Rick Viola
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Strange loud buzz
Often when I press play, I get a strange buzz tone that will not stop until I press play again. Any ideas?
Home built, Asus Z97-E mb, Intel i7-4790K cpu, 4GHz, Windows 10 Home 64, Asus GTX-750, Hyper 212 EVO cooler, 16GB ram, Focusrite Scarlett 2i4, AKG Perception 220, Alesis RA-100 and Monitor One's, Sonar Professional.
The Grim
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Re: Strange loud buzz
December 29, 16 10:35 PM
for me it turns out to be the ' music' i am creating, sometimes i am grateful that it stops when i press play again sorry, must be one of those days hope you get it sorted, maybe a bit more info would help someone track it down, just one project, or any random project, any common vst/vsti's if its any random project, tried bypassing fx/instruments, does it happen with other daws you may own etc best of luck with it
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Re: Strange loud buzz
December 29, 16 10:42 PM
Are you using ASIO or WDM or otherwise? Sounds like a buffering issue. Too few or even sometimes too many. Check that in preferences sync and caching that trigger and freewheel is ticked instead of full chase lock - just for fun. I know what you are talking about.
Rick Viola
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Re: Strange loud buzz
December 30, 16 0:54 PM
New project. New Sonar Pro. Just starting with drum track with EZ Drummer 2. No Plugins besides that. I did notice this with a test project trying some guitar recording with a small drum part. It doesn't seem to make a difference with sample rate. I'm at 128 buffer size. I should be safe. It's going to be tough to reproduce every time. Maybe it's EZ drummer.
Home built, Asus Z97-E mb, Intel i7-4790K cpu, 4GHz, Windows 10 Home 64, Asus GTX-750, Hyper 212 EVO cooler, 16GB ram, Focusrite Scarlett 2i4, AKG Perception 220, Alesis RA-100 and Monitor One's, Sonar Professional.
Rick Viola
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Re: Strange loud buzz
December 31, 16 9:37 PM
Using ASIO. I was coming back on to say it happens sometimes if I select above 48KHZ or buffer size below 128, then I read your reply more carefully. Yes, flywheel was not selected. I assumed Cakewalk knew what it was doing on the defaults. It seems to have cured it so far. At first, I got no sound at all after changing that setting, even after a restart, I thought I broke my sound. I had also ran the Focusrite firmware checker thing. Then a disconnect/connect of the USB cable got sound back. I don't know if any of that is related, but I have been using it all day and all was fine at 48KHz. Anyway, all fine for now at any sample rate. What is the suggested sync settings for a Focusrite 2i4 in Sonar?
Home built, Asus Z97-E mb, Intel i7-4790K cpu, 4GHz, Windows 10 Home 64, Asus GTX-750, Hyper 212 EVO cooler, 16GB ram, Focusrite Scarlett 2i4, AKG Perception 220, Alesis RA-100 and Monitor One's, Sonar Professional.
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Re: Strange loud buzz
December 31, 16 10:17 PM
contact focusrite or check their web site for that info. I have no idea. If it's working don't worry about it.
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Re: Strange loud buzz
January 01, 17 8:57 PM
Yes, I have this sometimes. It started happening after improvements to the audio engine were announced some time back. The symptom is: The cursor moves normally, but the audio seems stuck in a short millisecond loop (I speculate here on the cause) and one hears a buzzing instead of the expected audio. Happens here when starting Play the very first time after opening a project, or, if two projects are open, when switching from one project to the other and hitting Play. This only happens on the first attempt at hitting Play. Subsequent attempts it will play normally until I switch to the other project. Then the first attempt to play results in this buzzing again. I have many interfaces from three manufacturers and the effect is repeatable on all of them. In recent versions it became rare, but perhaps the bug is back?
Rick Viola
Max Output Level: -90 dBFS
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Re: Strange loud buzz
January 02, 17 7:51 AM
I never have multiple projects open. It sounds like the same error though. Sonar has not done this since I set the timing to Flywheel. So that's my fix. Once I record more audio tracks in this project, I'll know more.
Home built, Asus Z97-E mb, Intel i7-4790K cpu, 4GHz, Windows 10 Home 64, Asus GTX-750, Hyper 212 EVO cooler, 16GB ram, Focusrite Scarlett 2i4, AKG Perception 220, Alesis RA-100 and Monitor One's, Sonar Professional.