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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/13 20:36:34 (permalink)
Sonar 8.5.3 had a right click menu editor, where you could add top menu functions to the right click menu.  That was very cool.  I can't seem to find it in Platinum, however.  Do you know where it is?

Yes - it's in SONAR 8.5.3.
The equivalent in Platinum is the custom section of the Control Bar. And please, stop wasting our time. I already responded to your "Do you know where the menu customization function is?" question in depth (and so did others) in the other thread you started.
Your time stamp shows you were in that thread more recently than this one. So either you're disingenuous, or you don't bother reading the responses to the threads you start. Either way, I'm done trying to assist. Refer to the documentation if you have questions.
If you find it impossible to work with MIDI in SONAR, you might want to read Jerry Gerber's article in a recent eZine about doing a full-length classical album in SONAR. Using MIDI. With the staff view. Apparently he knows something - or maybe a lot of things - you don't.
Sorry to be blunt, but see my 3rd paragraph above. I'm not here to play games. My goal is to help people get the most out of SONAR. If someone doesn't want to get the most out of SONAR as it stands, there's nothing I can do.

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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/13 21:51:14 (permalink)
Please ease up on the condescension, Craig.  I know I'm trying your patience, but surely you can out-cool me, right?  I'm reading everyone's responses, and am considering them.  If you don't like the way you feel when reading my posts, then maybe you shouldn't read them.  I admire that you want to help people.  Neither of us know if you can help me.  Honestly, sometimes I think only Cakewalk can help me.  And for that to happen, I guess I need to keep my issues visible on here.  Repetition, repetition, repetition.  Either that, or I could just give up and switch to Ableton or something other DAW.  Sigh.  All that money over the years, though!  Of course, that's what lots of us are saying, when contemplating a switch...
The Control Bar is new to me.  I had forgotten about it, and will need to re-investigate it. 
When I got X1, the first thing I did was try to make it look like 8.5.3.  I hid the inspector and the control bar and any of the other new interface elements I [felt I] didn't absolutely need.  Since my workflow was heavily oriented around keypresses, I didn't have to use the inspector unless I was doing something like transposing, adjusting timing, or renaming clips.  Over time I stopped bothering with those operations, in order to avoid having to use the inspector.
As you can see, I've been resisting/fighting the changes ever since Sonar X1 came out.  It has been a constant battle.
I'm now trying to invest time in customising Sonar to fit my needs better.  This itself is frustrating, because Sonar seems much less customisable than it was before. 
Please note that what I'm talking about is the basic UI for editing MIDI.  I'm not talking about the plugins.  The plugins are great in X1+.  Adding and managing soft synths seems much easier.  Not perfect, but definitely nothing I get stressed about.  And I like the new effects and instruments.  I don't want to lose any of that stuff by reverting to 8.5.3.
What I'd like to see "fixed" is the MIDI editing system.  This is where I spend most of my time (fixing sloppy performances) and is where I feel the most "pain" when the UI doesn't behave the way I want it to.
I want to be able to do the following in real time (during playback):
- adjust note timing
- adjust note velocities (via velocity pane)
- adjust note durations  (via note properties)
- rename clips
- quantize
For all except the note timing, I am finding it harder to do in X1+ than in 8.5.3.  My recent "whiny" posts are my attempts to get those operations streamlined.
I wish the current version of Sonar combined the super-efficient MIDI editing of 8.5.3 with the elegant plugin/soft synth experience of X1+. 
Is there an equivalent of Sonar Plus for Platinum?  Or do the frequent rebuilds of Platinum make it difficult for something like Sonar Plus to keep up?
post edited by Tripecac - 2016/06/13 22:20:34
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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/13 23:08:21 (permalink)
Please ease up on the condescension, Craig.

Condescension? You say "I'm reading everyone's responses, and am considering them." That doesn't explain why you re-asked your "innocent" question after it had already been answered in a different thread that you had visited prior to your re-asking the question. 
If you don't like the way you feel when reading my posts, then maybe you shouldn't read them.

