US-2400 Preliminary Report

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September 19, 04 3:58 PM (permalink)

US-2400 Preliminary Report

I gotta say that after reading some of the negative Tascam complaints, I almost changed my mind. But this thing is awesome!

First off, I called Tascam twice before purchasing and their Product Support Speciaists were very much helpful (contrary to some of the reports I'd read about). Technically it wasn't "Tech Support", but I haven't had a problem yet.

Secondly, this was one of the easiest set ups ever. Don't even need to install a driver because it uses XP's device drivers. I didn't even have to restart the computer.

And contrary to one report, the faders do fly. You just have to put Sonar in Automation mode.

The only thing that I wish it could do is automate EQ. And from what I understand from Tascam, there's a "Native Mode" driver on the way for Sonar that will allow for all the Native Mode goodies.

I looked at the BCF-2000, but I wanted 24 channels at a time. This thing can control up to 192 channels, 24 at a time.

I've only used 8 tracks at a time so far, but it's doing everything I needed it to do.

I'm not knocking any of the others because I have no idea how well they work. I only know that this unit is working exactly like it was supposed to. For the $1400 I paid (including tax), I think it was well worth least for me.

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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report September 19, 04 4:21 PM (permalink)
    The faders do fly. This is good.

    Thanks for the report.

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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report September 19, 04 8:13 PM (permalink)
    Thanks EF-
    This is just the news and review i've been waiting for. I've read so much negative stuff about Tascam recently that I've held off buying one. The only Tascam stuff I've used has been analog reel to reel multitracks, and never had any problems with support etc. Still-this is a different ballgame, and I'm delighted it's working so well for you.
    Couple of questions- you mentioned the rotary control doesn't work for EQ-were you using the HUI mode or Mackie emulation mode? Just wondered. I presume the rotary defaults as a pan? The big question-a friend told me that you can't bank switch on it with Sonar- meaning i'd be stuck with just the 24 faders. In my case I'd need that more than anything- it would be pointless for me if only 24 tracks could be controlled. Have you tested it with a big (64+ tracks) project yet?
    Thanks a million anyway.

    Billy E
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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report September 20, 04 9:57 AM (permalink)
    Hey Billkath,

    You have to use it in Mackie emulation mode as of right now. The specialists at Tascam told me that there should be Native mode driver coming soon. He also mentioned that Sonar support is big on their list. Could be a sales pitch who knows.

    The rotary does default to panning, but you just hit a switch to rotate between pan, aux and level.

    Oh, another negative is that the level meters don't work, but this is because Sonar doesn't transmit this info., not because of the US-2400.

    I've only had one day to play with it, so I haven't gotten to more than 24 tracks, but I will let you know as soon as I do. Based on the manual, it should be no problem.
    < Message edited by EbonyFunk -- 9/20/2004 10:05:29 AM >
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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report September 20, 04 10:05 AM (permalink)
    That's great news, and thanks for the reply. Perhaps the level-sending is something cakewalk could look at? Sure would be handy. This new driver sounds just what is needed as well. Shout back when you've had a really good play on it- these new things take time.
    Thanks again.

    Billy E
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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report September 21, 04 5:33 PM (permalink)

    Just verified that you can, in fact, bank switch from 24 up to 192 channels. I think your friend was confused about the bank indicators. The Mackie Control protocol doesn't transmit the bank indicator information. But switching banks is no problem.

    I'm really enjoying this unit!
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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report September 21, 04 5:54 PM (permalink)
    Brilliant EF!!! That was my last worry. Off to speak to "Her who holds the check book" (That's the wife, not the accountant!)- wish me lots of luck!!

    Billy E
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    Chad Beattie
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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report September 21, 04 8:24 PM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: EbonyFunk


    Just verified that you can, in fact, bank switch from 24 up to 192 channels. I think your friend was confused about the bank indicators. The Mackie Control protocol doesn't transmit the bank indicator information. But switching banks is no problem.

    I'm really enjoying this unit!

    So from looking at the picture here:

    Does that mean it doesn't show you which bank you are on? (ie, the various bank numbers below the faders) Just thought I would double check.

    Also, it doesn't show you track names does it? From reading the blurb on the website, doesn't sound like it, but thought I would check.

    In all, could you describe a bit what you still find yourself doing with the mouse/keyboard. I am looking at eventually getting a control surface, but trying to figure out which would be best for me. I am curious as to how much less you end up using the mouse/keyboard once you have one. But of course, I am sure that various on what you buy. This one looks very nice, but from reading everything, it seems that non of them really do everything you need.

