TTS-1 and Pocket Orchestra

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September 29, 08 5:45 PM (permalink)

TTS-1 and Pocket Orchestra

I've included a screenshot here to help explain my problem...and to hopefully get some insight as to what I'm doing wrong.

All I want to do is use the Cakewalk TTS-1 synth on a couple of tracks and the Dimension LE's Pocket Orchestra synth on several others.

I've gotten sound so far, but when adding additional tracks using the Pocket Orchestra, the patch (e.g., French Horn) always remains the Strings.

It seems I have had to take the Omni input and route it to the Dimension for output (I believe this is the signal from my controller keyboard)...and then in the Track Folder (not the MIDI track), route the Dimension output to my internal sound card (yes, I'm going to get a better one later).

Upon adding additional tracks, routing them the same way to the Dimension for output, I would expect them to then go to my sound card the same way, but with the different patch sound of the added track (selected from within Dimension...I've got the patch selection bit down). The problem is it always remains as Strings, like in the first patch selection (Track 3 in the screenshot). Track 4 (named "Horns") is the added track (collapsed in the screenshot) that retains the Strings sound, regardless of patch (as do all new added tracks...I've deleted them for the sake of the screenshot). Tracks 3, 5, and 6 are the ones mentioned above that actually work (the Strings).

I would think this would be fairly straight-forward, but I'm pulling my hair out. If someone could show me the correct way to do this one time, I'm certain I could run with it from then on. I know I'm missing some simple setup that will go on like a light bulb once I see it.
post edited by hobbsbaboo - September 29, 08 6:40 PM

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    RE: TTS-1 and Pocket Orchestra September 29, 08 6:23 PM (permalink)
    Can't help you with your question, but you are gonna want to edit out your email addy before some troll-bot starts filling yer inbox with Viagra offers (or worse).....

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    RE: TTS-1 and Pocket Orchestra September 29, 08 8:29 PM (permalink)
    I think the gist of the problem lies outside of what the screen shot shows.
    What bank/patch do you have selected in thecollapsed TTS-1?
    How are you selecting the patches in Dim LE? Are you attempting to use Dim LE as a multi-channel synth?
    I have some thoughts, but I'm not entirely clear on what you have set up.
    Do you know how to change the channel that your controller transmits on?
    Please answer these questions. I'll be back in a bit with some screen shots of what I believe you are trying to do.

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    Shimozu-Kushiari or Bob
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    RE: TTS-1 and Pocket Orchestra September 29, 08 11:11 PM (permalink)
    To the best of my knowledge, DimLE is not capable of supporting multiple instruments on different channels. It can blend the four elements, but that's a different thing.
    If I understand you correctly, you will want to insert more than one instance of DimLE, and you should see something like this:


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    RE: TTS-1 and Pocket Orchestra September 30, 08 3:20 AM (permalink)
    If I understand the OP correctly, I believe your solution is the correct one. TTS-1 is capable of four separate audio outputs, each assignable within TTS-1, but Dim LE has only one stereo output.

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    RE: TTS-1 and Pocket Orchestra September 30, 08 7:50 AM (permalink)
    DimLE is not capable of supporting multiple instruments on different channels

    Yes. To have separate channels controlling separate instruments is available in Dim Pro but not LE.

    As suggested the solution is to have separate instances of Dim LE for each instrument.

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    RE: TTS-1 and Pocket Orchestra September 30, 08 8:06 AM (permalink)
    ... also, to be clear for the OP, one instance of TTS-1 can respond on all 16 MIDI channels and 'play' 16 instruments simultaneously; one instance of Dim-LE can only play one instrument at a time - if you want more Dim-LE instruments, you have to fire up another instance (I was mixing a project last night with 8 instances of Dim LE no problem)

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