The help file has step by step instructions on this also. if you follow them, it will work. I just checked and followed what it said in the help file and it works as expected - A Professional Worldwide Audio Mixing & Mastering Studio, Providing Online And Attended Sessions. We also do TV commercials, Radio spots & spoken word books
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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/15 15:46:55 (permalink)

..thanks but like I keep saying.......we can't find a way to select more than one track the ctrl click does not work so .......we're never able to select more than one track at a time and we still cannot get the 'bounce to tracks; dialogue ..we followed the steps in the guide an like I sadi NO ....thee is no 'bounce to tracks'  !!!!
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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/15 15:50:40 (permalink)

..if you're looking inon the Cakewa;k dev team BIG RED BUTTON push ......dialogue appears

track to bounce selection 3  To track 8 Audio Y/N   BIG GREEN BUTTON....GO thats what I would call simple :  )
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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/15 17:03:03 (permalink)

...we can't find a way to select more than one track the ctrl click does not work so ...

Seems even the simplest thing like selecting a track is a challenge and from the sounds - a challenge for more than one person as "we" suggests.  This is a basic function and I don't care how long you've been working with computers, software or in music.  Working with software for 20 years does not make you an expert in all software.  Using the software and reading the manuals helps.
Here's a basic how-to on selecting multiple tracks
1) Open the project
2) In the track view you must CTRL-LEFT CLICK the TRACK NUMBER located on the upper left of the track (1, 2, 3 or 4, etc...)
3) When selecting the second track you must CTRL-LEFT CLICK the TRACK NUMBER located on the upper left of the track (1, 2, 3 or 4, etc...)
Everytime you select a track the clips in the clip pane will reverse color.

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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/15 17:16:43 (permalink)
Hmm... but of unwarranted hostility in this here thread, I reckon. If it's not for people to ask for help in, then what is it for?


Are you trying to select multiple tracks in the Track view or the Console view? You're better off in the Track view for this task.

Keebo's reply is really all you should need to know.
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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/16 01:54:46 (permalink)
What are you clicking when you select tracks? Click the track number, not the, clips. IIRC you don't need to press Ctrl, just click as many tracks as you will.

Please confirm what soft synth you're using. I don't think there is a soft synth called Cakewalk.
I just want to make sure it's not Wavetable.

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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/16 06:52:23 (permalink)

..John T...dead here's the 'proper'(I we say 'the proper' God knows how many ways this package has)

....detail is what some of these folks need to learn

MIDI to Audio
All sliders down except on track you want to copy
Export..Audio [dialogue appears with your file tree directory]
Save in file (any file will do) we saved as .wav
Open new Audio track in project and select
Go to Import Audio (eg go to the file location you saved the wave file and open)
It down loads into the audio track

Play track as's not EASY...but that's how it does it an it took us four goes as sometimes it did;t want to download !!!! 
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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/16 07:00:42 (permalink)
No, you've gone all around the houses, pushing an audio file out and bringing it back in.  Bouncing is internal and simple.  Just follow CJay's instructions above.

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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/16 08:47:45 (permalink)
Let's try once more (please, don' answer explaining this and that, just answer the questions) :
1) What soft synth are you using?
2) Are you using simple instrument tracks or separate MIDI- and audiotracks?
3) Are you in the Track View when selecting tracks to be  bounced (not in Console view)?
4) Are you clicking the track numbers when selecting the tracks (not the clip)?

The main problem here is that days have passed and you still haven't given us a clear description of what is your workflow (=what you are doing).

I've never tried bouncing in the Console View, but at this point the only thing I can think of here is that you're in the Console view, and that's what's the problem.'re using the Wavetable synth.

If you are in the Track View and can not select more than one track and can not open "Bounce to track" dialogue, then I haven't got a clue what's going on. But you should really concentrate a little and try to give accurate answers.

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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/16 09:20:49 (permalink)
Has anyone suggested freezing the synth?

I think we've worked out it's a soft synth, so this might be a better option for the OP

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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/16 15:54:16 (permalink)
we can't find a way to select more than one track the ctrl click does not work so .......

Get a new keyboard with working buttons.
Or you may not be holding the CTL while your clicking each track.
Or your clickin gin the wrong spot.
CTL / left mouse click works. If its not, your mouse or keyboard is defective in most cases - A Professional Worldwide Audio Mixing & Mastering Studio, Providing Online And Attended Sessions. We also do TV commercials, Radio spots & spoken word books
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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/16 16:22:11 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Music for Life 2017/08/15 19:06:56

....Thanks for everyone's is appreciated, we're not being nasty when wi say that we've been doing software 4 20yeras and......we mean it in a 'helpful' way...this software is we (and I ) mean needs well simplified as it's way to complex's just a few erroneous bits that we've seen

The select export - import route works...the rest don;t (for us anyway)
  • 4get the highlight tracks and select bounce to tracks...because there ain't no selection being highlighted...not on our version of X1 Essential
  • The entire 'bounce' process is a complete mess when it can be so much more simple and effective 
  • and as usual with all software the RTFM advice is a waste of a decent video tutorial will get you thee as long as the person running it knows what they're doing
  • The support are so bad you could make a movie out of them 

Just a few there's loads more like ..where the hell are all our missing FX Plugins that we paid for when we bought the app and they don't work cuase we're on Windons 7 (64) !!! and B$ you ask the entire Amplitude X Gear is just one  ....naff ...they need to get there **** together and not sell products that are carrying win7 64 bit drop outs ...thats just tardy an v.unprofessional for such a specialist software....we're not here to LOVE the software ...its a tool and if we buy tools we expect them to work :  )

