Helpful ReplyZ3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available

Lance Riley [Cakewalk]
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February 02, 16 2:17 PM (permalink)

Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available

Hey Folks,
We have a small update for Z3TA+ 2 users that includes some fixes and minor tweaks. You can see the the changes in the update notes below. We are happy to announce that Z3TA+ 2.2 will be available to STEAM users later today. This will include new features in 2.2, the fixes from the 2.2.1 update as well as fixes in this update.
Update Notes:

Lance Riley
Product Manager
Paul P
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 02, 16 4:08 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Snehankur February 03, 16 0:41 PM
Thanks Lance.  Just installed and it appears to work for the little I did.
I've undoubtedly said this before, but it would have been nice if the installer had asked me for my vstplugins folder instead of not asking and creating a new vstplugins folder on my C drive.  Moving and editing the registry fixed that, but it's an unnecessary pain. 
Why are z3ta+2's folders stored in two different places ?
go to the C drive  (which I then also have to move to where I put all my Cakewalk synths)
MIDI Arpeggios
MIDI Learn
go to the Cakewalk Content folder.
I could do without having to clean things up after installing each new version.

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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 03, 16 0:28 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby wave2 March 21, 16 5:39 AM
We should have the ability to define the folders for installation and content as well. C: Drive should not be made universal.
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 05, 16 10:53 AM (permalink)
Does this version require the Cakewalk Command Center be installed ? Also I've been told elsewhere that there are now 64 bit versions of Z3TA+ version 1 and it's effects versions.  Is this correct ?
post edited by Teksonik - February 05, 16 11:39 AM
Paul P
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 05, 16 12:17 AM (permalink)
See :  Z3TA+ 2 Offline Activation

Sonar Platinum [2017.10], Win7U x64 sp1, Xeon E5-1620 3.6 GHz, Asus P9X79WS, 16 GB ECC, 128gb SSD, HD7950, Mackie Blackjack
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 05, 16 12:32 AM (permalink)
My studio computer is connected to the internet to make doing updates such as these much easier but I'd rather not install the Command Center. So I guess I can authorize from that computer just by doing all steps from there.........thanks.
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 05, 16 1:04 PM (permalink)
Ok cool, I used this computer to do the offline authorization and transferred the dat file to the studio computer.  Authorization went perfectly. Thanks CW for allowing us to authorize without the CCC but please in future allow us to specify the folder where the .dll file installed. I normally install all plugins to C:/VST Plugins 64 Bit however this version installed to :C/Program files/Cakewalk/Vst Plugins/Z3TA+ so now I have two versions of Z3TA installed. I can uninstall the older version from the Control Panel but you can see where allowing people to choose their install paths is much better for the end user. :-) 
Jon Sasor [Cakewalk]
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 05, 16 4:54 PM (permalink)
Ok cool, I used this computer to do the offline authorization and transferred the dat file to the studio computer.  Authorization went perfectly. Thanks CW for allowing us to authorize without the CCC but please in future allow us to specify the folder where the .dll file installed. I normally install all plugins to C:/VST Plugins 64 Bit however this version installed to :C/Program files/Cakewalk/Vst Plugins/Z3TA+ so now I have two versions of Z3TA installed. I can uninstall the older version from the Control Panel but you can see where allowing people to choose their install paths is much better for the end user. :-) 

You'd need Command Center to change the VST2 path during the installation as Z3TA+2 reads the VST paths from there. Glad to hear the offline auth got you running though. VST3/AAX will always go to their default global locations.
post edited by Jon Sasor [Cakewalk] - February 05, 16 5:14 PM
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 08, 16 10:51 PM (permalink)
Where do I get this update?  The download in my product list installs version 2.1!!!
Paul P
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 08, 16 11:11 PM (permalink)
On your Cakewalk account page, when you select  z3ta+2 in the list of your products, do you get the following download box :
Z3TA Win [Mac]

File size: ~34.7 MB [60.7mb for mac], Released: 2/2/2016
The download file is then Z3TA2.2_Setup_2.2.2.120.exe (or Z3TA2.2_Setup_2.2.2.120.pkg for mac)

Sonar Platinum [2017.10], Win7U x64 sp1, Xeon E5-1620 3.6 GHz, Asus P9X79WS, 16 GB ECC, 128gb SSD, HD7950, Mackie Blackjack
Jon Sasor [Cakewalk]
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 09, 16 6:51 AM (permalink)
Where do I get this update?  The download in my product list installs version 2.1!!!

