This feature request comes from the discussion of a possible bug in this thread: Basically, when you bounce down something to a new clip (be it a single clip or a combination of clips you're bouncing together), the resulting newly made clip is unnamed.
There's a good argument as to why that is: what would SONAR call this clip if it contained a combination of other clips with various names?
My proposal is this:
Rather than it being blank and having the user go into the track inspector and the clip properties to add a name manually, base the resulting clip name on the track itself.
You've recorded several takes of vocals onto a track you've named
Lead Vocals. The resulting clips in that track are
Record 11,
Record 12,
Record 15,
Record 23, etc. Let's say you've done some editing on
Record 11 and
Record 12 and want to bounce them down together as a new clip (eg: some timing or tuning with a Region FX), currently that would bounce down to a new unnamed clip. My suggestion is to call that clip
Lead Vocals (Bounced 001). Every subsequent bounce on that track would increase the number in the resulting clip name.
SONAR already does something similar internally in the Audio subdirectory when it names a bounced clip (it's based on the project name and track name and an iteration number) so it's a logical thing to do something similar on the user side of things for easier clip identification.