Sonar 6 won't play with PerfectSpace
I started mixing a project and I set up a bus with PerfectSpace on it so I could create sends from my drum overheads, snare, and toms to it. As soon as I activate the sends on my drum tracks to the bus with the PerfectSpace reverb, I press PLAY and nothing happens. Sonar does not play, just nothing.
I deactivated my sends and Sonar will play then. So then I tried this: I left the sends deactivated and pressed play. Sonar started to play. Then while Sonar was playing, I activated the sends. Sonar kept playing and did indeed send signal to the PerfectSpace bus.
I went to export audio with the sends on and I get an error saying the mixdown was aborted. I disable the sends and the export audio works.
I am using Sonar 6.0 Producer (I have not ever downloaded any of the updates yet. I am a bit afraid right now because I have many clients and I don't want to have any delays or anything).
Currently in the project the only other plug I am using is the Sonitus Compressor.
I use a RME Fireface 800 for my interface. I am recording at 24 bit 48KHz.
My buffers are set to 256.
I created a new project from scratch to test this out. I made a single audio track and sent it to a single bus with PerfectSpace on it. It worked fine. But I go back to the full song/mix project I am doing and the problem still exists.
Can anyone give me some pointers? I am at my day job right now so I won't be able to try anything untill this evening.
Thank you,
SONAR Platinum
RME Fireface UFX
Tascam US 20X20
Tascam US 16X08
Intel i7-5830K LGA2011V3 (6 CORE)
Asus X99-AII
Corsair Vengeance DDR4 32GB
Geeforce GTX 970 4GB