• Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
2018/03/29 02:12:52
Hi guys, 

There's been a tremendous amount of feedback that has already come in from many directions and it's been immensely valuable - we've taken a lot of notes. I thought it would be helpful to officialize a new thread where we could gather some opinions from the community in an organised manner about future feature development and what you guys feel should be a priority for us. We've obviously got our own ideas and things we know have to be fixed/improved, but the fact that we have this community here is a tremendous asset we would be foolish to ignore in planning.
It would help very much if people could share (with as much or as little detail as they want) the top 5 things they would love to see or to be improved in TDFKAS from SONAR - the more specific the better. Or if there are things that you feel we are sorely lacking versus other options in the market, it's all helpful to know. Everyone's workflow and priorities are not the same, so please stay civil! 
1) Bug - XYZ happens when I do ZXY
2) Feature - Would be great if TDFKAS had a feature like this.
3) Feature - DAW Y does this and I always wished SONAR had it.
2018/03/29 02:41:16
Thanks Meng for the opportunity to give constructive feedback.
1. GUI  improvements for the Console View and Track Inspector.
    Console View : I would prefer to have the current FX Send Pre / post switches exchanged for the active and dis-able switches. This would give an instant visual status of active send status.
 When " follow track pan " is engaged for a send - Have the GUI link visual position on linked pan pot.
 Ability to change background Color for midi track " meters " in all versions.
 More efficient means to hide channels in the console view.
       Track Inspector ( midi track ): Please include the Velocity offset slider in the track inspector as well as track view.
Improve the slider widget for both Velocity slider ,Transposition and Timing offset slider. They are a little difficult to position  precisely  and quickly.
Larger or better contrast icons for  C -channel  B-bank  P-patch drop downs.
Appregiator controls hidden by default and expanded when an Appregiator is activated on a midi track.
added note: How about incorporating a user key range in the midi track inspector - This would be full range by default and a mouse drag across a miniaturized keyboard graphic to set the range -  this would expand the capabilities for synth stacking across several tracks. Again have it minimized by default and expand with a mouse click.
Please leave CAL compatibility. Nothing in my opinion works better. It would look better if the scripts had a better looking drop down than an explorer window.
Please repair the ( Delete associated tracks ) when deleting a synth from the synth Rack.  It's obvious that it is intended to be a batch tool to remove all of the instruments output tracks from the track view. But this routine also allows deletion of a critical midi track that is assigned to the synth -  and is often unseen ! We should never chance loosing raw data tracks.
I've been a cakewalk sonar user for 25 years. I have other options installed on my DAW and have tried several others. Sonar has the best options for defining different workflows then any other in my opinion. PLEASE don't change the fundamentals. It's all good so far.
2018/03/29 02:43:23
This might not be wanted feedback since I'm in the minority, but I hope TDFKAS would continue to have an option for offline authorization. My only internet access is my android. If there was still an option to upload an auth request from my phone, and then save a response code that I could transfer to my DAW, that would be great. Thanks!
2018/03/29 02:52:14
Nice Meng ! . . . here's my top five
1)     Audio Snap, needs to work better for changing audio tempos (eg. check out Cubase, Reaper)
2)     Staff View, improve midi input / editing, eg. bring back note length buttons, create the ability to have some custom     macros, improvements much like the new + recently improved “piano roll view” (PRV)
3)     Create a plugin blacklist, so nefarious plugins will not be allowed to be utilized, in the interest of no more plugin based crash causes (eg. things that just don’t work, will be filtered out)
4)     Make some more “higher end” plugins in the Pro Channel concept
5)     Fix the freezing Melodyne clips crash bug
2018/03/29 02:59:18
+1 for more high end Pro Channel modules!
2018/03/29 03:02:26
James Argo
Since I work a lot with MIDI editing, these are my concern:
1. I would love to see the MIDI transpose feature back to track view (which you CAN control using + and - key in your numeric pad keyboard, along with reverb and chorus send) rather than buried in Inspector bar. You know, in MIDI track, beside volume, pan, etc. We had it perfect in Sonar 8.5. I don't hate Skylight interface in general, but many things have gone just wrong since Cakewalk implement it. You know you can NOT change value using + and - in numeric keyboard (on the right side of PC keyboard) anymore.
