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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 18, 17 2:06 AM (permalink)
Ok. So we're pretty sure it's not a name resolution issue. I've looked at my installation and there is a built in logger for the online installer. To access these logs open your my documents folder and navigate to XLN Online Installer Logs folder. If there are files there, please open the latest one in Notepad and paste or screenshot the contents to your reply.

If you don't see any files, go to My Documents/XLN Online Installer/Settings. In that folder you should see a file named dont_trace.txt. In order to generate the log, we will rename this to do_trace.txt. After that you want to re-run the installer and let it fail. You should then see a new log file in the location I mentioned earlier and this should shed some light on what is happening in the background. If your Computer name or ID is visible in the first paragraph, please delete it before sharing here.
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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 18, 17 3:28 AM (permalink)
Matron Landslide
If nothing else it's a learning experience

Quote of the day!!

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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 18, 17 3:48 AM (permalink)
Matron Landslide
If nothing else it's a learning experience

Quote of the day!!

Frustrating experience is probably more to the point! 

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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 18, 17 4:13 PM (permalink)
Matron Landslide
If nothing else it's a learning experience

Frustrating experience is probably more to the point! 

Perhaps a link to this post would be relevant? 
What Would Make DAWs (Not Just SONAR) Easier to Use? 

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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 18, 17 5:02 PM (permalink)
Better plugin installers, and plugins that don't ever crash DAWs, would be a good start...

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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 18, 17 5:05 PM (permalink)
So ICMP requests and replies are working.  That is a good first step.  However, it does not _totally_ rule out networking, as XLN would be using other ports which could be blocked anywhere.  A Wireshark trace would prove to be helpful here, but not sure if that is something we could do. DNelson's suggestion of posting the log file is the best step forward now.
post edited by husker - November 18, 17 5:28 PM
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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 18, 17 6:08 PM (permalink)
Better plugin installers, and plugins that don't ever crash DAWs, would be a good start...

Or a mechanism to sandbox and ID them for resolution without compromising the integrity of the existing project. 

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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 18, 17 6:17 PM (permalink)
I enabled logging on my XLN online installer, and it appears that it contacts a number of cloud servers. 
The log is very verbose, so I just consulted my firewall app to see how many hosts were involved.  I captured some firewall screen info that shows XLN connected with 4 servers.

On another firewall log I saw that all traffic used HTTPS, so that would be remote port 443.  And this was just the handshake to establish the connection and checking installation to ensure that all of my XLN products were up to date.  Didn't actually need to download any updates.  Everything is up to date.
Running XLN Online Installer v1.3.1.

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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 18, 17 7:27 PM (permalink)
Well I've had nothing but nag screens ever since that XLN update. Now Both computers are doing it.
Opening any project with AD2 warns me I need to log on and authorize my computer, but AD2 runs just fine. 
Only way to get rid of the nag is to run the XLN on line installer which just tells me all is good. I almost think I have to leave it open to get any work done. And this also means I have to stay on line. 
Not only that but all of sudden all my Air products are also nagging me and stopped working. I had to update the Pace iLok and it went away.. Is there no peace. At least Sonar is running great. 

Johnny V  
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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 18, 17 10:42 PM (permalink)
One thing that comes to mind with Windows 10 is that the big feature updates/upgrades (Anniversary, Creators, etc.)  seem to alter the computer ID somehow, due to the new Windows build number, or whatever.
I had a few plugins need re-authorizing after the last Windows update.  I can't remember which ones they were, but it only affected a few, rather than all of them.
I imagine that would depend on how any particular protection scheme involved identifies the computer.  But any time Microsoft updates the build number, it seems to mess with certain plugin authorizations...

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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 18, 17 11:50 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby marled January 30, 18 12:31 AM
It's heavy-handed DRM that causes most of my problems/hassles. Waves, iLok, and XLN Installer being prime examples. That's why I've given them so little of my money.
I got this prize for trying to demo a newly downloaded instrument recently:

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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 18, 17 11:50 PM (permalink)
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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 19, 17 0:05 PM (permalink)
Here's an odd one. Last week I had to replace my motherboard as  the DIMM slots were starting to fail. I found the exact make and model on eBay (it's a 5 year old board). Not shockingly I had to reactivate Windows and my Arturia and KORG stuff, no big deal. However Addictive Drums and even Addictive Keys worked fine right away didn't have to reauthorize at all. Yet poor Craig is having all these issues.
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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 19, 17 4:31 AM (permalink)
Thanks. I'm right there with you on it being a port block. I'm guessing it's a secure https on 443 or 1443 but I'm not sure how far in the weeds the OP is willing to go. I'm willing to see this through to resolution but I get the feeling he's had enough and I can't blame him. If I had my hands on his network it would be solved by now but trying to talk him through it a couple steps a day is really inefficient.

