The vacation is over, where is X1b ?

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Re:The vacation is over, where is X1b ? 2011/01/04 18:55:01 (permalink)
generally speaking, no company releases a trial / demo soon after a new product line...

2 very obvious reasons , think of it as well if it was your company.

1) a lot of people are  potential new users to whatever product.. so you want it to work as best as possible (AFTER patching any issues) .

2) say they did release a "test" version for existing customers... the same potential customers would be expecting support for something they hadn't bought yet.. maybe at the expense of customers who had paid.. It would be the worst time to release such a thing, when things are quieter and by patching .. it cuts down the support calls a LOT i bet.

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Re:The vacation is over, where is X1b ? 2011/01/04 23:36:11 (permalink)

This guy has a good point. For such a different looking DAW there should have been a Demo Version! I would have waited much longer to purchase this MESS had I known it had so many bugs. Cakewalk messed up on this one and it is there obligation to fix it IMMEDIATELY.
No question. Think of all the customers that still use Vista and XP this time!  If I wanted Pro Tools I would use Pro Tools and if your gonna create a  Pro Tools-ish least go 1 better and  not some tacky bug infested imitation...seriously fellows...Get it right...Paleeeeeze!!!!!

I haven't, nor will I install it until at least X1d. I check the forums at least once a week and it seems like nothing has changed-tons of bugs and unhappy users. Sonar was an attempted DAW switch for me, but that idea is definitely on hold and I'll work with a DAW that works. 

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Re:The vacation is over, where is X1b ? 2011/01/05 00:17:11 (permalink)
I hope X1B comes out when Cakewalk is ready.  Even if they promise February - I would rather they break any self-imposed deadline than release X1B too soon.
Let's give them a break.  They have a lot of comments and a lot of work.  I doubt they are making a fortune on all this.
At the same time, I want them to take all the posts seriously.  And I assume they are doing so.
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Re:The vacation is over, where is X1b ? 2011/01/05 08:34:43 (permalink)

At the same time, I want them to take all the posts seriously.  And I assume they are doing so.

deswind, that is NOT a safe assumption. They have said many times that they do not rely on the forums for bug reports or feature requests. I don't think they totally ignore them but if you have bug or a feature request you have to send it in or they may never see it.

Humbly Yours


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Re:The vacation is over, where is X1b ? 2011/01/06 01:09:59 (permalink)

generally speaking, no company releases a trial / demo soon after a new product line...

2 very obvious reasons , think of it as well if it was your company.

1) a lot of people are  potential new users to whatever product.. so you want it to work as best as possible (AFTER patching any issues) .

2) say they did release a "test" version for existing customers... the same potential customers would be expecting support for something they hadn't bought yet.. maybe at the expense of customers who had paid.. It would be the worst time to release such a thing, when things are quieter and by patching .. it cuts down the support calls a LOT i bet.

   I'm not sure that I am understanding your comment.

 I tested beta versions of...

 Presonus Studio One.  The only thing I owned is their small 1394 unit.
 Reason 5. I had a registered version of Reason Adapted.
 Testing FL Studio 9.7 beta.  They rely on us to give input. 
 I can test at anytime....

 Beta versions of EnergyXT, Ableton.

 as for Reaper-they update it constantly. I have licenses of all of those products except for Presonus.

 There may be just as many companies that have public betas that don't.   Presonus and Propellerhead showed no fear in presenting public betas.

 Your second point is really hard to understand.  If a potential customer doesn't see any signs of support, they will never be customers.  I do think that most betas are limited to people who have some registered product from that company or if you are subscribed to a mailing list.

 One of the above companies I am becoming more found of is because of more direct communication between end users and development.

 As for X1, I was easily pleased because I wanted a GUI change. Couldn't complain about the upgrade price either.


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Re:The vacation is over, where is X1b ? 2011/01/08 21:10:45 (permalink)
Good question of the OP  - now where is it? In development? In beta testing? In our imagination?

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John T
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Re:The vacation is over, where is X1b ? 2011/01/08 21:13:39 (permalink)
It's in development, with a planned release any time during the first quarter of the year, as was made clear before the end of last year. So no, not a good question from the OP. Actually more like the OP acting like a child.
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Re:The vacation is over, where is X1b ? 2011/01/09 03:29:48 (permalink)
A Bug is something that  happens once in a while. With X1, music and creativity is happening less frequently then the crashes. No one does their best work screwing constantly to usurp bad code . The technology  should be there to help the creative process . I'm fed up with hourly crashes, phantom time changes, lost data, interrupted work flow. and saying I'm sorry because someone else screwed up.
This  is BS, relying on the quickly fading good will of past cake walk users. I needs to be fixed now. Hell, I would even except 1or 2 crashes a day. The margins or profit are too thin to trust one's living on an a dog that won't hunt. It has got to be  Roland's knfluence on Cake walk. I cannot believe  they would have let this one out  in the condition it is in . I am very disappointed and feel betrayed by a company I always trusted to provide value ,quality, utility, support and integrity . Has it all gone to Japan? No racial slur intended. But give roland's track record for customer servicehere in Canada,  My hopse are dying for a working version of this hack piece of 
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Re:The vacation is over, where is X1b ? 2011/01/09 03:36:19 (permalink)
if that how you feel. that's ok, if enough is enough then it's time to move on. hopefully they get it right and maybe you come back to sonar. time will tell.