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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report September 21, 04 8:42 PM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Chad Beattie

    In all, could you describe a bit what you still find yourself doing with the mouse/keyboard. I am looking at eventually getting a control surface, but trying to figure out which would be best for me. I am curious as to how much less you end up using the mouse/keyboard once you have one. But of course, I am sure that various on what you buy. This one looks very nice, but from reading everything, it seems that non of them really do everything you need.


    I am using a Mackie Control and I have it sitting in the center of my desk with my mouse to the right and keyboard to the left of it. I find myself often working with one hand on the MC and the other hand on the mouse. I don't use the keyboard unless I need it for text purposes (ex: naming a track). It has certainly sped up my overall workflow. It is nice when mixing to grab a pot for adjusting pan/balance and being able to record volume automation with my fingers on real faders. When editing, the transport section is great allowing for jogging and using the mute/solo buttons speeds up that process as well.

    Overall, I've had the MC for a little over a year and it took some getting used to. Now, I wouldn't let anyone take it away from me. Going back to just a mouse and keyboard would be rather annoying for me. The keyboard and mouse are still used in my situation, but it is the concert of the keyboard, mouse, and MC that makes working a lot easier.

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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report September 22, 04 9:55 AM (permalink)

    In my set-up, my mouse is to the right of the US-2400 and the keyboard slides out from under it. I'm still getting used to it, but so far I use the keyboard only for naming tracks (I don't really use shortcuts), and I use my mouse to select certain options from the toolbar.

    Does that mean it doesn't show you which bank you are on? (ie, the various bank numbers below the faders) Just thought I would double check.

    Well, yes and no. It has the channel numbers below the faders, but you'd have to remember which bank you're on. For example, underneath the first fader is, 1, 25, 49, etc. depending on whether you're on bank 1, 2, 3, etc. So if you're on bank three, the first fader would control track 49. The only thing is, the indicator lights underneath the main fader won't light up, so you have to mentally keep track of bank you're on. Hope I'm making sense.
    < Message edited by EbonyFunk -- 9/22/2004 10:03:59 AM >
    Chad Beattie
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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report September 22, 04 10:57 AM (permalink)
    Thank you for the information regarding the questions I had asked. I appreciate it.
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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report September 22, 04 11:36 AM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: EbonyFunk

    Does that mean it doesn't show you which bank you are on? (ie, the various bank numbers below the faders) Just thought I would double check.

    Well, yes and no. It has the channel numbers below the faders, but you'd have to remember which bank you're on. For example, underneath the first fader is, 1, 25, 49, etc. depending on whether you're on bank 1, 2, 3, etc. So if you're on bank three, the first fader would control track 49. The only thing is, the indicator lights underneath the main fader won't light up, so you have to mentally keep track of bank you're on. Hope I'm making sense.

    This is big for me. One of the main reasons I chose the Mackie Control was the LCD display. You don't need to remember banks... you don't even need to remember channel numbers. Track names in Sonar are abbreviated in a very intelligent way using mostly consanants and displayed on the channel strips on the Mackie Control. This is a beautiful thing when re-ordering tracks for ease of mixing in your project. The faders instantly snap to attention with the new track names displayed when tracks are moved or deleted in the DAW.

    In the "old days", when you've had 24-48 tracks on the the mixing console, the only way to keep your head on straight was to use white duct tape under the channel strips to label the session. If you ever breakdown for another session, and then return, you needed to find your old strip of labelled duct tape, or start over and label again. Today, in the digital realm, labeling duct tape doesn't help you when banking virtual tracks.

    With the Mackie Control, the track names digitally re-appear when you return to any project... just like they do in your DAW application.

    While there are many reasons I prefer the MC, just the LCD display alone is worth it's weight in gold in my opinion.

    I will soon be ordering my second extender for another 8 tracks on the desk.

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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report September 23, 04 10:13 AM (permalink)

    Man, the LCD display is cool! I didn't even think to look for that when I was shopping around. Plus, the Mackie Control was a little pricey for me. My main thing was the 24 channels and flying faders.

    But aren't the track names on the the screen? And do they keep the same names if you move tracks around?

    Guess I'll have to do some experimenting.
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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report September 23, 04 10:43 AM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: EbonyFunk

    And do they keep the same names if you move tracks around?

    Guess I'll have to do some experimenting.

    From my post above:
    ...This is a beautiful thing when re-ordering tracks for ease of mixing in your project. The faders instantly snap to attention with the new track names displayed when tracks are moved or deleted in the DAW.

    Yes... your track names are on the screen, but when you bank a control surface with no LCD display and you look down during mixing... you're lost. For example... looking at the US-24000... What the heck is on track 22 when banked once or twice to the right? You'd have to note the track number on the control surface, do the math in your head, and then look it up on the screen. Ecchh!

