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Hello! Pro Tools
Great Deal on Pro Tools...just ordered Pro Tools (10 & 11) plus Eleven Rack for 669.99 @ Amazon.com. I will keep Sonar X2 but for the time being it will collect dust until I feel that they have de-sanitized it. So instead of paying 149.00 for a patch and some stuff I don't want (X3) I put that money toward this great deal on Amazon. If I am going to waste time trying to fix issues I would rather do it with Pro Tools and learn the DAW at the same time. Adios Sonar!
post edited by Meno - October 29, 13 11:10 PM
Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato https://soundcloud.com/#astrat www.meadowridgesound.com i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors Sonar Platinum 64 and 32bit
Stone House Studios
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 29, 13 5:52 PM
Adios! $670.00 - 149.00 = $521.00. Good for you. Hope you get 521 dollars worth. Just for the record, what do you mean by "de-sanitized"? Brian
Core i7-6700@3.40Ghz Windows 10x64 16 GB RAM Sonar Platinum/Studio One PreSonus Studio 192
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 29, 13 6:16 PM
☄ Helpfulby chefmike8888 November 02, 13 11:54 AM
Are you breaking up with us? How will we live without you?
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 29, 13 6:50 PM
ohgrant Are you breaking up with us? How will we live without you?
oh grant you are such a joker! Ynuk Ynuk I did not know you cared.
Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato https://soundcloud.com/#astrat www.meadowridgesound.com i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors Sonar Platinum 64 and 32bit
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 29, 13 6:59 PM
Stone House Studios Adios! $670.00 - 149.00 = $521.00. Good for you. Hope you get 521 dollars worth. Just for the record, what do you mean by "de-sanitized"? Brian
I have had quite a few issues with Sonar X2 and was not able to get tech support to resolve them. There are other users that have same issues with X2 along with very strange graphic anomalies. I have been a loyal Soar user since Sonar 6 and never had such issues with all earlier versions. Well Pro Tools is normally 699.00 but in this case I not only get Pro Tools I get the Guitar Processor Eleven Rack guitar recording and signal-processing system. Les say I don't like the Eleven Rack...I can sell it and have even a better deal.
Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato https://soundcloud.com/#astrat www.meadowridgesound.com i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors Sonar Platinum 64 and 32bit
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 29, 13 7:15 PM
Great now you can keep asking for your 3rd party plugins to be 64bit AAX over and over again. Sonar X2 was the black sheep relapse of Sonar as far as I am concerned. if it worked for ya it was fine - if it didn't work then it seemed to be issues galore. Sonar X3 is really smooth and a fabulous release, plus the patch fixes that are coming keep swatting the bugs. Have fun with Pro Tools. Great purchase if ya use PT11 and the Elven Rack. Way more than I ever need to spend.
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 29, 13 7:46 PM
With ProTools, you can tell everyone you're a Po'..fessional!
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 29, 13 9:01 PM
With Pro Tools I can now send my songs to my good friend who has worked with artists Al DiMeola, Ace Frehley, Hall & Oates, Emerson Lake & Palmer, Billy Squier etc. and he can help me with the mixing and mastering. He also does TV background music that you hear and watch every day. Because he is a PO'..fessional! Now I can spend the time recording instead of trying to figure out what was wrong. I am not worried about my plugins as the ones I care about are AAX ported already. Thanks for the response MachineClaw you are totally correct in saying " if it worked for ya it was fine - if it didn't work then it seemed to be issues galore." Certain posters are ignorant to the fact that some of us have issues with X2.
Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato https://soundcloud.com/#astrat www.meadowridgesound.com i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors Sonar Platinum 64 and 32bit
Stone House Studios
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 29, 13 9:33 PM
☼ Best Answerby Meno October 29, 13 9:58 PM
Meno With Pro Tools I can now send my songs to my good friend who has worked with artists Al DiMeola, Ace Frehley, Hall & Oates, Emerson Lake & Palmer, Billy Squier etc. and he can help me with the mixing and mastering. He also does TV background music that you hear and watch every day.
