I inspected the error logs after loading Orchestral Stacks/Accented Trem Huge. This is a patch that is new to Rapture Pro, but uses legacy Dimension Pro multisamples. As such, you would think that at least
one of the places it would look is in the legacy path for Dimension Pro.
It doesn’t.
One of the sample files it’s looking for is…
bsf9tmoe1.wav …which is located under the Dimension Pro multisamples path under…
garritan pocket orchestra\section strings\full strgs ks combo samples It appears that Rapture Pro searches in four different places…
sample pool path:C:\Music\Applications\Cakewalk\SonarData\Rapture Pro\Sample Pool\ SFZ path:f:\music\plugins\appspecificdata\cakewalk\dimension pro\rapture pro\multisamples\dimension combo textures\ flac:f:\music\plugins\appspecificdata\cakewalk\dimension pro\rapture pro\multisamples And a path
based on the location of the
original Dim Pro content…
f:\music\plugins\appspecificdata\cakewalk\dimension pro\rapture pro\multisamples\ It appears that it never occurs to RapPro to look in the original content directory for multisamples that were in the original content.
While I suppose it’s entirely possible to mitigate this by using hacks like mklink and such…I would think that having RapPro use the registry legacy paths as part of its search strategy would be far preferable to having
users jump through flaming hoops to get content to work.