Windows 7 & Core Parking .... a *better* way to Turn It OFF ....

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November 01, 09 5:11 AM (permalink)

Windows 7 & Core Parking .... a *better* way to Turn It OFF ....

Firstly major props to new forum member sky60234 for the following method.
Some of you will recall my previous regedit to turn-off Win 7 Core Parking here:-
This is now superseded by a much better method.   Thanks to  sky60234   there is now an  easier  / non-destructive  /  fully reversible  way to do this - ie: no deletions of .Reg keys needed - only an entry value adjustment.

In short, here is the better method from sky60234:-
- Go to Regedit
- Find this key:-  " 0cc5b647-c1df-4637-891a-dec35c318583 "
- Within this key, there is a value called:  " ValueMax "
- This value represents the % number of cores the system will park - the default 100%  ie:  all Cores are potentially park-able
- Change the value from 64 to 0 so the " ValueMin "  and  " ValueMax " are both zero
- You will have to find the key a few times and repeat the process for each time it is found - the number of instances will depend on the number of power profiles in your system  [  in my DAW it was only found twice ]
- Do a full shutdown and power-off and cold-re-start
I have tested the above on a clean Windows 7 x64 / Clean 8.5.1 install and it works perfectly - all Cores are available at all times and none are ever parked - the result  =  even CPU loads at all times regardless of loads.
As sky60234 noted, the advantage of the above is that nothing at all is being deleted from the Registry -  all that is being done is that a value is being adjusted.
Again, major thanks and props to   sky60234  for this excellent  fix.
post edited by TomG - November 01, 09 5:18 AM

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    Fret Wizz
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    Re:Windows 7 & Core Parking .... a *better* way to Turn It OFF .... November 01, 09 6:15 AM (permalink)
    That's a good tip.

    Is that setting in any way related to 'Minimum Processor State"
     and "Maximum Processor State" in the" Processor power management"
    section of "Advanced Power Settings" in Win 7?

    post edited by Fret Wizz - November 01, 09 6:21 AM

    Fret Wizz
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    Re:Windows 7 & Core Parking .... a *better* way to Turn It OFF .... November 01, 09 7:37 AM (permalink)
    Hi Fret Wizz


    The setting in the 1st post of this thread  [ and the regedit it " replaces " in the cross-referenced thread ]  is solely to disable CPU Core Parking in Win 7 for  quad-core DAW's.

    It  [ and the regedit it " replaces " in the cross-referenced thread]  are the only 2 known ways to disable CPU Core Parking in Win 7 for  quad-core DAW's.

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    Re:Windows 7 & Core Parking .... a *better* way to Turn It OFF .... November 01, 09 8:53 AM (permalink)
    Just a reminder from that other thread:

    "It  only  applies to Windows 7 X64 and X32 and  only  in systems using  more  than 2 physicial CPU's  and/or  more than 2  "logical" cores - ie:  Core i7 DAW's. "

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    Re:Windows 7 & Core Parking .... a *better* way to Turn It OFF .... November 01, 09 9:12 AM (permalink)
    Thanks for the info guys.

    I guess this doesn't apply to me yet as even though 
    I'm now wunning Win 7 my PC is a Core 2 Duo.

    Building an i5 soon so it'll come in  handy then.

    Fret Wizz
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    Re:Windows 7 & Core Parking .... a *better* way to Turn It OFF .... November 01, 09 9:23 AM (permalink)
    Thanks for the heads-up!
    Damp Sneaker
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    Re:Windows 7 & Core Parking .... a *better* way to Turn It OFF .... November 01, 09 9:42 AM (permalink)
    That was easy! Big thanks to TomG and Sky60234.

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    Re:Windows 7 & Core Parking .... a *better* way to Turn It OFF .... November 01, 09 12:11 AM (permalink)
    Great stuff! I'm bookmarking this thread for when I take da leap.

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    just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? November 01, 09 12:37 AM (permalink)
    just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu?

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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? November 01, 09 6:49 PM (permalink)
    Hi rockreid !

    Yes it  %100 does include your Q9550 - so if/when you go to Windows 7, you will need to make this adjustment.

    As riojazz noted  it applies to  all  Windows 7 X64 and X32 installations where the system is using  more  than 2 physicial CPU's  and/or  more than 2  "logical" cores - ie:  all Intel CPU's that are Quad-Core or higher.


