Pan envelopes not working
I have a couple of projects that I created in Sonar 2.2. I started using my 3.1.1 Producer Edition recently. But the pan envelopes don't seem to be working. They are only on vocal tracks. I tried deleting, then re-creating the envelopes, but no luck. And, yes, I made sure that I have automation enabled. I even tried manually panning while listening but there is no panning going on. The tracks that are just panned (i.e., toms), sound fine. As a last resort, I pulled up the original projects in Sonar 2.2. And the pan envelopes are not working there, either.
The only change recently is that I installed the 7.13 drivers for my Aardvark Q10s. I don't think that that's the problem, though. I think it's in Sonar, but I can't figure it out.
Thanks for any help.