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Still using Sonar XL 2.2
Hello, I'm getting back into home recording after a long illness and I'm still using Sonar XL 2.2 1. Thinking of buying Cakewalk Studio Instruments - will this work with 2.2? 2. Should I consider upgrading? I play guitars, bass and mandolin.
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Re:Still using Sonar XL 2.2
August 28, 09 2:45 PM
Hi Francis - Welcome to the forum! And I'm glad you recovered. Studio Instruments should be fine with Sonar 2 XL. But they are VST instruments, so you will therefore need to use a third party DirectX to VST adapter program (Sonar 2 does not natively support VST). I don't think Cakewalk was including such an adapter until Sonar 3. Maybe it's available for download from the Cakewalk site. The Studio Instruments are OK, not terrific. In general, you get what you pay for. I got them on sale for $30.00. I personally think it would be worthwhile for you to update you software, even if not to the Producer Edition. There's a wealth of low priced and free VSTs out there, and you could benefit from a program that natively support VST effects and instruments.
post edited by rstollen - August 28, 09 2:50 PM
8.5.1 PE, i7 920, GA-EX58-UD4P, 6gb Corsair DDR3, 2 x Barracuda 500gb, HIS Radeon GS-4670 Fanless 1gb DDR3, XP Pro SP3, dual 24" monitors, Axiom 61, Korg Triton Pro, Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, VG-99, Yamaha MSP5, Fostex PM0.5
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Re:Still using Sonar XL 2.2
August 28, 09 4:05 PM
Thanks for that. I have forgotten alot in the past few years so it's almost like starting again. For the moment, are there any real drum loops or percussion sounds that I can just import into a track and place where I wish in a project? I don't mind paying a reasonable price if they sound like drums and not like me banging a fork on a plate to call my cats for dinner! Many thanks.
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Re:Still using Sonar XL 2.2
August 28, 09 4:20 PM
For good drum loops, I recommend "Drums On Demand" ( They're short audio loops, broken up into 1 or 2 measure phrases, and you just drag them into your song, mixing and matching however you like. The thing that's particularly good about DOD (as opposed to some other loops I've played around with) is that they're clearly and sensibly labeled. You don't have to go hunting through endless loops with meaningless names like "Loop1," "Loop2", etc. Instead, they're sorted into folders based on tempo and style (example: Rock 120), and within each folder, the individual loops are named based on parts of songs that they work best in ("intro1" "pre-chorus" "bridge" "verse", etc, etc.) Of course, you don't have to use them for those particular parts of the songs, but it's nice to have a guideline. DOD also makes a disc called "Essential Percussion," which I use a surprising amount. It's a collection of useful loops of things like shakers, tambourines, castanets, etc. Check out the demos on their site.
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Re:Still using Sonar XL 2.2
August 28, 09 4:37 PM
That's very helpful, thank you. Is it possible to upgrade from 2.2 to 8 - or are they two completely different systems? I did register my 2 and installed the upgrade to 2.2 but is that where it ends? F.
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Re:Still using Sonar XL 2.2
August 28, 09 4:50 PM
You can pay for an upgrade from any version of Sonar. Sonar 8 Producer would cost you $249.00 plus you would get the new update for free (I think in a few weeks). A lot has happened since Sonar 2, and you'll be able to keep yourself busy for a long time learning the new goodies. And there are lots of terrific instruments and effects.
8.5.1 PE, i7 920, GA-EX58-UD4P, 6gb Corsair DDR3, 2 x Barracuda 500gb, HIS Radeon GS-4670 Fanless 1gb DDR3, XP Pro SP3, dual 24" monitors, Axiom 61, Korg Triton Pro, Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, VG-99, Yamaha MSP5, Fostex PM0.5