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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth OR BILL-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 09, 12 3:56 PM
I wasn't having Crashes related to memory leaking in Melodyne, my problem, that was being responded to in that email was Melodyne/Antares/Gtr rig/ Waves timcode/tempo based plugins not Fastbouncing as of X1d specially due to Cakewalk coding changes. Started emailing about this issue in March, Not due to melodyne memory crashes. "You aren't getting these crashes from what I gather" Again, why would a Cakewalk representative tell me to 'Stay tuned, because it looks like an update is in the works' IF he knew this was NOT my problem in Melodyne, but IN FACT a Cakewalk MISTAKE (called X1d) that affected multiple plugins across multiple plugin vendors. Fastbouncing/Clip Bouncing Worked in X1c fine with melodyne/antares/waves (aside from lacking VST3 sidechaining) I had been told by Phone Support as well that I Wasn't the only one experiencing the Fastbouncing/Clip bouncing issues and that an update to address the issue was in the works. I like the email where I'm told to stay with 8.5 in the meantime. Regarding same issue [In speaking with my manager, we are investigating another issue (possible bug perhaps) regarding very similar circumstances with another customer, so it looks like you may not be alone. I appreciate your patience and as soon as we come across some type of working solution I'd be more than happy to let you know. In the meantime, I would suggest staying with 8.5 for this specifically.] This WAS/STILL IS a Cakewalk issue in X1D. This should have been a quick fix!!! In regards to the channels to complain about customer support, I've written in in the past, In fact, you Personally wrote me back this September 5, 2011: I'm sorry to hear that you've been having a poor experience with our support team. I located your call record and it does look like you've been a long time supporter and have called about a variety of things (some of them simple and installation related, and some of them being faults in the application that you needed help with). It's hard for me to get the whole picture by just glances at the notes in the follow up emails that were sent to you unfortunately. If a customer does report an issue that is an error in the application, our support staff is not supposed to "re-direct" the customer towards filling out the problem report form. I will personally let a customer know about this form in case they run into such issues in the future, but I personally always follow up internally with our testers and developers. The rest of our staff should be doing the same. I will say, however, that the benefit to you as the customer filling out this form is that you will get notifications as to its status if things are updated and resolved. I agree with you when you say that our support staff show "own" at this, and I'm not sure who mistakenly said that we do not follow up internally regarding customer concerns. I will make a point to follow up with our team and your personal concerns in regards to our escalation process internally. For what it is worth, we are in the process of migrating systems internally that will make it easier for all of our support representatives to escalate issues they cannot resolve. I know this doesn't say much for the experience you have had up until this point, but moving forward our support team has a much better path for comparing and merging cases with the data coming in from our problem reporter and testers. In regards to standing issues in X1c, customer support has no control over resolving errors in the application. We can report the issues and express our concerns over the severity of them and how they are effecting our customers, but ultimately resolution to the problems lie outside our support staff's ability to control. I apologize if you are still experience problems of this nature. If you would like to let me know what bugs you are being affected by I will be more than happy to check the status of such issues. In regards to a support representative hanging up, do you recall who you were speaking with and what day/time the call took place? I can pull the call up if you have a rough estimate of the time. Best regards, Ryan Munnis Product Support Manager Cakewalk, Inc.
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth OR BILL-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 09, 12 4:16 PM
Back to topic... Another one for the petition, please fix, driving me insane. Back to reaper for me I think in the mean time, despite me warming to x2 . Maschine rocks mahoosive style. The wise money is on the old kit. 159 for mikro is an absolute steal, with massive and 1.8 included. It is as important as the 909, 303 IMHO. A true modern classic. As a customer that has spent nigh on a grand on cakewalk products in 12 months I have a very basic question... Is a fix coming, and if so when? No timeline means there won't be a fix to me. So at least have the decency to let us know so us die hard machinists can choose between x2 and something else. I think that is very reasonable.