You should see it in Command Center or your product list on your account. If you still only see 2.1, just drop our Customer Service a line and they'll make sure your account gets squared away.
Seth Kellogg [Cakewalk]
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 09, 16 2:01 PM (permalink)
Does this version require the Cakewalk Command Center be installed ? Also I've been told elsewhere that there are now 64 bit versions of Z3TA+ version 1 and it's effects versions.  Is this correct ?

There have always been 64-bit versions of Z3ta+ 1.5 distributed with SONAR. Are you just a Z3ta+ 1.5 customer?

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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 09, 16 8:21 PM (permalink)
Okay, had to contact Customer service.  I've got it now, but it seems to only install the 64 bit version.
Also, are Rapture and Dimension Pro not connected products?
Also, IIRC, Z3TA used to look first for its resources within the directory where the dll is located - it doesn't seem to do that anymore.  I ABSOLUTELY hate having Cakewalk Content on the upper level of my main drive (and everywhere else it seems).
post edited by onetomany - February 09, 16 8:42 PM
Paul P
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 09, 16 10:45 PM (permalink)
I ABSOLUTELY hate having Cakewalk Content on the upper level of my main drive (and everywhere else it seems).

"Cakewalk Content" is one of the limited number of folders that you can put where you want.
It's path is stored in the Windows registry :
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\    [key :  "ContentDir"]

Sonar Platinum [2017.10], Win7U x64 sp1, Xeon E5-1620 3.6 GHz, Asus P9X79WS, 16 GB ECC, 128gb SSD, HD7950, Mackie Blackjack
Jon Sasor [Cakewalk]
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 10, 16 10:22 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby onetomany February 13, 16 0:55 PM
Z3TA+ 2 has always stored its content in the global Cakewalk Content directory. You can either change the registry key manually, or you can go to the settings in Command Center and change it from there as well. If you have any trouble, you can always get assistance from Technical Support. 
Rapture v1.2.2 and Dimension Pro are only connected products if you own SONAR Platinum. Otherwise you can just download these from your account page.
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 13, 16 0:54 PM (permalink)
Yes Paul, but the default location is on my main drive, and I don't recall being asked where to put it during install - bad form!  AND people should not have to edit their registry (which I did) to get it where they want it.
I also cannot see version 1.53 on my account and I hear there's a 64 bit version.  How can I get this?
Thanks for your help.
Paul P
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 13, 16 10:20 PM (permalink)
[Never mind, I figured it out.  And can't help ]

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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 13, 16 11:22 PM (permalink)
I also cannot see version 1.53 on my account and I hear there's a 64 bit version.  How can I get this?

Z3ta+ Classic (the v1 release) is bundled with SONAR Studio/Producer and SONAR Professional/Platinum. Which version of SONAR do you have?
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 14, 16 10:50 AM (permalink)
Thanks scook, I don't have SONAR.  I bought Z3TA 1 back in the rcgaudio days.
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 14, 16 11:11 AM (permalink)
Does this help?
Hopefully you still have your registration information. If not, here is how to add back products to your account The feedback form no longer exists, contact Cakewalk Customer service for assistance.
Paul P
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 14, 16 3:43 PM (permalink)
Just for the record, I was playing version 2.2.2. in standalone mode and at one point it lost all its knobs.  I didn't notice when it happened as I was switching back and forth with Sonar editing some midi arp patterns.  Everything in z3ta+2 still worked and a knob or set of knobs would come back when I clicked to adjust.  The UI was eventually completely restored and I haven't been able to lose the knobs again.
This has never happened to me with previous versions.
post edited by Paul P - February 14, 16 3:58 PM