Dude! With a friend that has all of that talent, you should have been using Pro Tools a long time ago! Wow! Brian
Core i7-6700@3.40Ghz Windows 10x64 16 GB RAM Sonar Platinum/Studio One PreSonus Studio 192
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 29, 13 9:51 PM
Yea, pretty obvious Cakewalk been holding him back. As hard as it to let him go I guess it's for his own good and one day I'll be able to say I knew him. Fair thee well
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 29, 13 10:00 PM
Why didn't you get the one with the Eleven Rack? It's the same price?
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 29, 13 11:10 PM
vintagevibe Why didn't you get the one with the Eleven Rack? It's the same price?
I did for 669.00
Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato https://soundcloud.com/#astrat www.meadowridgesound.com i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors Sonar Platinum 64 and 32bit
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 30, 13 0:05 PM
vintagevibe Why didn't you get the one with the Eleven Rack? It's the same price?
I did for 669.00
That's really an incredible deal.
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 30, 13 8:44 AM
I love my eleven rack! Enjoy
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 30, 13 11:46 AM
ohgrant Yea, pretty obvious Cakewalk been holding him back. As hard as it to let him go I guess it's for his own good and one day I'll be able to say I knew him. Fair thee well 
When children get older and start to get strange thoughts/behavior they usually leave the house with bad feelings. Just give him a couple of years and he will be back on the doorstep with $149,00 and he will see that the upgrade is gone and will have to pay full price for X3.
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 30, 13 2:08 PM
ohgrant Yea, pretty obvious Cakewalk been holding him back. As hard as it to let him go I guess it's for his own good and one day I'll be able to say I knew him. Fair thee well 
When children get older and start to get strange thoughts/behavior they usually leave the house with bad feelings. Just give him a couple of years and he will be back on the doorstep with $149,00 and he will see that the upgrade is gone and will have to pay full price for X3.
Why? Because Sonar is the only valid DAW?
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 30, 13 3:01 PM
ohgrant Yea, pretty obvious Cakewalk been holding him back. As hard as it to let him go I guess it's for his own good and one day I'll be able to say I knew him. Fair thee well 
When children get older and start to get strange thoughts/behavior they usually leave the house with bad feelings. Just give him a couple of years and he will be back on the doorstep with $149,00 and he will see that the upgrade is gone and will have to pay full price for X3.
I have many songs that I did using Sonar so I will not be giving it up nor any more of my money. I will just be using a new DAW for all newer songs and the biggest benefit is that a Pro Tools "Pro" is willing to mix and master for me until I learn Pro Tools. I had Pro Tools when it was first released for Windows. At the time I was a noob to the recording mixing mastering world and the support was non-existent at the time. So I sold my MBOX and went to Sonar which was very well set in Windows OS and worked well until X2. When children get older they do what...? They move on and in this case this is what I am doing. We all have to grow up sometime right? Do you still live with your parents?
Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato https://soundcloud.com/#astrat www.meadowridgesound.com i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors Sonar Platinum 64 and 32bit
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 30, 13 4:49 PM
☄ Helpfulby chefmike8888 November 02, 13 11:59 AM
At first I thought for sure this was a paid for PT spam. Starting to think it's genuine customer support failure from the Cake. FWIW I went the same route a few years ago to find the grass was not greener over there when it comes to compatibility and support. Though I had minimal issues with X2 and XP it's clear that many had issues. I consider it a big mistake for a software company to drop support for a product once the new product has been released. I now have win 7 64 and X3 and loving it, but I still think it's a mistake to leave X2 not fully baked. Who knows, their marketing department might think by not patching X2 it will force the folks that are having issues with X2 to upgrade and in some instances it might do that, but there are going to be a certain percentage of users that get feed up and move on. I think it would be beneficial in the long run to support the previous version for at least a year after the new version has been released. I also think it's pretty important to get a demo out as quickly as possible so folks that are riding the fence can make a decision.