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth OR BILL-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 09, 12 4:56 PM
Swiller Back to topic... Another one for the petition, please fix, driving me insane. Back to reaper for me I think in the mean time, despite me warming to x2 . Maschine rocks mahoosive style. The wise money is on the old kit. 159 for mikro is an absolute steal, with massive and 1.8 included. It is as important as the 909, 303 IMHO. A true modern classic. As a customer that has spent nigh on a grand on cakewalk products in 12 months I have a very basic question... Is a fix coming, and if so when? No timeline means there won't be a fix to me. So at least have the decency to let us know so us die hard machinists can choose between x2 and something else. I think that is very reasonable. This is an annoying issue for sure, but I certainly would not use this as a reason not to pick Sonar... there are two simple workarounds a) use a count in of zero ( i dont like this, but some are fine with it) b) use a count in but use a midi metronome instead of audio metronome i. in preferences>midi>devices; enable your sound card midi synth (or microsoft gs wavetable synth)..count from top to determine port number ii. in preferences>project>metronome; select midi metronome, set port # to that above, and in the case of the gs synth try notes E6 for down beat and F6 for others hope that helps
post edited by Mystic38 - October 09, 12 5:30 PM
HPE-580T with i7-950, 8G, 1.5T, ATI6850, Win7/64, Motu 828 III Hybrid, Motu Midi Express, Sonar Platinum, Komplete 9, Ableton Live 9 & Push 2, Melodyne Editor and other stuff, KRK VXT8 Monitors Virus Ti2 Polar, Fantom G6, Yamaha S70XS, Novation Nova, Novation Nova II, Korg MS2000, Waldorf Micro Q, NI Maschine Studio, TC-VoiceLive Rack, 2012 Gibson Les Paul Standard, 2001 Gibson Les Paul DC, 1999 Fender Am Hardtail Strat, Fender Blues Jr, Orange TH30/PPC212, Tak EF360GF, one mic, no talent.
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth OR BILL-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 09, 12 5:07 PM
Maschine is getting to be unusable for me with X2 sp1. Every time I instantiate Maschine or add it to a project its locking up when opening it or trying to save. It wasnt this bad in X1. Can anyone report similar findings with Maschine and X2?
Sonar Platinum | modular synthesizers galoreWin 10 // Dell Xeon's | RME UFX | Maschine 2.3 | Virus TI | Roland System-1
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth OR BILL-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 09, 12 5:13 PM
soundsubs Maschine is getting to be unusable for me with X2 sp1. Every time I instantiate Maschine or add it to a project its locking up when opening it or trying to save. It wasnt this bad in X1. Can anyone report similar findings with Maschine and X2? nope, for me it opens fine... i instantiate with all audio outs, and midi in.. as a thought, if you are running win7/64 make sure you are launching 64bit vst
HPE-580T with i7-950, 8G, 1.5T, ATI6850, Win7/64, Motu 828 III Hybrid, Motu Midi Express, Sonar Platinum, Komplete 9, Ableton Live 9 & Push 2, Melodyne Editor and other stuff, KRK VXT8 Monitors Virus Ti2 Polar, Fantom G6, Yamaha S70XS, Novation Nova, Novation Nova II, Korg MS2000, Waldorf Micro Q, NI Maschine Studio, TC-VoiceLive Rack, 2012 Gibson Les Paul Standard, 2001 Gibson Les Paul DC, 1999 Fender Am Hardtail Strat, Fender Blues Jr, Orange TH30/PPC212, Tak EF360GF, one mic, no talent.
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth OR BILL-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 09, 12 5:23 PM
Wow. I stand corrected. I just checked the 1.8 upgrade and it only ported the 32 bit version for some reason. So yes, now everything works much much better with the x64 bit version. I can record pads in via the record button on the hardware and everything else.