2. I would love to see track selection feature (Pick tracks...) back in PRV like we used to have -for us to pick whatever track we want, rather than "focus previous track" or "focus next track".
3. In PRV would love to scroll to the right (or to the left) by measure, by beat, or by any musical frame using arrow key on PC keyboard. I'm not sure what measurement they implement for current scrolling system, it's just not musically snapped to the screen. I mean, can we just use arrow button and the screen scroll by beat or measure?
4. I love to see option about how we would like our notes in PRV being shown. Regular bar style, triangle drum map style, or diamond shaped style like if we use external MIDI drum synth.
2018/03/29 03:05:35
  1. Staff view, update, fixes, New way to draw notes (click and drag to length, ways to make it more accessible such as  time grid option.
  2. Chord Track
  3. ProChannels – more collaboration, Fr example modules from KiloHearts would complement and double the existing range, while taking it a more creative route. Even the free 6 pack compliments the core Pro- channels (Delay, chorus, 3 band EQ, Limiter, Gain and Stereo.
  4. Act clean up, I never got it to work and it never felt intuitive. Gave up a long time ago.
  5. Step Sequencer – Ability to open more than one row at a time. If I have four hi hat articulations, I want access all four rows in detail at the same time
2018/03/29 03:16:44
Base 57
1. Negative measures ( Even better would be the ability to put more than one song into a single project; each with it's own downbeat).
2. Staff view improvements
Give me time to think. I'm sure I can come up with three more.
Thanks Meng.
2018/03/29 03:27:06
  1. Staff view, update, fixes, New way to draw notes (click and drag to length, ways to make it more accessible such as  time grid option.
  2. Chord Track
  3. ProChannels – more collaboration, Fr example modules from KiloHearts would complement and double the existing range, while taking it a more creative route. Even the free 6 pack compliments the core Pro- channels (Delay, chorus, 3 band EQ, Limiter, Gain and Stereo.
  4. Act clean up, I never got it to work and it never felt intuitive. Gave up a long time ago.
  5. Step Sequencer – Ability to open more than one row at a time. If I have four hi hat articulations, I want access all four rows in detail at the same time

 I had to quote you because I'm pretty much on the same page.
Thanks Meng for asking for are input  :)
I'll add, I hope somehow you look at what Traction Waveform version 9 has done with the Chord Track and implement something similar. Really great to use as a scratch pad.
I might be in the minority here but the Matrix view really could use a tuneup as well.
I don't know if you got the rights to Project 5 but if you did boot it up and take a look.
Redo the code for 64bit and add it to TDFKAS.I think TDFKAS would be a winner. If you did not get the code  take at look at how Acoustica Mixcraft 8 pro has  done it. I really do hope you got the code to project 5 and you can somehow incorporated into TDFKAS.
Also please give Noel the time needed to really tuneup the audio engine. It might not of been a gapless audio engine but it was at the top of the heap or near it in my opinion. Now the competition seems to have bypassed TDFKAS as far as the audio engine goes.
2018/03/29 03:36:05
My issues are:
*Something not right with aux tracks. A few issues listed in the topics below, and sometimes aux tracks just go completely silent. I stopped using using Aux tracks and went back to normal buses and the problems went away.
*The audio engine often randomly stops, even when opening a project and press play, have to repeatedly keep hitting the reset audio icon.
*Some plugins, from my experience mainly waves don`t keep their settings open opening a project.
*Soft synths go out of time, especially where looping is concerned.
*Crashes on play after deleting information in the event list view.
*Automation sometimes doesn't work.
*Normalize bug: Video to reproduce here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5tQxFQdXF4
forum thread http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3658242 
*Clean Project Audio needs looking at too, often become unresponsive and crashes.
A big thumbs up for KiloHearts plugins as PC Modules and Mid Side for PC EQ :-) 
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