I harbor no ill will towards any man.
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Re:The vacation is over, where is X1b ? 2011/01/09 04:41:51 (permalink)

A Bug is something that  happens once in a while. With X1, music and creativity is happening less frequently then the crashes. No one does their best work screwing constantly to usurp bad code . The technology  should be there to help the creative process . I'm fed up with hourly crashes, phantom time changes, lost data, interrupted work flow. and saying I'm sorry because someone else screwed up.
This  is BS, relying on the quickly fading good will of past cake walk users. I needs to be fixed now. Hell, I would even except 1or 2 crashes a day. The margins or profit are too thin to trust one's living on an a dog that won't hunt. It has got to be  Roland's knfluence on Cake walk. I cannot believe  they would have let this one out  in the condition it is in . I am very disappointed and feel betrayed by a company I always trusted to provide value ,quality, utility, support and integrity . Has it all gone to Japan? No racial slur intended. But give roland's track record for customer servicehere in Canada,  My hopse are dying for a working version of this hack piece of 
I may not say it the same as you - I might choose different words, or another way to express it -- but I also am somewhat disappointed in the way CW have approached the release of this particular version.
I actually like a lot of the things they did.  I don't like a lot of the things they neglected or take for granted.
And I'm also somewhat amazed at how complacent people have become with this seemingly allegance to software companies.  Reaper people being almost religious ...   Studio One People talking about "the future"....   And of course the Sonar "fanbois" as some call them.
I actually like to be a supporter and believer of good things.  But even I have become less 'attached' to the software and to the company.
I am making lots of music in Sonar 8.5.3 still.  It works for me.  It has its issues too, but it also is extremely "usable."
I was very much looking forward to X1.  I really was.  But I have put it aside because it does not let me work creatively without lots of hiccups.
If someone wants to pin me on why and what... fine.  I've mentioned it a few times and got beat up for doing so -- even though I have been extremely contributory to CW's user base in every way I can.  SO I'm not about to stick my neck out again.
I DO await whatever patches/updates CW provide.  But I must say that I'm no longer giving them blind faith.   They couldn't really care less about me, I'm sure.  And that's ok.  But I do care about me -- and making music.
I spent the last week NOT using X1 and using 8.5.3 happily.  My work will speak for itself.  Hate or or love it.  Doesn't matter.  I got lots of work done.   I couldn't do what I've done in the last week in X1.  NOT because it sucks.  It does NOT suck.  It has problems.   And those problems are enough for me to be disturbed creatively.
So I'll wait.  I'm am SURE CW will get it more right.  They have to if they want to survive.
SO the point of THIS message is not to say CW or X1 is 'over' for me.  It's far from over.  But I must wait.  They went for the money first.  I'm sure of that in my mind.  Now that they hopefully got that (did they?), I hope they'll come back to making the software work right.  IF they do... I'm in their corner.  And if they do - I will be a big cheerleader because Sonar, up until now, has been a major contributor to my creative process.  
They know how to do it.  I hope they do it.
post edited by ba_midi - 2011/01/09 04:43:34

Billy Arnell (ba-midi)
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Thanks for listening - Let's Dance to the rhythm of life! :)
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Re:The vacation is over, where is X1b ? 2011/01/09 11:33:52 (permalink)
 I was a bit too tired and a bit too B**chy whe I wrote this. I want to remain with Cake . I guess I was like waiting all year for your birthday anly to  find out its not a leap year and you were born on Feb 29th. I am not furtunate enough to be able to to work when I don't feel creative. Nothing puts a wrench is my creativity more than having to fight with my tools. I believe Cake has a great track record of customer support and stability/qualitry of thier products. I liked it so much that  I sold all my RME stuff to invest in a VS 700 C and R last year. Im not made of money and would possibly have to switch to a RADAR + some othe DAW such as SADIE or S**t tools to get my work done at considerable ,more cost. Also, a number of weeks ago I calleds my AVID rep in Vacouver  Canada and he refered to Cake as an amature Daw and not in the same class as P T.
 This really pissed me off as I know that the software design of cake, when it works ,blows PT away. It is releases like X1 that ;give these other companies the amunition to make these kind of statements.  I know HD is a dedicated hardware system but their pres and converters still; suck. Their Native system is also very buggy. Cubase was good and solid in the Atari Days, but I believe it never seems to know which direction it is going given it's many owners, and it isas of now  very buggy.  I used DP years ago and liked it but was very feature poor one needed to plug in Eqs even and it was very resource hungry .
 I down loaded at the demo of studio One and it works well but is also feature poor and ugly. I tried to crash it, and mananaged   to do it with quick on the fly changes and lots of plugins. It will get there some day but it is not there yet
. Logic is too embedded with apple.
 I have not tried reaper but after doing lots of research on the net it is considered by many not to be stable.
 Gear Sluts hate every one. Sweetwater is all over the forms and love what ever they sell. Sound on Sound ( had a 3 year subscription) is full of good info but the reviews are a bit slanted I think in the direction of their advertsers.
I come from way back in the land of tape and I will be the first to admit that there were many tech problems in those days as well.
 The only difference now is most of us are wearing all the hats and just can't affort a (,Magic Alex) to hang around to solve our technical problems.
 Please forgive me for losing it in my 1st post on this issue.  But I have been working on 4 tunes for  the past 3 weeks and keep switching because I somehow foolishly convnce myself that  the change in material will lessen the sting of the frequent crashes. Please CakeWalk be all you can be and blow these other DAWS out of the water with stability and features.
You have the loylalty of your users, all be impatient users at times.
I know this release would have been much better accepted if it was released  with the honest lable of a Beta Version. There would have been a lot more productive input from the users ,as those who bought it would have bought it in the know an have a vested interest in making it work. There would have been much less anger as those that were for warned would have acted on infomed consent. You never lose customers with honesty. You will loose many with apathy. Anyway sorry to all for my easlier flame. I wish only the best to all my fellow cake wakers  and to the Bakers themselves.  Its like a happy long marrage I can't just leave for one big scew up.
I wouldn't know where or how to start over. cheers
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Re:The vacation is over, where is X1b ? 2011/01/09 12:50:30 (permalink)

