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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 11:33 AM
Hi Janet, just listened to the tweaked version, brings out the impressiveness of the playing even more  . Greetings, Rik
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 11:37 AM
Thanks, Frank. Thanks, Rik. You're too kind. :) You really oughta hear and watch him play it. He's just amazing. This is still my favorite one of his, but he plays it with such ease and abandon. Gives me something to shoot for anyway. :)
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 11:44 AM
Hi Janet, judging by that clip your not to far of and I think he was showing of anyway  . Greetings, Rik
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 11:46 AM
:) Well, that's one way to look at it. He's quite a showman. I got to see him live a couple years ago. Not nearly as entertaining as Victor Borge, (he's a hard one to beat, IMOT), but still good and enjoyable to watch and of course, listen to.
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 11:51 AM
Hi Janet,he's good that Jon Schmidt but i still recognized the tune you are playing.  If I play something by someone else I have to tell people what it is. Greetings, Rik
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 11:53 AM
I'm glad you recognized it. :) But I doubt if you really have to tell people what you're playing. :)
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 12:01 AM
Hi Janet, while I can fake my way trough a well known piece by ear, I'm very impressed that you can decipher all those strange hyrogliphics on paper and play something that strongly resembles the original, but than again I'm easily impressed by musicality. greetings, Rik
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 12:16 AM
I sure can't decipher all the hieroglyphics of every piece. This one's just easier than many. (I had thought of learning Hungarian Rhapsody #2 by Liszt, but I could hardly SEE the notes, let alone play them. I'm sticking by the fact that surely, if I could see the notes I could play it with ease. lol) You need to watch this performance if you have time (the actual piece doesn't start till about 4 minutes in...) Anyway, I'm impressed by anyone that can play anything by ear! But then again, I'm easily impressed by good musicians. :)
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 12:27 AM
Hi Janet, I think I've seen everything by Viktor Borge on youtube, he's that good that he can make fun of the music while still playing at an astonishing level. Watch him improvising here : Greetings, Rik
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 12:38 AM
Yes, I've seen that one too...quite amazing, huh? One of the best. I don't understand how someone can play like that and not get tendonitis... Well, actually, I don't understand how anyone can play that well at all! lol
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 12:49 AM
Hi Janet, I think he got better with age Greetings, Rik
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 12:53 AM
Most likely, but that seems incredible! If you've seen all his stuff, then you've seen some of the clips from when he was young? He was hard to beat then too. Right now I'm thinking of the one where he's a piano tuner (I think) and ends up going down between two rows of about 10 pianos and playing them all in order. Never missing a beat or a note either, most likely. :)
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 1:00 PM
Hi Janet, I was looking for Jon Schmidt playing road trip and sure enough there are 13 year olds playing it with ease, makes you want to puke doesn't it. So there goes the age theory. Must be talent then  . Greetings, Rik p.s. saw a clip of 5 year old asian kids playing guitars as big as them selves, creeped me out, and made me puke
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 1:09 PM
Yeah, I'm afraid it's talent. Oh, well.  :)
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 1:13 PM
Hi Janet, luckily we are both very talented, even if we do have to say it ourselves. greetings, Rik
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 1:57 PM
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 2:24 PM
Janet, It's great to see you haven't stopped producing great tunes. This was lots of fun to listen to. It was a joy listening to how you worked in all the Chord/Key canges. Great job!
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 2:27 PM
RICH---GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!! :) How's your house coming along? I hope YOU can start recording again soon! Anyway, thank you. My recording has dropped dramatically....songs still swirl around my head all the time, but I can't seem to get to the studio much. Anyway, I wish I could take credit for all the chord changes...I just followed Jon. :)
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 2:31 PM
Wow Janet, this is superb. You sure can tickle dem ivories
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 2:39 PM
Janet, You did a fine job following along. The song is fun to listen to. Thanks for asking about my home. Things have come to a screeching halt. I've decided to challenge my insurance company so all I have done so far is repaired my roof. There's so much I'd like to say but I won't hijack your thread. Hopefully, I'll post something soon. It's long overdue and I'm so anxious to get back to music.
George Foreman Grill; Ginsu knifes; Clapper; Home Grown Intel i7 -6700K 16G Ram; Sonar Platinum; MOTU 896HD; Tascam US2400; My Music
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 15, 11 2:42 PM
Thank you, Steve! ;) Thanks Rich. It helps when I can read the music. :) And hey, PM me about the house stuff if you're bored. I've got time to read it and I'm curious. :)
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 16, 11 12:03 AM
Hi Janet, I've not heard this before but it is certainly bright! A few weeks ago I listened to a couple of tracks on Herb's site. Halfway through the first track a spontaneous and unsolicited thought crashed through into my conciousness. The 'clean version' of which ran roughly, "I think I hate this guy. Apart from all his other skills I now find he can play the piano better than Janet!" A few minutes later I clicked on 'more song info' only to find Herb had had a collaborator on the piano track. I can't recall the title right now but I hope you [and Herb] will accept the backhanded compliment as you were then, as here, on top form. Regards, Vincent.
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 16, 11 12:18 AM
Well, thank you, Vincent! :) I'm hoping you mean bright as good and not just eq'd too brightly. :) Yeah, Herb and I have teamed up a few times. If I had time I'd do several more with him (AND redo some of the ones we did before.) There have been a few times when my piano skills just weren't what they needed to be (BIAB even beat me out once!)  Anyway, thank you for stopping by and fro the kudos. :)
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 17, 11 5:29 PM
It's great Janet!! It really made me smile and feel good :-))) It sounds like pure Happiness to me :-)
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 21, 11 10:02 PM
Thanks so much! And sorry I didn't respond before. I'm glad you liked it. :)
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Re:Road Trip, with drums tweaked
July 21, 11 10:06 PM