Which Wave Editor

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RE: Which Wave Editor December 04, 05 10:28 AM (permalink)
ORIGINAL: daverich
COOL! ... the opening of audition and sonar automatically updating the file is working now! ... dunno why but this opens up a whole slew of possibilities - including the auto-tune funtion in audition for times when v-vocal just wont stop phasing. ... Great stuff ;)

Very nice, Dave. Could it be that moving up to S5 did it? Dunno, 'cause it worked for me in S3.

I like the Tools menu integration. I don't know exactly how it works, but my guess is that they are either passing arguments to the wave editor through the comand line, or using some sort of Windows scripting upon invocation. Somehow the info on the selected clip is getting to the wave editor. Anyway, it's pretty slick.

Really, the only gripe I have with it is that it must temporarily export/import the entire WAV file, which takes time. Having a little more control over this process would be great, for instance, being able to select whether the entire WAV gets transferred, or just the selected portion. Also, being able to select where the temp file gets created could allow use of a RAM drive for very speedy transfers back and forth.

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RE: Which Wave Editor December 04, 05 10:31 AM (permalink)
ORIGINAL: losguy

ORIGINAL: daverich
COOL! ... the opening of audition and sonar automatically updating the file is working now! ... dunno why but this opens up a whole slew of possibilities - including the auto-tune funtion in audition for times when v-vocal just wont stop phasing. ... Great stuff ;)

Very nice, Dave. Could it be that moving up to S5 did it? Dunno, 'cause it worked for me in S3.

I like the Tools menu integration. I don't know exactly how it works, but my guess is that they are either passing arguments to the wave editor through the comand line, or using some sort of Windows scripting upon invocation. Somehow the info on the selected clip is getting to the wave editor. Anyway, it's pretty slick.

Really, the only gripe I have with it is that it must temporarily export/import the entire WAV file, which takes time. Having a little more control over this process would be great, for instance, being able to select whether the entire WAV gets transferred, or just the selected portion. Also, being able to select where the temp file gets created could allow use of a RAM drive for very speedy transfers back and forth.

Yeah I know what you mean - some way of pointing audition to the chunk of audio that sonar is using would be good - but maybe there would be file-access issues?

Kind regards

Dave Rich

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RE: Which Wave Editor December 04, 05 10:42 AM (permalink)
ORIGINAL: daverich
Yeah I know what you mean - some way of pointing audition to the chunk of audio that sonar is using would be good - but maybe there would be file-access issues?

Yeah, probably, but if it's possible to get around that I bet the SONAR folks could figure out a slick way to do that too. Maybe some way of temporarily closing the file and then reopening it between the apps. But the wave editors seem to be a little inefficient themselves, wanting to load the files all the way in, then cacheing them back out. So it could get tricky, depending on the particular wave editor. Seems like keeping the clip small helps the most, and works right now.

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mark s
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RE: Which Wave Editor December 04, 05 12:25 AM (permalink)

ORIGINAL: mark s

Cant seem to get Scott Garrigus' instructions for putting a program on the tool bar. Trying this in Adobe. Is it any different with Soundforge.

Seems the instructions are not for XP pro (at least getting into dos mode is very different) Entry as instructed using the equivalent Audition path come up with nothing. I'm on as administator.

How did you manage to get soundforge in?

Don't bother editing the registry. This simple utility named Cakewalk Tools Menu Editor does the trick perfectly.

Worked great, thanks!

BTW, the interface to Soundforge reminds me of an OLD copy of Microsoft Word. Pretty klunky. The tools and feature will have to sell me on THIS one. Audition has the leg up that this point.
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RE: Which Wave Editor December 04, 05 2:06 PM (permalink)
ok the tools import thingy stopped working properly.

The only difference i could think of is that the track the worked was only 1 lane - the one that didn't was many lanes (a comped vocal).

Essentially the audio goes over to audition fine - but you save it in audition and sonar just will not give you option to import the edited audio.

Can anyone else here verify?

Kind regards

Dave Rich

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RE: Which Wave Editor December 04, 05 2:11 PM (permalink)
Yikes! I'll be able to verify week after next! Sorry, mate. Hope this gets sorted. I will need multi-lane functionality too!

Workaround meantime: Can you copy the lane to a fresh, old-style single-lane track? How would it work then?

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RE: Which Wave Editor December 04, 05 2:16 PM (permalink)
ORIGINAL: losguy

Yikes! I'll be able to verify week after next! Sorry, mate. Hope this gets sorted. I will need multi-lane functionality too!

Workaround meantime: Can you copy the lane to a fresh, old-style single-lane track? How would it work then?

will give it a go tomorrow when I'm back in the studio.

It's a nice feature - i hope there's an easy way to fix it.

Kind regards

Dave Rich

For Sale - 10.5x7ft Whisperroom recording booth.

martin s
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RE: Which Wave Editor December 04, 05 7:13 PM (permalink)
as a complement of sonar ;cool edit pro is very simple to use and work very well.the trial version worked 21 days fully fonctionnal.

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RE: Which Wave Editor December 04, 05 10:09 PM (permalink)
This feature seems to work in Sound Forge ok for me. One thing that I wish would be added which probably ties in with a couple of comments I read in this thread....this functionality is a bit better in the Sony Vegas implementation. Sonar seems to automatically open a copy of the source file in the wave editor. Well in the Vegas implementation you get a choice, of either "open a copy in wave editor" or "open in wave editor". Thus if you want changes to take place on the source file, you just select open in wave editor and when you save from the wave editor the source file gets updated with the changes. If you want the source file to remain uneffected, then you select "open a copy in the wave editor". It would be good to have both options like in Vegas. Continuously creating copies of the file can leave a lot of extra audio files on your HD that you don't necessarily want. You're eccentially making a copy of the file everytime you choose to use this feature.

Sonars implementation on selecting your Wave editor seems pretty incomplete also, seeing you have to jump through hoops to use Audition to make it appear in the tools menu. In Acid and Vegas, you goto a preference menu where you select your "prefered wave editors". Thus you use a browse button within the app and point to the executable file, and then you have access to use whatever wave editor you selected.

I spent most of my day digging into to Sonar and just learning it. To be honest, the more I learn how to use it, the less I am starting to like about it. That's because the features I'm exploring it seems like their implementation isn't fully developed. This open in wave editor is a good example. Try this feature out in Acid or Vegas, and you'll see what I mean. Don't get me wrong, Sonar has a lot of features that Acid and Vegas doesn't have and that's ultimately why I'm making the switch, but some that are common just seem incomplete in their functionality.
post edited by Rednroll - December 04, 05 10:17 PM
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