Sonar X1 Review

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January 10, 11 11:14 AM (permalink)

Sonar X1 Review


Better late than never, but we have finally published our review of Sonar X1 here on Audiofanzine:

Hope you enjoy reading it   Thanks!

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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 11:47 AM (permalink)


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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 12:51 AM (permalink)
    You alls review (the review on that site) brought to my attention the Track Edit Filter new feature! This is a very welomed and awesome feature, in my opinion! I had opened a project I started in SONAR 8, and couldn't figure out how to edit my volume envelopes in X1! I was made aware how to do it through reading your review and mention of the Track's Edit Filter feature.

    The days when you risked moving a clip by clicking on the wrong place when you wanted to edit overlayed automation curves are now over.

    What a relief. I used to be so irritated when, in SONAR 8.5, I would try to edit a clip and the audio transients' lines would be in the way, as I would click on them instead of the clip! Urrggghh!
    Thank goodness for this new feature!
    post edited by thomasabarnes - January 10, 11 12:55 AM

    "It's not a song till it touches your heart. It's not a song till it tears you apart!" Lyrics of Amy Grant.

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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 1:03 PM (permalink)


    Better late than never, but we have finally published our review of Sonar X1 here on Audiofanzine:

    Hope you enjoy reading it   Thanks!

    No mention that Audiosnap is broken, nor that V-vocal causes crashes, nor that it has been made far more difficult to use for those of us who try to only use a mouse.

    Are you on the payroll at Cakewalk?
    How much of a back hander did they bung you?

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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 1:04 PM (permalink)

    You alls review (the review on that site) brought to my attention the Track Edit Filter new feature! This is a very welomed and awesome feature, in my opinion!
    This is nothing that couldn't be done before - and before you could Edit where your mouse was rather than having to move back to the header to tell Sonar what kind of editing you wished to perform.

    My arse.

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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 1:24 PM (permalink)

    As I stated in my previous post, when I try to use my mouse to edit clips, the audio transients (or something) would be in the way, and the mouse would stay focused on the transient lines, making it difficlut to click on the clip itself. I experienced problems like this and so did the reviewer/s of the article in foucus in this thread. To me the new Edit Filter for tracks is new and, in my opinion, progressive.

    I want audioSnap and other bugs fixed, as well as a number of other users. However, some of us are not as cranky as you, 10Ten, and some others. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it doesn't matter how cranky some of you want to get, and come into users' threads conveying bad vibrations, some of us are pleased with X1. Your grouchy attitude wont change that. But it does start to make me view your presence here in a new light.

    Try to go and have a nice day? :)
    post edited by thomasabarnes - January 10, 11 1:28 PM

    "It's not a song till it touches your heart. It's not a song till it tears you apart!" Lyrics of Amy Grant.

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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 1:29 PM (permalink)


    As I stated in my previous post, when I try to use my mouse to edit clips, the audio transients (or something) would be in the way, and the mouse would stay focused on the transient lines, making it difficlut to click on the clip itself. I experienced problems like this and so did the reviewer/s of the article in foucus in this thread. To me the new Edit Filter for tracks is new and, in my opinion, progressive.

    I want audioSnap and other bugs fixed, as well as a number of other users. However, some of us are not as cranky as you, 10Ten, and some others. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it doesn't matter how cranky some of you want to get, and come into users' threads conveying bad vibrations, some of us are pleased with X1. Your grouchy attitude wont change that. But it does start to make me view your presence here in a new light.

    Try to go and have a nice day? :)

    Doesn't agree with you = cranky

    Got it.
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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 2:42 PM (permalink)
    enjoys using software you have problems with = on the payroll. 

    Got it. 


    tobias tinker 
    music is easy: just start with complete silence, and take away the parts you don't like!
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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 3:10 PM (permalink)



    Better late than never, but we have finally published our review of Sonar X1 here on Audiofanzine:

    Hope you enjoy reading it   Thanks!

    No mention that Audiosnap is broken, nor that V-vocal causes crashes, nor that it has been made far more difficult to use for those of us who try to only use a mouse.

    Are you on the payroll at Cakewalk?
    How much of a back hander did they bung you?

