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T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
Hi Just got the new IK Multimedia T-Racks Leslie. To test it, I tried loading Rock Organ in DimPro to a track, then loading T-Racks/Leslie into the FX bin. The Leslie FX seems to work, however, I'm unable to use the Mod Wheel on my MIDI controller to run the Slow/Fast Leslie switch. It works only if I use the mouse. Also I noticed the ModWheel is still controlling the Leslie fx that is built into that organ preset in DimPro. (I think it might actually be controlling both, but not sure on that. Sounds like both rotary effects are working at once, but I don't visually see the switch in the Leslie plugin moving.) Maybe if I can somehow turn off the rotary effect in DimPro?...not sure how to do that either.. Add'l info: The Leslie plugin FX is listed in Plugin Mgr as both a VST3 Instrument, and a VST3 FX, and it loads as a VST3 Audio effect. In the Plugin Properties the boxes checked are Enable as Plugin, Configure as Temp Based Effect, Enable Delay Comp, Enable mono processing. I also did try changing from Config as Tempo based Effect to Config as Synth, but that didn't seem to work either. I also tried clicking the ACT learn button, then clicking on the rotary switch and moving my ModWheel, but that didn't work either. Sent this issue to IK Multimedia, but no reply yet. Anyone have this plugin, or have any idea how to get this to work? I can't very well play the organ and use the mouse for my rotary switch, kinda awkward to have to do it that way. There must be a way to do this, I'm probably missing something here. Any help appreciated. Thanks!
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
December 31, 18 11:11 PM
I do not have the plug-in but probably don't need it to explain what is happening and how to make it work. The instrument or MIDI track driving the synth (in this DP) gets all the MIDI data coming in on its instrument or MIDI track. In order for the effect plug-in (in this case T-Racks Leslie) to get MIDI data it needs its own MIDI track. Here is one way to set up the synth and the plug-in to use the same MIDI stream. 1) Add the MIDI Event Filter MFX to the MIDI FX rack of the DP instrument or MIDI track. Set it up to filter out the mod wheel like this  2) Enable MIDI Input on the T-Racks Leslie plug-in by clicking on the VST3 drop down above the plug-in UI.  3) Add a MIDI track with the controller as input and the T-Racks Leslie plug-in as the output. This will send the full MIDI stream to the plug-in. I don't know if the plug-in will ignore everything but the mod wheel but it is possible to filter its stream using another instance of the MIDI Event Filter MFX. Enabling input echo on the DP instrument/MIDI and T-Racks Leslie plug-in MIDI should have both working as expected.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 01, 19 3:38 AM
Hey scook, good to hear from ya! Thanks for replying here, much appreciated. Working mostly with straight audio, I've not had tons of experience with all the inner details of MIDI, so I do have a question before I give this a try. I think I understand most of your answer, except in your first step you mentioned "Add the MIDI Event Filter MFX to the MIDI FX rack of the DP instrument or MIDI track. Set it up to filter out the mod wheel like this". Looking at your jpg I see everything is un-checked, so what am I checking or un-checking here? Sorry, just need a bit more clarification there if you please. Also, DP is only occupying one track, I'm not seeing how I can add/use the Event Filter, I have nothing recorded in the DP track yet, so the FX bin is only giving me options for audio FX. Can I still somehow filter out the ModWheel anyway? I want this to work before any recording takes place. Thanks. btw..(Found this thread link (below), it's a few months old, but there seems to have been some issue with this early on. They are talking about different DAWs here though, so I don't know if any info here would help ...)....(I'm "keys7" in that forum and posted starting on pg4) https://cgi.ikmultimedia....c.php?f=13&t=15178
post edited by Musikman - January 01, 19 4:16 AM
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 01, 19 3:47 AM
Look closer at the image. The box next to Controllers is selected and the lower value in the CC# column is 2. This causes CC#1 (the mod wheel) to be filtered out of the data sent to DP. BTW, consider creating an account on the new forum the forum we are on now will be converted to read-only in a week or so.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 01, 19 3:59 AM
Oh ok thanks, I see it now, I was looking for an actual check mark, I see that it's greyed in, sorry. Please see my edits on the last post. I have nothing recorded on the track, just trying to get this setup before any recording is done, so I don't see an option in FX bin to add Event Filter, only options I see are for audio fx. Am I missing something? Thanks, I didn't know this forum was going read only, will bookmark the new one.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 01, 19 4:09 AM
If using an instrument track, the MIDI FX rack "B" is in the track inspector on the MIDI tab "T" in the image below.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 01, 19 4:37 AM
