So, What exactly is P5?

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June 08, 07 11:32 PM (permalink)

So, What exactly is P5?

I've been reading various posts trying to figure it out. It seems an intriguing program. I have Sonar Home Studio 6XL, and I have to wonder, what does P5 have to offer? What am I missing by not having P5?

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Shimozu-Kushiari or Bob

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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 09, 07 0:15 PM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: RobertB

    I've been reading various posts trying to figure it out. It seems an intriguing program. I have Sonar Home Studio 6XL, and I have to wonder, what does P5 have to offer? What am I missing by not having P5?

    Hi Robert ........MY Friend..My Old Buddy
    the question s...
    what does P5 have to offer ?
    What am I missing by not having P5 ?
    can mean many different things many different people..
    last year P5 to me was just a pathway to Dim Pro ...
    now P 5 means something else entirely me....
    I'm gonna chime in a little , and then sit this out untill some of the other fellas here chime in ,
    as they are better at explanations that are more logical than mine....
    To me P 5 is a wonderfull software musical application ,
    P5 can blow the doors wide open and free up a persons musical creativity .
    you can go HS / Sonar...or you can use the groove matrix and create patterns and grooves to drop in a tune on the fly..
    you can audition in real time midis , P5 patterns , waves...
    while playing them you can transpose them to lock into a desired formula or even create a formula beyond your wildest dreams....
    kinda like a cross between HS / SONAR, Abelton Live, Acid Pro , F..L.
    very Hybird in its ability to accomplish in a simple direct fashion with out genre limitations a multitude of musical a a slave...
    .........oooh that sounds kinky........
    P 5 offers many features such as device chains and the ability to midi preview to name a few that I miss the second I go back to SONAR

    IMO with P 5 , once you have a bassic knowledge of its way of doing things ...
    Ya never have to suffer from looking at a blank screen with a case of musical writers block....

    btw anthing I might say about P 5 is not gonna do much as far as an explanation ..
    so that was just a taste untill the calvary arives...


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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 09, 07 0:25 PM (permalink)
    I forgot to add in my other post the midi preview and the .wav file previews in the browser. Also, the browser is an easier way to audition arpeggiator patterns as well as opposed to the track pane.
    post edited by Trusty - June 09, 07 0:29 PM
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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 09, 07 8:48 AM (permalink)
    To Trusty's and Kenny's description I would add a couple of things that seem to pop up frequently as P5 features that people seem to like...

    **P5 has better midi functionality than Sonar. It's easier to record and edit midi.
    **P5 has a more efficient "workflow" for some, meaning it's easier to record, edit, and arrange patterns/clips/grooves (compared to more traditional programs like Sonar).

    Then there are the features (some of which are mentioned above) that P5 has, that Sonar doesn't have - the arpegiator, a couple of softsynths and effects, the groove matrix.


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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 09, 07 10:03 AM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: ecamburn

    **P5 has better midi functionality than Sonar. It's easier to record and edit midi.

    I don't necessarily agree with this - "better" is definitely a subjective term. While P5 does make it easier to record and edit MIDI, I don't see this as being better, just easier/quicker/different. Sonar (full version) has much more in-depth MIDI editing capability, the tradeoff being that it takes longer to write/record/edit MIDI. I can't speak for HS6XL since I've never used it, but I assume that it is more similar to Sonar than it is to P5 in terms of MIDI capabilities.

    ORIGINAL: RobertB

    What am I missing by not having P5?

    - easy MIDI editing
    - excellent arrangement tools
    - cool bundled synths
    - the joy of hanging out on this forum with a bunch of informative, helpful, and very talented folks (aka, the P5 Fanboy Club)

    P5 is IMO very much a musician's tool. It makes it very easy for musicians to start with an idea and build a composition around it without having to deal with a lot of excess capabilities that just get in the way of creativity. One thing that I would advise, however, is to try the demo, or if you decide to just buy it without trying it, consider getting the SWA Project5v2.5 tutorial video ($29 - do a search of recent forum posts for the link). The reason I suggest this is that some people, especially Sonar, FLS, and Reason users, seem to have a hard figuring out how to use P5. This seems odd to me, since the app was so intuitive to me when I first opened it that i didn't even crack the manual until I was halfway through composing a song. Other people just don't seem to get it right off the bat, but with a little training, it should become very intuitive very quickly. HTH.