    Blimey Twig, that's a bit OTT isn't it?
    Perhaps Audiosnap & V-Vocal work for them - just a thought mate.

    CbB, Platinum, 64 bit throughout
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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 3:36 PM (permalink)

    Doesn't agree with you = cranky

    Got it.
    Don't be silly 10Ten. With comments like "Are you on the payroll at Cakewalk? How much of a back hander did they bung you?" being called cranky is a VERY polite response!

    Anyway... let's have a look at this review...


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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 3:48 PM (permalink)
    Don't be silly 10Ten. With comments like "Are you on the payroll at Cakewalk? How much of a back hander did they bung you?" being called cranky is a VERY polite response!

    That's more or less what I was trying to say. Call me old-fashioned, but I think throwing around accusations like that should not be done or taken lightly. 
    It states on the review page that the review was based on a release candidate, and it's already been reasonably well established that AudioSnap was working up to and including at least whatever version they used for the Groove3 videos - it seems to have been broken late in the game and slipped below the radar for release. Definitely a major drag and shouldn't have happened, but really these things do happen, the only question is what the company is going to do about it - and when. 

    I figure that no-one wants a fix for AudioSnap in place more than CW does - with Winter Namm less than 3 days away now I would be very surprised if they want to be standing in that booth with one of their key features flagrantly out of commission while their competitors roll out whatever they've got in the wings. So I sincerely hope - for their sake, mainly, it's nothing to me - that X1b is getting polishing touches and very careful11th hour testing... 

    tobias tinker 
    music is easy: just start with complete silence, and take away the parts you don't like!
    Sonar Platinum, a bunch of other stuff...
    Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 3:51 PM (permalink)



    Better late than never, but we have finally published our review of Sonar X1 here on Audiofanzine:

    Hope you enjoy reading it   Thanks!

    Are you on the payroll at Cakewalk?
    How much of a back hander did they bung you?

    Way out of line.

    "The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." WG

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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 4:09 PM (permalink)
    Oh, holy crap, am I going to talk about the actual review rather than make ad hominem attacks?  Indeed I am.  When you talk about grids, "Lines" and "rows" is seriously confusing.  That's because "lines" are "rows", generally speaking.  You'd be better off using "rows" and "columns" for us Excel junkies.  :p    

    King Ben of Nopantsville
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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 4:45 PM (permalink)

    Are you on the payroll at Cakewalk?
    How much of a back hander did they bung you?

    You can critisize content.

    But this way of adding an extremely idiotic and offensive comment below the belt is good for nothing but the trash bin.

    post edited by jimknopf - January 10, 11 4:46 PM
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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 5:56 PM (permalink)
    So, getting, back to the review, thanks for that! - quite useful to me seeing as I have almost an identical desktop setup (I still haven't jumped on the upgrade, waiting for a demo - hopefully not too much longer - and some funds). 

    I think overall the review was fairly balanced. You couldn't really comment on bugs that weren't there in the version you were reviewing, so laying that aside - some quibbles but obviously overall the workflow changes seemed positive to you, which they clearly do to many and equally obviously don't to others. So it goes - CW probably knew there was a risk factor in making such a substantial change and I doubt they're entirely surprised by some degree of backlash from people that are more invested in the way things were.

    It strikes me that this review is somewhat more aimed at new users than oldtimers and serial upgraders anyway. I would say in that context that it would be fair to point out, like the ComputerMusic review did, that there really are some longstanding bugs and objectively underdeveloped features that CW has this tendency to leave unattended for version after version... but all in all I get the impression that your overall positive tone is due primarily to having an overall positive experience with X1, as opposed to Twigman's contentious alternate suggestion. 
    I hope I have as positive an experience with it when I do take the plunge, meanwhile thanks for your thoughts and perspective!

    tobias tinker 
    music is easy: just start with complete silence, and take away the parts you don't like!
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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 7:35 PM (permalink)
    Despite missing hints about audio snap and v-vocal problems this review gives a fairly good first impression about the mainlines of the new product version.

    Thanks for the article and the hint, desertgirl.
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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 8:32 PM (permalink)
    Who came up with the idea that X1 is easier to see?

