There is
SONAR mods , cakewalk forum
post .
Why cant the person who make the mods, collaborate with Cakewalk
and send his theme's to them, he can get some benefits from cakewalk by making theme's.
Personally like to have it simple IMO and not having to use other programs to do so
having a lot of themes then it is simple to change the look of sonar, it certainly need some variation.
It is not just about the " colors " but the texture and shape, like wood, metal, knobs, switches etc
it is also important that buttons, etc clearly indicate if it is PRE or POST
" understanding of the visual's. "
( If a post button is green, we know it is in post mode, when it is in red then, it is in PRE mode
but it is even easier if the text on it change's to PRE, when it is red. )
Appearance is important.., not only for the users, but for new DAW buyers
" appearance sell " right ?