RE: EQ for Hammond Organ/Leslie
January 02, 05 0:54 PM
Greetings, and Happy New Year!
I have usually used the SONAR plugin FX EQ on Hammond. It sounds like you've recorded it correctly. BTW, what type of mics did you use on the leslie? I dialed in an eq setting that boosted the upper frequencies from low mid to high mid, and slightly reduced the low end. The range is peaked at 10K, with fall off of down to almost zero at 18K and 1K. I experimented a lot to get just the right edge without dominating the mix. You might also try boosting at 1K, 1.5K, and 4K. Not exactly points, but dips in between the peaks. One other thing to try is to simulate leslie tube distortion with amp sim or another distortion plugin. Bleed some in on the main track, or duplicate the track and distort the copy, bringing it in or out as needed. Good luck!