Sorry about that mate, just thought when I read my comments again I thought you may have found them a bit negative (not the intension).
So just to reiterate the basic, my feeling is that this is most probably your best bit of work and that I've been following its progress from the start, because it's a good 'en. I still have that problem with the sax as it plays such a big roll throughout the song, and I would imagine, untold hours getting it right. Your vocal (as said) really suits the mood but I feel (and this was the negative bit? maybe) it needs a real sax to ignite your vocal .. see, and that's why I took my comment down.
I hope that this song somehow brings in that silver bullet 'cause I like it a lot.
Just for the record though, the reason I've taken my own songs down is that I'm using Steinberg's Cubase 9.5 Pro in place of my good old Sonar Platinum, I feel a bit of a fraud to keep them hear on the Cakewalk Community page.
Added to the blurb above, I believe mixing and leveling from the start, using very little EQ makes a far better end result every time (as said in your last comment) but like you it's all fail and error till the fat lady sings!
All the best to you in the future
Regards Steve
post edited by SupaReels Music - 2018/06/05 08:37:31