Sonar Platinum | modular synthesizers galoreWin 10 // Dell Xeon's | RME UFX | Maschine 2.3 | Virus TI | Roland System-1
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 15, 12 7:58 AM
I have Machine 1.8 and Sonar X1 Producer expanded and over the week end I was experiencing the very samee issues as everyone else here. So please add my name to the list of intrested users wanting a fix or at least looking forward to a fix. As fas as customer support goes, well cake you have always been good to me. Now that is not to say we did not always get it fixed, but, were you there for me when I called or emailed??? is a little slow, and you can only expect customer service during normal business hours..... But nothing in life is perfect..............and I feel at least you guys sincerly try to help so thank you ......look at how fast you got that Rapture installation issue with DimPro resolved.....Perfect for everyone?.....No......But you at least jumped on it and did good job... Would I like to see other things fixed? yep....but let's just work on one at a please, let's get Machine working with sonar! Clifford
post edited by Truckermusic - October 15, 12 10:10 AM NZXT Phantom Case (in Black) Windows 7, Service Pack 1, 64 Bit OP Sonar X3 Producer, 64 Bit Asus P8P67 Pro Rev.3 MoBo 16 Gig of Ram 4.5 Gighz Intel i-7 2600k Quad Core Sandy Bridge Unibrain Firewire Card Edirol FA-101 Firewire interface Mackie Big Knob NI Komplete 8 Machine 2
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 15, 12 12:23 AM
As I stated in a previous thread my issue with X2/X1 and Maschine is similar but not the same. My problem is that on certain (I can't ascertain why only certain ones and not others do this) "scenes" and/or "patterns" the first play through is fine but when it loops anything on the first beat doesn't sound. As this is happening in a major project I simply reverted to dragging and dropping as audio into Sonar as a workaround. Of course, for the time being, this just renders me a stereo track. I'd like to have multitrack audio ported out to Sonar. I just got groove3's Maschine tutorials and, hopefully, that will show me how to better workaround this weird anomaly. I'm also on Maschine 1.8 64bit.
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 15, 12 1:28 PM
yorolpal As I stated in a previous thread my issue with X2/X1 and Maschine is similar but not the same. My problem is that on certain (I can't ascertain why only certain ones and not others do this) "scenes" and/or "patterns" the first play through is fine but when it loops anything on the first beat doesn't sound. As this is happening in a major project I simply reverted to dragging and dropping as audio into Sonar as a workaround. Of course, for the time being, this just renders me a stereo track. I'd like to have multitrack audio ported out to Sonar. I just got groove3's Maschine tutorials and, hopefully, that will show me how to better workaround this weird anomaly. I'm also on Maschine 1.8 64bit. I saw that post.. if there is any value in a second look pm me and i will give you my email addr... see if its the same here..
HPE-580T with i7-950, 8G, 1.5T, ATI6850, Win7/64, Motu 828 III Hybrid, Motu Midi Express, Sonar Platinum, Komplete 9, Ableton Live 9 & Push 2, Melodyne Editor and other stuff, KRK VXT8 Monitors Virus Ti2 Polar, Fantom G6, Yamaha S70XS, Novation Nova, Novation Nova II, Korg MS2000, Waldorf Micro Q, NI Maschine Studio, TC-VoiceLive Rack, 2012 Gibson Les Paul Standard, 2001 Gibson Les Paul DC, 1999 Fender Am Hardtail Strat, Fender Blues Jr, Orange TH30/PPC212, Tak EF360GF, one mic, no talent.
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 15, 12 7:59 PM
YOP, I was having the same issues but I changed my scene trigger resolution(in maschine) to 1/1 so It would be more percise with scene changes. Also I would make sure you try it with count in off to see if you still have the 1 measure behind syndrome. I called cakewalk and reported the one measure behind but mine only happens if I have the one bar count in set. I did notice the sync between maschine sequencer and sonar is sometimes less than perfect. I hope cake can fix it? maschine is wierd b/c it will start in the middle of a scene sometimes.