It's not a question of how I "feel." It's a question of having my time wasted when I put an effort into answering a question, I know you've seen it and several other responses, and yet you pursue the same agenda later in a different thread. So the effort expended trying to assist was a waste of time that could have been spent more productively.
Honestly, sometimes I think only Cakewalk can help me.  And for that to happen, I guess I need to keep my issues visible on here.  Repetition, repetition, repetition.

Several people have explained that one person repeating the same thing over and over and over and over again is not a solution, Your particular needs are not necessarily of such universal applicability that they justify ignoring this forum's mission statement. 
Either that, or I could just give up and switch to Ableton or something other DAW.  Sigh.  All that money over the years, though!  Of course, that's what lots of us are saying, when contemplating a switch...

Why switch? I have more than one guitar and more than one DAW. I use SONAR for my studio projects, Live for live performance, and Studio One for album assembly. I often use Pro Tools for tracking in other peoples' studios (although admittedly, I transfer the files to SONAR for editing and mixing). I'm conversant with Logic so I can collaborate with friends who use it on the Mac, and Cubase has one of my plug-in designs, which was done in cooperation with Steinberg. It's not hard to transfer projects from one DAW to another, especially with Standard MIDI Files and BWF time-stamping for audio. I just happen to use SONAR much more than any other program because it suits my needs perfectly. If it didn't, I'd use something else. But I never went on the forums for the programs I used to use and complain, or announce that I was switching. For plenty of people, those programs fit their needs. I guarantee none of those people care about my needs.
Instead of spending your time fighting the X-series for not being 8.5.3, learn the X-series workflow and then you would already know about things like the Control Bar custom buttons. I want you to be productive in your software but you cannot see the road ahead if you spend your time looking in the rear-view mirror. There are still things I miss about Wordstar and MP/M when using Word and Windows 10, like the effortless multi-user experience, but the only constant is I've learned to accept and embrace it.
Recent internal discussions at Cakewalk have involved potential MIDI improvements.Cakewalk is aware that many elements of the program could be improved - I just received word today of an optimization involving massive editing of audio clips (e.g., drum parts with lots of slices) that gave a 100x speed increase. It's slated for the June release. One step at a time. 

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/13 23:58:10 (permalink)
These issues regarding the superiority of 8.5.3 have been discussed to death, years ago. Get over it, it's done, it's not coming back. The company will not redesign the program based on 1 persons preferences.
When will it sink in. The O/P doesn't want answers, he wants conflict and attention, and that's all. AFAIK 8.5 still works fine and he should just use it. 

Regards, John 
 I want to make it clear that I am an Eedjit. I have no direct, or indirect, knowledge of business, the music industry, forum threads or the meaning of life. I know about amps.
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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/13 23:58:57 (permalink)
The O/P doesn't want answers, he wants conflict and attention,

I want Cakewalk's attention. I tried the problem Problem Reporter but got no attention from them there.  So I have to resort to posting on the forum, hoping to get Cakewalk's attention on here.  Staying quiet will not get their attention, and will not help me get my bugs fixed.
That doesn't explain why you re-asked your "innocent" question after it had already been answered in a different thread that you had visited prior to your re-asking the question.

Sorry, I'm not following the timing.  I posted the Menu Editor in this thread, didn't get a response, so posted it in its own thread, since it was a more general question that I wanted answered quickly.  It got answered quickly in the other thread.  I'm not sure what you mean about me seeing an answer before I asked the question.  I've got multiple tabs open, on multiple computers, so I wouldn't trust those timestamps.
It's a question of having my time wasted

Yes, that's how I feel after carefully composing bug reports for the Problem Reporter, complete with screen grabs, only to have them ignored.  And I am paying Cakewalk.  So not only am I wasting my time, but I am PAYING to do it. 
You, Craig, are not paying me.  You can, if you want.  Then, when I don't change my behaviour, or give you the answers you want, you can complain about me on the forum.  Ad nauseum.  And then we will be in the same boat.  Until then, we're not.
Again, I appreciate your trying to help.  Sincerely.  Although I am grumbling, I am listening, and will try some of the things you mentioned.
Recent internal discussions at Cakewalk have involved potential MIDI improvements.