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 30, 13 6:31 PM
ohgrant Yea, pretty obvious Cakewalk been holding him back. As hard as it to let him go I guess it's for his own good and one day I'll be able to say I knew him. Fair thee well 
When children get older and start to get strange thoughts/behavior they usually leave the house with bad feelings. Just give him a couple of years and he will be back on the doorstep with $149,00 and he will see that the upgrade is gone and will have to pay full price for X3.
Why? Because Sonar is the only valid DAW?
Certainly not, but I think under the circumstances, the decision to chuck the baby with the bathwater is more from frustration than a logical one. The possibility is that PT will also have it's issues on his system and he will find less than adequate support from Avid as well. There will certainly be advantages and in the end it may be discovered that both Sonar and PT can co exist on the same PC and he will have uses for both. In any case I really do wish you well and success Meno.
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 30, 13 8:12 PM
ohgrant Yea, pretty obvious Cakewalk been holding him back. As hard as it to let him go I guess it's for his own good and one day I'll be able to say I knew him. Fair thee well 
When children get older and start to get strange thoughts/behavior they usually leave the house with bad feelings. Just give him a couple of years and he will be back on the doorstep with $149,00 and he will see that the upgrade is gone and will have to pay full price for X3.
Why? Because Sonar is the only valid DAW?
Certainly not, but I think under the circumstances, the decision to chuck the baby with the bathwater is more from frustration than a logical one. The possibility is that PT will also have it's issues on his system and he will find less than adequate support from Avid as well. There will certainly be advantages and in the end it may be discovered that both Sonar and PT can co exist on the same PC and he will have uses for both. In any case I really do wish you well and success Meno.
Thanks ohgrant ... I agree with what you are saying. It was very hard for me to spend the money and make the decision to go to Pro Tools. I really wanted to stick with Sonar. I actually had a post called ..."X3 Marketing" in the Sonar section and you will see my reasoning flawed or not. Fixes and EnhancementsPure refinement. (Their own website stated) "SONAR X3 includes over a hundred finely tuned tweaks, little enhancements and general improvements throughout, inspired by customer feedback, making it the most refined and solid version of SONAR yet." When I asked if a patch was to be released I was scolded by Cakewalk and members of this forum. Bill Jackson was at least civil and said "The word "Fixes" is misused, in my opinion." I was also told by Cakewalk support that they were going to send me a X3 demo so I could try it out before I upgraded to see if the issues were corrected. But that never happened because they later told me they made a mistake and it was not avaliable. Thank you for understanding and wishing me luck. Peace, John
post edited by Meno - October 30, 13 8:14 PM
Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato https://soundcloud.com/#astrat www.meadowridgesound.com i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors Sonar Platinum 64 and 32bit
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 31, 13 0:09 PM
ohgrant At first I thought for sure this was a paid for PT spam. Starting to think it's genuine customer support failure from the Cake. FWIW I went the same route a few years ago to find the grass was not greener over there when it comes to compatibility and support. Though I had minimal issues with X2 and XP it's clear that many had issues. I consider it a big mistake for a software company to drop support for a product once the new product has been released. I now have win 7 64 and X3 and loving it, but I still think it's a mistake to leave X2 not fully baked. Who knows, their marketing department might think by not patching X2 it will force the folks that are having issues with X2 to upgrade and in some instances it might do that, but there are going to be a certain percentage of users that get feed up and move on. I think it would be beneficial in the long run to support the previous version for at least a year after the new version has been released. I also think it's pretty important to get a demo out as quickly as possible so folks that are riding the fence can make a decision.
this point would have been valid only if X3 would have been trouble free !!! To the OP , Sonar is really one of the best daw around , PT isn't that great specially on the creative stage but mastering it is smart ...i will encourage anybody to master several daws nowdays cause we never know what will happen (in our case with Gibson)
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 31, 13 0:50 PM
I can't agree with you, software is never trouble free for everyone regardless who is doing the baking. If there is a demo out, it sure takes the guesswork out of the compatibility issue. If it is continued support of the product after the new products release is what you object to, I can't agree with that either. I don't expect new content like melodyne ara integration, but the known issues like the graphical glitches that have been addressed in X3, should also be fixed for the folks still using X2 if possible.
