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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 07:41:15 (permalink)
Actually, the cylinder is easier to tuck into a corner because of the space you need for the cables.

Mekashi Futo
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Linear Phase
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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 07:47:57 (permalink)
I'm not digging the glasses, wearables; like wallets and watches.  I feel like, "I'm not a borg."  I do not need glass.

We are really treading on having this tech surgically implanted, and I find that spooky.

too many lasers...

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Linear Phase
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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 07:47:57 (permalink)
double post...
post edited by Linear Phase - 2013/06/11 08:17:46

too many lasers...

Sonar = audio editing ninja of a music software!

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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 07:59:45 (permalink)
minimize confusion for people who were new to computers and might have trouble internalizing the concept of computer "folders" and digital "files." So you had little Manila folder icons etc. These days, it's less and less clear why skeuomorphism should exist. Most everyone has grown up with computers or at least used them for decades. We don't really need these mental crutches any more. 

Folders and files exist for the most basic reason... they are a great metaphor for the hierarchy system used to store stuff. You can use Shelves and Boxes I suppose. Some folks might prefer Mama duck and baby ducks.
The idea of depending on search and automated filing systems is ok if you have a small data set. As the data set grows, hierarchical systems are the time honored way to organize and access stored information. The file cabinet metaphor works well because file cabinet/shelf/locker subset, realized within a hierarchical storage model, is a time honored system that refers all the way back to the great libraries of the ancient ages.
The only thing that has changed is, that now, it is possible for some goof ball to come along every few months and pretend that Sherlock+ will replace hierarchical cognition. It is usually obvious that the goofball with that idea has never succeeded on a big project or in a big operation that is actually responsible for getting stuff done and keeping records of the work.
This is why you see conditions where many businesses and institutions remain on Windows XP... because none of the goofball ideas seem appealing when you think of a computer as a tool to accomplish work with rather than a toy to entertain.
You can see parallels to this with other tools. Take language for example; it's such an effective tool that it evolves slowly. We don't see rapid changeover because the old stuff works pretty well. We enjoy adding new fresh idioms but we do not abandon the old forms because the old forms work ok.
The concept that new is somehow better than what has worked for a couple thousand years is only a hundred or so years old.
Personally I think that the shock of the new as an *idea* has started to play out and lots of people are learning they are happy settling for what works.
The OP was about window dressing on a GUI but then somehow the ideas deviated into predictions that we will soon discard the metaphors that illustrate the hierarchical nature of a database which is based on "stuff" stored as subsets in "containers". It doesn't matter if you use a Cartesian model or something based on a more complex matrix. The metaphor of "stuff" in "containers" has proven too useful to be abandoned just because some people have never seen a file cabinet.
Besides which, we've been able to change our Folder icons to "mama duck" and our file icons to "baby duck" for about 20 years now and... to tell you the truth... so far... only a few people have done it.
Good times.
best regards,
post edited by mike_mccue - 2013/06/11 08:04:59

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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 08:08:46 (permalink)
Actually, the cylinder is easier to tuck into a corner because of the space you need for the cables.

I think they should go all wireless, then set it up as a drone vacuum. It then can super cool the CPU while making that James Dyson guy jealous that he didn't think up this awesomely great idea.
Plus I won't have to sweep up after Go-Go.

Linear Phase
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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 08:24:27 (permalink)
Small businesses may be sort of, "stock on xp," but big business are buying tablets left and right.  The philosophy now is, "Let Amazon, Google, or Microsoft; build the data centers, buy all the hardware, and manage it.  Its far less expensive, than running our own datacenters and I.T. departments.  If we need to use computers in the office, "BYO Phone, or here you go, have a tablet." 
post edited by Linear Phase - 2013/06/11 08:44:07

too many lasers...

Sonar = audio editing ninja of a music software!

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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 08:42:06 (permalink)
I'd like to agree... but I don't think it's true.
What I see is that every one has been issued a tablet and they all bring their laptops along to do the work that needs to be done.
It's a running joke.
all the best,

Linear Phase
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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 08:54:04 (permalink)
A lot of people are just plain faster at typing on a qwerty keyboard..   So that is why I think a lot of folk would still kinda, "hang on to the laptop as well."
Right now, voice interpretation still kind of sucks.  Sometimes I will send a text by voice, and its totally off a good 20% of the time.  That's unacceptable results for serious work.  
Actually one of my funnier voice 2 text, which was supposed to be something like, "I guess so buddy, but I'll see you later."  Turned into something like, "Whatever nanny, we got to work it better."
So obviously, if you are doing serious work, you are still far better off typing stuff out, and touch-screen qwerty is not as conducive to quick and accurate typing as it is on a plastic molded, "old school," omg, keyboard.
That's why I think the Surface is so slick, as its like a tablet, with an actual keyboard.  I just want to wait a couple of generations, before I dive in.  I want it to run music soft, as well as a desktop.
So, just in keeping with the thread.  I believe the Mac Pro's days are numbered.  Why should somebody buy one?  Even if you are the Pixar Department @ Walt Disney Studio's, can you not just use Virtual Machine's and Cloud Deployed Soft.
I suppose if you are adamant about controlling your intellectual property; - perhaps Disney is now a terrible example.   If you are "Hertz Rental Car."  You can do all your back office work with Virtual Machines, the occasional Laptop, an array of Tablets.  And obviously, all your employees have personal smartphones.
Its the world right now...
post edited by Linear Phase - 2013/06/11 08:55:56

