A big +1. What I'd like to see in particular is a fully flexible sectioning setup with default behavior exactly as is. Ideally what we'd be able to do is move tracks and buses from section to section, and even create new sections. Default behavior would be just as things are now (tracks in a track section, buses in a bus section) so that existing users wouldn't have a whole new system, but with the option to move anything anywhere and, if desired, even create new mixer sections. It'd be really cool to have my auxes in one section, my "stem" buses in another, my drum tracks in another section with an associated drum bus, and my two snare mics (or ac git mics or whatever) feeding a bus right next to the two tracks the clips are on.
A really important part of this idea is that the mixer sections should continue being independently scrollable (just as the current mixer sections are), so I can keep a particular set of tracks/buses/aux's in view while scrolling a different mixer section. Ideally each section would be "hidable" as well.