LockedFull PDF user manual? Please answer.

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Re:Full PDF user manual? Please answer. 2010/12/09 04:30:57 (permalink)
I never understand cakewalk. One minute they are jumping in answering questions and then suddenly the p..... everyone off by not answering a simple question "Where is the manual"
Is it that hard to answer. Show a little respect to your customers. Its makes life easy for everyone.
Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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Re:Full PDF user manual? Please answer. 2010/12/09 04:48:28 (permalink)
Ok guys - this is getting a little ridiculous. Yes we realize you want a manual in pdf format. Fair enough, but many of you keep asserting that there is no manual - at all - telling you how to do things.

It's simply not true. Everything is in the CHM file, fully searchable and comes up when you hit F1. It has all the info 8.5 had. Go ahead...pick a topic and search it. I just checked...and it's all there.

And there is a pdf in the download telling you how to work all the new features. It's there in your account ready to download.

So please refrain from telling people and asserting that there is no help and no way to learn the new features (or the old ones for that matter). Because it's just not factual.

The problem is some of you want it in pdf form. That's fine, but please let's stop blowing it out of proportion and spreading misinformation, ok? Pretty please?

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." WG

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Re:Full PDF user manual? Please answer. 2010/12/09 04:51:54 (permalink)
Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk

Ok guys - this is getting a little ridiculous. Yes we realize you want a manual in pdf format. Fair enough, but many of you keep asserting that there is no manual - at all - telling you how to do things.

It's simply not true. Everything is in the CHM file, fully searchable and comes up when you hit F1. It has all the info 8.5 had. Go ahead...pick a topic and search it. I just checked...and it's all there.

And there is a pdf in the download telling you how to work all the new features. It's there in your account ready to download.

So please refrain from telling people and asserting that there is no help and no way to learn the new features (or the old ones for that matter). Because it's just not factual.

The problem is some of you want it in pdf form. That's fine, but please let's stop blowing it out of proportion and spreading misinformation, ok? Pretty please?
Plus, you don't have to run the CHM help file within Sonar. Just navigate to the Sonar folder in Windows Explorer and double click the CHM file. Not the same as a PDF, I know, but it will do for the moment.

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Re:Full PDF user manual? Please answer. 2010/12/09 05:34:32 (permalink)
You deserve a beer Brandon - I don't know how you guys are putting up with all this 

I'll have three fingers of Glenlivet, with a little bit of pepper... and some cheese.
Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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Re:Full PDF user manual? Please answer. 2010/12/09 05:38:42 (permalink)

You deserve a beer Brandon - I don't know how you guys are putting up with all this 

Good idea!!!

(patters to kitchen and digs around in fridge)

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." WG

SONAR Platinum | VS-700 | A-800 PRO | PCAL i7 with SSD running Windows 8 x64 | Samsung 27" LCD @ 1920x1080 | Blue Sky monitors with BMC | All kinds of other stuff
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Re:Full PDF user manual? Please answer. 2010/12/09 07:16:44 (permalink)
Here you go...
Oh... I see - you said manual

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Re:THE MANUAL??? 2010/12/09 07:34:50 (permalink)
I've heard the end of the world is coming Dec 21 2012...

Do I believe it?
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Re:Full PDF user manual? Please answer. 2010/12/09 08:00:47 (permalink)

Here you go...
Oh... I see - you said manual

For those who prefer to 'learn it from a book'?

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Re:Full PDF user manual? Please answer. 2010/12/09 08:23:27 (permalink)


Here you go...
Oh... I see - you said manual

For those who prefer to 'learn it from a book'?


