Re:Scoring to Picture
February 04, 13 0:21 PM
I have a Canopus ADVC 110 that I use to use a lot, but it sits on my shelf. It looked good, but i think I had issues finding individual frames. It killed my work flow. It has been a few years, a few Sonar versions and a few computers ago so I'm glad you posted this. I might fire it up and try it again when I get a free day. Sonar X2 has better scrubbing so it might be worth looking at again.
I currently use 3 monitors and score to picture a lot . One monitor is a an old TV that i connected with $50 USB adapter. The resolution is low, but that is fine for me 'cause my clients usually send me low-res ruff cuts to score.
What i do is drop my clients video into Sony Vegas and render sections that need music. I try to keep the sections under 15 minutes. I do mostly Documentry TV style stuff so between commercials is rarely more than 10 minutes.
Vegas renders MPeg-1 files for me very quickly (quicker than real time). I do this to prepare the picture and make sure Sonar has a video file it plays back with little trouble and small hits on the CPU.
Cakewalk By Bandlab
Cubase 9.5 Pro
Windows 7 64 Bit Core i7-8700 32 Gig Ram 3.20ghz
RME Fireface 400 Audio Card
Behringer FCA 1616
Sweetwater Creation Station