    Notation, the original DAW. Everything else is just rote. We are who we are and no more than another. Humans, you people are crazy.
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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 9:12 PM (permalink)
    Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk




    Better late than never, but we have finally published our review of Sonar X1 here on Audiofanzine:

    Hope you enjoy reading it   Thanks!

    Are you on the payroll at Cakewalk?
    How much of a back hander did they bung you?

    Way out of line.

    C'mon the guy is joking about. You don't think he's seriously accusing the reviewer of being paid by Cakewalk, do you? This is something we say (humourously I might add) in the UK when we disagree with someone's opinion. A variation of this might be:
    "So you've got shares in the company then?"
    Calm down, everyone. No-one died...
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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 9:19 PM (permalink)
    It could be worse. Much worse. Coulda been written by somebody on the Cuckos payroll. Think about it for a moment. I think you'll agree.

    Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 11:13 PM (permalink)

    Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk




    Better late than never, but we have finally published our review of Sonar X1 here on Audiofanzine:

    Hope you enjoy reading it   Thanks!

    Are you on the payroll at Cakewalk?
    How much of a back hander did they bung you?

    Way out of line.

    C'mon the guy is joking about. You don't think he's seriously accusing the reviewer of being paid by Cakewalk, do you? This is something we say (humourously I might add) in the UK when we disagree with someone's opinion. A variation of this might be:
    "So you've got shares in the company then?"
    Calm down, everyone. No-one died...

    Being plenty familiar with how people speak in the UK I respectfully disagree with your assessment. And I think it's pretty clear from the subsequent conversations that in fact it was an entirely serious suggestion that the reviewer was compensated in return for a positive review and not a joke.

    We don't want people to be afraid to post reviews here for fear of being immediately accused of being underhanded or without integrity simply because they liked it. Quibble with the points if you like, but dismissing the person's integrity out of hand won't be tolerated.
    post edited by Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk] - January 10, 11 11:15 PM

    "The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." WG

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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 10, 11 11:53 PM (permalink)

    Who came up with the idea that X1 is easier to see?
    This guy ...

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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 11, 11 2:25 AM (permalink)


    Better late than never, but we have finally published our review of Sonar X1 here on Audiofanzine:

    Hope you enjoy reading it   Thanks!

    Good review but this in the end puzzle me? Who cares if it work or not on XP32? 
    Of course it doesn't work on XP great its old out date crap! No AERO nothing. AVX technology doesn't work either on XP. Its very strange that the "PRO" DAW still support this old platform even stranger that they review it on it? A OS platform that no one still use? Not even people that use Pro Tools still use XP?

    Why should Cakewalk still then support it with X1? I hope Cakewalk stop official support XP32. You can still use it if you want but not official support like the same as XP64 today.

    So, does everything work perfectly? Not really: I had several crashes under Win XP and I just couldn't get the contextual tool box displayed.
    The system worked much better under Seven 64 bit on the notebook. I had almost no problems,
    post edited by Freddie H - January 11, 11 2:37 AM

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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 11, 11 2:31 AM (permalink)
    db post

    post edited by Freddie H - January 11, 11 2:33 AM

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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 11, 11 2:47 AM (permalink)
    Thanks for taking the time to post this! @desertgirl

    i7 860/MSI mobo/8GB ram/win7x64ultimate/X2/profire 610/oxygen 61/running 48k currently.
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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 11, 11 2:57 AM (permalink)
    No idea why there are problems with Windows XP. That part got me a bit puzzling. I see no reason why this should happen. I am running X1 on a Windows XP system for 2 weeks now and had not one single crash. Admitted - I did no do projects with more then 15 MIDI/softsynth tracks (I rarely use simple instrument tracks)  and 20 audio tracks so far, but I will have one within a few days. I do not expect problems however...

    And Yes Freddy - I will make the upgrade to Win7 64bit within a few months. At this moment I am testing X1 on a multi-boot system. I am building a more powerful new system right now, but as my financial resources are a bit limited (to put it mildly), I have to buy the parts (like motherboard, case, processor, memory etc.) spreaded over a few months...

