martin and taylor acoustic-electrics

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RE: martin and taylor acoustic-electrics September 05, 06 8:49 PM (permalink)
an update: i got a guitar this weekend (labor day sale):

a taylor 110 (no pickup), plus SKB hardshell case, plus tax for $600. a steal, in my book.

it was the first guitar i picked up, and the one i kept going back to, even after playing an $1100 martin. the tone was the main thing for me - the martins were quite dull to me, woody-sounding for sure but in the higher registers i like a brighter tone. if anything the taylor is a little too bright but the strings are elixirs and fairly new.

the second thing that stood out to me was the craftsmanship. i played just about every note below the 15th fret and they were all buzz free with halfway decent technique. it felt more solid than martins of similar price and even the $1100 one had some frets that buzzed a bit. the intonation was spot-on to my ears (didn't bring a tuner - already had two capos in my pockets plus keys wallet and cell phone...).

the guitar has medium strings on it and i usually play custom lights so i'll have to man up a bit but the thinner neck will help out a lot. i had no problem playing some of my harder songs even with the thicker strings.

haven't recorded it yet but that's the next thing i plan to do (after playing it a bit to get the calluses in gear).

i really couldn't find anything there in the $1500 range... once you get past $1100 or so things jump up rather quickly.

- jack the ex-cynic
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RE: martin and taylor acoustic-electrics September 06, 06 1:25 PM (permalink)
ORIGINAL: OffAnAirplane

I would pick a Taylor over a Martin any day, for sound quality. Martins are good, but not worth the money, in my opinion.
Larivee's are also nice. The cheapest Taylor that they make is still quite nice. I play a 710ce, but I would buy one without pickups if I had it to do over again.

I second what Jboy said, you are never going to get the sound out of a pickup that you will out of a decent condensor mic.

I am working with a client right now who is using a Larivee and it is one of the warmest, nicest sounding acoustics I've heard in a long time and a lot less money than either Taylor or Martin. The last acoustic that I recorded that sounded anywhere near that good was a Guild.

I can't remember that last time I recorded a Taylor or a Martin. I just don't get that many clients with ultra fine instruments like that. But If it had to be Taylor or Martin, I would be hard pressed to choose really. They are both fine choices. Kind of like choosing between a Mercedes or a BMW.

Glad to hear you found something nice! Have fun playing it.
post edited by krizrox - September 06, 06 1:40 PM

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RE: martin and taylor acoustic-electrics September 06, 06 4:39 PM (permalink)
Jack ,
I have to say that finding a good acoustic guitar on the cheap is about as easy as finding a soulmate, it can be done , just don't look to hard and when you least expect it Whaaaalaaaaa .......Hope it works out for you....


post edited by kennywtelejazz - September 06, 06 5:00 PM

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RE: martin and taylor acoustic-electrics September 06, 06 4:39 PM (permalink)
ORIGINAL: krizrox

ORIGINAL: OffAnAirplane

I would pick a Taylor over a Martin any day, for sound quality. Martins are good, but not worth the money, in my opinion.
Larivee's are also nice. The cheapest Taylor that they make is still quite nice. I play a 710ce, but I would buy one without pickups if I had it to do over again.

I second what Jboy said, you are never going to get the sound out of a pickup that you will out of a decent condensor mic.

I am working with a client right now who is using a Larivee and it is one of the warmest, nicest sounding acoustics I've heard in a long time and a lot less money than either Taylor or Martin. The last acoustic that I recorded that sounded anywhere near that good was a Guild.

I can't remember that last time I recorded a Taylor or a Martin. I just don't get that many clients with ultra fine instruments like that. But If it had to be Taylor or Martin, I would be hard pressed to choose really. They are both fine choices. Kind of like choosing between a Mercedes or a BMW.

Glad to hear you found something nice! Have fun playing it.

A buddy of mine used to play a Larivee, that was the first time I'd heard of them. It really had a great sound and played well too. He bought his at GC, but when I finally decided to invest in a high-end acoustic GC no longer carried Larivee. So I ended up with my Taylor 710ce. I think my Taylor sounds better than his Larivee. But it cost about twice what his Larivee cost, and I don't think it sounds twice as good.
post edited by OffAnAirplane - September 06, 06 4:53 PM

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RE: martin and taylor acoustic-electrics September 06, 06 5:13 PM (permalink)
My buddy just bought a Lowden Guitar.
It might be outta your range but if you have a chance to play one, don't pass it up!
It has an amazing range from brassy to warm, a finger pickers dream!
I just saw you post, good luck with you new "soulmate"
I use Elixers and you right they have a brite sound. But I found their life span is short.
I found Dean Markleys are a bit warmer.
Try different types.
Great choice !
post edited by Opus - September 06, 06 5:32 PM
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RE: martin and taylor acoustic-electrics September 06, 06 9:11 PM (permalink)
ORIGINAL: krizrox
I am working with a client right now who is using a Larivee and it is one of the warmest, nicest sounding acoustics I've heard in a long time and a lot less money than either Taylor or Martin. The last acoustic that I recorded that sounded anywhere near that good was a Guild.

I can't remember that last time I recorded a Taylor or a Martin. I just don't get that many clients with ultra fine instruments like that. But If it had to be Taylor or Martin, I would be hard pressed to choose really. They are both fine choices. Kind of like choosing between a Mercedes or a BMW.

