My 5 Minute [Click Track Library Creation Technique]

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Phil B
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March 02, 04 1:12 PM (permalink)

My 5 Minute [Click Track Library Creation Technique]

Nothing outrageous here, just thought I'd share:

Go to Jeff Rona's website and download his "click" wav file:

Load that into DR008 or whatever sampler you're using.

Set the project's time signature to 4/4.

Play or draw in four quarter notes (1 measure), quantise if neccesary, and adjust the volume/velocity in the piano roll view to your liking (e.g., accent the first quarter note).

Bounce the MIDI clip to an audio track.

Slip-edit the right edge of the clip beyond the barline at measure 2. Then split the clip at the barline at measure 2; just delete whatever is after the barline at measure 2. "Bounce to clip" that one measure clip.

Double click the clip and enable groove clip looping, set transient detect to zero and rhythmic detect to quarter notes. Then save the clip as a wav file by hitting the disc in the upper left corner of the loop editor view. Call it "Click 4_4" or something like that.

Then change the project time signature to 6/8 and start over, this time playing in 6 eighth notes and accenting the first and fourth notes (the fourth note a little less than the first).

Repeat the whole process once for each time signature you will ever generally use: 3/4, 7/4, 12/8, etc.

Now you can just drag these loops into your project as needed - they will sync to your project tempo and follow any tempo changes mid-project.

Sometimes I even patch in a tempo-sync'd delay and/or auto-wah to get a more "inspiring" click going.

Probably old-hat for most of you, but I thought I'd share given I find this perfect for my uses.
< Message edited by Phil B -- 3/3/2004 10:24:45 AM >

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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 2:06 PM (permalink)
    errr.... simple two options here <g> :

    1- WHAT !? all this just for a simple METRONOME !! ? gosh , i thought one of the most basic functions of any sequencer is a metronome that follows
    your current tempo and time signatures

    2- Thank you so much Phil B for the enlightenment , a great tip indeed ! This is wonderful ! I can't figure how could we sequence 'till now without this ,
    this is so great that i think Cakewalk should forget completly about all this metronome deal that they are trying to put in their code now (why bother ? ) ,
    actually they should go on a vacation and have some fun , anyways we will be busy (from now on...) making music with this nice metronome !

    .. some fresh air and relaxation wouldn't hurt , Sonar 4 might benefit from that i'm sure
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 2:33 PM (permalink)
    what the hell did all of you 'we want a metronome' people do before sonar ? and what do for timing you're not glued to the puter.

    i've played guitar for 25ish years now, sonar wasn't around when i started (no cakewalk,steinborg etc.)

    when i first started playing i bought :

    a guitar & strings
    a tuner
    a metronome

    buy a friggin $19 metronome.

    let the sonar coders alone so they can develop functionality that's really needed.
    < Message edited by HammerHead -- 3/2/2004 2:34:51 PM >
    Phil B
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 2:41 PM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: HammerHead

    buy a friggin $19 metronome.

    Do $19 metronomes generally sync to MIDI? The metronome in a DAW is not really for practicing your timing skills, it's to keep you informed where the beats are in the sequencer when recording or for generating a sync'd to MIDI click track for future performances/recordings. Or did you already know that and were just joking? I don't know...
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 2:46 PM (permalink)
    buy a friggin $19 metronome

    huh ? i couldn't get what u really wanna say here ... how's a friggin $19 metronome related to the lack of a good audio metronome in sonar ?

    ( damn , here we go again ... )

    what the hell did all of you 'we want a metronome' people do before sonar ?

    i would ask WHERE the hell did all of these posts/users requests gone ? its clear , they worn out , how many times can u ask for a metronome ? too many posts on this isse anyway,
    not that it helped .

    now for the second part - "people do before sonar ? " WHO CARES what was before Sonar ? <g> ohh , guitar players , alyways thinking back.. "Vintage" :)
    < Message edited by Al -- 3/2/2004 2:51:44 PM >
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 2:53 PM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Phil B

    ORIGINAL: HammerHead

    buy a friggin $19 metronome.

    Do $19 metronomes generally sync to MIDI? The metronome in a DAW is not really for practicing your timing skills, it's to keep you informed where the beats are in the sequencer when recording or for generating a sync'd to MIDI click track for future performances/recordings. Or did you already know that and were just joking? I don't know...

    doesn't matter to me.

    i've never used the metronome in any daw. never had a need to.

    i build my foundation midi drum tracks first & then add bass , guitars & keys etc.

    i just love when the sonar metronome subject comes up for it's weekly beat a dead-horse discussion.

    it's fun & funny all rolled into one.
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 3:22 PM (permalink)
    I think that is a question of paying attention to basic functionality. It may be not be something to brag about, but the basics should work, so the artist can think about what ever the artist thinks about. And, making the functions work is the software developers responsibility,
    Like the tuner and midi and fx envelopes and midi editing. The focus for the user should be on the sound, not on why isn't a tool working on this track. Or why do I have to invent a metronome I can hear thru my headphones. Cakewalk isn't alone in the problem of focusing on the basics, and it is too good a tool to give up. But the code developed years ago needs attention, too.

