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Sonar X2 and Maschine 1.8 (seth OR BILL!!-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
So, after a myriad of problems, I took the plunge and bought a solid state drive. I came back to the studio, pulled my old hard drive, loaded a fresh win 64 on to the solid state drive, downloaded all windows updates. Then installed Sonar, downloaded and installed all updates. Installed Maschine, got all updates, and now I have the craziest behavior it is: When i insert Maschine as a simple instrument, it loads up fine. I hit play on the transport, Maschine starts up right in sync. I can hit the pads, all working great. NOW, when I arm the track to record, it gets totally crazy. I arm the track, hit play/record and all starts as normal. Then I start playing Maschine.....the pads register my hits, and flash, just as normal. however, the pattern that I am playing ALWAYS starts one measure BEHIND where the transport in Sonar says it is. Like a time warp....I play, then hear the pads that I hit in PERFECT TIME one measure behind. Tempo does not matter. I have changed it from 100 to 130....always a measure behind. Here is where it gets stranger.....If I go in and change the metronome to 0, got back out, arm the same track and push record, all of my pad hits are in perfect time. If I go in and change the metronome to preroll 2 measures, my pad hits on Maschine are then in perfect time 2 measures behind. I have fought this thing for 2 days since my fresh install. The solid state drive is worth it's wait in GOLD for anyone wanting to know. It really flows like glass with the interface. But damn...damn...damn.......I'm right back onto the forums again with problems. I have already fully uninstalled Maschine and put it back on...I even rolled it back to 1.5...same problem. I'm tapping out. Anybody got anything for me? Seems to be a metronome problem from Sonar...but I really have no clue.
post edited by bigboi - September 28, 12 0:47 PM
Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 1:10 AM
Bigboi, Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with Maschine. However, just to be clear, are you saying that SONAR's metronome and Maschine are out of sync when you try to record MIDI to trigger samples and/ or patterns in Maschine? SP
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 1:23 AM
Bigboi, I have had the same exact problem in the past. Switching the metronome count in to 0 always fixes it. Everything will show up exactly 1 measure late even when you play it in time. I never used Mashine but I will have it happen with various other soft synths. The odd thing is, sometimes it will do it, sometimes it will not. Settings never change.
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 1:24 AM
I am utterly impressed that you are in here. Cheers sir. When I insert Maschine as a simple instrument vst, and arm ANY track in the project, Machine then falls behind the exact count of the metronome preroll. However, it is in PERFECT TIME with the beat.....just behind. If I start playing the pads, they come in exactly on the beat 1 measure behind. When I stop the transport, the Maschine pattern continues playing measures for whatever I have the metronome preroll set two. If I have the metronome preroll set for 2 measures, the Machine patter/pads with come in exactly two measures late and play exactly two measures after I stop the transport.
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 1:26 AM
Thank least I am not crazy. By the way guys should know that the main reason I have stuck it out with X1 is that I see you and Ryan and Willy and others ACTIVELY in here trying to sort out our problems. I almost jumped ship to Studio One, but your support has kept me around. And check out the joined date...been here a while.
post edited by bigboi - May 27, 11 1:30 AM
I7 920, 8 gigs ram, Newest gigabyte motherboard, 100 gig ssd for operating system and program files, 1 TB 7400 rpm for storage, Full V-Studio system, 2x Motu 2408 MKIII, 2x Motu 24 I/O, Maschine, Kore 2, Virus TI2, Korg m3, Novation Supernova, Novation D-station, Mo Phatt, Elektron Machine Drum, MicroKorg XL, Arturia Origin, Korg Triton, Roland jv2080-completely expanded, Avalon 737SP, 3 Sony premiere monitors, 2 event 20/20 studio monitors, Autotune AVP1, TC Helicon Voiceworks, 1 TC Electronics Powercore 6000, 1 Powercore Firewire
Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 1:30 AM
Aha, I fully understand the issue now. You are indeed NOT crazy as this sounds like a bug with either Maschine or SONAR. I know that we are aware of several bugs concerning SONAR's metronome and that we are looking into addressing them in the future. I'm not sure if this specific issue has been resolved, or if it is even known internally. I'll see if I can find out anything. In the meantime, I'd suggest reporting this problem with our problem reporter on our help page. SP
Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 1:31 AM
To add on, since Mike said he's experienced this issue with other plugins, I would guess its an issue with SONAR. For now, just record with no count-in. Hopefully we can resolve this issue sooner rather than later. SP
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 1:37 AM
Cool...thanks sir. Good job on the support, by the way. It's 1:30 AM Atlanta time. Don't know another company that would care as much to be on at this time. Like I said, good support from companies is hard to find. Please let me know what you find out regarding the bug. Throwing a pretty big kink in the work flow right now.
