New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available

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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/07/23 07:49:53 (permalink)
Hi aj,

your work is great and I'd like to know from you if you think possible to develop a new plug-in form MCU-PRO that make possible a decent control of plug-in.

Control plug-in with MCU is a disperate operation. It's not possible to open window from MCU and if open a plug-in I dont'have sync with MCU that use a command sequence for select plug-in.

The normal way must be:

plug-in button
funnction button F1-F5 for select insert plug-in, open ypur window and display control parameter.

What you think about this???


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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/07/23 08:10:30 (permalink)
I went back and had a look and realized that these are bundled with release 1.0 but not with 1.1; I did not include them a second time as they are unchanged. However I can see the potential for confusion. If you simply open the 1.0 project in Sourceforge from the same download page, you'll see the SYSX files you need. May the Force Be With You.....
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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/07/23 09:54:10 (permalink)
Aj, thanks very much for our help. It all works fine now and it's awesome! Great job!!!
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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/10/07 13:11:23 (permalink)
Thanks so much for the plugin.

Now for my question:

What if I want to completely change the layout?
For example:
I would like the lower left rotary to be what would be the BASS control on a console (Controling the EQ 80hz control)
And the next rotory up from that control to be the MIDs
And the next above that to be the MID Sweep
With the top most rotory being TREBLE

And just like a console, each "strip" would be the same for a total of 8 tracks.
Would I have to modify the source code to make this happen?

I already have 3 BCF2000s strung up for 24 tracks across under MACKIE Emulation.



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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/10/07 16:03:29 (permalink)
Unfortunately you would need to change the source code to have it work that way. At present page 1 is EQ and I did it that way because I felt that most of the time I'd rather have pan and aux sends on the channel strip - I hadn't thought of making the whole unit just an EQ because you would (as you have suggested) be limited to at best a parametric sweep (and no Q adjustment) with the limited number of controls available per strip. I can see why that might be attractive if you have BCFs for channel control - sounds like a nice setup - but I only have the single BCR so optimised the plugin for just that purpose.

But, as you say, you do have the source code and it is reasonably well commented, I think. If you're not a software guru there are plenty of students who are (a) always looking for beer money and (b) doing IT courses and looking for a topic for their final year , so you might be able to pursuade one of them to help you out (they could use the work as credits for a final year assignment, for instance 'application of control surfaces to digital audio production'....


If you don't mind the link only being half-duplex (i.e control surface won't track changes made with a mouse), why not do it this way

1. Insert the Sonitus EQ as an insert

2. Select Show Assignable Controls from the FX menu which you get from the three little >>> triangles at the bottom of the track pane

3. Reassign any of these four reassignable controls to any of the BCR controls - remember you can program your own BCR presets entirely independently of the preset you use for the control surface plugin, and switch to any of these any time you want. Don't forget you can change which four EQ params are exposed this way, and a further four appear in track view as well, so you can control up to 8 params this way (no ACT involved at all, this pre-dates ACT).

Now I can't see why you couldn't make each strip of knobs control channel EQ that way. You would have some issues bank switching but by default each preset on the BCR has 4 logical banks so you could control 32 channels of EQ directly from the BCR that way. Just a thought....
Bob Damiano [Cakewalk]
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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/10/07 16:14:31 (permalink)
ACT is also, as I understand it, not full duplex, which is frustrating - I want the control surface always sync'd up with Sonar's idea of what the current parameters are at all times.

Very cool that you did this!

ACT is definitely bi-directional. MIX_PARAM_DYN_MAP acts exactly like MIX_PARAM_VOL (for example) as far as the surface is concerned. The translations are all handled on the host side. But Get/SetMixParam() work exactly the same. ACT is definitely the way to go to access Fx and synth parameters as opposed to using MIX_PARAM_FX_PARAM.

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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/10/07 16:47:48 (permalink)
Thank you, Thank you, Thank You!!

I've done a liitle C, If it's necessary I'll hack it up and recompile.
I'll get one of those little buggers first and see what I can do with it.

