Would a Caker please....

Paul Russell
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January 12, 04 10:07 PM (permalink)

Would a Caker please....

tell me what this line in aud.ini does

I'm having some weird volume automation problems and wonder if this value might have something to do with it.


Paul Russell 
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    Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
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    RE: Would a Caker please.... January 12, 04 10:16 PM (permalink)
    What is your value set to? AutomationDecimationMsec controls the interval in milliseconds between automation points when automation envelopes need to be converted (decimated) into jumps to send to plugins.

    Noel Borthwick
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    RE: Would a Caker please.... January 12, 04 10:19 PM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Paul Russell

    tell me what this line in aud.ini does

    I'm having some weird volume automation problems and wonder if this value might have something to do with it.


    What is wrong with the automation? Does it "look" wrong, or "sound" wrong? When you say "Volume", you mean SONAR Volume on a Track or Bus as opposed to a Plugin Parameter right?

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    Paul Russell
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    RE: Would a Caker please.... January 12, 04 10:22 PM (permalink)
    What is your value set to? AutomationDecimationMsec controls the interval in milliseconds between automation points when automation envelopes need to be converted (decimated) into jumps to send to plugins.

    Hi Noel
    Thanks for the quick response. My standard value is set to 50.

    But I'm having trouble with the volume envelopes not working in audio, despite showing the volume increase/decrease in the track view. It's also happening on tracks without any plugs on them, so maybe it's not relevant. Just trying to eliminate the possibilities.

    Paul Russell 
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    Paul Russell
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    RE: Would a Caker please.... January 12, 04 10:25 PM (permalink)
    What is wrong with the automation? Does it "look" wrong, or "sound" wrong? When you say "Volume", you mean SONAR Volume on a Track or Bus as opposed to a Plugin Parameter right?

    hi Bob

    The SONAR volume envelopes on certain tracks are not happening in audio, despite being able to see the volume level increase/decrease in the little volume indicator top left of every track in track view. As far as I can tell the plugin parameters envelopes that I'm using seem to respond ok. The automation button is on. Version is 3.1b.

    Paul Russell 
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    Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
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    RE: Would a Caker please.... January 12, 04 10:32 PM (permalink)
    Paul could you attach a small cwb file stripped down as much as possible as long as it exhibits your problem, and then send it to me or Bob ASAP.
    Also attach your ini files.

    Noel Borthwick
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    RE: Would a Caker please.... January 12, 04 10:35 PM (permalink)
    Are you sure you haven't accidently set up a -INF gain on your track while switched into offset mode?

    Noel Borthwick
    Senior Manager Audio Core, BandLab
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    Paul Russell
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    RE: Would a Caker please.... January 12, 04 10:36 PM (permalink)
    Paul could you attach a small cwb file stripped down as much as possible as long as it exhibits your problem, and then send it to me or Bob ASAP.
    Also attach your ini files.

    Will do, Noel, thanks. Don't wait up for it, it'll be in your inbox in the morning :)

    As for the Inf gain, I've already checked that. I very rarely use offset mode either, preferring to adjust the envelopes with the right tool.
    < Message edited by Paul Russell -- 1/13/2004 11:39:38 AM >

    Paul Russell 
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    RE: Would a Caker please.... December 04, 05 11:24 PM (permalink)
    What is your value set to? AutomationDecimationMsec controls the interval in milliseconds between automation points when automation envelopes need to be converted (decimated) into jumps to send to plugins.

    Version 5.01 and still having automation problems.. (Paul, have you solved all your automation problems..if so..how?)

    here it's also "AutomationDecimationMsec=50" in the aud.ini
    many curves simply don't work (Linear or any other mode) .. they just JUMP to the next value although the curve should slowly raise or lower a value of ANY VST FX parameter that i'm using.

    some days ago i tried it with the PLParEQ3 ... tonight i see that with other plugs - whenever the LATENCY setting is less than 20-25ms the automation just doesn't work... unless i click on the time line and force the playback to begin again from an earlier point.

    anyone noticed any of these probems ?

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    Paul Russell
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    RE: Would a Caker please.... December 04, 05 11:29 PM (permalink)
    Hi Al

    my, this is an old thread.
    My automation problems went away with version 4. It was something to do with PDC and the VST adapter.
    Not having any problems with 5.01, and I've replaced my DAW twice since then anyway. The only faults I can find with 5.01 at the moment are the problems that I get with some PSP Plugs causing the occasional crash in 64bit precision mode

    Paul Russell 
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    RE: Would a Caker please.... December 04, 05 11:39 PM (permalink)
    Thanks for the quick response, Paul.

    yeah i know it was an old one .. i simply start suspecting that one value (or more?) in the aud.ini file is messing the timing/automation .. i might move aside dirs/delete any Cakewalk stuff from the registry and try with a (faked:) fresh install..
    i know that simply deleting the older aud.ini might have some effect too but maybe this time i got to really clean more stuff besides that... Cakewalk never provided us a full list of the aud.ini values and what/where Sonar installs in the registry..
    i hope the registry values are just in those two places (user/local machine under Cakewalk) -

    i believe i DO suffer from PDC/VST adapter issues like you had .. i'll clean any vst adapter values that i'll find..pretty soon : / .. and reinstall.
    post edited by Al - December 04, 05 11:40 PM

    Much fun with ours to natural resound! <G>
    Paul Russell
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    RE: Would a Caker please.... December 05, 05 0:00 PM (permalink)
    Just rename your aud.ini and ttsseq.ini and SONAR will build new ones.

    But if you want to delete all your old versions, I'd probably start by removing the versions below 5.01 and then restarting.

    For registry cleaning of old installs, SONAR needs to be removed from the following spots:

    The VST adapter contained within the version 5.01 update is the latest version. Next time you scan for VSTs make sure that you reset the registry values (tick box on the first screen)


    Paul Russell 
    Calamity Studio and on Facebook

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