    Buttons for saving your project, opening and closing windows, controlling effects, dialog box navigation, track view sizing, instant switching between track, bus, and output channel views... etc. The MC has a LOTS of functionality.
    < Message edited by SteveD -- 9/23/2004 11:12:12 AM >

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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report September 23, 04 10:52 AM (permalink)
    Ooohhhh, OK.......I get it now.
    Chad Beattie
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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report September 23, 04 11:21 AM (permalink)
    With the MC, do you find yourself needing to avoid banking? I guess what I am asking is the 8 channels at a time a big limitation? I know you can switch banks, but how long does that take? (for track names and faders and what not to move into place) Is the goal of having a ton of faders just to avoid doing this (probably an obvious question, but thought I would toss it in). Say you are mixing, and bam, you think, ok, I need to adjust this one thing NOW. But, since it isn't on your current bank, you have to switch it over, then maybe the other thing you need to adjust is back on the other bank. Hopefully this isn't sounding too obvious, but thought I would ask as I am looking to purchase a control surface sometime soon. I like the idea of the LCD, and just wondered for larger projects how much the bank switching impacts the workflow of various projects.

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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report September 23, 04 11:32 AM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Chad Beattie

    With the MC, do you find yourself needing to avoid banking? I guess what I am asking is the 8 channels at a time a big limitation? I know you can switch banks, but how long does that take? (for track names and faders and what not to move into place) Is the goal of having a ton of faders just to avoid doing this (probably an obvious question, but thought I would toss it in). Say you are mixing, and bam, you think, ok, I need to adjust this one thing NOW. But, since it isn't on your current bank, you have to switch it over, then maybe the other thing you need to adjust is back on the other bank. Hopefully this isn't sounding too obvious, but thought I would ask as I am looking to purchase a control surface sometime soon. I like the idea of the LCD, and just wondered for larger projects how much the bank switching impacts the workflow of various projects.


    It's instant. The press of a button causes the MC to instantly snap to attention with faders and LCDs displaying the status of the next 8 tracks. I like having 16 on the desk (one extender) because my drum tracks don't fit into 8 tracks (although track folders in Sonar 4 will help that!). So unless I was using the Bus Vew on the MC, I needed to bank all the time to mix one single instrument (drums). With one extender, I bank 16 tracks at a time left and right.

    Again... it's instant.

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    While we're on it... September 23, 04 12:55 AM (permalink)
    [This might be getting a little OT but with forums (as with comedy) timing is everything.]

    So if the Mackie is the bee's knees as a controller how do you put it together with your audio I/O? I mean, if instead of the Tascam I go for the Mackie and say an M-Audio 1010 for my soundcard, do I still need at least a 10-input analog mixer, or can I send everything direct to the card and effectively use the mackie for everything?

    Sorry, sounds a little stupid but someone has to ask!
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    RE: While we're on it... September 23, 04 1:09 PM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: emptybe

    [This might be getting a little OT but with forums (as with comedy) timing is everything.]

    So if the Mackie is the bee's knees as a controller how do you put it together with your audio I/O? I mean, if instead of the Tascam I go for the Mackie and say an M-Audio 1010 for my soundcard, do I still need at least a 10-input analog mixer, or can I send everything direct to the card and effectively use the mackie for everything?

    Sorry, sounds a little stupid but someone has to ask!

    All mic inputs need a preamp to boost the signal before your ADC. You would have the same need with the Tascam US-2400 because it has no built-in preamps. It's just a MIDI DAW controller... not an analog mixer. There are some combined alternatives like the Tascam FW1884 but I personally don't like combining that functionality... here's why:

    Actually, it would be good to read that whole thread, 'cause we've been over this before.

    And this one too:

    Hope this helps.
    < Message edited by SteveD -- 9/23/2004 2:09:01 PM >

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    RE: While we're on it... September 23, 04 1:58 PM (permalink)
    Here was me quite happy now to go out and get the 2400, and here's Steve drawing me to the Mackie, and an extender. There wouldn't be much difference in the cost (about €250 or so) and I've always trusted Mackie. Now- I know that I'm 8 faders down, but there seems to be an awful lot going for the Mackie, especially the LCD. I was looking at the Mackie Control Universal- is that the latest?
    A thing going for the 2400 is the joystick-usefull for surround panning etc.
    Steve- any thoughts on this (if you had to "do it all again")?
    EbonyFunk- if you had to "do it all again-too?

