Re: Renaissance Bass - Free
2013/12/07 03:05:05
I would have to agree, I doubt it will ever be useful here, any use for it in the low range creates the kind of sub harmonics that cause a problem for me. I can get it to sound OK in the mid low but I would probably use VOG or something else. I agree free is a good price for that one. I agree with Dave in one of the threads here. Cosmos is already much more useful here.
Not the same with all the plugs from that bundle though IMO, though I've only had it for a week I'm confident Rvox will become my first choice for vocal compression. I have way too many vocal strips I rarely use. Nectar, Maserati, CLA, SSL duende.... all pretty good at what they do and I can find a sound I'm looking for in time. In every project I have, replacing those with Rvox has given me the sound I was looking for quickly. Though there are a few other waves plugs I don't really have a use for and let expire with version 8, there are a few that are mission critical here. Vocal rider, bass rider and now Rvox.
I already have some plugs from waves version 9 that are expired, a few like vocal rider I regard as mission critical. My diabolical plan is to stop buying waves plugs when the next version comes out and just stay with version 9.
Does anyone know if it is possible to run the WUP expired full version plugs, with version 8 protected by ilock and the plugs from version 9 protected by the new system at the same time?