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Rainbows, collab with Rik, new mix 9/13
Another Janet/Rik duo. In my mind, this was just for piano and guitar but Rik said it needed more, so the last half has a string section. Danny helped me with the mix, then I had to tweak THAT to make Rik happy. Sheesh...I thought I had enough trouble keeping one man happy! Well, anyway, here you go. Thanks a ton, Danny...that was a great help! :) Comments welcome, as always. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=789731&songID=11028548
post edited by Janet - September 13, 11 2:26 PM
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 08, 11 8:18 AM
Sweet, calm stuff. A bit top heavy for me, but that's a personal crit.
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 08, 11 8:19 AM
Nice music
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 08, 11 8:46 AM
Well you certainly made this man happy! This is a real "tour de force". Huge drama and brilliant musicianship. The last quarter blew me right across the room! Thank the heavens for a rainbow!
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 08, 11 9:43 AM
Thanks Jim. Can you explain what you mean by top heavy? And eq issue, or something else? Thanks Herb. Well thank you, Malcolm. That made my day. :)
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 08, 11 9:54 AM
Yeah, its a little thin, could use some more bottom.
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 08, 11 4:47 PM
Boy, you guys are really knocking out those collab projects, and they just keep getting better. Very nice work here by both of you.
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 08, 11 6:48 PM
piano sounds great here. guitar sounds great here. together a little conflict...personally i would be using a widener to get the piano out wide, leave the guitar the middle, but then you have a far better mixer than i helping (Danny)...build up at the end is good, helps to epic-ise the song well. the hero does indeed save the damsel, and all is right in the world...
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 08, 11 8:42 PM
Janet/Rik, Very nice! Great playing and really nice job on the strings, tympani, cymbals...etc.
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 08, 11 8:47 PM
Very nice, cymbals seem a tad loud compared to the timpani buildups but small nit. I'd have left that last one out as well. Beautiful playing!
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 08, 11 10:08 PM
OIC what you mean, Jim. Thanks. That should be a fairly easy fix. I hear it now too. :) Thank you, Phil. They just seem to keep coming together. :) Thanks for those thoughts, Mark. The only way I know to widen the piano is to put channel tools on it and that makes the piano sound terrible IMO. So, not quite sure what to do here. I imagine there will be a few more mixes coming, so hopefully we'll figure it out. :) Thank you Gary! Thanks Max. I'll definitely look at those cymbals. I appreciate the idea.
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 08, 11 11:21 PM
I love this Janet & Rik. The only thing I noticed is it kind of faded really quick at the end, but that could have been SoundClick ... as you know my connection isn't the greatest in the world. :/ I hear what mgh is saying about the guitar/piano width, especially when I listen to it on my headphones. But it's still a great mix even if you left it like that. You and Rik could put together and sell an album of this kind of music ... you're almost there already. Thanks, Bub :)
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 09, 11 6:34 AM
Hey Janet and Rik, this turned out really good! Nice job as always. :) Cymbals are a bit loud...I forgot about them and they scared me to death. LOL! Guitar spread is a bit wide...it may have been my fault for confusing you. Those settings I shared were to show you how to it would spread to the extreme. I should have mentioned that was just a starting point...but also figured since you said Rik was taking care of the guitar stuff that he would have handled it. Just a bit wide on the guitars which in a sense, makes things conflict a bit in the stereo field...but it's way better than when I first heard it. :) Awesome job...and you had this man happy the day you sent the file and asked me to take a listen to it. :) mgh: nah I really didn't do anything on this one bro. Janet and Rik did it all. Janet sent me a mix to check out and the one thing I noticed was we had this huge piano engulfing the stereo field and this little guitar (well-played I might add) sounding very mono and down the middle. I tried to teach her how to expand it a bit so it didn't sound so small and mono...that was all I did in this one. :) So yeah Janet, if you wanted to fix this mix up a bit, I'd tighten the guitars a little...do what James said on the low end, but I'd personally not add any lows to the piano...that sounded perfect to me all across the board. I'd just hit the guitars with a little low...lower the cymbals and low pass them a bit so they aren't so ssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sounding when they fully open up and you should be good to go. I'm proud of ya! :) -Danny
post edited by Danny Danzi - September 09, 11 6:35 AM
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 09, 11 10:23 AM
The guitar really sounded good on this one. Nice playing Rik. Beautiful song and very nice melody. I like the guitar and the piano are placed in its own spot. Where? It should be your preference.
