Why Cubase? It's the Sound!

b rock
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February 21, 04 6:23 PM (permalink)

Why Cubase? It's the Sound!

That's the blurb for SX 2.0 on p. 15 of the March 2004 issue of Electronic Musician magazine. It goes on to list some popular genres and artists to state "Your sound is priority number one. Pros like these trust Steinberg's ..." After listing a few features in a generic fashion, it goes on to state "Shouldn't you?" Obviously this is aimed at a star-struck public who wish to emulate their favorite artists.

Turn the page to p.17, and you'll see the now-familiar Sonar3 Producer Edition ad. The 'sound-bite' "Inspiration > Speed > Precision >" is followed by a long list of actual features, targeting a group who know what they need from a music production suite. A much more intelligent approach, IMO, and a valuable insight into the core philosophies of the two companies. That, and it was a 'slow news' day at the forum, so I'd thought I'd post it (with an attention-getting subject line, to boot).

[Note: On p. 71, the Project5 advertisement leads off with a quote from EQ magazine: "Highly Addictive". Hmm ... who are we targeting here?]

Is this the old "musicians are all (reformed or current) drug users" stereotype rearing it's ugly head? For the record, I bought Project5 before I upgraded to Sonar3. Hmm ... who put the rock in B Rock?

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    RE: Why Cubase? It's the Sound! February 21, 04 6:42 PM (permalink)
    Sorry man, I tried to read your post, but I'm too strung out on acid, coke and pcp to make any sense of it...
    b rock
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    RE: Why Cubase? It's the Sound! February 21, 04 6:54 PM (permalink)
    I'm too strung out on acid, coke and pcp to make any sense of it...
    I still use Acid for some of it's looping functions, yet I prefer Pepsi to Coke now, if there's no bottled water or cafe cubano around. I've heard good things about PCP. They have a great line of VST plugins, especially the reverb. Anything more, and you'll have to talk to my lawyer ...<g>

    [Hmm ... so that's what all these members refer to when they talk about their record ...]
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    RE: Why Cubase? It's the Sound! February 21, 04 7:01 PM (permalink)
    It really is a slow forum day huh?

    ORIGINAL: b rock

    I'm too strung out on acid, coke and pcp to make any sense of it...
    I still use Acid for some of it's looping functions, yet I prefer Pepsi to Coke now, if there's no bottled water or cafe cubano around. I've heard good things about PCP. They have a great line of VST plugins, especially the reverb. Anything more, and you'll have to talk to my lawyer ...<g>

    [Hmm ... so that's what all these members refer to when they talk about their record ...]

    Billy Arnell (ba-midi)

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    RE: Why Cubase? It's the Sound! February 21, 04 7:07 PM (permalink)
    What I do know, is that Sonar 3 is actually turning some heads in Europe where it's been off the radar screen entirely. If Cakewalk would improve it's ASIO support to allow more than one card to be recognized and add full surround support, it would become the recognized leader in the field.

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    RE: Why Cubase? It's the Sound! February 21, 04 7:15 PM (permalink)
    yet I prefer Pepsi to Coke now

    Yeah, I even switched when I saw that they went back in time and got Jimi to do a commercial.

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    RE: Why Cubase? It's the Sound! February 21, 04 7:25 PM (permalink)
    If Cakewalk would improve it's ASIO support to allow more than one card to be recognized

    I thought that was a limitation of the ASIO spec or do you mean you can switch between cards in the middle of a project?.
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    RE: Why Cubase? It's the Sound! February 21, 04 7:34 PM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: paintersdad

    What I do know, is that Sonar 3 is actually turning some heads in Europe where it's been off the radar screen entirely. If Cakewalk would improve it's ASIO support to allow more than one card to be recognized and add full surround support, it would become the recognized leader in the field.


    ...and stronger project management/documentation tools ...and more customization... and the ability to control all functions from the keyboard and to reassign functions already assigned to default keys, including single keys... and full VBA to replace CAL.

    [EDIT:] ...and better envelope editing.

    Can't you just taste it?
    < Message edited by CrayonJones -- 2/21/2004 8:01:41 PM >
    b rock
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    RE: Why Cubase? It's the Sound! February 21, 04 7:38 PM (permalink)
    Jimi to do a commercial.
    I didn't see that, but if there's any truth in this world, I've got to believe that Jimi would never agree to doing a commercial. But the reality is brought home by that Escalade commercial. Nothing's sacred ...
    harmony gardens
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    RE: Why Cubase? It's the Sound! February 21, 04 8:31 PM (permalink)
    [Note: On p. 71, the Project5 advertisement leads off with a quote from EQ magazine: "Highly Addictive". Hmm ... who are we targeting here?]

    Will there be a 12 step program to get me off my Project 5/Sonar addiction??
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    RE: Why Cubase? It's the Sound! February 21, 04 9:04 PM (permalink)
    And a better step editor and input/auto quantize. Yeah baby!

    btw: Cubase metronome has more features than Sonar, but its audio metronome was Slooooow. If you do decide to improve the metronome, don't make it as slow as Cubase's.
    < Message edited by jlgrimes -- 2/21/2004 11:18:37 PM >
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    RE: Why Cubase? It's the Sound! February 21, 04 11:22 PM (permalink)
    Had the wonderful experience of using Cubase 5 for a project I'm into now. My drummer setup a Mac studio for his Motu units and thats where our drums we're tracked.

    It sucked beyond imagination. The 12 song experience actually convinced him to go PC and pick up Sonar for the future.

    No other words really could describe it.
    michael japan
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    RE: Why Cubase? It's the Sound! February 22, 04 3:18 AM (permalink)
    one of my diehard Cubase friends switched to Sonar 3. Anyway, they are just tools to do a job, but it does feel good to know that I'm not missing out on something.
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