But I'm prone to syntax errors.
post edited by bitman - 2008/10/07 17:52:10
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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/10/07 16:59:04 (permalink)
Um, Bob. This MIX_PARAM_DYN_MAP functionality is not, to the best of my knowledge, documented in the control surface SDK version that I have. Is there a new SDK with new functionality that I may have missed out on?. I have the version which first had the sample Motormix project in it and talks about state machines and the like (I think it was released around the S6 timeframe or even possibly earlier, maybe S5, when surround first got introduced). If there's a shiny new SDK, I'd be very interested to have a look at it....

Apologies if I missed that out in a scan of the header files, but I spend a fair old while in those files when writing the BCR plugin and I sure don't remember any documentation for the functionality you're referring to.

PS: Marvellous that you did release a control surface SDK, mind you!. And I remember you helping me at one point when I got stuck. So glad to give something back to the community, it's a great product and S8 is just fantastic. Well done!
Bob Damiano [Cakewalk]
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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/10/07 17:38:35 (permalink)
Um, Bob. This MIX_PARAM_DYN_MAP functionality is not, to the best of my knowledge, documented in the control surface SDK version that I have

Oh how you just scared me :)

The SDK here definitely has it. Look at the Mix Param enums in the IDL file. I'd be happy to help if you have any questions. You would have to implement ISurfaceParamMapping in your plug-in ( that handles both ACT and WAI).


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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/10/07 17:41:24 (permalink)
Sorry Bob, my bad. I wonder if that's newer than the one I was using. Otherwise I just stupidly overlooked that functionality. Must learn more about it, in that case. I'll DL the version you have posted and see if its the same as mine.
Susan G
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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/10/08 00:47:06 (permalink)
Hi aj-

Big advocate of your CS here! It definitely does work in S8, if you know?



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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/11/24 16:01:59 (permalink)
Hello from me too!I had posted in this topic some days ago saying I was about to get a second hand BCR and post when I get it working!
First of all I have to say that instead of taking the easy road and setting it up with Aj's software I wanted to see for myself how far I could have gone with out it(using only ACT)!

Well,NOT too far!

My second big dissapointment was the fact that the beta preset editor of Behringer doesnt work as it should be so I was starting to get cold sweat as this would mean dealing with sys ex banks ,sending them from Sonar to the device (to get the encoder group buttons working as they should for aj's plug in) and also getting my head around the way you can set MIDI CCs etc etc via the internal editor of the device!

To cut a long story short,I managed (fairly easily) to send the sys ex bank which unbinds the 4 group buttons via sonar and I further on edited the preset to match aj's settings as those are described in the readme file of his software!

RESULTS: working like a charm!WOW Im impressed!!Aj,any Sonar user who happens to have one of those BCR thingies must be eternally greatfull to you!Id never expect it to work so smoothly!!Thanks again!

By the way ,BCR does have a function of sending sys ex dumps to Sonar (no java editor required),so I was wondering how come you dont provide a full sonar preset.syx with your sofware too,so that future Sonar users will just dump that on their device?Just a suggestion,cause it took me 1 hour the set all the knobs and buttons in that! ;)
post edited by thegeek - 2008/11/24 16:05:38
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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/12/13 16:22:14 (permalink)
How do I get the GUI to show up?
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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/12/14 13:05:47 (permalink)
You press the SHIFT key twice. It is (if you have configured all the switches etc. correctly as per the instructions), the bottom right of the four switches labelled 'encoder groups' on the BCR front panel. These you should have ungrouped so they work like normal switches, by sending the appropriate SysEx (as per the instructions). Then if all is well, pressing SHIFT twice will pop up the UI.
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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/12/14 14:33:37 (permalink)
I posted this on the other BCR2000 thread. I am trying to follow the instructions, but appear to be fat fingering something.

I am struggling a bit here. I did get great two-way connection last night, but not controlling the things I want.