    PS: I assume it also applies to AMD quad-core cpu's but I dont use AMD for my DAW'a any more so I cant be certain, but my expectation would be that AMD quad-core would respond to core-parking exaclty the same as the Intel quad-cores.
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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? November 01, 09 7:17 PM (permalink)

    Thanks a lot for the info.  And big thanks to sky60234 for providing this simple method.

    There's another new feature in Win 7 that people may want to avoid as pointed out in this thread:

    Just throwing it out there for those who haven't read it and may not want this in their system.

    Take care!

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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? November 01, 09 7:26 PM (permalink)
    Hi Jose

    Many thanks - I hadnt realised about the system reserved partition - much appreciated - will go and " fix " it now.

    All the best,
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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? November 01, 09 7:29 PM (permalink)
    No problem!

    It's good that we can interchange information like this.  That's why I love this forum :-)

    Take care!

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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? November 01, 09 10:22 PM (permalink)
    Or simpler yet just cup the text below and put it into a text file named "disable core parking.reg" then double click the file and answer yes when windows asks of you want to merge this into the registry.

    copy the text below this line:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



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    ooops! wrong thread! November 02, 09 4:37 AM (permalink)
    ooops! wrong thread!

    post edited by Fret Wizz - November 02, 09 5:33 AM

    Fret Wizz
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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? November 02, 09 7:33 AM (permalink)

    PS: I assume it also applies to AMD quad-core cpu's but I dont use AMD for my DAW'a any more so I cant be certain, but my expectation would be that AMD quad-core would respond to core-parking exaclty the same as the Intel quad-cores.

    I'm not so sure. I'm running an AMD phenom and in a fit of curiosity I ran sonar for about 45 minutes with the resource monitor running and it never parked a core. I intentionally went totally inactive for over 5 minutes twice and it just never happened. So I'm guessing that either a) AMD processors are not affected, or b) core parking doesn't happen quite so much.


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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? November 02, 09 1:42 PM (permalink)
    Has anyone actually had a problem during the use of Sonar under win 7 that they can track to core parking that has not been disabled?

    There is a comment on it in this interview:

    but the comment does not really say there was an associated problem or interruption of service.

    frightful echo in here:

    Maybe Noel can clarify whether or not turning off core parking is likely to be of benefit.
    post edited by slartabartfast - November 02, 09 2:03 PM
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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? November 02, 09 6:10 PM (permalink)
    Can't remeber which thread, but I do remember Noel saying "There was no appreciable difference..." in any of their core park testing.  No hiccups, no bumps, nada.  Ergo, they were not at all concerned with core parking. 

    Ergo, I did not remember this until you said, "Maybe Noel can clarify...".    

    You could probably search "Noel" and "Parking" and find it on the first try.  It wasn't more than a month or two ago.

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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? November 27, 09 6:49 PM (permalink)
    So I tried the change and was able to edit the key like 3 times I believe. I changed the max value from 64 to 0. Exited and then shut down. However when I restart and go the resource monitor I still show cores being parked. I went back to regedit and searched for the key again to double check and the changes are still there correctly made as far as I can see. I have a dell xps 900 i7920. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong or why this fix wouldn't be working.
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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? November 27, 09 7:19 PM (permalink)
    Did you disable SpeedStep in the BIOS?

    Restart your computer and press F2 on boot, which will take you into the BIOS.  I think the SpeedStep setting is under "Performance" (or similar wording).  Shut it off and see if that helps.  Also, make sure that your power setting is set to "High Performance".  This can be found in the Control Panel under "Power Options" (change the View to "Small Icons" to make it easier to find).


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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? November 27, 09 9:08 PM (permalink)

    Can't remeber which thread, but I do remember Noel saying "There was no appreciable difference..." in any of their core park testing.  No hiccups, no bumps, nada.  Ergo, they were not at all concerned with core parking. 
    That is what I was thinking. I'd be surprised if there was any noticeable difference when you disable core parking. The fact that Sonar is always using CPU cycles even when stopped seems to imply the cores would probably not be parked while Sonar is running unless the project was essentially empty. And even if it did park cores, I would be surprised if they could not be un-parked fast enough where they would actually cause a glitch.
    Basically, do we have any proof that this makes any difference while using Sonar?

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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? December 20, 09 4:30 AM (permalink)

    So I tried the change and was able to edit the key like 3 times I believe. I changed the max value from 64 to 0. Exited and then shut down. However when I restart and go the resource monitor I still show cores being parked. I went back to regedit and searched for the key again to double check and the changes are still there correctly made as far as I can see. I have a dell xps 900 i7920. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong or why this fix wouldn't be working.