Glad to hear you found something nice! Have fun playing it.

guitar center did not have any larivees in the store unfortunately. when i'm in that range i will definitely find one to play.

so far so good with the 110. my fingers are getting used to the medium strings so i'm going to try and record with it this weekend.

- jack the ex-cynic
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RE: martin and taylor acoustic-electrics September 06, 06 9:12 PM (permalink)
ORIGINAL: kennywtelejazz
Jack ,
I have to say that finding a good acoustic guitar on the cheap is about as easy as finding a soulmate, it can be done , just don't look to hard and when you least expect it Whaaaalaaaaa .......Hope it works out for you....

well i definitely got lucky on this one. i had planned to play all the guitars under $1500 in the store that were acoustic and not an ovation, but i just kept coming back to the taylor. it was meant to be.

- jack the ex-cynic
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RE: martin and taylor acoustic-electrics September 06, 06 9:38 PM (permalink)
My buddy just bought a Lowden Guitar.
It might be outta your range but if you have a chance to play one, don't pass it up!
It has an amazing range from brassy to warm, a finger pickers dream!
I just saw you post, good luck with you new "soulmate"
I use Elixers and you right they have a brite sound. But I found their life span is short.
I found Dean Markleys are a bit warmer.
Try different types.
Great choice !

i'm definitely going to experiment with different strings. i think that may contribute to my issues with the ovation - very bright guitar + bright strings...

elixirs last longer than d'addarios but my fingers seem to kill even elixirs. i saw something in musician's friend about "cleartone" strings but those things are like paid advertisements so i tend to ignore them. if anyone has any experience string-wise feel free to share.

- jack the ex-cynic
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RE: martin and taylor acoustic-electrics September 06, 06 9:59 PM (permalink)
There is nothing like a new guitar to get the old juices flowing..

I've been putting off upgrading to a better acoustic for some time now ,
when I got to my new town I had auditioned for a blues band and they wanted the strat sound .

I was out looking around for a typical strat , mines modified w a P 90 middle and .....a PAF bridge, neck bucker
Couldn't find anything I liked for less than a grand ( got some nice electrics already )
...... so one day I walked into a Hick Town Music Store....
Saw a cool Jazz Box with 3 P 90's and bought that instead .. for peanuts ,
Said screw the band , they wanted a Slave Robot (... ain't me...) and have been practicing a lot ...since that day on my New Git....
Yah gotta stay Happy ...if it take a new git to be Happy ... thats what it takes.


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RE: martin and taylor acoustic-electrics September 06, 06 10:24 PM (permalink)
Man, ain't that the truth. I just picked up a Simon & Patrick acoustic. It's not a Taylor, but it sounds and feels good, and I am having a GREAT time playing it. New toys are good for the soul.
post edited by RobertB - September 06, 06 10:39 PM
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RE: martin and taylor acoustic-electrics September 07, 06 0:45 PM (permalink)
ORIGINAL: jacktheexcynic
the second thing that stood out to me was the craftsmanship. i played just about every note below the 15th fret and they were all buzz free with halfway decent technique. it felt more solid than martins of similar price and even the $1100 one had some frets that buzzed a bit. the intonation was spot-on to my ears

Congratulations on finding what you're looking for. FWIW, it's pretty much customary to assume that an acoustic guitar will require a set-up to suit the individual preferences of the player (setting the action, intonation, etc.) so this only indicates that the Martin hasn't been set up yet. Pretty standard for any acoustic. If the Taylor was already set up to your liking, that's a bonus, but you shouldn't pass on a great guitar just 'cause it hasn't been set up. If you are interested in a particular guitar, a reputable shop will usually set it up the way you like before you buy.

If you're shopping for strings, try the John Pearse brand. Best I have found and I've tried quite a fair few, fer sure. I think you will like them mucho better than Elixirs...

Happy pickin'.
post edited by j boy - September 07, 06 0:59 PM
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RE: martin and taylor acoustic-electrics September 07, 06 5:55 PM (permalink)

ORIGINAL: kennywtelejazz

Yah gotta stay Happy ...if it takes a new git to be Happy ... thats what it takes.


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RE: martin and taylor acoustic-electrics September 07, 06 9:42 PM (permalink)
being frustrated with my guitar's sound has kept me back during recording, so i agree - it's better to be happy. =)

- jack the ex-cynic
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RE: martin and taylor acoustic-electrics September 20, 06 9:25 PM (permalink)
I've been playing Taylors for about five years and performing with them for about two. The sound is amazing. these guitars are very playable.
Martins may be a bit more rugged than the Taylors, but the Taylor factory is also very good about parts and service. I've been fairly ruff with my
guitar, and the only thing I've ever paid for is a setup and strings when I need them.

As far as the sound diference goes, play around with the differnet models and you'll find what you're looking for.
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RE: martin and taylor acoustic-electrics September 21, 06 9:17 AM (permalink)
if anyone has any experience string-wise feel free to share.

I would recommend DR brand strings, medium is my preference. Good tone and last a long time for me. And I like the wound third string.
Congrats on the Taylor.

Some tunes: 

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RE: martin and taylor acoustic-electrics September 22, 06 10:50 AM (permalink)
can I weigh in with a suggestion from Australia.

I've played all the expensive Taylors, Martins Laviree's etc but you'll find just like many overseas visitors who've tried one; Just can't go past a Maton guitar. Check out the site and see if a store near you has one.

This is not an ad for them. I've had one since 1979 and its just an awesome lump of wood. Rich tone, fast action I could go on and on.

Can you tell I like 'em

Mike V. (MUDGEL)

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