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Re: Midi info not audible January 22, 18 5:08 PM (permalink)
Sorry, been working, between that and the "reply" window often not showing up... anyway, as I said earlier, I do find that option available, but I haven't found it already "checked", and in every case so far it is greyed out in the "unchecked" position.

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Re: Midi info not audible January 22, 18 6:11 PM (permalink)
Ah sorry, I missed that part in your previous reply :)
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Re: Midi info not audible January 22, 18 7:33 PM (permalink)
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Re: Midi info not audible January 22, 18 8:08 PM (permalink)
I can see one of your problems is in the synth rack.. You only need one instance of TTS.
TTS-1 is a 16 channel synth. Having more than one inserted will cause confusion. 
You can quickly see which synths are being used buy checking the SOLO button in the synth rack. Delete all unneeded synths. 
And when you click on the INSTRUMENT ICON ( looks like a keyboard)  to the left in the track inspector to open the GUI the synth that opens is the synth that is assined to that instrument track. 
What I see is you clicked on track 13 and TTS-1 opens, correct? 
If I was you I would abandon using INSTRUMENT tracks and use a MIDI track. This is a classic case of why you shouldn't use instrument tracks. 
INSERT A MIDI TRACK above or below  each instrument track
Drag the midi from the instrument track to the midi track. Be careful not to shift in time. zoom in a bit. 
Now set the output of the midi track to the instrument VST you want to use. 
post edited by Cactus Music - January 22, 18 8:37 PM

Johnny V  
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Re: Midi info not audible January 23, 18 0:49 PM (permalink)
Again, that's not something I "did"... there are still several tracks that I created with a VST Instruments that for some reason defaulted to TTS-1.
Correct, I clicked on the Instrument icon and the TTS-1 opened, but it should not, it should be the Rapture Session GUI.
As regards creating a new midi track and transfer the midi info.. I have done that, but once I save the project and close out, then come back in, it defaults to the TTS-1... at least that's been my experience the last couple of weeks, I'll try again, when I get home.
I'll think about all this moving forward, I'm trying to save this song and mix this piece... I still don't know why I'm hearing the wrong instrument on a track in solo.
Please remember, I'm not really trying to learn a new way to do this, although I will pay attention to the tips moving forward... I'm trying to save this song so I can mix it asap.
post edited by tindog13 - January 23, 18 1:45 AM

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Re: Midi info not audible January 23, 18 3:51 AM (permalink)
I don't know if this is related to your problem, but as a beta tester I did once report a bug in which deleting a synth from the synth rack that had MIDI-output enabled causes the routing of other MIDI tracks to get screwed up. Are you sure that you didn't remove a synth that had MIDI-output enabled? Here is the bug recipe:
1) Insert a MIDI track
2) Insert a synth into the rack with MIDI-output enabled
3) Set the input of the MIDI track to this synth
4) Insert another synth into the rack with MIDI-output enabled
5) Delete this new synth

Expected Results: 

After deleting the 2nd synth, the input of the MIDI track should remain set to the first synth. 

Actual Results: 

The input of the MIDI track changes to the previous synth in the MIDI input list (if one exists), or to Omni (if no other synth is in the list). 

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Re: Midi info not audible January 23, 18 4:50 AM (permalink)
Again, that's not something I "did"... there are still several tracks that I created with a VST Instruments that for some reason defaulted to TTS-1.
Sorry but it is something you did. You are Not following my instructions and not trying to learn how it works. This is as far as I can go until you follow the simple instructions. 
Please remember, I'm not really trying to learn a new way to do this
So therefore you can continue to do it your way and it won't work and you can blame the software when this is a simple matter of not learning how it works. Why do thousands of people use Sonar without this issue? They learn how it works. It's a learning curve with a steep slope if your new to the world of midi. You'll get it, but it takes time and effort on your behalf. 
post edited by Cactus Music - January 23, 18 5:16 PM