Ok got it, thanks! ....shows you how little I use MIDI ! You might want to check out that IK Multimedia forum link I posted. I have posted in that thread on page 4 as "keys7". Seems there might be an unresolved issue with this on their end. I also put in a support ticket, we'll see how they reply there too. You can see one person there posted... "VST3 Midi control doesn't work, VST2 does." I seem to remember hearing that once before in the past, but I don't even see the Leslie listed as VST2 in my plugin Mgr anywhere, only as VST3.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 01, 19 4:46 AM
The specs show the plug-in is supplied as a VST2 and VST3. Make sure the VST2 dll is installed in the SONAR scan path. ATM, I do not use IKM products so, really can't provide IKM specific solutions.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 01, 19 4:54 AM
I don't remember what was on the list when I installed it, but I know I had all the boxes checked ie...DXi, VST, etc...but don't know if VST2 was on the list. I'll check the scan path too. Well it's almost midnight so I'm going to go into the studio in the morning and post here again after I try the methods you suggested. I have a feeling turning off the rotary effect in DP is going to work, because if I'm hearing correctly, right now both rotary effects are working simultaneously, despite me not seeing the switch actually move on screen. Also, I watched another YT video and the guy demonstrating mentioned using the ACT but I couldn't get that to work at all. He was using Sonar too, hard to tell if he has it as VST2 or VST3, it's kinda blurry in the video. Here it is, around 17:00 in.... Thanks very much scook, check back in w/you tomorrow. Happy New Year bud!
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 01, 19 5:02 AM
I only mentioned the MIDI method because of the OP. ACT is the way SONAR provides to send instructions from a controller to any plug-in. Before that there was remote control which is still available. It is a little easier to setup but has some limitations. Good luck
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 01, 19 5:10 PM
Ok, I've been at it for awhile this morning, gonna take a break for lunch and get back here a little later one when I have more time. I tried your suggestion and it did disable the rotary effect in DP, the ModWheel doesn't do anything now, so that's good at least. But it's still not triggering the rotary in the Leslie FX plugin. I added another MIDI track and selected my controller as Input Omni and the Leslie as Output as you suggested, but to no avail. I didn't add the second Event filter to the added MIDI track, don't know what settings to use for the filter, so I couldn't try that fully. If it helps any, in my Plugin Mgr I only have the Leslie in the VST3 Intrument, and VST Audio Effect categories, no VST2 anywhere for it. I may uninstall it and when re-installing I'll see if there even is an option to install as VST2. I'm guessing there won't be though, because on the installation I had all boxes checked, so maybe there was no VST2, but before doing that I'll check to see if there is a VST2 dll file anywhere, I haven't checked that and if it's in the scan path. So two things to check when I come back. If you're not familiar with T-Racks, it's basically 95% audio FX processors, not instruments. You can use each or any individually, or chain them. So I'm pretty sure Sonar is seeing the Leslie as an Audio effect, not an instrument, even though in Properties I have changed it from "Configure as Tempo-based FX" to "Configure as Synth". Ck back w you later. Thanks again, I appreciate the help.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 01, 19 5:42 PM
I think there's a setting in preferences for disabling VST2 version if you have VST3 of the same plugin installed. You may want to uncheck it.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 01, 19 6:11 PM
Musikman So I'm pretty sure Sonar is seeing the Leslie as an Audio effect, not an instrument, even though in Properties I have changed it from "Configure as Tempo-based FX" to "Configure as Synth". Ck back w you later. Thanks again, I appreciate the help.
Restore the original properties and use the drop down in msg #2 image #2 to Enable MIDI Input. Since only the VST3 plug-in is shown in the plug-in manager VST3 migration is not an issue. May also want to check in preferences in the plug-in to see if their is setup involved to use MIDI to control the fast/slow rotation. I have got to believe the IKM specs for the plug-in are correct and the plug-in ships both VST2 and VST3 formats. Make sure the VST2 is not in the excluded list.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 01, 19 8:40 PM
Are you sure the plug-in can use MIDI data directly? I could not find the documentation on the IKM site. If it does not and most FX plug-ins do not then there are two ways to use a controller manipulate the plug-in in SONAR, ACT and remote control.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 01, 19 11:10 PM
I'm not sure it can tbh. The user "puranon" on the IKM forum ( https://cgi.ikmultimedia....;t=15178&start=45) seems sure that it can't be done, and that IKM devs will need to send out a fix for that. He said "This was reported on release. No way to control the Slow/Fast Leslie speed switch. I saw it explained on this forum within days." He also said "VST3 MIDI control doesn't work. VST2 does" He suggested I delete the VST3 dll file from the system, which I guess would be the same as re-installing the software and omitting the VST3 version. scook Are you sure the plug-in can use MIDI data directly? I could not find the documentation on the IKM site. If it does not and most FX plug-ins do not then there are two ways to use a controller manipulate the plug-in in SONAR, ACT and remote control.
