• Kingston alert!!! (p.6)
2015/11/27 16:41:06
Did I miss it?

Has anyone mentioned in this thread that Rapture Session cannot be authorized offline?

For now... It was a "waste" of my download efforts...

Currently wifi is not reaching the studio.

What?!? But it's a Cakewalk product!!!
So I have also wasted a night's sleep. I am none pleased.
I really wish this info were made clear beforehand.
2015/11/27 16:46:24
Here's to people who use their real names, well said.

If I cannot stand behind what I say / write, what does that make me?
Not someone I would like to be, that is for sure...
And thanks
All the best.
2015/11/27 16:54:07
Did I miss it?

Has anyone mentioned in this thread that Rapture Session cannot be authorized offline?

For now... It was a "waste" of my download efforts...

Currently wifi is not reaching the studio.

What?!? But it's a Cakewalk product!!!
So I have also wasted a night's sleep. I am none pleased.
I really wish this info were made clear beforehand.

Me too... Not that I need the synth, but I would have liked to check it out. I'll get to angry with the demo mode attributes so I'll wait...

I'm sure they'll work out some way to deal with this and then the download will have been worth it... Unless there's an update to the player by then as the redundancy of downloading the synth with its supplied patches for the update might be necessary...

Right now I'm stuck on my iPad and though the forum software allowed me to delete my current avatar (though I never saved the settings), it will not let me upload a new one... Miffed a bit...
2015/11/27 20:38:37
2015/11/27 22:06:45
Doktor Avalanche
Here's to people who use their real names, well said.

Zargg71If I cannot stand behind what I say / write, what does that make me?
Not someone I would like to be, that is for sure...
And thanks
All the best.

Many people know my full name as originally I had it on display. I got trolled so much though in the end I had to take some (probably futile) evasive steps to remove it. I needed to protect myself. So thats my story.
2015/11/27 23:06:23
Sorry to hear that.
2015/11/28 00:06:52
Royal Yaksman
Doktor Avalanche
Please google 'STFU'. 

So I did... Google it, I mean... And here are the results for STFU as an acronym:
Star Trek Federation University
Sir, That's Freakin' Ugly
Samurai Training Finished Unsuccessfully
Show Them Fury Unleashed
Say, Thanks for Understanding
Short-Term Follow-Up
Southern Tenant Farmers' Union
Special Task Force Unit
Super Time Force Ultra
Stop Trolling for Unicorns
Of course it can also mean, Shut the Freak Up, and/or, Scrawny Two-Faced Underling...
I suppose only the original poster knows his true intent?
My bet is on: Say, Thanks For Understanding
2015/11/28 00:10:02
Richard Cranium
Doktor Avalanche
Here's to people who use their real names, well said.

Zargg71If I cannot stand behind what I say / write, what does that make me?
Not someone I would like to be, that is for sure...
And thanks
All the best.

Many people know my full name as originally I had it on display. I got trolled so much though in the end I had to take some (probably futile) evasive steps to remove it. I needed to protect myself. So thats my story.

Plus I would think that perhaps for some/a lot maybe, it is a hang over from many years ago when a lot of people were still uncertain about things, the internet, privacy etc, also people who come from different 'areas', gamers or what have you where nick names/handles are the norm, could be many reasons why people choose the name they do, just because some one chooses to use their real name or not really has no bearing on their character, honesty or anything like that, if people think that way I feel sorry for them, if they think they are some how superior for displaying their real name I feel sorry for them. And I'm pretty sure Zargg71's real name is not Zargg71
Having said that I have no issues with using my real name.
2015/11/28 07:51:17
Richard Cranium

Having said that I have no issues with using my real name.

Oddly enough, people often use your real name when referring to me :)
2015/11/28 11:42:41
GIM Productions
Okay this is funny......i'm playing with my z3ta 2.2 problem and when i seen the "load program data error" i have used "ctrl alt canc"to stop the sonar process...bum the task manager was blocked!freezed!
This z3ta bug is very powerful :)
Never seen the task manager freez
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