I7 920, 8 gigs ram, Newest gigabyte motherboard, 100 gig ssd for operating system and program files, 1 TB 7400 rpm for storage, Full V-Studio system, 2x Motu 2408 MKIII, 2x Motu 24 I/O, Maschine, Kore 2, Virus TI2, Korg m3, Novation Supernova, Novation D-station, Mo Phatt, Elektron Machine Drum, MicroKorg XL, Arturia Origin, Korg Triton, Roland jv2080-completely expanded, Avalon 737SP, 3 Sony premiere monitors, 2 event 20/20 studio monitors, Autotune AVP1, TC Helicon Voiceworks, 1 TC Electronics Powercore 6000, 1 Powercore Firewire
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 1:53 AM
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 1:55 AM
(permalink) only does this when you choose AUDIO METRONOME. When you choose midi metronome, it works perfectly. Looks like energy xt is 32 bit. I am on 64 bit. Thanks ..maybe I will try it anyways.
post edited by bigboi - May 27, 11 2:01 AM
I7 920, 8 gigs ram, Newest gigabyte motherboard, 100 gig ssd for operating system and program files, 1 TB 7400 rpm for storage, Full V-Studio system, 2x Motu 2408 MKIII, 2x Motu 24 I/O, Maschine, Kore 2, Virus TI2, Korg m3, Novation Supernova, Novation D-station, Mo Phatt, Elektron Machine Drum, MicroKorg XL, Arturia Origin, Korg Triton, Roland jv2080-completely expanded, Avalon 737SP, 3 Sony premiere monitors, 2 event 20/20 studio monitors, Autotune AVP1, TC Helicon Voiceworks, 1 TC Electronics Powercore 6000, 1 Powercore Firewire
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 2:08 AM
I'm on 64bit to it works for me its worth a try
Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 2:14 AM
bigboi only does this when you choose AUDIO METRONOME. When you choose midi metronome, it works perfectly. Looks like energy xt is 32 bit. I am on 64 bit. Thanks ..maybe I will try it anyways. That makes sense since the Audio and MIDI metronomes are running off of separate engines, so a bug in one wouldn't necessarily affect the other. For now you can use the MIDI metronome and trigger an external hardware synth, or you can just make a metronome MIDI track and draw in 8th notes or whatever you want for 4 bars, turn the clip into a loop, and roll it out for the length of the project. Then have that MIDI track trigger TTS-1 or some other lightweight, GM synth. SP
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 2:31 AM
Wonder why i never had this before I reloaded? I have not changed anything, just reloaded onto the ssd. I had Maschine working great before. Oh well, I will keep playing with it. Do me a favor though and let me know when you have time to talk to the techs about it. I'd like to know if there is a fix on the way sometime soon. Your workarounds will work for now. Do you have to have the metronome trigger an external synth only, or can I setup tts, load an instrument and let it trigger that track (not to fond of having to mute and unmute all the time.) Again...thanks ...DUDE. "Careful man...there's a beverage here"-my favorite quote.
I7 920, 8 gigs ram, Newest gigabyte motherboard, 100 gig ssd for operating system and program files, 1 TB 7400 rpm for storage, Full V-Studio system, 2x Motu 2408 MKIII, 2x Motu 24 I/O, Maschine, Kore 2, Virus TI2, Korg m3, Novation Supernova, Novation D-station, Mo Phatt, Elektron Machine Drum, MicroKorg XL, Arturia Origin, Korg Triton, Roland jv2080-completely expanded, Avalon 737SP, 3 Sony premiere monitors, 2 event 20/20 studio monitors, Autotune AVP1, TC Helicon Voiceworks, 1 TC Electronics Powercore 6000, 1 Powercore Firewire
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 10:45 AM
A couple notes from my setup: WinXP Sp3, Dual 2.8 cpu Sonar X1b, Maschine 1.6.2, RME FF800 with ASIO drivers (note that stand alone Maschine without Sonar works perfectly) I am unable to record midi info at all from the Maschine controller. I am also experiencing very high CPU usage (in the 60 to 100% range) when just playing a simple loop. Higher spikes cause general instability and slowness. Although my system has been 100% stable with all other software, Maschine isnt quite there yet with X1b. For example, i had to change my ASIO settings to 256 samples where i usually use it at the lowest (64 samples) Also of note, i cant get Maschine's current loop to stop once Sonar starts it. I have not yet tried launching Maschine in stand alone outside of Sonar. I might try this. By contrast, Microtonic-- -a similar drum machine without as many samples--- stops and starts and loops perfectly in time, no problems at all.
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 8:40 PM
Susan G
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 8:44 PM
backwoods should be in "hardware" I don't agree with all of your recent "should be in..." comments, but you do know that only the moderators can move threads anyway, right? -Susan
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 8:47 PM
Which ones don't you agree with Susan? Maybe the moderators can take a hint.