too many lasers...

Sonar = audio editing ninja of a music software!

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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 08:57:08 (permalink)
I want to get away from the flat "desktop".  Why do they call it a desktop anyway?  The top of a desk is horizontal with many things placed/stacked/randomly piled on it, a computer screen is more like a wall/notice board with things pinned to it.
The current "desktop" model is very limited, specifically by the physical size and resolution of your display.  I want a 3D work space, the sort of view you get in first person view games.  It doesn't have to use 3D glasses, though it would work quite well, just the simple addition of depth.
How would it work?  Unless you're doing 3D modelling, every other application in both software and the real world places data on flat surfaces, so in time honoured fashion we stick to what we know and run apps on surfaces.  Create or open a Word document, Excel speadsheet, Photoshop, email, it displays as a floating window/surface that you place wherever you want within the space. Have multiple surfaces "open" and view them all or zoom into just one for full screen.  App/program icons could be as complex as a photo-realistic 3D model placed on a virtual desk or if you like simple, just a coloured panel with the app name on it.
I could fill a whole thread with my specs for a 3D work space, but you get the idea.  Microsoft and Apple returning to simple, flat, 2D graphics is a leap backwards in my view.

Mekashi Futo
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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 09:07:51 (permalink)
I can't figure out if you are joking or not.
You just described my studio.
It's all 3d.
I even have a chair with wheels so I can scoootch over and grab stuff.
Of course, I am joking... but in a serious way. :-)

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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 09:14:10 (permalink)
Mike, that is my point.  My real office is 3D with a 3D chair and stuff...  why is the "virtual office" in your computer limited to a 2D screen?

Mekashi Futo
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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 09:33:42 (permalink)
I really connected with your analogy that the screen should be a wall board metaphor.
The archetype of *Tom-Cruise-standing-in-the-GUI-hologram* has never appealed to me... but I hope it get's there for folks who want it.
My biggest ergo issue is that when I am fully engaged at my workstations or laptop that I never seem to have any place to keep paperwork. I never seem to have a comfortable place to write... so I don't write as many reminder notes as would be effective. I always end up thinking that we have ended up using more desk space than we ever did before.
I just got my first wireless keyboard... I think I'm already gravitating to your notion of display as wall board.
all the best,

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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 09:37:26 (permalink)
2D might appear to be a step-back but not in a multi-layered workspace which is what Windows (layers) was initially meant to do = multitask.... further explanation....     

So, the idea being 2D along with translucency enables a user to more clearly see another layer and more easily be able to switch to anyone layer -- especially useful for example, when organizing files (drag/drop.)  That said and to yet again further explain,

I guess most users don't bother learning keyboard shortcuts --- switching from one Window (layer) to another however, this newer GUI workflow (explained above) makes it easier to see and especially on smaller UI such as iPhones.  My guess is that Microsoft and Apple wants to make all their OS more consistant across all platforms (computer workstation, laptop, tablet, ipad, Phones, Watch, Glasses, iContact Lenses, Gloves, Thimble) LOL!!.  So anyway, more easily adaptable when other technology becomes more common in the near future (as explained in my previous post)! 
post edited by SongCraft - 2013/06/11 09:38:35

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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 09:43:29 (permalink)
Don't get me wrong,  I don't want a minority report type interface.  Too much arm waving...  I'd spill my coffee.
I just want the "desk space" in my computer to be a 3D continuation of my real world desk/office,  but less messy, rather than two flat pannels with flat pictures stuck on them.

Mekashi Futo
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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 12:47:45 (permalink)
Flat buttons and black HW is only appropriate after Labor Day.

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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 12:52:38 (permalink)
I know very little about Apple. I do know something about people and that is
when they are shown something and they go "WOW!" and have to have it then
it will sell.
I sure didn't go "wow".
I think Cake could benefit from paying attention here....but what do I know?
I do know this:
The PC and Cake have one more chance. The next move they make with "X" had best
be right. I'm at the same state with PC's. I recently bought my last one for my personal use.
The combination has one more shot with me to get it right. If it is right and I can continue for
the minimum expected life of 3 years (what most feel is the life of a PC) or more, then my state
may change. If it fails before that duration it will be the last time.
Whether or not making a change due to being tired of the issues will end the troubles isn't at the
heart of the matter. What is, is that I would feel a fool to continue working with equipment that
has left me totally disatisfied so many times. A change must take place so I will change everything.
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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 17:02:35 (permalink)
Time is money.