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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/16 16:35:33 (permalink)
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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/16 17:06:33 (permalink)

....Thanks for everyone's is appreciated, we're not being nasty when wi say that we've been doing software 4 20yeras and......we mean it in a 'helpful' way...this software is we (and I ) mean needs well simplified as it's way to complex's just a few erroneous bits that we've seen

The select export - import route works...the rest don;t (for us anyway)
  • 4get the highlight tracks and select bounce to tracks...because there ain't no selection being highlighted...not on our version of X1 Essential
  • The entire 'bounce' process is a complete mess when it can be so much more simple and effective 
  • and as usual with all software the RTFM advice is a waste of a decent video tutorial will get you thee as long as the person running it knows what they're doing
  • The support are so bad you could make a movie out of them 

Just a few there's loads more like ..where the hell are all our missing FX Plugins that we paid for when we bought the app and they don't work cuase we're on Windons 7 (64) !!! and B$ you ask the entire Amplitude X Gear is just one  ....naff ...they need to get there **** together and not sell products that are carrying win7 64 bit drop outs ...thats just tardy an v.unprofessional for such a specialist software....we're not here to LOVE the software ...its a tool and if we buy tools we expect them to work :  )

Man.  You're right.  I don't know how these guys have stayed in business so long! 

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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/16 18:05:11 (permalink)
Patience please "Our" dear fellows and drop the attitude or help diminishes rather rapidly from those most able to provide assistance. 

It appears your understanding of the use of VST is not quite there yet so that is likely compounding your problems.  The best advice I can give you is to create a new test project and step yourself(ves) through the primary steps to get a better understanding of what needs to be done.  It would appear to me that you have use a "Simple Instrument track" which is likely the most confusing way to start out as it is not simple and can definitely add to the confusion of separation of Midi and Audio.

Try the following: 
1. Create a new test project (normal template is fine)
2. Insert - Softsynth - Cakewalk TTS1
    When the insert box comes up select following boxes: Midi Source, FIrst synth Audio output, and both boxes at the right (Property page, rack view) Leave the ask everytime box checked at the bottom)
3. You now have added a Midi input track and an audio output track. Under the track view menu there is a clock/measure display and to the right of it is a drop down menu  that says all, custom, mix etc. Select all.
4. Expand the track header of the midi track(it will say Cakewalk TTS -1 with the midi plug symbol) with the double up arrow. Adjust the width of the header for this process I am stepping you through so you are seeing exactly what I am describing in the same way. To adjust the header width hover your mouse on the left side of the divider piano keyboard and drag to left so all the boxes(input/output/channel etc are all in 1 vertical column. (drag down the bottom of the  track/bus divider if you are unable to see all the boxes. Then double click in some blank grey area of the header to expand the header to maximum size.
5.  a. In the first box under the volume, pan and velocity slider is the input box.  Insert your midi keyboard/controller. 
    b. The next box is the output.  It will say Ckwk tt11.  (this is where the input from your  midi keyboard(or an importedmanually created midi track) is being sent for interpretation by the VST from midi data  to audio.
    c. Next box is your channel select. Enter 1.Cakewalk tts from drop down menu. (With the TTS1 you have 16 channels you can select from)
    d. Bank is the next box.  With the TTS you can leave it at  ---.(The various bank options  listed affect what instruments are available in the next box.  Each VST has different paramaters/methods for accessing instruments and this box and next may be irrelevant for many VST)
    e. Next box is patch.  You will have a drop down of instruments available.  Select  Acoustic bass from the top of the middle column.  The first column in the TTS GUI should now say Acoustic Bass.
6.  Turn Echo on ))))  (right next to the red record button) This is what allows your Keyboard to be heard through Sonar via the TTS VST when you play  notes on the keyboard.
7  Arm the track(The red button)
8.  Hit the record button in the control bar and record something.  You should be seeing midi notes being entered and hearing what you are playing and it should be an acoustic bass if everything was followed correctly.

So you now have recorded some Midi data.  Rewind hit play and it should play for you.

Let us assume now that you have completed editing and you want to create an audio rendering of what you are hearing, which is really at the center of your question. 
1. In the second row in the Midi track header between the W and A is a *. Hit that and it will convert your Midi data to Audio via the CW TTS and write it to the other track that was created initially.  This is what is referred to as "freezing the synth" , "Bouncing down to audio" and is the simplest way to achieve it.  It can also be accessed via the synth rack.  This instance of the VST will no longer play as it is "Frozen" and converted to audio.

2. Now take a look at the other track you created at the outset, from the "First Synth Audio output" box, and now called Cakewalk TTS with an audio symbol on the track.  There should now be audio data written in the audio track. 

If you got this to work then you now need to apply this to the project you are working on. 
    if you have existing midi data (that in not simple instrument track) then insert a new synth but do no check the midi source box as you already have the midi track.  The rest of the process is based on the above.

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Re:MIdi bounce to Audio 2011/06/16 18:42:21 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Music for Life 2017/08/15 19:38:31

...I hate to state the obvious pal...but just take a ook at the length of your answer.....!!!! Can't you see wot the issue is's staring you right in the face...everyone appreciates input but you see our whole point is the app shouldn't take 8 years to master.......we don't want to have to spend 100'rs learning to how to use it...........we did that learning to play our instruments...well we did .......

....I'm not sop sure half the folk using Cakewalk could play a penny whistle  !!  Thankfully we can always just plug in a record ...they can't screw that of the many benefits of being able to read write and play music..........Happy Days :)
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