Helpful ReplySONAR & Cakewalk by BandLab (CbB) Resources and Utilities

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March 29, 16 8:29 AM (permalink)

SONAR & Cakewalk by BandLab (CbB) Resources and Utilities


  • Important Information
  • Programs & Utlities
  • Instrument Definitions
  • Drum Maps
  • Plugin Presets & FX Chains
  • Cakewalk Wallpapers & Plugin Skins
  • Sonar Platinum Themes
  • Tutorials Video and/or Written
  • CAL Script & Miscellaneous Resources
  • post edited by mudgel - June 22, 18 10:08 AM
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    Re: Sonar Resources and Utilities August 26, 16 8:17 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby jimfogle January 01, 18 7:28 PM


    This thread is maintained by volunteers in behalf of all Cakewalk forum users. Both those who make use of the resources and those gifted individuals who have given freely of their skills to create the variety of resources presented here.

    Feel free to browse and download material as you see fit. If you have a contribution to make contact Elffin or Mudgel and we'll be sure to follow up with you. If you need specific information about any of the resources here please contact the developer of that item.

    Please start a new thread in the Software forum if you have a software problem or request of some sort. Posts in this thread will be deleted once dealt with which will make any important information unsearchable. If you have some material to contribute use the thread entitled "New Sonar Resource Submissions".

    If you already know what's here, feel free to use the link below. It will take you off the forum and Cakewalk site to a private Box account where all the resources are privately hosted and available for download.

    >>> SONAR Resources & Utilities <<<

    Individual programs are tested by their developers, however, neither we nor Cakewalk by BandLab offer any guarantees/warranties. While individual developers may adopt some form of distribution licence for their individual work, all material hosted here is freely available for your use.

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    post edited by mudgel - May 30, 18 5:08 AM
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    Re: Sonar Resources and Utilities August 28, 16 6:51 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby jimfogle January 01, 18 7:27 PM


    MenuMagic v1.9
    TheSteven (Steven)
    A full plugin management system to complement and enhance SONARs rather weak plugin Manager.
    This is a paid for product. All questions should be directed to the developer)
    For more details see this thread. -
    Aslow3 Utilities:  Please support the developers work by registering on his website.

    AZ Controller
    Azslow3 (Alexey) v0.3r9 (test releases also available for download)
    Get the most thorough control surface function possible with this plugin.
    This plugin is in constant development. 
    Link to website for Download and Further Information. Please support the developers work by registering on his website.

    SONAR Transport Control 
    SONAR transport control from any web browser (phone, tablet, etc):,288.0.html

    Universal MIDI FX
    MIDI FX (clip tempo change, filter, key switches, drum-map for any message types, etc):,286.0.html

    MIDI velocity mapper
    Arbitrary MIDI velocity mapper (keyboard dynamics, MIDI compression):,275.0.html

    ACT Editor (by Marko) hosted on Aslow's site: 
    Visual ACT mapping for ACT MIDI, Generic Surface, AZ Controller, VS-700, etc):,251.0.html

    AZ Act Fix
    Fix probelms with ACT - read opening thread first.
    Download:... ACT-Learn-button-work-in-any-Sonar-version-m3419474.aspx 