I can't speak for the presonus thing, but was that tied into the hardware ? it wasn't a mature was it , so yer the initial version it's handy to get it as bug free as possible.

beta is a general term.. they have specific sub-sections of that depending on the company, so obviously it might say "beta".. but maybe it's the 2nd+ cycle of beta testing etc..

I used to work in support at a company years ago and the day of release of a product the phones etc would go into melt down.. so thats the aspect I see it from. by putting the additional demo / trial so soon is just heaping a LOT more work on things.

reason.. well is different, their market is VERY specific, their only rival of sorts was project 5 I guess ? the versions that people get to test publicly are very late in the day and near release.

I do own reason .. I saw the alpha version of  1, when I was in the trade.. BUT even with all their testing it runs like a pile of rubbish on an AMD (my single core laptop outperformed it) . what does that say ? "some beta testing"

again I don't know about the other 2 things you mention.. energy / ableton.. both are quite small operations or were ?

as for reaper.. you can't compare it to ANYTHING , why ? because it's one person and not a mature product yet (years wise).. say he said sod it.. and packed up tomorrow users of it would be up the creek without a paddle. He's got a lot of help from others, obviously, who give their time for free I guess.. so he's trimmed the fat and doesn't have as much overheads.. regarding other people doing support etc.

you'll find cakewalks main 2 rivals don't release ground breaking version beta's I'm sure, as their software IS the main asset of the company and they want to keep their competitors in the dark for as long as possible.

the thing about support, it's more the number of calls / emails etc. it's like say when you post a letter at Christmas.. the post service is under a LOT more pressure, same when any company releases a new thing. remember the trial / demo .. well you want to put the best product forward you can also.. and for ANY company that isn't on initial release.

most companies don't offer detailed support to none registered customers, unless I'm missing something.  much as they don't to versions of "bundled LE" things. it's more an introduction into it.

hope that's made my thoughts clearer.
post edited by Fog - 2011/01/09 12:55:26
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Re:The vacation is over, where is X1b ? 2011/01/09 13:24:32 (permalink)
It is pretty amazing that X1 will be un-usable for many people for at least 1/4 of its lifetime (before the next version comes along). A week or two would be one thing, but what, 3 months? That is just crazy...

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Re:The vacation is over, where is X1b ? 2011/01/09 13:53:23 (permalink)
Silly discussion!

The next fix was announced for end of february, as stated elsewhere (probably not 1/4 of its lifetime), and despite running into some bugs, I can't remotely confirm that I coudln't use X1 on a very regular basis.

I don't deny that some may have that kind of problem, but from my own experience and from talk with other users I dare to doubt very much, how many with the "I can't work with X1 at all"-syndrome might really be out there, and for exactly what reasons!

I even begin to get heavy doubts, how many of those spreading superficial and generalizing talk about a non-working X1 are actully using X1 ( I know some of the critics do and I respect their concerns!), and how many are just reading in this forum and jump on the bandwagon.

Generalizing bug talk has really gotten out of proportion in this forum, compared to anything I can confirm myself, or see confirmed by friends using Sonar. And I DO see some nasty bugs, but certainly no program out of the working zone!

post edited by jimknopf - 2011/01/09 14:02:32
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Re:The vacation is over, where is X1b ? 2011/01/09 14:42:03 (permalink)
To be honest, I also gave X1 another chance, but the state X1a is in is unacceptable. X1b update should be an emergency fix, being available by NAMM next week. If they do presentations I am sure they already have a "build" which is a little more reliable. If X1 keeps crashing in front of the press and bystanders it will make a far less than 9/10 impression. If core features are broken, how does anyone want to present that?

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