This is great news.  Perhaps in the process of testing the new MIDI features they will bump into the same problems I've been dealing with, and will fix them.
Honestly, I really, really hope Cakewalk can invest some time in adding back the robustness and UI flexibility that got lost in the process of simplifying for X1.  I don't want to go back to 8.5.3.  I want to use X1, but with the few fixes I have recommended.  There are only a handful of them!  And they should not take long to resolve.
post edited by Tripecac - 2016/06/14 00:29:55
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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/14 02:09:46 (permalink)
post edited by soens - 2016/06/14 02:33:56
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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/14 03:43:42 (permalink)
The Control Bar is new to me.  I had forgotten about it, and will need to re-investigate it. 
When I got X1, the first thing I did was try to make it look like 8.5.3.  I hid the inspector and the control bar and any of the other new interface elements I [felt I] didn't absolutely need.  Since my workflow was heavily oriented around keypresses, I didn't have to use the inspector unless I was doing something like transposing, adjusting timing, or renaming clips.  Over time I stopped bothering with those operations, in order to avoid having to use the inspector.
As you can see, I've been resisting/fighting the changes ever since Sonar X1 came out.  It has been a constant battle.
I'm now trying to invest time in customising Sonar to fit my needs better.  This itself is frustrating, because Sonar seems much less customisable than it was before. 

Therein lies your major problem.
You ABSOLUTELY need the Control Bar and Inspector visible at all times.
This is fundamental to the way the X series works and trying to work without these is crippling you.
These tools are there to HELP you not HINDER you.
Once you've accepted this you just might be able to move on.

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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/14 08:28:50 (permalink)
I want Cakewalk's attention. I tried the problem Problem Reporter but got no attention from them there. 
 And I am paying Cakewalk.  So not only am I wasting my time, but I am PAYING to do it. 
Honestly, I really, really hope Cakewalk can invest some time in adding back the robustness and UI flexibility that got lost in the process of simplifying for X1.  I don't want to go back to 8.5.3.  I want to use X1, but with the few fixes I have recommended.  There are only a handful of them!  And they should not take long to resolve.

Your biggest problem is that you are using X1 (and X2?). Reporting Problem Reports for X1 is going to get you exactly what you have been getting - (cue chirping crickets).
As has been suggested, create Feature Requests for improvements (to SONAR Platinum) and you may garner some interest and some support, and will be far more likely to see them implemented, assuming that is what you really want. The squeaky wheel thing, quite frankly, is getting old.
You say you are Paying Cakewalk - How, exactly? In reality you PAID them 4 years ago (over 5 for X1). If I don't like my car's speedometer, I don't go on their forum 5 years later and expect them to change it for me - and saying I am paying them...... 
I AM paying them - (sporadically up to SONAR 8, every release since then, and now for lifetime updates) - and quite frankly I would be (mildly) disappointed if I felt that they wasted their time responding to disingenuous threads like this one, or to Problem Reports filed for a 5 year old product. 

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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/14 11:55:38 (permalink)
You ABSOLUTELY need the Control Bar and Inspector visible at all times.
This is fundamental to the way the X series works and trying to work without these is crippling you.

I will give these a shot.
Your biggest problem is that you are using X1 (and X2?).

I am using Platinum, and posted Problem Reports about Platinum.  Some of the problems I am having go back to X1, however; hence my references to X1.
In reality you PAID them 4 years ago (over 5 for X1).

No, in reality, I have paid for X1, X2, X3, Platinum, and (gasp) the Lifetime updates. 
disingenuous threads

Nice try.
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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/14 12:12:22 (permalink)
disingenuous threads

Nice try. 

