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Session Drummer2 in a purchased midi file
Hi Everyone - I bought some midi files from trantracks (okay I know, kind of corny). I can put the drums through the TTS-1 synth. However, I would like the midi notes from the drum track to trigger the sounds from the Session Drummer. (I have been able to utilize the preset programs in Session Drummer and I really liked the sounds).... So I want the entire drum track to play through SD2. I have inserted the SD2 synth into the song. I have chosen a drum kit....I have the output of the track with drums set to go to the session drummer. The SD output is set to my soundcard. I play the song and no drum sound.... I don't even see any lights showing in the SD2. What do I need to do??? Any advice would be really appreciated. Thanks!
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RE: Session Drummer2 in a purchased midi file
May 21, 07 6:53 PM
it sounds like you're doing everything right. but if you can't hit the play button on the SD2 interface, then something's wrong with the kit you loaded. how did you load the kit?
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RE: Session Drummer2 in a purchased midi file
May 21, 07 7:15 PM
Thank you for your response. I have loaded the kit by using the PAD button and choosing one of the groovy kits, I even tried by loading a program 1st. As I said, when I load a program I can click on the various pads and I hear sound. I can click on the play button and hear the pattern. It's just once I have a kit loaded and have the drum track output set to session drummer.... no sound, no lights.
post edited by gatagirl - May 21, 07 7:18 PM
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RE: Session Drummer2 in a purchased midi file
May 21, 07 9:48 PM
so you're saying that the SD2 interface will PLAY until you change the MIDI TRACK PROPERTIES to output to SD2? that doesn't make sense the only thing I can think of to check would be to make sure that your synth rack has SD2 ON and not muted VIEW>SYNTH RACK
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RE: Session Drummer2 in a purchased midi file
May 21, 07 10:19 PM
Hi - Thanks again.... nothing is muted or off. I checked the volume level of the audio track of the session drummer and it was at 0. I raised it and then I heard some sound (I was experimenting around at the time and I had assigned the output of the guitar track to the session drummer but I did hear something).... Then I took it off of the guitar and changed the sd2 to the drum track's output, checked all volumes and nothing.... no sound. I then tried to put it back to the guitar track just to see what would happen.... This time, no sound. What up????
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RE: Session Drummer2 in a purchased midi file
May 21, 07 10:31 PM
look in your MIDI file's EVENT list and make sure your velocities and volume controllers are not set too low. (highlight the MIDI track first) VIEW>EVENT LIST
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RE: Session Drummer2 in a purchased midi file
May 21, 07 11:45 PM
Will do... I am also going to get some other files and try them. ...... Maybe they are programmed funny? I'll keep you posted and I appreciate your help.
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RE: Session Drummer2 in a purchased midi file
May 23, 07 11:42 PM
Unbelievable! I tried some other files and they worked!! Well, at least I learned a lot about session drummer from all of this. Any reccomendations on putting together a custom kit in session drummer that you think works well for disco? pop ballads? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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RE: Session Drummer2 in a purchased midi file
May 24, 07 2:36 PM
Okay..... now I'm having problems using SD2 in not 1 but 2 purchased midi files. (I haven't had any problems with a bunch of others thank goodness). Once again I can put the drums through the TTS-1 synth. I can also insert session drummer into my song, choose a kit, click on the pads and I hear sound. However, once I set the drum track output to SD2, no sound and no lights. It seems like something about the way the drum track is programmed that SD2 won't even recognize it? The song is just your usual midi format 1 file. I have also checked to be sure that the drums are going through channel 10 and they are. Any ideas on how to resolve this because I would really prefer to use session drummer with these midi files.... Thanks Again.