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Re: Midi info not audible January 24, 18 8:11 PM (permalink)
I don't think I did, but assuming I did, how do I fix the remaining tracks so they are playing the correct instruments? And it looks like it's correct, that if I delete a midi track, everything else gets shifted... this hasn't been happening for the last several years I've been using Sonar, what changed and how do I fix that?
post edited by tindog13 - January 26, 18 5:20 AM

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Re: Midi info not audible January 26, 18 4:58 PM (permalink)
Not an answer to "what the heck caused this"...and as I mentioned earlier for me it came about suddenly around the time Windows updated on my computer end of last year. Random older projects that had been fine with functioning midi tracks no longer playing back.  As a work around I've inserted new soft synths (insert > soft synth) and had Sonar create the necessary tracks, and selected the same synth that won't play on the previously recorded midi track.  Than I just drag copied the old midi track to the new empty track and its been working
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Re: Midi info not audible January 26, 18 5:11 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby robbyk January 26, 18 5:35 PM
I'm sorry but windows has absolutely no bearing on changing Sonar midi tracks around. That's more or less impossible.  
Because of the many threads asking for help with midi I'm going to start a thread with clear instructions with screen shots on a step by step process from start to finish of how to set up a project and play midi. This information is already very clear and in detail in the help files, but it would seem people prefer to not read those. So I will post this when I get a chance. I have all the screen shots, just have to upload them to Imgur. 

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Re: Midi info not audible January 26, 18 5:19 PM (permalink)
I'm sure that will be really helpful Johnny - your images certainly helped me!
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Re: Midi info not audible January 26, 18 5:25 PM (permalink)
I might have to put it on my web page as I'm not sure how it will bode with putting 35 images in one thread. 

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Re: Midi info not audible January 26, 18 5:56 PM (permalink)
Cactus Music
I might have to put it on my web page as I'm not sure how it will bode with putting 35 images in one thread. 

That wouldn't be a problem at all if they're hosted on Imgur. Their servers take all the load. 

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Re: Midi info not audible January 28, 18 4:29 PM (permalink)
Ya, I've got dozens of screen shots on here and other forums that are now dead links because Photobucket is holding the ransom. So Imgur seems solid so far and not predicted to go down I guess. But the problem with that is the thread will disappear and be hard to find. I put the link in my signature so it will always be easy to find here. 
I've got tonnes of storage on my web site, Screen shots are not that large. It's way easier to work that way building these things as I have 100% control, plus I can update a photo with a better image or add text. 
I can also put some sample MIDI files to use. I tried CWP files but they open as a txt file with all the gibberish.
Any the link is in my signature-  Mr Tindog was one of the folks who I though might benefit from this. 

Johnny V  
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Re: Midi info not audible February 05, 18 0:48 PM (permalink)
Thanks for all the help! The closest I got to an answer here was that deleting some midi tracks throws a wrench into the works, which makes no sense to me, but seems to be the case. I was able to rebuild my last song and avoided deleting any tracks and they have maintained their integrity so far and I have my final mixes. Clearly, Sonar is dead, so since this project is finished I will be moving forward with another DAW, once I find one I can work with that isn't stupidly expensive, any suggestions will be considered. Good luck to all.

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Re: Midi info not audible February 05, 18 7:17 AM (permalink)
For PC
I kinda like Studio one 3....rock solid on the audio so far!...not doing any midi on it seems to always bring in issues.(mac works great with both)
Reason 9 has so much to offer, I have never had a crash using it for audio, but the vst thing is needing a bit more care with third party vsti, midi works just fine in that with their rack stuff in the software.
kind of deep learning what does what on the rack though..and how to route.
Magix has something but costs a pretty penny (waiting on Acid 8) ...reaper is a good go to , mixcraft might do?
Some say Steinberg...But I got nothing good to say of that company....well one...asio.

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Re: Midi info not audible February 08, 18 10:53 PM (permalink)
Thanks for the suggestions, I will look at them all

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