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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 3:49 PM (permalink)
    let the sonar coders alone so they can develop functionality that's really needed.

    like what?

    David Abraham 
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    Phil B
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 4:01 PM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: HammerHead

    i build my foundation midi drum tracks first

    Well, you don't need a metronome then since you are drawing in your patterns, step sequencing them or using imported MIDI clips. If you wanted to play in drum beats on a set of trigger pads or a MIDI keyboard, you would have to have some sort of metronome, otherwise you wouldn't be able to lay down the "first track" in time with the sequencer.

    Anyway, I didn't realize I would be drumming up such hostilities. I have never once complained that Sonar does not have a metronome, and I never will. I was just trying to share how I go about it (and will go about it even after they implement a metronome feature).
    < Message edited by Phil B -- 3/2/2004 4:02:13 PM >
    Scott Lee
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 4:02 PM (permalink)
    doesn't matter to me.

    i've never used the metronome in any daw. never had a need to.

    Good for you. I use one everyday. Lets try not to be so narrow minded.

    Scott Lee (ASCAP)
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 4:36 PM (permalink)
    Anyway, I didn't realize I would be drumming up such hostilities. I have never once complained that Sonar does not have a metronome, and I never will. I was just trying to share how I go about it (and will go about it even after they implement a metronome feature).

    you did nothing wrong....

    ...I have the highest contempt for people who continue to stand in the way of this metronome request

    (spitting on the floor... )

    David Abraham 
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 4:42 PM (permalink)
    I have the highest contempt for people who continue to stand in the way of this metronome request

    hey , lets not fight over this one again ( not talking 'bout myself here .. i never went into those metronome posts )

    BTW ...what do you think of my two options there (up in this page ) ? which one is what i really think and which one is faked ? :)
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 4:47 PM (permalink)
    BTW ...what do you think of my two options there (up in this page ) ? which one is what i really think and which one is faked ? :)

    it's probably effective, but the existance of yet another around just makes the support situation more difficult IMO.

    ...regarding people who want to disrespect the request, I gladly return the favor. It doesn't take much energy at all. Audio metronome is my sacred cow.

    David Abraham 
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    tab boyle
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 5:03 PM (permalink)
    i have tried several metronome workarounds to, finally had to BUY the pinger - seems silly when i pay a whole bunch of money for the PRODUCER version ( no virginia, a metronomoe is not an option even on the exalted producer version) all the mighty exalted folks that have a metronome in their heads ( o.k. lets play this part at 96 bpm and rest for 3 measures at 105 bpm then...) good for you! a lot of us need an integrated metronme to work and put our stuff together - yes you may be superior but if you are all that superior you woulden't need a computer at all. not having in integrated metronome is a major gaffe and needs to be corrected by sonar and cakewalk!
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 5:51 PM (permalink)
    Um, PINGDXi still works pretty well for 14 bucks :)

    ps... I didn't mean to reply to you specifically tab, I just wanted to add this reminder that (in the meanwhile) Ping does a decent job until we get a real metronome is Sonar.
    < Message edited by ba_midi -- 3/2/2004 5:52:45 PM >

    Billy Arnell (ba-midi)
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 5:59 PM (permalink)
    Here's another helpful workaround:

    You'll need a watch or clock with a second hand.
    Start recording an audio track enabled to record from a microphone. Now watch the second hand and click the tip of your tounge against the roof of your mouth to make a sort of "cluck" sound every time the second hand moves. Now set your watch 500 milliseconds fast, and record a new track exactly the same way. Select both clips and bounce to one. You now have a perfect 120bpm click track! Easy as pie.
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 6:04 PM (permalink)
    LOL !
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 6:07 PM (permalink)
    Was an audio metronome ever listed as a feature of S3PE? No. Has it been in any version of Sonar? No. Did Twelve Tones misslead you into thinking they'd included it this time round? No. Not researching the Software before you buy it is, IMHO, a major gaffe.
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 6:10 PM (permalink)
    If Cakewalk hadn't already said that it's coming in the next version of SONAR, I'd have something to say. As it is, people can enveigh against it all they want. It's coming. I am satisfied.

    If, however, Cakewalk were persuaded otherwise, I'd have a word or two to say about that.
    tab boyle
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 6:33 PM (permalink)
    yep - congradulations yours is the least expensive workaound
    phrauge - you are right they didn't include metronome as advertised i have had cakewlak since pro audio 9 and never missed it because i had a second midi modle hooked up. when i upgraded to 3.0 all i have is the keyboard as i am headed toward sample play rather than outboard midi module play so i was surprised not to have an internal metronome

    if cakewalk says they are coming out with one that is great - i still lost an evening trying to figure out why i couldent' route the metronome thru an on board soft synth and had to spend another day buying the pinger. just venting i guess but hopefully not many more folks will have to go thru this
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 7:46 PM (permalink)
    Theres an easier way to do this. Just import a click in to measure 1, copy and paste it as long as you want on the measures.
    Then delete all tempos but the first event in the tempo view. Save as a template file. Done. The click will adjust to your tempo.
    No need for bouncing down audio. No need for ping dxi
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 7:59 PM (permalink)
    If Cakewalk hadn't already said that it's coming in the next version of SONAR, I'd have something to say.