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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 09, 07 11:45 PM (permalink)
    Thanks all,
    I think I'll give it a go. I've downloaded the demo, and will be playing with that while I save up for the real thing.
    Cryophonic, I hear you on the intuitive thing. It seems to be highly subjective, relative to the user. I think it has a lot to do with the balance of left brain/right brain activity. I'm not entirely sure where I sit in that mix, but with guidance and determination, I can usually find my way.
    Kenny, hopefully you won't regret this.

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    Shimozu-Kushiari or Bob
    Jesse G
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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 09, 07 11:49 PM (permalink)
    What does P5 have to offer??????????????????????

    GROOVE MATRIX, Add a trigger finger midi controller to it and you've got Creative madness!!!


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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 10, 07 0:21 PM (permalink)
    SonarHS is an interesting option.....

    1. Not as overwhelming as SonarPE or SE.

    2. Same linear features as Project5

    3. A Mixer window.

    4. The better "Sonar" engine. Whatever that means.

    If it can hold the instruments I use, with a lighter cpu load, and for $80 ?


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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 10, 07 0:39 PM (permalink)
    It's a heck of a package for $80.
    It's been suggested that I am drinking my bathwater, but I think it sounds noticably better than what I had with SHS4(Sonar4 engine) I sent a couple tracks to Kenny, and he noticed it as well.
    It does seem to work the CPU harder. Even though it reports higher usage, it seems very smooth. Native VST support is nice, and it found all of my wrapped VSTs just fine, even though they were in various folders.
    I haven't set up ACT yet. The per-track eq is cool.
    I'm sure its big brother is worth the difference, but so far it is capable of more than I know what to do.

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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 10, 07 1:04 AM (permalink)
    We need to find someone with both P5v2.5 and SHS for comparison.

    I have authentic analog drum machine samples.
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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 10, 07 1:08 AM (permalink)
    I'll post the question in the HS forum. Lets see what comes up.

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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 10, 07 1:23 AM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: RobertB

    Thanks all,
    I think I'll give it a go. I've downloaded the demo, and will be playing with that while I save up for the real thing.
    Kenny, hopefully you won't regret

    Hi Robert,
    good move on the getting demo....
    I doubt that I will regret this at all ....
    P 5 is a little bit different with the learning curve ...not to bad actualy ...once the ball is rolling it is amasing how much can be done with just the bare esentals knowledge wise..
    if you want ....or if you have any issues wraping your head around P5 feel free to contact me know how to ....
    IMO , I think you might be suprised on what ways P5 can be usefull. even to acoustic guitar strummers...
    I have a ton of Jams I built up using the Groove Matrix
    I love jamming away to them..
    setting up a typical band a bass , drums, and keys / synths is so easy ....
    P 5 dosent even break a sweat for that sort of thing...

    I'm not gonna hawk any of my tunes here , the 3 or 4 I did that started life out in P 5 and stayed mostly there ...
    were the tunes that gave me the least amount of headaches...and were fun to boot..

    fwiw...this is the fist I'm mentioning this ....( so much for keeping a secret ...)
    I did use P5 on the latest song collab with James for my bass part on Better Days...
    I took the tune ...put it into P5 ...and using the Dim Pro and the paino roll I wound up mapping out 80 percent of the Bass ...
    then using Rewire I ended up bouncing the P5 parts into the SONAR project
    once it was in there I grabed my bass and replaced the midi parts with some good old USA P Bass style ....

    in your case you could take a tune like your Project 45 ...import it into P5 ...match the tempo ....and then by using the pattern browser audition patterns / waves and midis for some of the other desired instruments and sounds..and build something up that way...
    many of the patterns that come with P5 are contempory and they are quite usefull for comming up with song parts...
    ..... Mocking Bird was done using stock P 5 patterns that I tweaked....

    the stock patterens in P 5 are usualy in the Key of C and to transpose the patterns in P5 is pretty easy...
    you have a section on each track that alows you to add efx..transpose, add device chains.....and a whole other bunch of Jazz....

    nice rapping with you ...

    post edited by kennywtelejazz - June 10, 07 2:39 AM

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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 10, 07 4:06 AM (permalink)
    Hi Robert. When I migrated from GT3 to P5, the big thing for me was the Groove Matrix and how easy it became to audition different arrangements, and record those arrangements on the fly. The synths and the midi editing capability was a nice bonus.