 Music:     The Coffee House BandVeRy MeTaL

ross g2
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Re:Full PDF user manual? Please answer. 2010/12/09 08:43:31 (permalink)
a help file is not a manual...example: i tired to figure out Step Record, typed it in the Search, and got many topics, most not having anything to do with Step Record...i figured out to look at Short Cuts because a forum member's suggestion...

so yeah, the info is there, but not easy to find...
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Re:Full PDF user manual? Please answer. 2010/12/09 09:32:31 (permalink)
I don't know how many would appreciate it, but I certainly appreciated the Fawlty Towers reference!!!
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Re:Full PDF user manual? Please answer. 2010/12/09 11:34:37 (permalink)
Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk
The problem is some of you want it in pdf form.
With all due respect, Brandon, a customer expectation that a very complex piece of software come with a manual, as opposed to just a help file, should not be labelled a "problem".  We've long ago accespted the reality that hard copy manuals are not cost effective.  But some of us would very much like something to print and read away from the computer.  You cannot do that with a help file.
I do hope one will be forthcoming and I know from other comments here that I am definitely not alone.

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*****When are we getting a manual?***** 2010/12/09 12:03:58 (permalink)
I don't care if I'm annoying anyone by asking this again and again. We've all heard that it's coming, but doesn't anybody want to know when it's coming? If this has been posted, I apologize, but if it hasn't...WHEN IS THE MANUAL GOING TO BE READY?
Call me a 'troll' or whatever it is these net geeks say these days...Say whatever it is that makes you feel important and superior or relevant; I don't care. The fact is, I would like a manual to learn the DAW. I'm not one of these 'click here and see what it does' type of users. I sit, with manual in hand and flip through it page by page and test out every little function. My studio displays are for working on music- not reading help menus or pdfs. I like to sit back in my captain's chair-relax and read the text, then apply what I've read. I print up all of my pdf manuals. When Cakewalk staff and brown-nosers respond back with tone regarding this or other bug-related issues it further validates what another user posted-that X1 was rushed-for whatever reason. Just give us an answer on when the full pdf manual will be ready. I've never bought a piece of software-especially a DAW that didn't come with a full user manual. Pushing us toward an unprintable help file is unacceptable and again implies what seems quite obvious. Did you really think we wouldn't notice there was no user manual?! I guess you thought the bug pile-up would keep our minds off of the manual huh? Unbelievable...
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Re:Full PDF user manual? Please answer. 2010/12/09 12:13:24 (permalink)

As this was considered the public release, or gold release in life cycle terminology, I would expect a completed manual.  Perhaps it's just me, but it's still in testing if you can't document it's features fully.

As someone who writes technical documents for a living, it's just you.  

King Ben of Nopantsville
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Re:Full PDF user manual? Please answer. 2010/12/09 12:24:34 (permalink)
"We've long ago accespted the reality that hard copy manuals are not cost effective. "

And it's a relief to know that software prices across the board have dropped accordingly, since manuals are a thing of the past.  Oh, wait ;P

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Re:Full PDF user manual? Please answer. 2010/12/09 13:26:33 (permalink)
Seriously, are you really that dumb? Sonar 7 PE MSRP was over $600.  Same price for version 8 PE: http://www.cakewalk.com/Press/S8Info.asp

Compare that to $400 for X1 PE?  Yeah, prices have dropped.  No question.

King Ben of Nopantsville
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Re:Full PDF user manual? Please answer. 2010/12/09 17:10:05 (permalink)
Again, is there an unsubscribe button for participated threads? Some of these are just too much....

i7 860/MSI mobo/8GB ram/win7x64ultimate/X2/profire 610/oxygen 61/running 48k currently.
Susan G
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Re:Full PDF user manual? Please answer. 2010/12/09 17:19:18 (permalink)

Again, is there an unsubscribe button for participated threads? Some of these are just too much....

Hi Chris-

Click on "User Control Panel" at the top of the page, then "Topic Subscriptions", find the topic, check the box next to it, and click the "Unsubscribe" button.


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Re:Full PDF user manual? Please answer. 2010/12/09 17:23:46 (permalink)
Thanks susan!

i7 860/MSI mobo/8GB ram/win7x64ultimate/X2/profire 610/oxygen 61/running 48k currently.
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Re:Full PDF user manual? Please answer. 2010/12/09 17:27:30 (permalink)
Phooie, "subscribe" might not have been the correct way of stating it. There are a couple of out of hand threads I don't want to pop up when checking in on current threads. Most forums don't have that, actually I can only think of one.

