PCMCIA cards with TI chipset for Firewire I/O

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July 20, 06 4:27 PM (permalink)

PCMCIA cards with TI chipset for Firewire I/O

I know this has been dealt with in the past, but need some more recent info. Adaptec doesn't say what chipset they use. Neither do a couple of other PCMCIA card manufacturers that I can find listed at provantage.com which is where I purchase computer stuff online. From what I've found here Adaptec no longer uses the TI chipset. Apparently there aren't too many PCMCIA to Firewire cards out there anymore.

My DAW computer is a Toshiba Satellite 1955 laptop with 3 USB 2.0 ports and 1 FW port. I currently have a PoCo FW and a Glyph hard drive chained together on the 1 FW port with my UA1000 soundcard (box?) on one of the USB 2.0 ports. I'd like to split off the hard drive from the chain and have it on it's own port so the PoCo doesn't give me as many comm errors as I seem to be getting lately with the move to S5. Yeah, I can ratchet up the latency, but I don''t have that much room left to do that.


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    RE: PCMCIA cards with TI chipset for Firewire I/O July 21, 06 4:18 PM (permalink)
    I'm using a CoolGear PCMCIA card (TI). I haven't had any problems with it.
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