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 16, 12 0:01 PM
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 16, 12 2:57 PM
yorolpal As I stated in a previous thread my issue with X2/X1 and Maschine is similar but not the same. My problem is that on certain (I can't ascertain why only certain ones and not others do this) "scenes" and/or "patterns" the first play through is fine but when it loops anything on the first beat doesn't sound. As this is happening in a major project I simply reverted to dragging and dropping as audio into Sonar as a workaround. Of course, for the time being, this just renders me a stereo track. I'd like to have multitrack audio ported out to Sonar. I just got groove3's Maschine tutorials and, hopefully, that will show me how to better workaround this weird anomaly. I'm also on Maschine 1.8 64bit. Yes Groove 3's video will show you how to route out individual audio tracks. Also Now that MacPro video has a streaming video player (THAT WORKS!!!) they have 3 tut's on Machine. How ever if you have the Groove 3 tut then the master class and the other Machine tut in Mac Pro is more of what you would want then. I am still working at learning my way around is an amazing box...... Clifford NZXT Phantom Case (in Black) Windows 7, Service Pack 1, 64 Bit OP Sonar X3 Producer, 64 Bit Asus P8P67 Pro Rev.3 MoBo 16 Gig of Ram 4.5 Gighz Intel i-7 2600k Quad Core Sandy Bridge Unibrain Firewire Card Edirol FA-101 Firewire interface Mackie Big Knob NI Komplete 8 Machine 2
Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 16, 12 5:11 PM
yorolpal As I stated in a previous thread my issue with X2/X1 and Maschine is similar but not the same. My problem is that on certain (I can't ascertain why only certain ones and not others do this) "scenes" and/or "patterns" the first play through is fine but when it loops anything on the first beat doesn't sound. As this is happening in a major project I simply reverted to dragging and dropping as audio into Sonar as a workaround. Of course, for the time being, this just renders me a stereo track. I'd like to have multitrack audio ported out to Sonar. I just got groove3's Maschine tutorials and, hopefully, that will show me how to better workaround this weird anomaly. I'm also on Maschine 1.8 64bit. This sounds extremely similar to another issue with lower MIDI Playback Buffers. Give this a try: Go to Preferences > MIDI > Playback and Recording. Under "Playback," make sure you have "Prepare Using 500 Millisecond Buffers. With some systems/instruments, the lower default value of 250 results in dropped notes. The only drawback to increasing this is an additional quarter-second when you hit the play button before the transport starts rolling. Please let us know if this improves things for you. Thanks.
Bill Jackson Product Manager Cakewalk
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 16, 12 8:08 PM
any word on when an update may come out Bill? we getting close?
I7 920, 8 gigs ram, Newest gigabyte motherboard, 100 gig ssd for operating system and program files, 1 TB 7400 rpm for storage, Full V-Studio system, 2x Motu 2408 MKIII, 2x Motu 24 I/O, Maschine, Kore 2, Virus TI2, Korg m3, Novation Supernova, Novation D-station, Mo Phatt, Elektron Machine Drum, MicroKorg XL, Arturia Origin, Korg Triton, Roland jv2080-completely expanded, Avalon 737SP, 3 Sony premiere monitors, 2 event 20/20 studio monitors, Autotune AVP1, TC Helicon Voiceworks, 1 TC Electronics Powercore 6000, 1 Powercore Firewire
Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 16, 12 8:20 PM
bigboi any word on when an update may come out Bill? we getting close? Honestly, I can't share planned dates without getting fired :). But I can say that we're currently working on a patch for all flavors of X2. There's quite a bit we're trying to tackle, in addition to the count-in offset that's been discussed here. So we'll need some time address as much as we can and to make sure it's thoroughly tested and solid. We sincerely appreciate your patience. It won't be too long.
Bill Jackson Product Manager Cakewalk
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 16, 12 10:10 PM
Bill Jackson [Cakewalk ] yorolpal As I stated in a previous thread my issue with X2/X1 and Maschine is similar but not the same. My problem is that on certain (I can't ascertain why only certain ones and not others do this) "scenes" and/or "patterns" the first play through is fine but when it loops anything on the first beat doesn't sound. As this is happening in a major project I simply reverted to dragging and dropping as audio into Sonar as a workaround. Of course, for the time being, this just renders me a stereo track. I'd like to have multitrack audio ported out to Sonar. I just got groove3's Maschine tutorials and, hopefully, that will show me how to better workaround this weird anomaly. I'm also on Maschine 1.8 64bit. This sounds extremely similar to another issue with lower MIDI Playback Buffers. Give this a try: Go to Preferences > MIDI > Playback and Recording. Under "Playback," make sure you have "Prepare Using 500 Millisecond Buffers. With some systems/instruments, the lower default value of 250 results in dropped notes. The only drawback to increasing this is an additional quarter-second when you hit the play button before the transport starts rolling. Please let us know if this improves things for you. Thanks. @YOP if this doesnt help i would be happy to run your project here to see if i can reproduce the problem... its something i just dont see.