Anyways, I'll just have to try and not look

i7 860/MSI mobo/8GB ram/win7x64ultimate/X2/profire 610/oxygen 61/running 48k currently.
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Re:*****When are we getting a manual?***** 2010/12/09 21:19:01 (permalink)

I don't care if I'm annoying anyone by asking this again and again. We've all heard that it's coming, but doesn't anybody want to know when it's coming? If this has been posted, I apologize, but if it hasn't...WHEN IS THE MANUAL GOING TO BE READY?
Call me a 'troll' or whatever it is these net geeks say these days...Say whatever it is that makes you feel important and superior or relevant; I don't care. The fact is, I would like a manual to learn the DAW. I'm not one of these 'click here and see what it does' type of users. I sit, with manual in hand and flip through it page by page and test out every little function. My studio displays are for working on music- not reading help menus or pdfs. I like to sit back in my captain's chair-relax and read the text, then apply what I've read. I print up all of my pdf manuals. When Cakewalk staff and brown-nosers respond back with tone regarding this or other bug-related issues it further validates what another user posted-that X1 was rushed-for whatever reason. Just give us an answer on when the full pdf manual will be ready. I've never bought a piece of software-especially a DAW that didn't come with a full user manual. Pushing us toward an unprintable help file is unacceptable and again implies what seems quite obvious. Did you really think we wouldn't notice there was no user manual?! I guess you thought the bug pile-up would keep our minds off of the manual huh? Unbelievable...

Did you read what Brandon just said? You already have a manual. Sheesh.

PE 8.5.3,  Windows 7 Pro 64-bit,  i7 920,  GA-EX58-UD4P,  6gb Corsair DDR3,  2 x Barracuda 500gb,  HIS Radeon GS-4670 Fanless 1gb DDR3, dual 24" monitors,  Axiom 61,  Korg Triton Pro,  Focusrite Saffire Pro 40,  VG-99,  Yamaha MSP5,  Fostex PM0.5       
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Re:*****When are we getting a manual?***** 2010/12/09 21:38:35 (permalink)


I don't care if I'm annoying anyone by asking this again and again. We've all heard that it's coming, but doesn't anybody want to know when it's coming? If this has been posted, I apologize, but if it hasn't...WHEN IS THE MANUAL GOING TO BE READY?
Call me a 'troll' or whatever it is these net geeks say these days...Say whatever it is that makes you feel important and superior or relevant; I don't care. The fact is, I would like a manual to learn the DAW. I'm not one of these 'click here and see what it does' type of users. I sit, with manual in hand and flip through it page by page and test out every little function. My studio displays are for working on music- not reading help menus or pdfs. I like to sit back in my captain's chair-relax and read the text, then apply what I've read. I print up all of my pdf manuals. When Cakewalk staff and brown-nosers respond back with tone regarding this or other bug-related issues it further validates what another user posted-that X1 was rushed-for whatever reason. Just give us an answer on when the full pdf manual will be ready. I've never bought a piece of software-especially a DAW that didn't come with a full user manual. Pushing us toward an unprintable help file is unacceptable and again implies what seems quite obvious. Did you really think we wouldn't notice there was no user manual?! I guess you thought the bug pile-up would keep our minds off of the manual huh? Unbelievable...

Did you read what Brandon just said? You already have a manual. Sheesh.

Did you actually read my post? Read it, and then slap yourself in the teeth ok? And get your nose out of his a**.
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Re:*****When are we getting a manual?***** 2010/12/09 21:45:12 (permalink)
Wow! Enough said.

PE 8.5.3,  Windows 7 Pro 64-bit,  i7 920,  GA-EX58-UD4P,  6gb Corsair DDR3,  2 x Barracuda 500gb,  HIS Radeon GS-4670 Fanless 1gb DDR3, dual 24" monitors,  Axiom 61,  Korg Triton Pro,  Focusrite Saffire Pro 40,  VG-99,  Yamaha MSP5,  Fostex PM0.5       
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