Coming from you... that is...  hilarious.
BTW, this is me being nice. :-)
all the best,

What didn't you understand when I asked you to leave me alone? 
Now you try to ridicule me on this board?
Yes my time is money and none of your F'in business. 

TCB - Tea, Cats, Books...
The Maillard Reaction
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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 17:39:04 (permalink)
"What didn't you understand"
I didn't understand how you could contradict yourself by asking me to abstain from taking part in a public thread titled "LOOK AT ME...".
It's similar to the present contradiction where you ask me to answer a question while advising me to stay away.
I have over estimated your ability to field disagreement.
best regards,

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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 18:25:20 (permalink)
Welp, as usual I'm late to the party but, as you might expect, I want my GUIs to be functional AND beautiful...and to me that means using all the graphical tools available to both simulate a 3D real world environment and make it easy to understand and use. Elegant, stylish with "a monkey could do it" functionality. Flat surfaces like the Valhalla Room above would not prevent me from buying or using it...but I personally think its hideous. That's just me though. You can tell I'm all about functional aesthetics just by gazing at my bucolic avatar. YMMV. 
Where you come from is gone...where you thought you were goin to weren't never there...and where you are ain't no good unless you can get away from it.
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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 18:27:28 (permalink)
"What didn't you understand"
I didn't understand how you could contradict yourself by asking me to abstain from taking part in a public thread titled "LOOK AT ME...".
It's similar to the present contradiction where you ask me to answer a question while advising me to stay away.
I have over estimated your ability to field disagreement.
best regards,

1st: I did not contradict myself. This is not the thread I started about the robbery - in which I asked you not to bother talking to me and that your remarks weren't welcome.  Anyone is free to contribute and most opinions are welcome, until someone starts w/ the negative remarks and tries to look clever. Do you really not understand why people hate to be insulted? (That's a rethorical question, by the way.)
2nd: You "Roger'ed" that. But you keep on going. Even in this thread. 
3rd: The only thing you ever overestimate is your arrogant self, people's need to be galvanized w/ your absurd remarks on these boards and the goodwill of the folks around here. 
Either you're socially clueless, either you wanted to rub me the wrong way. At any rate, it makes you a very unpleasant character, so, please, stay away.

TCB - Tea, Cats, Books...
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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/11 19:11:43 (permalink)
I was on show site for 3 weeks with a tablet and it worked really well for me. I put all of my shipping lists, inventories, graphics layouts and floor plans on it and I was able to quickly locate, open up and view any information I needed in an instant. I was also able to photograph and document things with ease. I was able to keep up with my expenses using a Concur app. I was able to book and check in for my flight using the American Airlines app. I was able to scan with an app all of the 32 trailers worth of exhibit properties manifests and bills of laidings. Vegas is the largest tradeshow and convention city in the world and my company now issues tablets to every floor ops manager and sales personnel on show site. They are just handy little devices and very easy to carry around. Very easy to loose if your not careful as well.

Of course, we all still need to have our laptops to do the heavy work, but the tablets certainly have a place in business and can pay for themselves in time savings and documentation when in the field. I see them being used in a similar manor in the music/ recording world. Great sketch pads for getting down quick ideas. I could see using it for songwriting. I was able to use the voice texting/ typing functions to write all of my notes on the iPad and I could see using it to write my songs by speaking to it as well to write lyrics.

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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/12 10:51:52 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby mike_mccue 2013/06/12 11:07:26
I think Karyn's right about the Minority Report thing.  The arm waving is tiring.  What worries me more, though, it the use of spare eyeballs.  I already have enough stuff to carry.
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Re:iOS7 will be flat and functional, maybe plugs going in same direction? 2013/06/12 12:25:17 (permalink)
Linear Phase
I'm not digging the glasses, wearables; like wallets and watches.  I feel like, "I'm not a borg."  I do not need glass.

We are really treading on having this tech surgically implanted, and I find that spooky.

You will be assimilated -- Resistence is futile!!   

Imagine a guy strutted up with his ba'ding'able wearables --- being the last one to step in a crowded elevator, he activates the large HUDisplay on his watch and whoaaa a naughty video instantly plays where it left off for 'everybody' to see.  Flatuence seems to take a backseat in this scenario.  

Actually, there's been complaints about inappropriate content being played in public places and on public transport.  So how does the law curb this behavior, should people not peekAboo and mind their own business, or should the sleezygeek be more discreet? 

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