Ok, majority rules. It looks to me like we're going to kill off the PSYN-tology series. I reserve the right to fire one or two off for the effects section and any other additions/mysteries that pop up. Other than the occasional 'guest' appearance, (or a few exclusive ones for your purposes, Chris), we can stick a fork in this one.
I tried to be responsive to your thread.
Agreed, Eric. Your reply was the part that "started out OK". Your answer is also one of the ones that has me tilting towards concentrating on patch banks for distribultion. It's a bit foreign to my usual appraoch, but I can see the usefulness of taking a good preset, and customizing only those parts of it necessary to fit your own project. I'd like to throw together a few banks from scratch, rather than relying on the hundreds that I have built for specific projects. But one man's junk is another man's treasure, and I'd have to put some thought into what categories would be most useful in a general sense. Let's put it this way, though: I'm sure that there won't be many
generic patches.
they should be more generic. I mean, tutorials about stuff you can do with most synthesizers, *including* PSYN(II).
Alfonso, my intent was just that, but coming from a slightly different direction. I was hoping that by explaining the processes using a known quantity that everyone here had access to (PSYN), that the knowledge would extend to a knack for programming
any synth, as in "Yeah, this is like the Mod Matrix in PSYN, but with more destinations".
I agree that there should be some more well-rounded patch banks available, although I thought that Jesse's "F" bank was great. If you study those patches alone and reverse-engineer them, there's little need for any PSYN tutorial series. I do know that there's at least one great PSYN patch bank floating around, and I really hope that it makes it to PSYN II. Really classy, well thought-out stuff.
I don't think the new features will add that much more complication that I won't be able to figure it out by myself. I think you should do the series on the new sampler/synth thinger.
I thought that, too, Tristan, and I posted this thread to get a sense of exactly what you're telling me. And, thanks: that's one vote for a Dimension tutorial series [two, including mine].
Is it wrong that I only sleep in mine?
so wrong, Chris, on
so many levels. That is, if the article in question is indeed genuine. After all, we only have seen a photo, and that appeared to be a National Enquirer mock-up. I
have been meaning to call you, though.
Re: some threads of particular interest, a few ideas, and some problems with the keys to my storage shed. But then things got busier (not unlike you with your gigs), and I never did the followup.
I could see you *living* inside the new Dimension synth when VII hits
One more vote, and yet another nickname for the coming version. Doesn't that make it Project7?
are you good with a soldering gun? - I've got an XLR cable that needs mending, a clip-on mic that needs a different connector, and a Digitech pedal that needs a switch fixed...
The best: I'm my own studio maintenance man. It's the only way to keep afloat and afford all the new toys. Is it a Digitech Whammy pedal? I've cannabilized a few of them to make a super-pitch shifter, so I've got a few spare parts lying around.
When can I come over?
Anytime that you're in the area, Chris. You just missed the Winter Music Conference; right up your musical alley. And bring that (alleged) t-shirt ...