    AZ ACT Fix.
    AZ Text2Lyrics,311.0.html
    KuPcake 2.6   Current update released October 30th 2015. Note name change from CupCake
    KPerry (Kevin)
    Everything you wanted to know about your VST plugins. Backup and restore User editable settings. Edit ProChannel names.
    Plug-ins are now sorted by category (VST2/VST3/Pro Channel and Effects/Synths) and then alphabetised below these, and renaming or changing "Synth" checkbox moves them between menus. And more.
    Further Information: 
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Listed Nov 18 2015)
    ralf (Ralf Sesseler)
    This tool will convert an instrument definition (ins file) into a drum map for Cakewalk SONAR. (Essentially, any text file with a mapping from midi note number to drum instrument name can be used.) The created drum map uses default values for most parameters and is not linked to a particular virtual instrument, so it's mainly the first step and may require enhancements to be done in SONAR directly. 
    Download and Further Information In the left menu area, click on “Cakewalk SONAR”. Then select “Instrument to Drum Map” to download the file.
    Bill Jackson (Bill) Wonder what the program name means. Cakewalk Drum Replacer Sfz Maker. Will help you add 3rd party drums to Drum Replacer.
    Further Information:
    Duckbar (current release)
    Panup (Panu)  for both 32 & 64 bit
    For all the bits that SONAR doesn’t do completely. Color and menu options and a super dooper control bar and a far more than could be listed here. Link to website for Downloads and Further Information. Please support the developers work by registering on his website.
    Duckbar Resources - for SONAR X3 - Soens
    folder containing some skins and a Duckbar EXE Color zip file(EXE Color for TE The EXE Color files are in XML format for use with Duckbar and SONAR X3. They won't work in TE but contain over 450 color locations with names and color codes that may be of use to those making themes.
    Download folder
    KeyBindingDisplay (KBD)
    jac (John)
    Allows you to see a qwerty keyboard with the various default bindings for Platinum.
    Link to website for Download and Further Information. Please support the developers work by registering on his website.
    Czyky (Mark)
    Where are my Cakewalk projects and whats in them? Now you can find out! 
    Further Information: 
    Silktone (Steven)
    Ever wanted to put a buss right among your tracks? Want to send a track output to another track? Do that and more. 
    Further Information:
    SONAR MP3 Patch (Updated August 12th)
    aaronbewza (Aaron)
    Patches the free LAME MP3 codec into SONAR’s File Export function. Extensive onboard help is available.
    NB: this developer has not been an active member on the forum for quite a number of years so there may be no support Available other than the linked documentation or thread.
    TTSLAME.dll  v3.98.2 optimised for SSE2
    jcatena  (Jose)
    For SONAR X3e and earlier users only. (SONAR 2015 is already updated)
    This is the file behind the Cakewalk MP3 codec which you must have purchased for this to work. This version updates SONAR's ttslame.dll to a newer version which adds more features to SONAR’s MP3 export dialog.
    Download Folder:
    Installation & Further Information: 
    NB: this developer has not been an active member on the forum for quite a number of years so there may be no support Available other than the linked documentation or thread.
    VSTInventory (formerly VSTPluginManager) New version 1.0.17
    bitflipper (David)
    Want a spread sheet of all your VST plugins? This is for you. If you don't have MS Excel installed the tool will generate a text file. Fully tested upto and including Platinum.
    Further Information: 
    Scook's Tools:

    SONARToolsEditor by scook 
    Do you want to send audio data direct to another application for editing without leaving SONAR?Extensive onboard Help is available. Download includes 32 and 64 bit versions and a readme file.
    Download - Newest Version

    a utility designed to run WaveEditor type programs in SONAR as administrator. Programs requiring administrator access may now run without running SONAR as administrator.

    VST Inventory Tool
    Graphical list of VST plug-ins with html export option. Download includes 32 and 64 bit versions and a readme file.
    Download  updated for Cakewalk by Bandlab

    Recent File Maintenance
    Autohotkey script written for source posted in thread, download is 64bit executable.

    SONAR Launchpad
    This program is a different approach to presenting SONAR and Cakewalk by BandLab (CbB) projects, project templates, bundles and MIDI files. Currently this program works with SONAR Producer, Platinum and CbB. As a result, only directories containing the keyword Platinum, Producer or Core are searched for SONAR and/or CbB programs. While it should work with 32bit versions, it has not been tested. Download includes 64 bit program and a readme file.

    Download   Cakewalk Bandlab                   30th of April 2018
    SONAR Plug-in Upsample Editor
    This program is a front end to edit existing plug-in upsample settings in AUD.ini. The program can also make backup copies of the existing settings or restore settings from a backup. This program should be used only where 64bit SONAR is installed. Because 32bit and 64bit SONAR share the same AUD.ini, if both are installed and use the upsample feature, the 32bit plug-in names will not be found if the plug-in is not in the 64bit VST Inventory. This will not affect the functioning of the program but will make it difficult work with 32bit plug-ins which are installed exclusively in 32bit SONAR. This program requires no special installation. No files or registry entries are created  upon installation. This program maintains the plug-in upsample data in Aud.ini. Records can be deleted, exported, imported or values changed. Download includes 64 bit program and a readme file.
    Download...    Updated 30.4.18

    PDC INFO (the delay that each plugin introduces)
    Since SONAR doesn't give us a way to see PDC info per-plugin like other DAWs do Silktone created  VST3 plugin that will display the Plugin Delay Compensation that the host reports to the plugin. So the idea is that you insert this PDC Info plugin in-between your other plugins, and it displays the PDC value at that point in the signal chain.
    So then if you insert 2 of these plugins, one before and one after some other plugin for which you want to see its PDC value, you can calculate that sandwiched plugin's PDC value by looking at the difference in two PDC values.