I think disingenuous is an apt word.
The thread was phrased to look like a genuine appeal for help.
When people responded with many ways to shorten your steps (My suggestions saved you over 16 key presses and numerous clicks from your first example), it became clear that you didn't want answers, just an excuse to repeat your gripes over and over again..
When I first used X1 I tried to make it behave like previous versions e.g. I would float the PRV so it was familiar to the way I worked before.
It took me ages before I gave in and tried the Multidock.  It took a little getting used to, but I am so glad I did.  With "D" and "Shift+D" my workflow is so much improved.
The same goes with screensets, Take lanes, Control Bar etc, etc.
Try to use the software you have now.  There is more than one way to skin a rabbit.
Also, this is a User Forum, so constantly being "squeaky" on here in not the best way to get Cakewalk's attention.  It is the best way to get Users' back's up.
Just my tuppence worth.

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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/14 12:27:21 (permalink)
No, in reality, I have paid for X1, X2, X3, Platinum, and (gasp) the Lifetime updates

Say it ain't so. No not lifetime, anything but that!!!!!!That is the worst news I have had lately! 

Andrzej Salm
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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/14 12:30:09 (permalink)
I'm with Tripecac on this one.
I come from an even more ancient Sonar version, the 6PE. I absolutely hate the idea of track inspector altogether.
Firstly, I like to work in full screen mode, I don't like to have any windows docked. 
Secondly, hitting Ctrl+I and opening the inspector always brings me to the MixStrip tab, so I have to click yet another time to go to the clip properties tab.
Thirdly, the bastarding thing's window cannot be adjusted horizontally. If I have a clip with a long name, like "14/06/16 take1 overheads Left" it quickly becomes a nightmare.
What was wrong with the good old "clip properties" window?! It could be accessed by just double clicking on a clip in older versions of Sonar... and it would go away by a single click.

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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/14 12:41:50 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby dcumpian 2016/06/14 13:36:01
Clip Properties is Shift+I
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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/14 14:08:26 (permalink)
I am using Platinum, and posted Problem Reports about Platinum.  Some of the problems I am having go back to X1, however; hence my references to X1.

You should reference that, both in your threads (in future), and in your signature, then. Your post above, said you were using, and wanted to use, X1 rather than going back to 8.5.3. Your signature says X1d and X2.
The fact that you own Platinum, but dislike the X series so much begs the question of why you didn't at least try the Platinum DEMO before you bought it - even more so before committing to (Gasp!) lifetime updates. If not disingenuousness as I supposed, what then - naivete?
Whatever - whether you accept it or not, there has been a lot of very good advice in all of your threads to date - but assuming that everyone wants to go back to 8.5 is a wrong assumption.

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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/14 14:23:20 (permalink)
assuming that everyone wants to go back to 8.5 is a wrong assumption.