    Other than the fact that it should have been there (like Project 5 has) in the first version of Sonar, I agree with you...
    < Message edited by mikey -- 3/2/2004 8:00:56 PM >
    Scott Lee
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 8:43 PM (permalink)
    Guys enough with the workarounds and gimmiks. Lets focus on what Rop Kuper said about Sonar 4 and the internal audio metronome implamentation and be done with it.

    Some of you insist to rub this "I dont use it so let everyone else suffer" attitude. Please be considerate of others and lets not turn this into another flame war.

    Scott Lee (ASCAP)
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 8:51 PM (permalink)
    Ok, my solution is to use slicy drummer and vsc. Default is a kick+snare, snare, kick, snare. By using slicy lite that came with 2xl, I don't have the problem of figuring out how long I will play, just what speed I want to play. It is in my default project.

    If I don't like the kick snare thing, I just reassign it in slicy.

    The kick snare actually keeps my rythmes tighter than a Click click click click....................................................................................................................................................

    No matter what the arithematic is off because of the "silence" I like to record and me missing the que while looking at the buttons, switches, sliders, meters. So even a metronome with lead in will not help. What would help and be more useful to me would be able to move Zero, or have a marker that sonar respects as beginning of song.
    And then if I could assign a dozen flags, that sonar recognized as Individual songs at mixdown, I could master the whole thing in one long track. Of course with unlimited buses and tracks I think I could do that anyway, and better. A dozen tracks, each with a song, spaced so one ends and the next begins. Finalize with a consistent sound print. Then select a track and mix. then the next. Thinking out loud again.
    But the metronome should still work, it cost me a lot of time when learning, like the tuner, going in circles trying to find out what's wrong.
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 9:34 PM (permalink)
    And I agree too, I've read people saying how you don't find Cakewalk in many pro studios yet. Forget that, but an audio metronome (atleast a Dxi could have been bundled) should have existed from SONAR 1.0

    Psa 40.7
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 9:37 PM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Phrauge

    Was an audio metronome ever listed as a feature of S3PE? No. Has it been in any version of Sonar? No. Did Twelve Tones misslead you into thinking they'd included it this time round? No. Not researching the Software before you buy it is, IMHO, a major gaffe.

    you're no friend of Cakewalk, because this -suggests- that users who really wanted an audio metronome shouldn't have bought S3PE, you're no friend of users either, so that just leaves being a friend of the anti-progress commission. Congratulations.

    David Abraham 
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    Phil B
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 9:39 PM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: soundtweaker

    Theres an easier way to do this. Just import a click in to measure 1

    But, where do you get that "click" to import? And you'll have to find one with 4 beats per measure, 6 beats per measure, 9 beats per measure, etc. anyway, right? The way I do it, I only had to do this process once for each time signature, and now I have a folder full of groove clip enabled click tracks that can be dragged out at will and/or can handle time signature changes and tempo changes mid-project flawlessly. I can't imagine how much easier it could get, but if you say so, that's great. I've already finished building my clicks though ... if I had a website, I guess I could just post the files and then everyone could use them using your method. But, unfortunately I don't have a website.
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 9:40 PM (permalink)
    You'll need a watch or clock with a second hand.
    Start recording an audio track enabled to record from a microphone. Now watch the second hand and click the tip of your tounge against the roof of your mouth to make a sort of "cluck" sound every time the second hand moves. Now set your watch 500 milliseconds fast, and record a new track exactly the same way. Select both clips and bounce to one. You now have a perfect 120bpm click track! Easy as pie.

    ok...that was nice

    David Abraham 
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 9:44 PM (permalink)
    Other than the fact that it should have been there (like Project 5 has) in the first version of Sonar, I agree with you...

    from my perspective it's not a done deal until it's shipping. Software companies have to make decisions/trade offs all the time. Features are cut from products at the last minute for a variety of reasons. Priorities can change over time and a diluted plea for an audio metronome can have an effect.

    Software does not realistically exist until it's shipping.

    David Abraham 
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    RE: My 5 Minute Metronome Solution March 02, 04 10:22 PM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: D.Triny

    you're no friend of Cakewalk, because this -suggests- that users who really wanted an audio metronome shouldn't have bought S3PE, you're no friend of users either, so that just leaves being a friend of the anti-progress commission. Congratulations.


    I have been not only a friend to Cakewalk (and an admirer of your helpful posts) since Pro8, I fully support the addition of an audio metronome in S4. My objection is towards people who complain about this feature's non-existence in S3. If that feature is that crucial to you're creative flow then you should consider either work-arounds or third party plugs. I don't see any reason to complain about non-advertised features although I do understand asking for new features in the next version/update.
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