    Freddie H
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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 11, 11 3:17 AM (permalink)

    No idea why there are problems with Windows XP. That part got me a bit puzzling. I see no reason why this should happen. I am running X1 on a Windows XP system for 2 weeks now and had not one single crash. Admitted - I did no do projects with more then 15 MIDI/softsynth tracks (I rarely use simple instrument tracks)  and 20 audio tracks so far, but I will have one within a few days. I do not expect problems however...

    And Yes Freddy - I will make the upgrade to Win7 64bit within a few months. At this moment I am testing X1 on a multi-boot system. I am building a more powerful new system right now, but as my financial resources are a bit limited (to put it mildly), I have to buy the parts (like motherboard, case, processor, memory etc.) spreaded over a few months...

    Yes my friend! I'm not saying it shouldn't work on XP32. Xp32 has been a very solid platform for many years. Best 32bit platform out there but I think its time to move on now.

    I mean if I buy a new computer game at the store I cant expect that it will run under 16MB graphic card and 2GB Ram or if I buy 360game I can still use my old XBOX?
    No you need to use a XBOX360-box and modern computer with a great graphic card.
    Why should programs be different? Continue support low tech-level computer makes technology progress inside DAW:s example X1 halt. We can't embedded that technology because that don't work for the users on x32bit or XP32...

    I think you see my point!

    Best Regards

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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 11, 11 5:21 AM (permalink)
    Thanks for you comments and for taking the time to check out the review.  Trust me we don't work for cakewalk!  Reviews are always subjective, never perfect, and can't address every issue.

    The original review was in French, and in that version we did a few video demos (in French).  I had to remove those from the English version for obvious reasons, and instead I substituted just one of the official sonar demo vids.  So maybe that gave off the wrong idea...

    If any of your speak french you are welcome to check out the demos on our YT channel:  AudiofanzineTV.
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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 11, 11 5:30 AM (permalink)
    Good review but this in the end puzzle me? Who cares if it work or not on XP32?

    Maybe the large majority of users who are still using XP32?

    Including me?

    So you're saying, if I want to run X1, I should first go out and buy a brand new OS?

    CbB, Platinum, 64 bit throughout
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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 11, 11 5:59 AM (permalink)

    Good review but this in the end puzzle me? Who cares if it work or not on XP32?

    Maybe the large majority of users who are still using XP32?

    Including me?

    So you're saying, if I want to run X1, I should first go out and buy a brand new OS?
    Absolutely! and a graphic card that can run it.
    SONAR X1 minimum spec should be: VISTA x64 or Windows 7 x64. Intel Quadcore, AMD Quad, at least minimum 4GB RAM and NVIDIA 8 to 9 series or equal ATI or better.....
    and complete drop the 32bit version of SONAR X1 and concentrate all time and programing on the x64bit only.
    If you need to use x32bit DAW stay with SONAR 8.5.
    post edited by Freddie H - January 11, 11 6:02 AM

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    Re:Sonar X1 Review January 11, 11 6:03 AM (permalink)

    Good review but this in the end puzzle me? Who cares if it work or not on XP32?

    Maybe the large majority of users who are still using XP32?

    Including me?

    So you're saying, if I want to run X1, I should first go out and buy a brand new OS?

    Well, it's actually not a bad upgrade...

    BUT, if you're happy using XP32 then stick with it. After all, like many know and say, it's a darn good OS and have been for a long time. My reason for upgrading the OS was to go 64-bit and to get a fresh environment to work in. Just got really sick of XP and windows for a while and my choices were either go Mac and Logic or Win7. I'm glad I went with Win7;)

    On topic:
    Thanks for the review. I thought it was great and it pretty much sums up my impression of Sonar.

    And Twiggy: Do you honestly believe that Cake intended to break AudioSnap? And do you believe they intend to actually leave it like that? I doubt that very much and a fix is definitely on the way at some point. If you struggle to get good recordings without it I suggest you practice a little and learn to play in time instead

    (Sonar Platinum - Win10 x64) - iMac and 13" MacBook - Logic Pro X ++ - UA Apollo Twin DUO - NI Maschine MKII - NI Komplete Kontrol S61 - Novation Nocturne - KRK Rokit 6
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