I get similar results with the two specified factory patches, but have some additional info to add.
Part 1Starting with "Creamy Poly XS"
- I first turned off all z3ta+2 effects, lfo's and filters
- I turned off oscillators 1 and 3
- oscillator 2 remains at "vint saw 4", octave +1, inverted/sync, add
- I deleted all matrix entries except for the one that caused the mod wheel to modulate oscillator 2's waveshaper
- I changed the waveshaper function to Multipoint just because it was easier to hear than the subtle changes in the original patch
I then saved the program and reloaded it.
At this point, the bug is still active :
- things are fine for playing
- if you record while operating the mod wheel the sound does not change as it should, but the mod wheel movements are
correctly recorded in the track
- then, when you play back, the sound does not change as intended.
However (1), if you freeze the synth, the audio generated contains the properly changing sound. If you then unfreeze the synth, the track will play back properly exactly once, but will be defective the second time you try to play back. Also, if you pause the playback of the first time and then resume playback, you also lose the mod wheel effect.
However (2), during playback, the mod wheel effect will
eventually come on by itself and will remain active (even while looping over several clips) until you pause or restart (anywhere), at which point it's lost again. During one trial it took 92 measures of non-looping before it came on. Easiest is just to start things looping wrongly on a short clip and at some point it'll fix itself (quicker than when not looping). It never seems to turn off by itself once it's ok (until you stop playback).
Nothing I do to z3ta+2 while it is wrongly playing back will make it fix itself any faster.
Part 2 I intialized z3ta+2, programmed a patch identical to the above and there are no problems at all.
The two fxp files are not identical, but they're pretty close.
I'm now pretty much out of ideas. I guess it would be worth programming from scratch a new patch to be identical to "Creamy Poly XS" and I may just do that (or I won't be able to sleep) but I figure it will work properly. The bug seems to be in the patches and not in the synth.
Something must be corrupted in the factory programs. Were these programs carried over from z3ta+ ? Maybe the version change has something to do with this.