If the track template is created with a different color than the existing bus, what should happen for the track? Change to the bus color, or stay as the user defined?
If/when track templates do store color info, this should be a user defined behavior.
If the track color is set to "follow bus", then it should follow the bus color. period. if the bus comes from (A) a template, it should bring its color along, if (B) the bus is already there nothing should change.
meaning ...
in case (A) the bus did not exist prior to loading the template, so you can't have any tracks routed to the new bus apart from those in the template => your template will load as you saved it, tracks and bus should have colors from the template
in case (B) the bus is already there (containing different FX, ProChannel, and bus color settings), so loading the template should not change anything in the existing bus (if I would want that to happen I could simply delete the bus prior to loading the template), hence all existing and newly added tracks with "follow bus" settings take over the colors from the existing bus ...
I don't see a need for user defined behaviour (that would make life less complicated)