I'm not really sure, and I couldn't find any info either. Pretty sure the guy in that YT video I posted a link to did it using ACT. He mentioned he was using a control surface (not sure if that is the same as midi controller) and at around 17:00 into the video he pulls down a menu for ACT, when I looked in my Sonar menu I didn't have that option, unless he was using an older (or newer) version of Sonar. . You would have to watch and listen what he says. Anyhow, I tried the ACT and didn't seem to do anything. In the videos I've seen, you click the ACT/learn button, then click the function on the plugin you want it to learn, then move the knob/wheel on your controller, then click ACT button again. A window is then supposed to pop up confirming, but I never got the confirmation window to pop up. So either I didn't do it correctly or it doesn't work with this plugin. I tried it a few times, nothing. As for the "remote control" I don't really know how that is done, never did it before. I can't imagine during development that they missed something as obvious as this though. I will try what you suggested though and lyk later on.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 02, 19 4:09 AM
scook Restore the original properties and use the drop down in msg #2 image #2 to Enable MIDI Input. Since only the VST3 plug-in is shown in the plug-in manager VST3 migration is not an issue. May also want to check in preferences in the plug-in to see if their is setup involved to use MIDI to control the fast/slow rotation. I have got to believe the IKM specs for the plug-in are correct and the plug-in ships both VST2 and VST3 formats. Make sure the VST2 is not in the excluded list.
I tried going back to original properties as you suggested, and in the drop down selected Enable Midi Input, but that didn't seem to change anything. The original properties boxes that are checked are as follows: Enable As Plugin, Config as Tempo-Based Effect, Enable Delay Compensation, Enable Mono Processing, Max Used Inputs = 2. I unchecked “Hide Related VST2 Plugins” in the VST settings. Then I noticed there were two instances of the Leslie now in the list, figured one had to be VST2. So, in a separate project file, I loaded the VST2 Leslie, added the Event Filter to DP like before, selected Enable Midi Input in the Leslie plugin, and got the exact same result as I did using the VST3 plugin. In the Plugin itself, there is a gear icon and it does bring up a popup window for Midi Settings, but the only settings in there are: Speed Control Change = 1, and Brake Control Change = 64. Next to both of them is a “Latch” button. I think I tried using that too, but didn't change anything. Don't know if this is helpful in any way, but that's all I can find for midi settings within the plugin. I'm wondering.....if I have disabled the controllers for DP using the Event Filter, and my ModWheel is now filtered out from DP, then why is my Pitch Bend wheel still working? Does that confirm that the Leslie just doesn't accept a controller for the Rotary Switch, but it's accepting all other controllers? The thing that bothers me is that guy in the YT video was using Sonar as well, and he seemed to have it working properly. I would like to know how he got it working, he said using ACT, but as I said before, it didn't work for me, but I may have not been doing it correctly, and I can't see the same option in Sonar's main menu dropdown list that he used. I'll go back tomorrow and revisit that video, maybe I can pull something off it that I didn't see before. Well that's all I have for the moment. I'll get some sleep and check back tomorrow. Hopefully by then IKM may have an answer to my support ticket as well.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 02, 19 4:15 PM
Speed Control is what you want = 1 (CC#1 modulation wheel) Brake is for starting/stopping the whole rotary engine, Latch is yet another way of switching the leslie, better leave it off for now If VST2 don't work then there's something missing in MIDI routing in Sonar... if you disable the Event Filter mfx do you see the leslie working in IKM plugin? I'm pretty sure you can make it work also with ACT, I've done that before with another Leslie plugin, so there's the other way left for case.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 02, 19 4:44 PM
Musikman I'm wondering.....if I have disabled the controllers for DP using the Event Filter, and my ModWheel is now filtered out from DP, then why is my Pitch Bend wheel still working? Does that confirm that the Leslie just doesn't accept a controller for the Rotary Switch, but it's accepting all other controllers? ... In the Plugin itself, there is a gear icon and it does bring up a popup window for Midi Settings, but the only settings in there are: Speed Control Change = 1, and Brake Control Change = 64. Next to both of them is a “Latch” button. I think I tried using that too, but didn't change anything. Don't know if this is helpful in any way, but that's all I can find for midi settings within the plugin.