    Having a traditional linear sequencer like HS or Sonar or Reaper etc in combination with P5 really gives you the best of both worlds. Now that P5 supports multitrack recording, you can do just about everything in there, apart from mixing
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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 10, 07 7:17 AM (permalink)
    its a secret society way more secret and clandestine than P2

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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 10, 07 9:50 PM (permalink)
    Ah, that would explain why you don't seem to hear from "former" P5 users. You zap them with one of those MIB things, don't you?

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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 11, 07 5:50 AM (permalink)
    I'm afraid if I told you that I would have to kill you

    P5 is an unsubstansiated rumour and that's all you need to know
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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 11, 07 7:30 AM (permalink)
    Well I think I could probably benefit from a thing or two in P5, but I unfortunately only found out about it after I purchased 6PE and DimPro - so shelling out 200 something euro for only a better workflow - don't see that happening. Only if it were somehow possible for people in my situation to get it at a realistic price, I'd be interested, definitely.

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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 11, 07 8:44 AM (permalink)
    The reason I suggest this is that some people, especially Sonar, FLS, and Reason users, seem to have a hard figuring out how to use P5. This seems odd to me, since the app was so intuitive to me when I first opened it that i didn't even crack the manual until I was halfway through composing a song. Other people just don't seem to get it right off the bat, but with a little training, it should become very intuitive very quickly.

    I had this same experience
    It just seemed to fit exactly with how I wanted to work.
    For a while, I thought maybe people had been trained to work with other hosts and so had a hard time unlearning and relearning, but I'm more inclined now to believe that some people are more suited to other workflow patterns -- which is why there may be so many choices available -- and some just slip into how P5 works without having to figure anything out.

    If I try to use Sonar or Live, I'm constantly referencing Help or tutorials and what I learn doesn't stick all that well.


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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 22, 07 9:54 PM (permalink)
    It seems the timing was right, I sprung for the $99 download version.
    It's downloaded and installed. No issues so far(at least in the first ten minutes).
    Houston....we have ignition.
    Artsoul, do I need to learn the secret handshake or sacrifice a goat or anything?

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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 22, 07 10:00 PM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: RobertB

    do I need to learn the secret handshake or sacrifice a goat or anything?

    Nah...your in

    Oh Yeah , Life is Good .
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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 22, 07 10:03 PM (permalink)

    My Soundclick Page
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    Shimozu-Kushiari or Bob
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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 22, 07 11:11 PM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: RobertB

    It seems the timing was right, I sprung for the $99 download version.
    It's downloaded and installed. No issues so far(at least in the first ten minutes).
    Houston....we have ignition.
    Artsoul, do I need to learn the secret handshake or sacrifice a goat or anything?

    It seems the timing was right, I sprung for the $99 download version.
    It's downloaded and installed. No issues so far(at least in the first ten minutes).
    Houston....we have ignition.
    Artsoul, do I need to learn the secret handshake or sacrifice a goat or anything?

    I think you have to sacrifice cattle with the Houston reference

    Welcome to the club

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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 22, 07 11:12 PM (permalink)
    Okay, I gotta dead goat here.... I guess I interpreted the code wrong..... :)

    RobB... I think that you (like me) found that the download version was the perfect match. After 10+ years of this, I sure don't need another subtractive synth or sampler......

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    RE: So, What exactly is P5? June 22, 07 11:22 PM (permalink)
    Indeed. I'm planning on getting Dim Pro in the future, having gotten a taste of it with SHS6, but in the meantime, I have plenty to work with.
    Thanks Ed,
    I may be able to come up with a chicken. We have lots of produce in Brighton, too. I'm not sure if sacrificing lettuce counts.

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    Shimozu-Kushiari or Bob
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