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 31, 13 8:06 AM
CbB, Platinum, 64 bit throughoutCustom built i7 3930, 32Gb RAM, 2 x 1Tb Internal HDD, 1 x 1TB system SSD (Win 7), 1 x 500Gb system SSD (Win 10), 2 x 1Tb External HDD's, Dual boot Win 7 & Win 10 64 Bit, Saffire Pro 26, ISA One, Adam P11A,
Billy Buck
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 31, 13 9:46 AM
Win 10 Pro x64 | i7 4770k | ASUS Z87 Deluxe/Quad w/ TB 2.0 | 16GB Corsair RAM | Apollo Twin Duo USB | UAD Satellite Octo USB | UAD-2 Quad + UAD-2 Solo PCIe | SONAR Platinum x64 ∞ | REAPER 5 x64| TranzPort
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 31, 13 3:00 PM
I am only going to Pro Tools because of my friend who will mix and master. I actually think Studio One 2 is one of the most innovative DAWS I have ever seen. I don't know how it holds up but it was so easy to use. I never tried Reaper. I had to make the decision...Studio One 2 or have friend mix and master Pro Tools? Sonar will always be in my arsenal and who knows Studio One 2 is so cheap may be I'll get that for the heck of it. Never looked into Reaper pricing. Just got the delivery of the Eleven Rack and Pro Tools...signing up on iLok now...let the fun begin. Dam this is exciting!
Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato https://soundcloud.com/#astrat www.meadowridgesound.com i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors Sonar Platinum 64 and 32bit
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 31, 13 3:06 PM
Bristol_Jonesey Just a quick heads up for anyone thinking of moving to PT. This isn't necessarily a balanced or typical view, but it's worth reading: http://www.gearslutz.com/board/moan-zone/880421-avid-dodgy-business-incompetent-floored-products.html
Looks like things have not changed much since my first experience with Pro Tools back when it was first ported to Windows. Thats why I went to Sonar. I have to try and I really want to see what a Pro can do with my music. I know enough to get by but I can't wait to see the difference.
Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato https://soundcloud.com/#astrat www.meadowridgesound.com i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors Sonar Platinum 64 and 32bit
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 31, 13 3:06 PM
Meno I am only going to Pro Tools because of my friend who will mix and master. I actually think Studio One 2 is one of the most innovative DAWS I have ever seen. I don't know how it holds up but it was so easy to use. I never tried Reaper. I had to make the decision...Studio One 2 or have friend mix and master Pro Tools? Sonar will always be in my arsenal and who knows Studio One 2 is so cheap may be I'll get that for the heck of it. Never looked into Reaper pricing. Just got the delivery of the Eleven Rack and Pro Tools...signing up on iLok now...let the fun begin. Dam this is exciting!
I thought the Eleven Rack was the dongle.
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 31, 13 3:48 PM
Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato https://soundcloud.com/#astrat www.meadowridgesound.com i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors Sonar Platinum 64 and 32bit
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 31, 13 5:23 PM
I know what an Eleven Rack is but I thought you didn't need the iLok if connected to it.
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
October 31, 13 6:40 PM
vintagevibe I know what an Eleven Rack is but I thought you didn't need the iLok if connected to it.
The package came with a free iLok key. Not sure but in order to get Pro Tools I had to register at iLok and then register at Pro Tools and enter an activation code that allows me to download all of the content. This package has no DVD's other than the drivers for the Eleven Rack. I think Pro Tools 11 now requires an iLok regardless if you have an Avid device...but am not 100% sure on that. Still downloading. Looks like around 26-27 GB of downloads including loops. I guess I get them too they are in my account.
Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato https://soundcloud.com/#astrat www.meadowridgesound.com i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors Sonar Platinum 64 and 32bit