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 09, 11 10:49 AM
Hi All thanks for listening, glad you all seem to like this piece, I sure do. We're still working on how to combine the piano and guitar sounds. Thanks Danny , for taking the time to help. Rik
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 09, 11 2:09 PM
Thanks Bub! :) We just might. :) Danny, you did SO do something on this! You can't get out of it that easily. :) Rik's still working on things...figure we'd better try to get this thing down if we're gonna do more. Thanks again--really do appreciate your help! Thanks Vicente. Glad you liked it. Rik, funny how something so simple can get so complicated, eh? Well, maybe not funny, but you know what I mean. lol
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 09, 11 4:05 PM
On my speakers this one carries plenty of bottom end. In fact, I remarked to myself that Janet's left hand sounded particularly authoritative at points. In any event, the piano and classical guitar sound great together. Good job.
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 09, 11 10:30 PM
Thank you, Mark! Glad you liked it. Not sure why the bass is coming thru so well on your system, but oh well. :) OK, we both made several changes. Rik seems obsessed with getting a good guitar sound that matches my big, overbearing piano sound, after reading a few comments about it. It sounds like he spent countless hours coming up with something that sounds better. I think that's pretty cool, and we're both very thankful to Danny and others for bringing it up. If we continue with these collabs, we both figured we need to make the two instruments sound good together. Anyway, this is his new guitar track that he worked all kinds of magic on. I eq'd the bass (of the whole mix) a little differently and also raised the volume of the double bass when the strings come in. I like it better that way. I imagine I screwed something else up in the meantime, so I'm counting of some of you kind people with good ears to point those things out to me. Rik can't listen to this for the weekend so I'm hoping this represents what he was going for.
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 10, 11 10:17 PM
Beautiful music, great job guys. I would of liked the end to linger around sustained a smidgen longer
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 10, 11 10:23 PM
Thanks Mike. Even longer? Wow...I wrestled with that ending for quite awhile, trying to figure out how much was too audacious and what was just right. Perhaps I can be a little more judicious with those notes. :) Thanks again!
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 12, 11 2:18 PM
Hi Janet, this sounds epic, almost to epic for my little speakers, think you forgot the reverb tail while exporting, it stops a bit abrupt. Fun stuff this remixing, isn't it
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 13, 11 2:24 PM
Oh, yeah. It's so fun I just did another remix. Number 12 I believe. I hope I get to do more. :)
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 14, 11 3:03 PM
Hi Janet, I like this one, a lot. But then again , I liked number 8, shows what I know, eh. : D. Rik
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 16, 11 12:10 AM
Hi All, Janet worked to hard on this mix to go unnoticed so...............BUMP
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 16, 11 2:16 PM
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 16, 11 9:07 PM
Rik...remember, I was happy with #4! lol Thank you, Tom! :)
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 16, 11 9:57 PM
Absolutely beautiful tune. Love it! Excellect performances both of you!
Luke Sarro -------------- Sonar Platinum 64-bit on Windows 10 x64
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik
September 17, 11 11:30 AM
Sounds fantastic to me, beautifully done on both the guitars and piano. Sounds like you guys work well together!
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik, new mix 9/13
September 18, 11 9:42 PM
How did I miss this one?? Beautiful song and great performance and collab., Freddy J
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Re:Rainbows, collab with Rik, new mix 9/13
September 18, 11 10:01 PM
Thank you, Luke. :) Thanks Chuck. Yeah, it seems to be working so far. :) I don't know, Freddy. Should I announce the next one? :)