Helpful ReplySonar and free version of Kontakt 5 question

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2017/05/15 10:48:16 (permalink)

Sonar and free version of Kontakt 5 question

I recently bought Orange Tree Samples Evolution Dracus. That's a metal guitar vst that works in the free version of Kontakt.
I wanted to program some basic metal rhythm guitar parts so I thought it would be good to get.
Ok so I downloaded the free version of Kontakt 5.
I open up Sonar Platinum and load Kontakt 5 (free version) into Sonar.
I then load the Orange Tree Samples into Kontakt and it plays.
However the Sonar track I load Kontakt into does not register any sound in the meters when I press the keys on my Midi Keyboard.
No matter what routing I tried I cant get Kontakt to register in the Sonar track it is loaded onto.
Here is the weird part. When I add Kontakt into Sonar two instances of Kontakt show up. I couldn't understand that. Then it dawned on me that maybe the standalone version is somehow showing up along with the VST version. So when I hit the notes on my midi keyboard its playing through the standalone version which shows up. It cant be playing with the VST because Sonars meter on the track are not registering any sound.
I could be wrong about the Standalone version but the fact is whenever I load up Kontakt into Sonar two instances of Kontakt show up. My guess is one of them has to be the standalone version which is somehow showing up after loading the VST version. Why else would two instances be there and why can I hear sound even though Sonar is showing no metre activity on the VST Kontakt track.
All I want to do is to load a single guitar sound into Sonar. I am not trying to do any multi out routing that you might need with drums or an orchestra where you have several instruments. I just want to record a single rhythm guitar part.
I don't really understand Kontakt or its routing. However as I said I just want to record a solitary rhythm guitar part on one Sonar Track.
When you download the free version of Kontakt 5 there is no option not to install the Standalone version as well as the VST version. I don't want the standalone version. I just want Kontakt as a VST plug in.
I was at this the whole day yesterday and was reading articles on Google and also watching Youtube videos. I also read the Kontakt manual. So I have been doing my homework but I still haven't found the answser to my problem.
Any help or advice would be most gratefully received.
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Re: Sonar and free version of Kontakt 5 question 2017/05/15 12:35:02 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Stevethesearcher2015 2017/05/15 16:35:59
Dell i5, 16Gb RAM, Focusrite 2i2 IO, Telecasters, P-bases, Personal Drama for a muse.
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Re: Sonar and free version of Kontakt 5 question 2017/05/15 12:50:11 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Stevethesearcher2015 2017/05/15 16:29:02
1) Open the Browser (on the right in Sonar).
2) Select the "Instruments" button/tab.
3) Double-click Kontakt.
This will add two tracks to your project. Track 1 is Kontakt's audio output. Make sure that is going to Master. Track 2 is the MIDI track that will drive the Kontakt library. By default, it will point to channel 1 of Kontakt. Load the OTS library into Kontakt. If you closed the Kontakt window, click the button in the Midi track that looks like a Midi DIN plug.
Make sure Input Echo is set to AUTO.

Mixing is all about control.
My music: or Studiocat Advanced Studio DAW (Intel i5 3550 @ 3.7GHz, Z77 motherboard, 16GB Ram, lots of HDDs), Sonar Plat, Mackie 1604, PreSonus Audiobox 44VSL, ESI 4x4 Midi Interface, Ibanez Bass, Custom Fender Mexi-Strat, NI S88, Roland JV-2080 & MDB-1, Komplete, Omnisphere, Lots o' plugins.    
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Re: Sonar and free version of Kontakt 5 question 2017/05/15 16:35:39 (permalink)
Thanks Dan,
I appreciate your advice and help in this matter.
I am going to try that this evening. I was going nuts yesterday trying to work out what was wrong. I will let you know how I got on.
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Re: Sonar and free version of Kontakt 5 question 2017/05/15 16:40:44 (permalink)
Try my workflow posted here and see if it helps:

Thanks Slugbaby
I appreciate your help. I am going to use yours and Dans advice and hopefully I can get it sorted it out this evening. I will let you know how I got on. I really hope I can nail it this evening as its really holding up one of my projects.
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Re: Sonar and free version of Kontakt 5 question 2017/05/15 16:46:15 (permalink)
does the sample set work in the stand-alone version?

just a sec

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