Who is assuming that everyone wants to go back to 8.5 ?
Who is even assuming that I want to go back to 8.5 ?  I have stated several times, in various posts, that I want Cakewalk to add back some of the customisability they took away from 8.5.3.  I have never stated that I want Cakewalk to create a new branch of 8.5.3. 
If I didn't appreciate at least some of the improvements in X1, then why would I have invested in X2, and X3, and Platinum, and the lifetime upgrades?  I'm sorry if I have not been more vocal about the things I appreciate in X1/2/3/Platinum.  However, I don't use this forum to praise Cakewalk.  I use it to [try to] get help on the problems I am experiencing.  If Cakewalk had addressed the issues I posted via the Problem Reporter, I wouldn't be using the forum.  As much.
Clearly, I am focused on the future of Cakewalk.  I am hoping for a future in which we get back our ability to customise Sonar in the ways that work for us individually.  We are all individuals, aren't we?
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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/14 14:47:55 (permalink)
Well maybe it has something to do with your writing this in this very thread:
Anyway, the point I am trying to make is that many of the operations I am performing on a daily basis are slower for me in X1/2/3/Platinum than in 8.5.3.  For me, the difference in efficiency is not "fairly trivial".  It is consistently annoying. 
In 5 years, I still have not learned to adapt my habits to X1/2/3/Platinum.  People on this forum keep telling me "accept it" or "get used to it".  But, 5 years on, I still have not accepted Sonar X1/2/3/Platinum's "quirks", nor that Sonar has to continue to be less usable for me than it was was 8.5.3.  I preferred the more Windows-y 8.5.3, because it had a more efficient design (and less buggy implementation).  I would go back to it, except I am worried about compatibility with my more recently acquired plugins.  Also, I know that if I retreat to 8.5.3, I will not have any input whatsoever into the future development of Sonar.  Believe it or not, there is a chance that people at Cakewalk are reading these topics, even if they don't publicly acknowledge them.  I know my issues are probably low priority, but If I stop squeaking, the wheel will NEVER be oiled. 
If Cakewalk could fix the bugs, and bring back the UI efficiency and flexibility of 8.5.3, I will be happy.  And quiet. 
So instead of telling me to stop complaining, another strategy would be to +1 my posts, or submit similar bug reports.  Of course, that would mean admitting that Cakewalk has made some design (or implementation) mistakes, and to Cakewalk disciples, that might be a painful admission.  Sacrilegious.  It's much safer to tell me to shut up and accept the new status quo, isn't it?  Stop rocking the boat, Tripecac, no matter how right you think you are.
Heard it all before.  5 years' worth!  If I sound like a broken record, it is because Sonar is a broken program.  But it can be fixed.  Unlike me. :)


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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/14 16:12:59 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby backwoods 2016/06/14 17:10:37
Andrzej Salm
What was wrong with the good old "clip properties" window?! It could be accessed by just double clicking on a clip in older versions of Sonar... and it would go away by a single click.

well now its only 1 click and you have your properties showing in the inspector.
you can re-visit the " what happen to my old settings just like 8.5 / old versions of sonar" all you want.
aint going to change anything.
as ive stated either learn to adapt to Sonar, or you don't.
this is only my personal opinion but it seems those who have problems with certain features. looking for ways to make their work flow easier and not looking at the general out look / the way every one works..not just them.
they need to learn more about the features of sonar and not just focus on their every day routines.
to expand is to learn. to keep doing the same old things, same old habits, you wont learn anything.
there are many valuable tools and features in sonar to be taken for the prize.
these are often over looked by stubborn people not wanting to change their ways.
and I can attest to being one of those stubborn people myself.
but I have found in order to become productive, you have to give in and learn some of the less often paths.
its this way with every thing, not just DAW software.
when Computer based application began taking over...I sat their with my old analog tapes saying, I don't want to change.
im quite happy with the way I work now. but when they stopped selling tape at my distributor, I was forced to make a change.
post edited by chuckebaby - 2016/06/14 16:40:20

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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/14 21:37:34 (permalink)
Okay, I see now that the Control Bar is the thing at the top, right under the menu bar.  It's always visible for me.  I don't think I ever use it, however, except to start and stop playback.  I see the custom area on the right, where I can add quick links to functions in the top menu bar.
I don't see a command for renaming a clip, however.  Hmm...
If Cakewalk added a "Rename clip" function to the top menu, that would let us setup keyboard shortcuts or custom control bar commands to quickly rename clips.  Does that sound like a decent idea?  If so, in what menu should "Rename clip" go?
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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/14 21:54:13 (permalink)
I've been wondering if CAL could be used to rename clips.  It looks like CAL can rename Tracks (via TrackName) but not clips. Does that sound correct?
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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/14 22:11:46 (permalink)
I've been wondering if CAL could be used to rename clips.  It looks like CAL can rename Tracks (via TrackName) but not clips. Does that sound correct?

Even if it were possible, in what universe is selecting a clip, running a cal scrip, typing in a new clip name then applying the cal any kind of improvement over changing the selected clip (or clips) name in the inspector clip properties box?
Many people have taken the time to answer your question, both in this thread and the one you started five years ago. You now know without any shadow of a doubt the best way to change a clips name. For the love of dogs move on!