HPE-580T with i7-950, 8G, 1.5T, ATI6850, Win7/64, Motu 828 III Hybrid, Motu Midi Express, Sonar Platinum, Komplete 9, Ableton Live 9 & Push 2, Melodyne Editor and other stuff, KRK VXT8 Monitors Virus Ti2 Polar, Fantom G6, Yamaha S70XS, Novation Nova, Novation Nova II, Korg MS2000, Waldorf Micro Q, NI Maschine Studio, TC-VoiceLive Rack, 2012 Gibson Les Paul Standard, 2001 Gibson Les Paul DC, 1999 Fender Am Hardtail Strat, Fender Blues Jr, Orange TH30/PPC212, Tak EF360GF, one mic, no talent.
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 16, 12 10:43 PM
forgot about that adjustment. I have had mine set at 350 and found that solved the problem on my system.
Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 19, 12 5:14 PM
Hey guys, While Noel was tracking down this issue, we discovered a work-around. If you're comfortable editing your registry, try this: Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR Producer\Cakewalk VST [or Cakewalk VST X64]\Inventory. Find the synth that's exhibiting this issue in that list, and select it. In the right, there will be a listing named "numInputs." Set it's value to 2. Do the same for maxUsedInputs. Then restart SONAR and try to reproduce the problem. Warning: Changing the wrong thing in the Windows registry can mess stuff up. So create a back up first by exporting the root, which is named "Computer." *Edited to add info on maxNumInputs
post edited by Bill Jackson [Cakewalk] - October 23, 12 1:21 PM
Bill Jackson Product Manager Cakewalk
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 20, 12 2:54 AM
Thanks Bill....I will try it ASAP. My studio is currently being rewired, so I am down for around 2 weeks. Killing me....but adding the Switchcraft 9625 is going to really uncomplicate my life I think. WHen I am back up, I will check it out. Hopefully, you guys are still working on the patching it or fixing it with the next update. Thanks for staying on top of it for us. Frank
I7 920, 8 gigs ram, Newest gigabyte motherboard, 100 gig ssd for operating system and program files, 1 TB 7400 rpm for storage, Full V-Studio system, 2x Motu 2408 MKIII, 2x Motu 24 I/O, Maschine, Kore 2, Virus TI2, Korg m3, Novation Supernova, Novation D-station, Mo Phatt, Elektron Machine Drum, MicroKorg XL, Arturia Origin, Korg Triton, Roland jv2080-completely expanded, Avalon 737SP, 3 Sony premiere monitors, 2 event 20/20 studio monitors, Autotune AVP1, TC Helicon Voiceworks, 1 TC Electronics Powercore 6000, 1 Powercore Firewire
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 22, 12 4:51 PM
has anyone been able to try this work around?
I7 920, 8 gigs ram, Newest gigabyte motherboard, 100 gig ssd for operating system and program files, 1 TB 7400 rpm for storage, Full V-Studio system, 2x Motu 2408 MKIII, 2x Motu 24 I/O, Maschine, Kore 2, Virus TI2, Korg m3, Novation Supernova, Novation D-station, Mo Phatt, Elektron Machine Drum, MicroKorg XL, Arturia Origin, Korg Triton, Roland jv2080-completely expanded, Avalon 737SP, 3 Sony premiere monitors, 2 event 20/20 studio monitors, Autotune AVP1, TC Helicon Voiceworks, 1 TC Electronics Powercore 6000, 1 Powercore Firewire
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 22, 12 5:42 PM
not sure what issue the workaround is supposed to address, but I just tried it and it does not resolve the count-in delay.