    Same thing here. One core stays higher than the others in Sonar 8.5.2. Find and change the reg key 2 times on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bits. The Intel SpeedStep is disable. Any clue ?

    RME Fireface UC | Sonar Platinum x64/Windows 10 Pro x64| Superior 2.0 with all Toontrack soundbanks, Eastwest Complete Composer used in Kontakt 5, Ozone 5 | VS-700C, BCF 2000

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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? December 21, 09 5:25 PM (permalink)
    It works for everyone ?

    RME Fireface UC | Sonar Platinum x64/Windows 10 Pro x64| Superior 2.0 with all Toontrack soundbanks, Eastwest Complete Composer used in Kontakt 5, Ozone 5 | VS-700C, BCF 2000

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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? December 21, 09 5:29 PM (permalink)
    I´m on VISTA 64 ultimate, and my first Core is also always the most used one..

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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? December 21, 09 6:04 PM (permalink)
    Honestly, I don't know why people bother with turning core parking off or overclocking with the Core i7!
    Has anyone run into some limitations that require any of this?  I think people are still holding on to "old Windows XP optimization tricks" that are pointless nowadays.

    Anyway, please correct me if I'm wrong.

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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? December 22, 09 3:29 AM (permalink)
    Core parking is a problem cause you reach a limit that is not the real limit of the CPU power. Sure, you're right, with i7, it needs huge projects to take the CPU down but there's no reason that each core doesn't work equal.

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    Re:Windows 7 & Core Parking .... a *better* way to Turn It OFF .... December 22, 09 5:47 AM (permalink)

    Firstly major props to new forum member sky60234 for the following method.
    Some of you will recall my previous regedit to turn-off Win 7 Core Parking here:-
    This is now superseded by a much better method.   Thanks to  sky60234   there is now an  easier  / non-destructive  /  fully reversible  way to do this - ie: no deletions of .Reg keys needed - only an entry value adjustment.

    In short, here is the better method from sky60234:-
    - Go to Regedit
    - Find this key:-  " 0cc5b647-c1df-4637-891a-dec35c318583 "
    - Within this key, there is a value called:  " ValueMax "
    - This value represents the % number of cores the system will park - the default 100%  ie:  all Cores are potentially park-able
    - Change the value from 64 to 0 so the " ValueMin "  and  " ValueMax " are both zero
    - You will have to find the key a few times and repeat the process for each time it is found - the number of instances will depend on the number of power profiles in your system  [  in my DAW it was only found twice ]
    - Do a full shutdown and power-off and cold-re-start
    I have tested the above on a clean Windows 7 x64 / Clean 8.5.1 install and it works perfectly - all Cores are available at all times and none are ever parked - the result  =  even CPU loads at all times regardless of loads.
    As sky60234 noted, the advantage of the above is that nothing at all is being deleted from the Registry -  all that is being done is that a value is being adjusted.
    Again, major thanks and props to   sky60234  for this excellent  fix.
    Thank you Tom! =)
    I have add this great info in "Did you know" thread
    Have great Christmas my friend!

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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? December 22, 09 11:21 AM (permalink)

    Core parking is a problem cause you reach a limit that is not the real limit of the CPU power. Sure, you're right, with i7, it needs huge projects to take the CPU down but there's no reason that each core doesn't work equal.

    What makes you think that because all cores are not working equally at any given moment (by that I'm assuming you mean spreading the load equally among all cores), that the computer is not performing at its optimum level?
    Why must all cores be engaged if it isn't necessary?  It might be a waste of resourses. 
    I think the Multi-Core CPUs are designed (by very smart people) to kick in when needed.

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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? December 22, 09 12:01 AM (permalink)
    As far as one core doesn't reach 100% (and stop Sonar) before others are used, no problem of course.

    RME Fireface UC | Sonar Platinum x64/Windows 10 Pro x64| Superior 2.0 with all Toontrack soundbanks, Eastwest Complete Composer used in Kontakt 5, Ozone 5 | VS-700C, BCF 2000

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    Re:just to be clear, does this issue include my Q9550 cpu? December 22, 09 12:23 AM (permalink)
    What we need is a solid instance where core parking is a problem. On the face of it, it does seem unnecessary for a desktop machine. But can anyone show it interferes with Sonar? 

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