     >>Thread with download link<<

    1. You need to Stop/Start the transport to show the correct PDC info in the PDC Info plugin UI.
    2. You can insert multiple instances of the PDC Info plugin at different points in the signal chain.
    3. You can easily drag existing instances of the plugin to different FX chain locations, or to different tracks etc. So you only need to insert two plugins, then just drag drop them around different plugins to see that plugin's PDC info (remember to Stop/Start the transport each time!).
    4. There is a bug in SONAR where it doesn't tell the plugin the input latency, only the output latency. AFAICT, the VST3 spec requires the host to tell the plugin both input and output latency, but unfortunately it looks like SONAR isn't implementing this correctly. Because of the missing input PDC value, things will look a bit backwards. So a PDC Info plugin at the start of an FX chain will show a higher PDC value than the instance at the end of the FX chain. This "output" PDC value is the time remaining until you will actually hear the signal (including the output driver's delay).

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    post edited by Elffin - August 07, 18 6:48 PM
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    Re: Sonar Resources and Utilities September 01, 16 4:24 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby jimfogle January 01, 18 7:27 PM


    Download Folder
    Roland Handsonic HPD-15

    :By CedricLawde (Forum user name)
    Arturia MatrixBrute.ins
    Audiothingies Micromonsta.ins
    Casio CZ3000.ins
    Dave Smith Instruments Tetra.ins
    Elektron Machinedrum MKII.ins
    HyperSynth Xenophone.ins
    Korg Monologue.ins
    Moog MiniMoog Voyager.ins
    Nord Lead 4.ins
    Novation UltraNova.ins
    Roland JP-08.ins
    Roland JU-06.ins
    Roland SH201.ins
    Roland TB-03.ins
    Waldorf Blofeld Factory.ins
    Yamaha Reface DX.ins

    Yamaha Keyboard / Modules  INS Library - Hosted by "The Unofficial YAMAHA Keyboard Resource Site"

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    post edited by mudgel - August 06, 17 3:21 PM
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    Re: Sonar Resources and Utilities September 11, 16 4:27 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby jimfogle January 01, 18 7:27 PM


    DRUM MAPS  Complete Folder 

    Taiko 2 - (Kontakt Library) by Nine Volt Audio  based on the 4 ensemble patches (I named the descriptions to match the Close ensemble).

    Joey Adams:
    AD2 Drum map with instructions  

    sven450: (Scott Vennard)
    EZ Drummer DrumMap Presets
    EZ to AD2 Map Presets (to be loaded in AD2 as drum maps)

    Superior Drummer Maps

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    Re: Sonar Resources and Utilities September 20, 16 6:10 PM (permalink)


    Plugin Presets:

    TH2:  White Knuckle Presets   (Cakewalk Blog Link)

    FX Chains:  Click to download

    HP-LP filter           scook
    XR Series EQ        scook - EQ written for
    XR600F EQ           scook - EQ written for
    XR-V Series EQ     scook - EQ written for

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    Re: Sonar Resources and Utilities October 03, 16 4:25 PM (permalink)



    Pro channel Skins   Scook

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    post edited by mudgel - June 21, 18 12:10 AM
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    Re: Sonar Resources and Utilities October 09, 16 4:44 PM (permalink)


    Click on image to preview..... and download required theme from the download folder.  Download Folder:
    Please select the required files rather than downloading the 100mb folder...  

    Scook ________________________________________________________________________________

    "Tuncury"                                               Uploaded  2017/04/25

    "Tuncury Orange"                                  Uploaded  2017/04/25

    "Tuncury Green"                                       Uploaded  2017/04/25

    "Tuncury Light Green"                             Uploaded  2018/06/07

    "Mercury Light Green"                              Uploaded  2017/03/23

    "Tungsten with segmented yellow meters"                              Uploaded  2017/03/23

    Moslave ________________________________________________________________________________

    "Gold Sonar" by Mosvalve                                    Uploaded 2016/07/31

     "Mosvalve Blues" by Mosvalve                            Uploaded 2016/08/08

    Kperry _________________________________________________________________________________ 
    "The Hybrid" by Kperry                                       Uploaded  2016/07/27

    Elffin ________________________________________________________________________________
    "Red Cylon" by Elffin                                           Uploaded 2016/07/31

    "Dark Cylon" by Elffin                                           Uploaded 2016/08/02

    Outland144k ________________________________________________________________________________ 
    "Mercsten"                                                           Uploaded 2016/07/25 
    "Mercsten, Blue Meters"                                     Uploaded 2016/08/26

    "Tungsten Green"                                                 Uploaded 2016/07/31
    "Tungsten Green, Green Meters"                        Uploaded 2016/08/26 