Sonar Platinum [2017.10], Win7U x64 sp1, Xeon E5-1620 3.6 GHz, Asus P9X79WS, 16 GB ECC, 128gb SSD, HD7950, Mackie Blackjack
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available February 14, 16 8:00 PM (permalink)
Yes, scook,  Thanks.  
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available October 17, 16 2:42 AM (permalink)
Sync timing problem with host bpm , I am running the latest Z3ta+2 version on my iMac with Pro tools 12( latest update), if I try to sync the lfo to the host bpm, it drifts in and out of time , this happens with the AAX plugin, if load the same patch using the vst version loaded using Bluecat audio vst to aax plugin, it stays in time. Any ideas on what's wrong with the AAX version?
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available October 28, 16 11:47 PM (permalink)
I too am having problems with installing Zeta+2 I am never asked to put in the registration and validation codes and it will only run in demo mode.  How do I register it.  I see no command center in my account products.  Does this mean my copy I bought is outdated?
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available October 29, 16 0:51 PM (permalink)
I too am having problems with installing Zeta+2 I am never asked to put in the registration and validation codes and it will only run in demo mode.  How do I register it.  I see no command center in my account products.  Does this mean my copy I bought is outdated?

Command Center is here:
The Grim
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available October 29, 16 1:32 AM (permalink)
i haven't updated z3ta2, or rapture or dimension pro for that matter since before they were updated to be compatible with ccc, the reason being for fear of crippling something that for my purposes works fine, and not wanting to have to spend time i don't have trying to fix things up . . . again, to me their installations have always been a little brittle and messy, and installing certain expansions could be a pita. has anyone updated from a pre ccc installation of z3ta2 without issues, i am fairly sure that my existing installation was to defaults, i also have quite a number of expansions, is there anything i need to be aware of? i would really hate to do the update only to find things are not well and that i have to spend time trying to fix it up, that would likely be the last straw for me.
i have the same reservations with regards to updating rapture and dimension pro from pre ccc compatible installations, both of which have quite a number of expansions, and fairly sure were installed to defaults, so any advice/experiences for those would be appreciated as well.
also rapture pro, haven't updated it for a long time, same reasons, and don't really use it, haven't for a long time mainly due to the issues it had had since it's release, i think i recall the last version i updated to had squashed many of the issues that had plagued it from release, but just couldn't bring myself to use it. i think i installed the multisamples or whatever to a non default location, so any experiences/advice with regards to rapture pro also would be welcomed. ccc is set to verbose mode, will that allow me to point it to where my multisamples are located, or will it pick that up automatically? and is that separate to the content path set in ccc?
i have read a number of posts in the past where users have had issues with all of the above after updating, i just don't want to join that club
The Grim
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available October 30, 16 3:34 AM (permalink)
well i took the plunge and updated z3ta2 and rapture pro, (also rapture and dimension pro although not really needing to other than getting them into line with ccc) all seems fine, never checked out every patch/preset of course, just one here and there, and a few from each of the many expansion packs i have. just had to run rapture and dimpro as administrator to re enter the code, so all good.
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available November 03, 16 1:08 PM (permalink)
Jon Sasor [Cakewalk]
Z3TA+ 2 has always stored its content in the global Cakewalk Content directory. You can either change the registry key manually, or you can go to the settings in Command Center and change it from there as well. If you have any trouble, you can always get assistance from Technical Support. 
Rapture v1.2.2 and Dimension Pro are only connected products if you own SONAR Platinum. Otherwise you can just download these from your account page.

but you didn't address the second part asked by the OP - the forced (no install option to change) 
C:\....\cakewalk\Z3TA +2   paths to
while only ~16 MB's on C:\     this "no option" to change install locations, or where to redirect an install during updates is becoming a real PITA
First it was latest two Sonar updates , now it's Z3TA +2 - I assume the upcoming Rapture Pro update will be the same?   and it's NOT a SMALL install
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Re: Z3TA+ 2.2.2 Update Now Available November 03, 16 1:17 PM (permalink)
In a world where a lot of us use a small OS SSD. The lack of choice of path is crazy.

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