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 22, 12 8:46 PM
perfectprint not sure what issue the workaround is supposed to address, but I just tried it and it does not resolve the count-in delay. I assumed Bill was addressing the most recent issues of YOP with regard to a missing first note..
HPE-580T with i7-950, 8G, 1.5T, ATI6850, Win7/64, Motu 828 III Hybrid, Motu Midi Express, Sonar Platinum, Komplete 9, Ableton Live 9 & Push 2, Melodyne Editor and other stuff, KRK VXT8 Monitors Virus Ti2 Polar, Fantom G6, Yamaha S70XS, Novation Nova, Novation Nova II, Korg MS2000, Waldorf Micro Q, NI Maschine Studio, TC-VoiceLive Rack, 2012 Gibson Les Paul Standard, 2001 Gibson Les Paul DC, 1999 Fender Am Hardtail Strat, Fender Blues Jr, Orange TH30/PPC212, Tak EF360GF, one mic, no talent.
Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 22, 12 11:21 PM
Sorry. I should have been clear. The work-around I posted should resolve the count-in issue. In my tests, it resolves the problem. If you have Maschine listed in both "Cakewalk VST" and "Cakewalk VST X64" be sure to set numInputs for both. Also, for good measure, change "maxUsedInputs" (which is found in the same list) to a value of 2. Regarding the missing first note issue: Not everyone's experiencing this. I'm confident that it can be fixed by tweaking the MIDI buffer size to a larger value, as I suggested earlier.
post edited by Bill Jackson [Cakewalk] - October 23, 12 1:20 PM
Bill Jackson Product Manager Cakewalk
David A. Batson
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 23, 12 0:28 PM
Bill it worked for me! That is why I will stick with you Guys! I have my count in with no issues! Thanks, thanks, thanks!
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 23, 12 0:41 PM
(permalink) aaaaaaaalmost works! Changing maxUsedInputs was necessary to see the change on my system. So far I am seeing no visual delay from Maschines sequencer and audio stops as it should HOWEVER the first beat will not play. I can see it being triggered/lit up as soon as I hit R, but there is no audio from it after the count-in. This is still a definite improvement, but not 100% yet. Am about to open up a fresh session and report back. Thanks Bill - huge help!
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 23, 12 5:33 AM
i installed maschine 8 to test and everything is smooth here .... count down at 1 bar , audio metronome used ...
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 23, 12 10:27 AM
I'm still stuck with the first beat not playing. Dern.
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 23, 12 11:41 AM
for the record, on my system i have "numInputs" and "maxUsedInputs" which i set to 2
Sonar Platinum | modular synthesizers galoreWin 10 // Dell Xeon's | RME UFX | Maschine 2.3 | Virus TI | Roland System-1
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- Total Posts : 260
- Joined: 3/12/2004
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 23, 12 10:31 PM
Are their any negative side effects to setting the max inputs to 2? What is this setting used for anyhow?
I7 920, 8 gigs ram, Newest gigabyte motherboard, 100 gig ssd for operating system and program files, 1 TB 7400 rpm for storage, Full V-Studio system, 2x Motu 2408 MKIII, 2x Motu 24 I/O, Maschine, Kore 2, Virus TI2, Korg m3, Novation Supernova, Novation D-station, Mo Phatt, Elektron Machine Drum, MicroKorg XL, Arturia Origin, Korg Triton, Roland jv2080-completely expanded, Avalon 737SP, 3 Sony premiere monitors, 2 event 20/20 studio monitors, Autotune AVP1, TC Helicon Voiceworks, 1 TC Electronics Powercore 6000, 1 Powercore Firewire
Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
October 23, 12 10:42 PM
Not sure how Maschine uses them in practice. But they are side-chain inputs, of some sort. You can send audio signals into Maschine, perhaps to trigger things, utilize some signal processing, or manipulate parameters based on tracking dynamics or pitch... again, not sure. But I bet the manual will have info on the exact functionality. Setting these values makes SONAR ignore those extra inputs. Also, I should mention: next time you run a VST scan on Maschine, SONAR will count those inputs again and overwrite your manual settings. You'd need to adjust them again.
Bill Jackson Product Manager Cakewalk