I am using Sonar 8 Studio. Under Controllers I have bcr2000control-1 selected. Using the Behringer editor I have set the BCR2000 pretty close to where it should be. Here's where my BCR2000 left hand 'strip' is:

From bottom to top I have 3 rotaries, 2 buttons and a rotary/button combo

All Channels = 16
from bottom to top CC numbers

I was unable to set the top row CC numbers with the Behringer software and I don't know how to directly with the BCR2000. (Direction here would be appreciated).


Sonar recognizes this, but not in the way I would expect. Here's what my rotors get me:

97 - Post Effect Send Pan (I'd like VOL)
89 - Post Effect Send Vol (I'd like PAN)
81 - Regular Pan (I'm open here)
73 - solo (just right)
65 - mute (just right)
01 - Rec on/off (just right)
01 - nothing (I'd like Input gain)
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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/12/14 16:53:10 (permalink)
To manually reconfigure any of the controls on the BCR2000

(this is documented in the BCR2000 manual which if you have mislaid your paper copy, you can download as a PDF from the Behringer website)

1. Press and hold the EDIT switch

2. Press the switch or rotate the encoder you wish to edit

3. Release the EDIT switch

4. The LED on the switch or encoder will now flash.

5. Now the top row of rotary controls will allow you to set the various parameters of the encoder or switch.

The first rotary encoder defines the type of MIDI message that will be sent. For the BCR2000 control surface plugin this will always be MIDI CC so make sure this reads 'CC'.

The second rotary encoder defines the MIDI channel on which the message will be sent. For the BCR2000 control surface plugin all controller messages will use MIDI channel 16

The third rotary encoder defines the CC number associated with the switch or encoder you are editing. The values for each one of the switches or encoders is defined in the documentation that comes with the plugin

The fourth and fifth encoders define the minimum and maximum values to be transmitted - normally these are set to 0 and 127 respectively

The sixth encoder defines whether the values are absolute or relative (for encoders), and should be set to absolute.For switches the value should be set to 't on' which is temporarily on.

The seventh encoder defines (for encoders only) how the display LEDs should react when the encoder is moved. It's your preference how you set this, it won't affect the operation of the control surface.

The eighth encoder defines the initial state of the control (on or off) and should normally be set to OFF

To exit EDIT mode, press the EDIT key again. Changes will not be permanently saved against the preset until you save it with the STORE button.

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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/12/14 17:06:24 (permalink)


To manually reconfigure any of the controls on the BCR2000

(this is documented in the BCR2000 manual which if you have mislaid your paper copy, you can download as a PDF from the Behringer website)

1. Press and hold the EDIT switch

2. Press the switch or rotate the encoder you wish to edit

3. Release the EDIT switch

4. The LED on the switch or encoder will now flash.

5. Now the top row of rotary controls will allow you to set the various parameters of the encoder or switch.

The first rotary encoder defines the type of MIDI message that will be sent. For the BCR2000 control surface plugin this will always be MIDI CC so make sure this reads 'CC'.

The second rotary encoder defines the MIDI channel on which the message will be sent. For the BCR2000 control surface plugin all controller messages will use MIDI channel 16

The third rotary encoder defines the CC number associated with the switch or encoder you are editing. The values for each one of the switches or encoders is defined in the documentation that comes with the plugin

The fourth and fifth encoders define the minimum and maximum values to be transmitted - normally these are set to 0 and 127 respectively

The sixth encoder defines whether the values are absolute or relative (for encoders), and should be set to absolute.For switches the value should be set to 't on' which is temporarily on.

The seventh encoder defines (for encoders only) how the display LEDs should react when the encoder is moved. It's your preference how you set this, it won't affect the operation of the control surface.

The eighth encoder defines the initial state of the control (on or off) and should normally be set to OFF

To exit EDIT mode, press the EDIT key again. Changes will not be permanently saved against the preset until you save it with the STORE button.

The third rotary encoder defines the CC number associated with the switch or encoder you are editing. The values for each one of the switches or encoders is defined in the documentation that comes with the plugin

That's what I was missing. I thought that was something to do with a zero to 127 setting.