Sonar Platinum 2017-09, Studio One 3.5.3, Win 10 x64, Quad core i7, RME Fireface, Behringer X32 Producer, Behringer X32 Rack, Presonus Faderport, Lemure Software Controller (Android), Enttec DMXIS VST lighting controller, Xtempo POK.
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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/14 22:19:53 (permalink)
1. Click on the clip you wish to change the name of. 2. Shift+I opens the clip properties tab in Inspector (even if the inspector is closed). 3. Click on the name field in the inspector and change the name.
 Easy as 1,2,3. No CAL would be any simpler.
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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/14 23:19:09 (permalink)
The fastest way to rename ALL of your clips is to set a key binding to "copy track names to clip names" (I used Cntrl-/).
Then you can select all (Cntrl+A) then your new key binding (Cntrl-/) will rename all of your clips to match their corresponding tracks. Of course this works only on selected tracks so you can change just one or as many as you choose. 
Tracks can easily be renamed directly in Track View or Console view.
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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/15 00:38:58 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby msorrels 2016/06/15 04:04:24
Really, how hard would it be to program such a feature request: "right click" on a clip, and have an option to simply rename the clip ? It's the most intuitive way that any new Sonar users would be looking for  . . . doesn't most software have a right click and select options function, it should be fairly straightforward to implement, why so much resistance here in this thread ?
It seems there are many ways demonstrated here to rename clips, surely Cakewalk would recognize "right click" on a clip as being the most intuitive way to do this . . . much as they re-programmed the "Add Track" feature to be more intuitive for new users to add new tracks to their projects ?
post edited by noynekker - 2016/06/15 01:24:22

Cakewalk by Bandlab, Cubase, RME Babyface Pro, Intel i7 3770K @3.5Ghz, Asus P8Z77-VPro/Thunderbolt, 32GB DDR3 RAM, GeForce GTX 660 Ti, 250 GB OS SSD, 2TB HDD samples, Win 10 Pro 64 bit, backed up by Macrium Reflect, Novation Impulse 61 Midi Key Controller, Tannoy Active Near Field Monitors, Guitars by Vantage, Gibson, Yamaki and Ovation.

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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/15 08:20:02 (permalink)
Really, how hard would it be to program such a feature request: "right click" on a clip, and have an option to simply rename the clip ? It's the most intuitive way that any new Sonar users would be looking for  . . . doesn't most software have a right click and select options function, it should be fairly straightforward to implement, why so much resistance here in this thread ?
It seems there are many ways demonstrated here to rename clips, surely Cakewalk would recognize "right click" on a clip as being the most intuitive way to do this . . . much as they re-programmed the "Add Track" feature to be more intuitive for new users to add new tracks to their projects ?

That's part of the problem, really. Context menus (right-click) are a standard paradigm and X1 tried to move away from them to context menu bars. That's fine, but elsewhere in Sonar we have context menus all over the place. So, if consistency leads to intuitiveness and shortens the learning curve, then Sonar is doing it wrong.
Please note, this is not a complaint, just an observation as to why some users would be confused on how to do things and maybe why folks like Tripecac are so squeaky.

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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/15 08:26:20 (permalink)
But what functions should be on a right click menu...too many and the menu is unusable, too few and some people won't be happy.  Presumably, the most commonly (or expected!) commands would be so available, and rename clip probably isn't up there...
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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/15 08:43:18 (permalink)
With full knowledge that we're discussing a specific case here, it seems to me that the most reasonable approach is to have fully customizable menus and toolbars; to the point of being able to create complete toolbars that can be instantiated via hotkeys and/or context.
I'm pretty sure there is already an FR or two for this.

Bob  --
Angels are crying because truth has died ...
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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/15 08:59:30 (permalink)
But what functions should be on a right click menu...too many and the menu is unusable, too few and some people won't be happy.  Presumably, the most commonly (or expected!) commands would be so available, and rename clip probably isn't up there...