Susan G
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 9:00 PM
backwoods Which ones don't you agree with Susan? Maybe the moderators can take a hint. They don't need a hint from me ;) -- Seth weighed in on this one, for example, and he could have moved it if he wanted to. -Susan
2.30 gigahertz Intel Core i7-3610QM; 16 GB RAMWindows 10 x64; NI Komplete Audio 6.SONAR Platinum (Lexington) x64
Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 9:08 PM
Maschine is software that can use an optional controller. Since the issue is with SONAR and Maschine this thread will stay here.
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 9:09 PM
How about the others Seth?
Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 9:13 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. We'll certainly move threads when appropriate and when we have time to do so. This is just a tiny part of what we do as Cakewalk staff (nobody is a dedicated, full-time forum mod) so we don't always have time to move threads, chime in, etc. For example, I am busy editing and rendering videos on two machines right now, and am just popping on here as the video renders. Now, back to the original topic at hand ...
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 27, 11 9:18 PM
OK, thanks for that Seth. Duly noted. It was worth a shot.
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
May 28, 11 12:14 AM
(permalink) you have Maschine and is your install of Maschine working correctly? Kind of desparate to see if this is a person to person problem, or if everyone with 1.6.2 has this?
I7 920, 8 gigs ram, Newest gigabyte motherboard, 100 gig ssd for operating system and program files, 1 TB 7400 rpm for storage, Full V-Studio system, 2x Motu 2408 MKIII, 2x Motu 24 I/O, Maschine, Kore 2, Virus TI2, Korg m3, Novation Supernova, Novation D-station, Mo Phatt, Elektron Machine Drum, MicroKorg XL, Arturia Origin, Korg Triton, Roland jv2080-completely expanded, Avalon 737SP, 3 Sony premiere monitors, 2 event 20/20 studio monitors, Autotune AVP1, TC Helicon Voiceworks, 1 TC Electronics Powercore 6000, 1 Powercore Firewire
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
June 01, 11 3:47 PM
Anyone have any findings on this? i too am interested to read how people use Maschine with Sonar X1
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
June 01, 11 6:04 PM
I make my beats with Maschine solo, then pull everything into sonar. With Battery3 I freeze it. Recording live into Sonar from Maschine does not work for me either.
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
June 01, 11 7:16 PM
dang--- SOOOOOOOOOO frustrating. Maschine is arguably the best drum machine/sampler out there, and its not working. hope we can get this fixed soon. has anyone tried using it in standalone with sonar running via rewire or some sort of workaround? (i know you can export loops in maschine but i want to use it inside Sonar)
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
June 01, 11 7:51 PM
no issue here with maschine 1.5 Were you experiiencing this with maschine 1.5 ? Are you making a loop ? If so make sure that you looped in a multiple of the maschine loop : Exemple : maschine loop 2 bars can start sonar loop at any of 2 multiple not start loop at bar 3 to 5 for exmple ...but 0/2 or 2/4 or 0/4 or 0/8 ect ... don't know if you got it ... Cpu is chilling and i ain't upgrading to 1.6 until i'm sure it's rok solid and cpu safe ... I do thind that at any giving latency maschine used with maschine give more latency that maschine as a midi controller ... Are you using maschine software to sequence or sonar to sequence maschine ?
post edited by Zo - June 01, 11 7:55 PM
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
June 01, 11 10:47 PM
I am using Sonar to sequence, and triggering Maschine for the sounds. Theproblem is definitely not with is with Sonar's metronome.
I7 920, 8 gigs ram, Newest gigabyte motherboard, 100 gig ssd for operating system and program files, 1 TB 7400 rpm for storage, Full V-Studio system, 2x Motu 2408 MKIII, 2x Motu 24 I/O, Maschine, Kore 2, Virus TI2, Korg m3, Novation Supernova, Novation D-station, Mo Phatt, Elektron Machine Drum, MicroKorg XL, Arturia Origin, Korg Triton, Roland jv2080-completely expanded, Avalon 737SP, 3 Sony premiere monitors, 2 event 20/20 studio monitors, Autotune AVP1, TC Helicon Voiceworks, 1 TC Electronics Powercore 6000, 1 Powercore Firewire
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
June 02, 11 6:58 PM
i havent yet figured out how to use sonar to trigger the notes in maschine--- but if i do i will use it that way. maschine would simply host/map the samples. For now though, Maschine won't even loop for me correctly. Ideally it would stop/start with Sonar, but it never stops. I had another post on this a few months back...
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Re:Sonar X1 and Maschine 1.6.2 (seth-i know you are in here.....HELP ME DUDE)
June 03, 11 6:20 AM
the purpose of machine is to sequencing in it !!! You can then drag and drope the pattern created as midi or audio check you midi batch option in machine ...i have no issue in both way of using it .....sequencing in maschine or out .....
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