Many thanks
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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/12/14 17:56:49 (permalink)
However, my bottom right rotator is 97 as suggested in your release notes, yet it controls effect send pan, not track volume. How do I learn what CC numbers control what features in Sonar?
Susan G
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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/12/14 19:55:07 (permalink)

I haven't read the whole thread, so I don't know if this helps.

I use aj's wonderful SONAR control surface preset as #15 on my BCR2000. But then I also use others, like
#16 for SONAR's ACT, #17 for RealGuitar, #18 for GPO, etc.

My point is, with the BCR2000 (and BCF2000. etc.) you're not locked into using one control set.


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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/12/15 14:42:09 (permalink)
Is there anyway to get Input gain instead of effect send pan?
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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/12/15 15:16:14 (permalink)
I use aj's wonderful SONAR control surface preset as #15 on my BCR2000. But then I also use others, like
#16 for SONAR's ACT, #17 for RealGuitar, #18 for GPO, etc.

Hrm, interesting. Can you switch presets in mid-project? Or do you need to restart something before that?

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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/12/16 00:57:23 (permalink)
How or where do I find the information to configure the BCR2000 specifically?

For instance, from AJ's release notes:

"val1=127, val2=0, mode='tOFF' and the last knob to the right on the top row should select "OFF"." describes how to configure a button with CC value 124 such that it does something.

How do I get the above info to configure a button so that it becomes a pause button? a start button (105?) Record. etc. there must be a list somewhere, but I'm too stupid to find it.
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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/12/16 01:59:53 (permalink)
If I have three BCR2000s, how do I make two = 9-16 and three = 17-24?
Susan G
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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2008/12/16 03:59:49 (permalink)
Hi ...wicked-

Yes, I can switch presets mid-project. The ones I use all transmit on different MIDI channels.

I'm cheating and quoting from aj here since I'm not at my DAW right now (Post #6 in this thread):

MIDI assignments

The control surface is assumed to be programmed to MIDI channel 16. However because it is using MIDI CC, you need to be careful about inadvertantly passing on the control surface messages to a softsynth. Therefore ensure that MIDI tracks don't include the BCR2000 USB MIDI in as an input. This will resolve that issue. This was also a consideration in selecting channel 16 as the standard channel - it keeps the surface as out of the way as possible from other MIDI devices. So if you DO want to define the BCR2000 USB Midi in as an input to a MIDI track, set receive to any other channel than 16 and you are 'out of the way' of the control surface.

Indeed, you could set up other BCR2000 presets that transmitted on different MIDI channels and switch away to one of those at any time. The control surface will effectively be disengaged but now you can send MIDI messages from the BCR to, say, a softsynth. However, of course, you won't have full-duplex operation. You could also use this technique to combine the control surface with learned assignments split over multiple presets - very useful.

Let me know if you need more info.


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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2009/02/03 15:54:48 (permalink)
Thank you AJ for all your work and sharing it with us. If I inherit lots of cash in the near future, I'd buy you the latest and greatist that Cakewalk has to offer in gratitude.
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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2009/02/05 11:43:40 (permalink)
Hi Bob.

sorry for my question about MCU and not about ACT.

I use MCU Pro that is great for control Sonar, but the dll is very old and the plug-in control mode is not good for me.

It's possible to develop a new dll for select, open and close plug-in and his GUI or insert in the function button possibility the command (present in ACT) for this???

Another little question, when I use WAI in the bank selected it's possible to give another color at selected track???

Thans for all
best regards
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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2009/05/18 18:04:25 (permalink)
On Sourceforge the the two SYSX files appear to be no longer available, the older v.1 is gone, and the seperate files for SYSX files are missing. Does anyone have these?

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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2009/06/23 12:31:00 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: Pravritti

On Sourceforge the the two SYSX files appear to be no longer available, the older v.1 is gone, and the seperate files for SYSX files are missing. Does anyone have these?


Does anyone have AJ's plugin or know where I can find it?

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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2009/06/23 12:34:57 (permalink)

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RE: New free BCR2000 control surface plugin now available 2009/06/23 13:05:55 (permalink) space between bcr and 2000. thx.

ORIGINAL: bitman

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