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    RE: While we're on it... September 23, 04 2:16 PM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: billkath

    Here was me quite happy now to go out and get the 2400, and here's Steve drawing me to the Mackie, and an extender. There wouldn't be much difference in the cost (about €250 or so) and I've always trusted Mackie. Now- I know that I'm 8 faders down, but there seems to be an awful lot going for the Mackie, especially the LCD. I was looking at the Mackie Control Universal- is that the latest?
    A thing going for the 2400 is the joystick-usefull for surround panning etc.
    Steve- any thoughts on this (if you had to "do it all again")?
    EbonyFunk- if you had to "do it all again-too?

    Hmmm... I'm nowhere near ready to consider 5.1 surround production. I don't have the space, monitors, burning software, DVD-A burner, encoders... and what-all-else is required. I'm pretty sure a control surface joystick is the least of my concerns.

    I've only used two control surfaces in my studio... the CM MotorMIx and the Mackie Control Universal. But did LOTS of research before deciding on the MC, and I've "played" with the Tascam US-2400 and FW1884 in the music stores.

    I'm sold on the Mackie Control. Wouldn't change a thing except I stomped my feet alot and screamed pretty loud when I upgraded early to Sonar 3.0 and was quite surprised that the driver for the MC was not finished yet. My MC was crippled for a while and I continued to use Sonar 2.2XL rather than use a broken control surface. But the patch fixed all that and you won't have that problem.

    Just do it!

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    RE: While we're on it... September 23, 04 2:52 PM (permalink)
    Well for me, this is all I know outside of working with my mouse. I looked at the BCF-2000, but saw that there were some driver issues and I really wanted 24 channels at a time (this was really important for me). I even thought about trying to link three BCF's together. For my needs, at least at the present time, I don't use more than 48 tracks so I can't see keeping track of banks being a problem and I also don't need the surround capabilities. I was able to buy this brand new for $1400 (including tax and shipping). I would like to have the other goodies I guess, but you don't miss what you don't have. Just like having two monitors, prior to having two, one monitor was just fine. After having two, I don't think I could go back.

    Originally I posted this because a few of us were debating on whether or not to get it because of a couple of negative reports about Tascam products, drivers and their customer service. Not to knock or compare it to other products.

    So for me, considering what I wanted (24 channels), my pocket book (I too, had to justify the costs to the "old lady") and only being able to compare it to using my mouse, I would do it again.

    I think it's just a matter of what you want, need and can afford. But this is so much better than using that mouse.
    < Message edited by EbonyFunk -- 9/23/2004 3:03:38 PM >
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    RE: While we're on it... September 23, 04 3:17 PM (permalink)
    Thanks a million guys,
    You've both given me food for thought. I'll download as much info and manuals as I can find, then head off for the weekend to test the pair out in a "shoot out" in my local stockists.
    Thanks again.
    < Message edited by billkath -- 9/23/2004 3:24:59 PM >

    Billy E
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    RE: While we're on it... September 23, 04 3:20 PM (permalink)
    Smart Billy.

    Let us know what you decide.

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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report September 29, 04 5:40 PM (permalink)
    I have a question for EbonyFunk.

    Are you running Windows XP or 2000 or what with the US-2400?

    The reason I ask is this:

    I looked again at the US-2400 PDF manual and it looked like TASCAM
    does not support win2k with this thing. Seems they are using the native
    class-complient USB-MIDI driver that is built right into XP and OS-X (mac)

    So I e-mailed TASCAM's support because I'm running win2k and asked them
    if it is true that they do not support the use of the US-2400 under win2k.

    They said I can try the US-2400 with win2k but if I do, I'm on my own.

    -These were their exact words.

    So before I run out and buy my XP Upgrade (don't really wanna),
    I thought I'd check around about this.

    Thanks in advance,

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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report November 20, 04 5:04 PM (permalink)
    Sorry bitman, I'm just seeing this now. I'm running Windows XP.
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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report November 20, 04 5:15 PM (permalink)
    And thank you Ebony

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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report November 20, 04 9:12 PM (permalink)
    I too just purchased the US-2400, and it did NOT work at all. I currently run Sonar 4 Studio edition. It was easy to configure, but once everything was configured, one touch of a fader, the whole thing would start dancing around. I liked the idea of having 24 sliders, but I had to take the unit back. Is there something I was missing ? Please advise, I would consider buying it again. Tascam and Cakewalk tech. support had no advise, except "It should work"
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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report November 20, 04 9:16 PM (permalink)
    It's possible you got a bad one.


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    RE: US-2400 Preliminary Report November 21, 04 1:28 PM (permalink)
    You are absolutly correct. I will try this again. Thanks.
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