Problem Right From the Get-Go

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Re:Problem Right From the Get-Go 2011/04/30 09:04:02 (permalink)
I'm using the Lexicon Lambda interface. After I record a track I cannot pan it in the stereo field. The farther I go past the center pan position the less sound I have. By the time I pan hard right the sound is gone completely. If I use the Line 2 input on the back of the unit it will record the track on the right side, but will not allow me to pan it left once it is recorded.
post edited by NashvilleKat1968 - 2011/04/30 09:05:40
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Re:Problem Right From the Get-Go 2011/04/30 09:16:18 (permalink)
Hmm... I seem to remember that Lexicons only output a stereo signal.
Have you tried recording on a stereo track?
You can also bounce the track and select Split Mono. That will put the left channel on one track and the right on another track. Delete the one with no audio and the remaining track should be pannable.
post edited by 57Gregy - 2011/04/30 21:31:21

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Re:Problem Right From the Get-Go 2011/04/30 10:11:33 (permalink)
yeah, the only reason it would not pan would be if you recorded stereo.  you need a mono track inserted into the project to pan. 

I"m sure the lambda will record mono tracks, but you probably have chosen a stereo input for MC.  what are you recording?  if you're recording a stereo output of some guitar FX or something, then you have to choose a stereo input and you can't pan that.  if you are recording your guitar from mono FX pedals, an amp or direct input, then you should be choosing only the mono input you're recording, left or right channel whichever you're plugging into.
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Re:Problem Right From the Get-Go 2011/04/30 12:41:43 (permalink)
I set up the Tascam US-800 no problem and it works fine with the Cubase LE5 it came with (it took me time to find one setting I had to configure, but that was my fault).  I have not tried it yet with MC5.  I am running Windows XP on a pretty decent computer, ram and processor wise.
Just wanted to put to assure those who've complained about Tascam drivers that I had no problem.  We'll see what happens when I try it with a Cakewalk product.
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Re:Problem Right From the Get-Go 2011/04/30 16:04:35 (permalink)
You do realize that cubase is heresy round here......

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Re:Problem Right From the Get-Go 2011/04/30 16:47:59 (permalink)
glad you got the tascam to working.  as I mentioned, tascam drivers are ok for some people and not necessarily for others.  its' more of a "crap shoot" whether it works with your system or not.  but glad it paid off for you!
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Re:Problem Right From the Get-Go 2011/04/30 20:15:05 (permalink)
If I could only learn to mix and master . . .  and then sync the audio file to the video . . .
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Re:Problem Right From the Get-Go 2011/04/30 20:35:52 (permalink)
All in good time, grasshopper.
In the beginning, it seemed the more I knew, the more I didn't know.
Read all you can, including the help files. There's some good stuff there.
Check out the techniques forum, and look for older posts by Yep.
Try stuff. You are going to trash some projects, it's inevitable.
Save each session working on a project as a new version. That way, when you screw it up (and you will), you can go back and try it again.
Listen critically to your own work and that of others. You will begin to recognize effects and how they work.
I learn something new all the time. It's a long and winding road, but worth every effort.

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Re:Problem Right From the Get-Go 2011/05/01 09:00:40 (permalink)
One step at a time...learn the things you need to learn as you need to learn them.

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Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface


"Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer 
Colonel Sanders
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Re:Problem Right From the Get-Go 2011/05/01 09:14:00 (permalink)
Okay.  One step at a time it is: first, breakfast . . .
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Re:Problem Right From the Get-Go 2011/05/02 04:37:29 (permalink)
Thanks for the help guys! I chose the Left Input on MC5 instead of the Lambda Stereo input and can now pan across the stereo spectrum. I re-recorded a bass track I've been working on for my first project and it sounds great! Now to do the same with some guitar tracks later today!
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Re:Problem Right From the Get-Go 2011/05/02 07:56:29 (permalink)
very good Kat!

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Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface


"Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer 
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