If you can do something with something (a clip in this case), it should be available as a context menu item. Yes, that means we would all have different menus, but I don't see the big deal with that.

Mixing is all about control.
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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/15 10:47:29 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby dcumpian 2016/06/15 11:39:52
One of the most aggravating things about X1 ---> is that touch implementation does not (yet) include a right-click equivalent. A conspiracy theorist would suggest that cake eliminated the right click context menu to accommodate touch - then left touch implementation partly finished when touch didn't turn out to be the big market feature they hoped it would be.
But I would support (and have in the FR forum) a feature request to bring back context sensitive menus (hopefully touch capable).
As has been pointed out several times to the OP, if he were to promote feature requests (instead of beating horses like the clip renaming comparison between 8.5 and SPlat into the ground), he would get a lot more support and actually have a shot at effecting some change.

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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/15 12:18:05 (permalink)
Even if it were possible, in what universe is selecting a clip, running a cal scrip, typing in a new clip name then applying the cal any kind of improvement over changing the selected clip (or clips) name in the inspector clip properties box?

CAL can potentially save a couple clicks and keypresses, since you can bind hotkeys to CAL scripts.  So, *if* CAL could rename clips, the steps to rename a clip would be this:
1) select the clip (1 click)
2) hit F2 (or another key) to open the Rename Clip CAL script (1 keypress)
3) type the new name for the clip (N keypresses)
4) hit ENTER (1 keypress)
That's 1 click + N+2 keypresses, which is better than using the inspector.
The reason these extra clicks and keypresses matter to me is I am doing most of my editing in real time (during playback).
Context menus (right-click) are a standard paradigm and X1 tried to move away from them to context menu bars. That's fine, but elsewhere in Sonar we have context menus all over the place. So, if consistency leads to intuitiveness and shortens the learning curve, then Sonar is doing it wrong.

I think there is another factor at work: unlike some people on this forum, I am a software developer, and am using Windows *all day*.  Windows applications have standard UI behaviours, such as right click opening properties, F5 saving, F2 renaming, etc.  When a program deviates from this, I remap the keypresses to the "correct" (standard) Windows behaviour, so that I can work most efficiently.  If a program has a unintuitive UI *and* an inability to be customised, then I tend not to use it.  Sonar 8.5.3 was more consistent with the Windows UI "out of the box" *and* it was easier to customise.  X1 seemed to deliberately separate itself from the Windows UI paradigm.  That might be fine for "casual" Windows users, but not for me!
This makes me wonder: will Cakewalk modify the UI further to be more in line with the Mac UI?  Things could get even worse for us... or, if Cakewalk relents and adds back customisability, things will get much better.
it seems to me that the most reasonable approach is to have fully customizable menus and toolbars; to the point of being able to create complete toolbars that can be instantiated via hotkeys and/or context.

Yeah.  This is what I've been whining/squeaking/spamming about since X1: bring back the UI customisability that we had in 8.5.3.
As has been pointed out several times to the OP, if he were to promote feature requests (instead of beating horses like the clip renaming comparison between 8.5 and SPlat into the ground), he would get a lot more support and actually have a shot at effecting some change.

There is a fine line between promotion and spamming.  And I'm not into marketing.  Or even socialising!  If my sloppy, annoying, repetitive whining inspires other, more tactful and eloquent people to present the same general idea to Cakewalk and the community in a "pleasing" manner, and through that enough support is drummed up to inspire Cakewalk to make a change... then great!
Sonar Platinum + Komplete 9
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Re: Fastest way to rename clip? 2016/06/15 12:25:34 (permalink)
But what functions should be on a right click menu...too many and the menu is unusable, too few and some people won't be happy.  Presumably, the most commonly (or expected!) commands would be so available, and rename clip probably isn't up there...

yeah, but if the "customise right-click menu" still existed, it's a win-win ;-)

just a sec

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