Edit: This was supposed to be a reply to Husker's comment but for some reason I screwed it up. Also, I saw Abacab's post after this and his host names are completely different from the one I obtained yesterday. I'm wondering if there is a redirect based on your region. Mine had .dfw in the url which I assume is Dallas-Fort Worth. This makes sense since I am in Houston but the domain is completely different. You shouldn't have to have a networking degree to authorize software you have bought and paid for.
post edited by dnelson1971 - November 19, 17 5:10 AM
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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 19, 17 4:40 AM (permalink)
Well, let's hope something good will come out of it. Like maybe this thread will be popular enough that when people search for XLN Audio or Addictive Drums or AD2, this thread will rank high enough to motivate XLN Audio to move to a more user-friendly DRM system. XLN Installer blows.
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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 19, 17 5:54 AM (permalink)
Thanks. I'm right there with you on it being a port block. I'm guessing it's a secure https on 443 or 1443 but I'm not sure how far in the weeds the OP is willing to go. I'm willing to see this through to resolution but I get the feeling he's had enough and I can't blame him. If I had my hands on his network it would be solved by now but trying to talk him through it a couple steps a day is really inefficient.

Edit: This was supposed to be a reply to Husker's comment but for some reason I screwed it up. Also, I saw Abacab's post after this and his host names are completely different from the one I obtained yesterday. I'm wondering if there is a redirect based on your region. Mine had .dfw in the url which I assume is Dallas-Fort Worth. This makes sense since I am in Houston but the domain is completely different. You shouldn't have to have a networking degree to authorize software you have bought and paid for.

I will try the additional steps even though frankly I would be doing it blind. I am hoping that XLN will come up with some miracle cure but I will try the Google stuff and all that. However I have to lay off for now as I am getting a book draft to a publisher and have another deadline that falls due Tuesday, then I need to go away for Thanksgiving.
I truly appreciate everyone's suggestions. I'm sure one of them will work at some point. If XLN comes up with a solution I will post it here for the benefit of others.

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 19, 17 7:24 AM (permalink)
I will try the additional steps even though frankly I would be doing it blind. I am hoping that XLN will come up with some miracle cure but I will try the Google stuff and all that. However I have to lay off for now as I am getting a book draft to a publisher and have another deadline that falls due Tuesday, then I need to go away for Thanksgiving.
I truly appreciate everyone's suggestions. I'm sure one of them will work at some point. If XLN comes up with a solution I will post it here for the benefit of others.

@Anderton - I completely understand. Please don't think my last comment was in any way a dig at you. I'm frustrated right along with you. Us IT guys can't ever leave a challenge unresolved though lol. To be honest, the very first thing the support crew should have asked for was the installer logs. It seems that they didn't and that sort of lackadaisical vendor support is unacceptable to me. I had to dig around quite a bit to even discover that logging for the installer was accessible from the user end.

I just bought Sonar Friday but I have had Addictive Keys for awhile and before this I would have recommended XLN as a top-notch company. I think the quality of their instruments is outstanding and the CPU efficiency for me is second to none. If I was having your problems though, I would think they were the worst company on earth.

The reason I was drawn to this thread is that I was trying to research Sonar as thoroughly as possible before I bought it. I came across this forum and saw your sticky thread on user tips. I read about 10 or 12 of them and there is A WHOLE BUNCH of good stuff in there. I particularly loved the harmonica article. I am not a harmonica player by any stretch of the imagination but I like to dabble in any instrument I can get my hands on and this gave me a whole new perspective on my set of cheap blues harps.

Anyway, I hope you get this resolved one way or another. It will probably be a disappointment considering how much time you already have invested but for me it's just the principle of the thing at this point. I will be happy to help in any way I can and I intend to read all of your excellent articles in the mean time.
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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 19, 17 10:15 AM (permalink)
To be honest, the very first thing the support crew should have asked for was the installer logs.

They did, and made a suggestion based on what they saw...which was basically to eliminate everything and try again. 