    "Tungsten Dark Red theme"                                 Uploaded 2016/08/08
    "Tungsten Dark Red theme, White Meters"        Uploaded 2016/08/26

    "Tungsten Deep Blue theme"                            Uploaded  2016/08/06
    "Tungsten Deep Blue, Blue Meters"                   Uploaded 2016/08/26 

    "Tungsten Orange"                                               Uploaded 2016/08/08
    "Tungsten Orange, Orange Meters"                    Uploaded 2016/08/26

    "Tungsten Purple"                                                Uploaded 2016/08/08
    "Tungsten Purple, Purple Meters"                      Uploaded 2016/08/26 

    "Tungsten True Red"                                            Uploaded 2016/08/08
    "Tungsten True Red, White Meters"                   Uploaded 2016/08/26                                              

    "Tungsten Dark Green"                                            Uploaded  2016/08/16
    "Tungsten Dark Green, Green Meters"                   Uploaded 2016/08/26 

    "Tungsten Yellow"                                               Uploaded  2016/08/16
    "Tungsten Yellow, Yellow Meters"                     Uploaded 2016/08/26 

    "Tungsten Tiffany Blue"                                       Uploaded  2016/08/16
    "Tungsten Tiffany Blue, Aqua Meters                 Uploaded  2016/08/16

    "Tungsten Darker Amber, White Transport"                                      Uploaded  2016/08/16
    "Tungsten Darker Amber", White Transport,  Orange Meters"        Uploaded  2016/08/26

    Kamikaze ________________________________________________________________________________                     
    "Purple Mercury"                    Uploaded  2016/08/16

    Odyssey 70 _______________________________________________________________________________      
    "Blue Moon"                             Uploaded  2016/08/26

    SteveC ________________________________________________________________________________      
    "Polar Blue"                            Uploaded  2016/08/26

    Rflint ________________________________________________________________________________      
    "Pro Sonar 12.5"                     Uploaded  2016/08/28

    "Logic"              Uploaded 2017/02/25

    Pinguinotuerto ____________________________________________________________________________ 
    "Surf Blue "                              Uploaded  2016/08/28    

    TranceCanada ____________________________________________________________________________ 
    "Green Glow "                              Uploaded  2016/09/11

    "Orange Glow"                               Uploaded  2016/09/11

    "Purple Glow"                                  Uploaded  2016/09/11

    "Dark Aqua"                                        Uploaded  2016/09/11

    Sausy1981 ____________________________________________________________________________ 
    "Soft tones highlighted buttons "                              Uploaded  2017/02/25

    brconflict ____________________________________________________________________________ 
    "Blue Aston"            -                   Version 1.02                             Uploaded 2017/08/01

    Tungsten Slate Green

    Gran Vista Black & Blue

    "Mercury with white Control Bar" by Craig Anderton                Uploaded  2016/08/16

    "Mercury with Semi-B&W Control Bar" by Craig Anderton       Uploaded  2016/08/16

    "Retro Hifi " (Tungsten) by Kamikaze                                            Uploaded  2016/08/23

    "Retro Hifi Mercury" by Kamikaze                                            Uploaded  2016/08/16

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    post edited by Elffin - August 14, 18 2:26 PM
    Max Output Level: -67 dBFS
    • Total Posts : 1196
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    • Location: Wales
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    Re: SONAR Resources and Utilities February 05, 17 2:51 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby jimfogle January 01, 18 7:26 PM


    Using a drum machine to trigger Session drummer 3 / Session drummer 3 Multi output set up

    Creating Templates in Sonar

    3 Ways to Use Midi in Sonar

    Setting Loop points / Punch points in Sonar

    Drum Editing in Sonar Piano Roll View



    Export to MP4

    To configure the free Nero AAC Codec for Sonar's Audio/Export menu, select "Export to MP4". Then just select Nero AAC Encoder at audio export. Along with the MP4 file, a WAV file will also be created.
    Labeling Audio and Midi Tracks

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    post edited by mudgel - August 10, 17 1:16 AM
    Max Output Level: -67 dBFS
    • Total Posts : 1196
    • Joined: 2/11/2007
    • Location: Wales
    • Status: offline
    Re: SONAR Resources and Utilities July 01, 17 12:59 AM (permalink)



    CAL Script Directory       - Collected by Mudgel

    Aim Assist Helper - Autohotkey script to draw a vertical line at current mouse cursor position written for source in thread, download contains executable version.

    Stop and Back up 2 Bars - a CAL script written for download in pdf format
    Icons for use with Sonar. (Created by Outland144k)
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    post edited by mudgel - June 22, 18 10:09 AM
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