The pitch wheel is not a separate from the CC events. From the info provided it seems the mod wheel controls the speed and sustain pedal toggles spinning. Leave the plug-in properties alone. They are fine at their defaults. It is all about the MIDI routing. Make sure the input echo is enabled. Just like when playing a synth, no input echo no sound. Maybe try something simple like putting the plug-in on an audio track with an audio clip in it and see if you can get it working there. Forget about DP for the moment. Just concentrate on setting up the leslie plug-in.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 02, 19 9:48 PM
Just tried all that, doesn't work on a separate track with just audio and no DP, doesn't work with sustain pedal or modwheel, doesn't work with VST2 or VST3, doesn't work when I disable the Event Filter, nothing spinning at all unless I click that rotary switch with the mouse, then it works. I've read the manual about using ACT, but I may be doing something wrong because I tried it several times. I clicked on the ACT button on the Leslie Plugin, then clicked on the rotary switch, then moved my ModWheel, then clicked again on the ACT button, nothing happened. I thought that was the correct way to do it according to the documentation I read on it. I believe it may work with ACT because the guy in the YT video I had posted here earlier mentions using ACT and his worked with Sonar. If it's not too much trouble, can someone please give me an accurate step-by-step on how to proceed using ACT, then I'll try it again and maybe I can get it that way. Thanks guys, much appreciated. I still have yet to hear back from IKM Support, it could be they need to bug fix this, unless maybe we can get it going with ACT. I am still baffled why they didn't factor this in when they created the plugin in the first place. Any keyboard/organ player is going to want to use his/her left hand to control the rotary speakers, it's just common sense! My friend has a real B3 organ, and the rotary switch is mounted on the left side and controlled with the left hand, always been that way. What did IKM expect us to do, play left handed and control the rotary with our right hand using the mouse??? Makes no sense at all, and Hammond themselves played a part in the design!
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 02, 19 10:43 PM
To test if the problem lies in the plug-in, try a plug-in known to work. For example, TH3 has MIDI learn. Here is an easy test: Drop it into an audio FX bin, "Enable MIDI Input" in the VST3 drop down above the TH3 UI, Add a MIDI track w/ input set to your controller, output to TH3, enable input echo Drag a component from the right in TH3 into the TH3 workspace, I used the "Cry Maybe" pedal right-click on the component and select "learn Global MIDI" move the mod wheel back and forth on the controller click OK on the TH3 MIDI learn dialog the TH3 component should now react to the mod wheel. To clear the setup in TH3: click MIDI at the top of the TH3 UI scroll down to the component (the Cry Mayby" is called Wah on this screen) click CLEAR click the X in the upper right of the MIDI options to close
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 03, 19 3:51 AM
scook Add a MIDI track w/ input set to your controller, output to TH3, enable input echo
When I added a MIDI track like this for the Leslie last time, I looked at the options for input to set it to my controller and it gave me drop-down options of "Omni", and "1 thru 16". When I tried Chan 1 I got no sound so I set it for Omni. I assume that Omni is the correct setting? Also, with Input Echo on that track, I think it was set to "Auto-Thru" but must have been still working cuz I had sound. I did change that to "On" last time you mentioned it but that didn't seem to change anything, I got sound on both those settings. I may get to this tonight, but more likely won't get to trying this out until morning. I'll get back to you when I do, thanks scook. Looks like a simple test, one other question...the Cry Baby would be a little different than the Leslie, in that it's just a wah pedal, so there's only one thing to control on it, whereas the Leslie has the Rotary Switch, and some other sliders and switches as well. So when I try this method on the Leslie, do I just right click anywhere, or right click on just the Rotary Switch? This seems similar to the instructions for ACT, but we're not using the ACT button at the top menu of the plugin, so I assume this isn't the ACT method.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 03, 19 4:10 AM
I picked a simple example so the basic routing can be confirmed with a plug-in known to work. Different plug-ins have different ways to set up MIDI. From the description in msg #16 the leslie has a predefined CC config. Do not expect the instruction supplied for TH3 to work for IKM products, however; the method of connecting a controller via a MIDI track to an effect plug-in is the same for all plug-ins that use MIDI data to control features.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 03, 19 9:38 PM
Ok I tried the experiment with the TH3 in a brand new default project. Didn't work at first, but I think I moved the modwheel too many times, then just tried moving it once and then it worked. Good to know I can do that in the future, thanks! However, I tried that same procedure with both Leslie VST2 and VST3, neither worked. In fact when I right clicked on the Leslie to get the Learn Global MIDI option, I didn't even get the popup box, nothing at all. When I tried just right clicking the rotary switch, it just moved the switch from slow to fast. Both left and right click just move the switch, no learn midi option. So what does that mean? I keep wondering how that guy in the YT video got his to work with ACT....I'll have to watch that again to see if I can pick up on what he's done there. It's only a small part of the video and the menu items he uses the text is kinda blurry, but I'll look at it again. I did watch a video or two on setting up ACT, looks to be a bit more complicated than the method we just tried.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 03, 19 9:47 PM
Not all plug-ins manufacturers implement MIDI the same way. I can only help with routing in general. The TH3 experiment was to confirm you could get MIDI data to any FX plug-in. I cannot help you with IKM specific questions.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 03, 19 9:52 PM
I know, that's ok, I appreciate your trying to help me solve this, it may turn out it can't be solved anyway. I checked my ticket and IKM has not responded yet. I did notice in that thread in the IKM forum, someone mentioned that the Amplitube version of the Leslie worked ok, but not the T-Racks version that I have. Also, from looking at a couple videos just now on how to setup ACT it looks a bit more complicated, but I guess there no guarantee that would even work.