Anyway, I hope you get this resolved one way or another. It will probably be a disappointment considering how much time you already have invested but for me it's just the principle of the thing at this point. I will be happy to help in any way I can and I intend to read all of your excellent articles in the mean time.

Thanks! The REALLY frustrating part is that except for a couple Windows glitches in the past few months that were fixed fairly expeditiously, the music and video part of this system has been running perfectly. I've been extremely productive because of that. The main reason for wanting to get AD2 working was screen shots for my SONAR column in Sound on Sound magazine; I felt if I was going to include a drum module, it should be the one in SONAR. But, I can always just postpone the column, or use BFD or Battery or whatever.
But like you, for me it's become the principle of the thing...I want it to work, but also, someone else somewhere might encounter the same problem and the solution will help them. I generally hear good things about XLN support, maybe they've just met their match with some strange system-specific issue.

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 19, 17 1:45 PM (permalink)
Well this thread has been viewed over 3,000+ times.  If you type "XLN Authorization Problem" into a Google search box, it is now the #2 search result returned.
So if XLN is paying any attention, they may want to expedite a fix ASAP.
Like preferably BEFORE Black Friday, LOL!!!

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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 19, 17 3:23 PM (permalink)
I agree abacab, XLN should be all over this situation. Really makes them look bad the longer it goes on.

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Re: XLN Authorization Problem November 19, 17 4:16 PM (permalink)
Interesting, thought I would try the XLN user forum to see if others were were having a problem.


I might start a new thread as to not detract from this one which is a different issue .. maybe not

Johnny V  
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Re: XLN Authorization Problem January 28, 18 3:07 PM (permalink)
Did this issue ever get resolved?  I was searching for a different XLN error and ran across this thread on Google...

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Re: XLN Authorization Problem January 28, 18 9:08 PM (permalink)
Better plugin installers, and plugins that don't ever crash DAWs, would be a good start...

That was the beauty of Reason before VST support.

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Re: XLN Authorization Problem January 30, 18 1:06 AM (permalink)
Did this issue ever get resolved?  I was searching for a different XLN error and ran across this thread on Google...

Nope...which is problematic, I have older projects that used AD2. I pinged XLN before going to NAMM, and they told me they didn't have an answer but they'd let me know if they did. At this point I'm not holding out much hope. 

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Re: XLN Authorization Problem January 30, 18 2:27 AM (permalink)
Well that sucks...

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Re: XLN Authorization Problem January 30, 18 9:33 AM (permalink)
The symptoms sound like a security issue, i.e. either permissions (so needs to be run as Administrator), or a TLS/SSL/Certificate issue.
I would try the following:
1. Install all the latest Microsoft security updates to ensure you've got the latest SSL cyphers / protocols.
2. I'm not sure if the XLN installer uses flash, but updating to the latest Adobe Flash player might help for the same reason as 1.
3. Just in case you're somehow hitting an old server, you could flush your dns cache by firing up a command prompt and typing ipconfig /flushdns 
4. Check you've not got any strange entries in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts that could be redirecting traffic (doubtful, but no harm in checking)
5. Disable all firewalls (both on your PC and router)
6. Run as administrator
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Re: XLN Authorization Problem February 07, 18 5:52 AM (permalink)

I found the problem! When I dug deep enough into Firefox's security warning, it said there was a certificate it did not recognize. I opened Manage Computer Certificates, deleted the certificate, and the XLN online installer worked.
If I hadn't tried to open the installer with Firefox, I never would have found the problem. I'm not surprised XLN support couldn't find it...this was definitely a corner case.
I have no idea why this didn't trip up any other installers.

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Re: XLN Authorization Problem February 07, 18 5:56 AM (permalink)
Thanks for reporting back. Glad to hear you got it working again.
Jesse G
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Re: XLN Authorization Problem February 07, 18 2:41 PM (permalink)
Great news Craig,
I am glad the you figured out the problem with AD2.  You might want to share you findings with XLN so they \have your findings in their arsenal as this problem may rear its' ugly head elsewhere in the future.

Jesse G. A fisher of men  <><
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Re: XLN Authorization Problem February 07, 18 6:55 PM (permalink)
Jesse G
Great news Craig,
I am glad the you figured out the problem with AD2.  You might want to share you findings with XLN so they \have your findings in their arsenal as this problem may rear its' ugly head elsewhere in the future.

Agreed! I already let them know 

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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