I don't remember the exact dates, but sometime in the '00 - '03 I maintained a user contributed FAQ that I updated and sent to *somebody* at Cakewalk that they in turn posted. Around the time of the shift from nntp to forums that all changed ... PA9 to early Sonar time-frame, IIRC. It started as something I created on my own and posted in the newsgroup. I don't think it would be terribly difficult to create/maintain/periodically post updates here. The biggest challenge to the maintainer is dealing with people not liking the decisions on inclusion of items, dealing with attributions, etc. IOW, dealing with people part of it
Good idea? Bad idea? Any Baker thoughts on the idea?
If there is enough interest to demonstrate a sufficient amount of community support for the idea, I'll sketch out a few steps to get it going again. Please don't start posting things to be included ... yet. Let's make sure there is a way to make use of the effort first.