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 03, 19 10:41 PM
Musikman ...when I right clicked on the Leslie to get the Learn Global MIDI option, I didn't even get the popup box, nothing at all. When I tried just right clicking the rotary switch, it just moved the switch from slow to fast. Both left and right click just move the switch, no learn midi option. So what does that mean? IKM typically don't offer MIDI Learn pop-up menu in t-racks modules. All MIDI settings are done on the setup page, make sure you left toggle slow/fast with CC#1 untouched. I keep wondering how that guy in the YT video got his to work with ACT....I'll have to watch that again to see if I can pick up on what he's done there. It's only a small part of the video and the menu items he uses the text is kinda blurry, but I'll look at it again. I did watch a video or two on setting up ACT, looks to be a bit more complicated than the method we just tried.
I'm pretty sure it's doable, if the slow/fast parameter is showing up as an automation in your track then no reason you can't control it with ACT.
post edited by chris.r - January 09, 19 1:51 AM
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 03, 19 11:06 PM
Thanks chris.r.........Well I at least updated my support ticket with IKM just in case, letting them know the procedure we just tried out, just so they know that it's not an issue with Sonar. In the IKM thread link I posted in #3, the problem is the users there are not using Sonar, I think they are using Cubase and another DAW I can't remember which. The guy in the YT video I posted here in #9 seemed to have it working in Sonar using ACT, hard to tell in that video how he did it, he only shows it briefly around 17:00 into the video. chris.r IKM usually don't offer MIDI Learn pop-up menu. All MIDI settings are done on the setup page...
What setup page are you referring to? Where? (Forgive my lack of knowledge, I mostly work with audio, so I'm not that familiar with the inner workings of MIDI in Sonar, only because other than basic stuff I don't often need to get in depth with it.) I did a test record, moving the switch with just the mouse, and it does register in the Automation lane in the track. I don't have time right now, but I'll have to try to learn how to use ACT, never done it before, and tbh I will have to spend some time reading and watching videos on how it works and how to set it up properly.... I'm not gonna ask you to teach it to me, unless it's only a couple of quick steps and you have the time to post it here. Gotta get to an appointment, but I'll be back around here later. Thanks again, much appreciate the help!
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 03, 19 11:36 PM
Hey guys, I did a review and walkthrough of the Leslie plugin here: There is a section of the video where I show how I worked around the Leslie speaker Speed issue around 16 or 17 minutes into the video. Hope you find it helpful?
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 04, 19 0:27 PM
Hi Simeon! I much enjoyed your leslie walkthrough and the bandlab blues! :D One question, which version did you use for that walkthrough - VST2 or VST3? Or it doesn't matter? Thanks!
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Re: T-Racks Leslie plugin not working with my controller's ModWheel
January 04, 19 1:17 AM
Musikman What setup page are you referring to? Where? here: Musikman In the Plugin itself, there is a gear icon and it does bring up a popup window for Midi Settings, but the only settings in there are: Speed Control Change = 1, and Brake Control Change = 64. Next to both of them is a “Latch” button. I think I tried using that too, but didn't change anything. so just make sure the Speed Control Change = 1 if you are going to control it with your mod wheel Musikman ...never done it before, and tbh I will have to spend some time reading and watching videos on how it works and how to set it up properly Alright I've done this already some time ago and I might forgot some steps, but from the top of my head, I had to go to Sonar preferences and there add ACT to the Control Surface list (probably setup MIDI driver there). Then open ACT window from Sonar menu > Utilities and there click Enable on the bottom left. Now if you open leslie gui, you should be able to do MIDI learn: in ACT window click on the speed cell (R2) then move your modweel. If I didn't miss anything you should be able to toggle the speed now.