Helpful ReplyGibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers from Customer Support!

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Sir Les
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! December 16, 17 8:41 PM (permalink)
Customer Support [Cakewalk]
Hey all,
Let me help try to dispel some of the myths that seem to be making the rounds in this thread. I'm also being a bit candid here, and it probably won't be the stock response you'd expect at this point.
First, while we didn't specifically mention install/reinstall in the FAQ, we've mentioned there, and also now on our home page, that our servers and website will remain active, and there will be no changes to how you can access your products. I know the feeling you get when you read "at this time" or "as of now", etc, but that's the best way we can be open and honest with you. We have no control over what happens to us next, but we were told that moving forward, servers will remain up. There's currently no indicator that this will change, what day that could change, etc, so all we can say is what we know. As strange as this may sound, it's sort of business as usual for now. Uninstall, reinstall, and authorize as little or as often as you need. If it makes you more comfortable, get the downloadable installers and put them on a hard drive, another machine, etc. If one day someone decides to shut everything down, we'll have a plan in place for you to authorize without the server.
The less fun thing for me to bring up is all the mentions of bug fixes. Unfortunately, this is another "at this time" situation. Gibson has in fact ceased operation and development of Cakewalk products. Bug fixes are definitely part of what the development team works on, and without a development team... well... you know the rest. The few of us here have been working on plans A, B, and C for different scenarios. If we get sold, shut down entirely, or somehow repurposed, we're doing our best to ensure we have a plan in place for our users. Don't forget, we're still SONAR users too, and we still want it to exist as much as anybody else.
Though I may get some flack for this, I'll even mention Lifetime Updates. In short, it looks good on paper. If Gibson didn't shut down Cakewalk, it'd still be something we could honor. Of course, the term "Lifetime" should always be met with the question of "what lifetime?". During the promotion, we said "even if we change SONAR Platinum to SONAR ___, you'll still get updates" and believe it or not, we meant it. I personally would have looked with caution, but if the plan was for updates to be enhancements and bug fixes, and then charge for new content, instruments, and major features, the business plan now seems to make more sense. It's unfortunate that it comes off as a "too good to be true" situation, but considering annual updates were $249 on our site for just about all of 2017, I still think the price for the now dreaded LTU wasn't all that bad. I know of a certain industry standard that costs more for a single year anyway, and they definitely weren't handing out new features each month.
Now a question for you all: would it be helpful if we continued to update the FAQ when we receive new information, or to address some of your concerns? Otherwise, what do you think the best way for us to relay information would be? I'm open to doing whatever it takes to keep you all in the loop.

Yep some flack....Lifetime...two words joined together...Meaning + What are the two words...what makes words be...and are they bound by agreements if charged a cost for buying of...the terms, using words of promise to continue...for life, until life ends....of those working on were paid to continue to do when paid to asked of us users to pay forward..for.
Lifetime updates, do not come from a name brand, nor a box of black goo of poo...They come from those coders of human living entities who asked be given payment, given forward for lifetime updates..with some other misleading showings of possible outcomes if life of the coders or users...was not made clear enough? name has no life..nor does code...Life is in the user, and the makers of...As they still exists....if to break the agreement of those whom paid for...and bugs remain or will manifest due to change of OS or unforeseen cause....That living entity must update the bugs so no bugs are...for the life of those users, or coders f
or to make as agreed!
What comes out of the to be made Trustworthy and True!...or it defiles much!
Words and meanings there of words used...are not determined by Sonar, Cakewalk, or Gibson...or other...As words have meanings defined by knowns, diction, proper translations if used were put...before asking for to be paid forward by living entities, by same living entities...Human, or some mutated form there of having life...knowing the meaning and it's true applications...hold the meanings in line to the meanings there of if used.

1. Intel 5960x 3.5mhz , ASUS x99 deluxe u3.1, Asus Thunderbolt ex II,   G skills f4 3000 Memory 32GB , ADATA ssd 250GB Main Drive, Lots of WD Red 7200 Mechanical Drives with Black Drives, 14x multi optical Drive, LG Multi Blu Drive,  2X Extern WD Mybooks usb 3.0, AMD r7 270 video card, Motu 828x TB , Motu Midi XT.
2.  USING MAC PRO, as win 10 has damaged 2 x99 systems 8.1 is also to blame for the final burnout trying to roll back!
3.  Something Wonderful:!AlHkRy9cXBbYpQNvVBCt8r7fQ5PS
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! December 22, 17 6:06 AM (permalink)
1.  Maybe I am severely confused, but do not comprehend the angst regarding "unlocking" the software.  The online activation is something new; in the past, we had a key.  We simply need to revert to the previous method to insure that 'authorized' users are using the software.  It is/was the same way you install Kaspersky, Windows, and bunch of other software you use everyday.  That KEY to authorize could be linked to your REAL NAME (which Cake has in their database).  Only YOU could authorize YOUR stuff, and the software could not get out into the wild without your real name getting out into the wild as well.  Problem solved (or at least rationally suggested).
2.  As regards "bugs" and "bug fixes" - Windows Media Player and IExplorer are crap.  Expectations for software that never crashes and never screws up are unrealistic. 
3.  If you allow Windows to update, you risk Sonar never running again.  No updates will be forthcoming that will rescue Sonar if you allow Microsoft to unintentionally poison it.  You need to routinely image your drive(s).

I am "Five Foot Wall" on Spotify, Deezer, etc.  Platinum, Windows 7 64bit, AMD FX-6100 hex-core @3.8ghz, 8 gig ram (never use more than 5 gigs), Delta 44, UM-2
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! December 22, 17 6:30 AM (permalink)
1.  Maybe I am severely confused, but do not comprehend the angst regarding "unlocking" the software.  The online activation is something new; in the past, we had a key.  We simply need to revert to the previous method to insure that 'authorized' users are using the software.  It is/was the same way you install Kaspersky, Windows, and bunch of other software you use everyday.  That KEY to authorize could be linked to your REAL NAME (which Cake has in their database).  Only YOU could authorize YOUR stuff, and the software could not get out into the wild without your real name getting out into the wild as well.  Problem solved (or at least rationally suggested).
2.  As regards "bugs" and "bug fixes" - Windows Media Player and IExplorer are crap.  Expectations for software that never crashes and never screws up are unrealistic. 
3.  If you allow Windows to update, you risk Sonar never running again.  No updates will be forthcoming that will rescue Sonar if you allow Microsoft to unintentionally poison it.  You need to routinely image your drive(s).

Excellent post. I agree. No reason to panic.
I always have Win Updates disabled and only enable when I want it to update. Ordinarily I did all the Win updates right before I updated to  new version of Plat. There are way too many variables in normal operation than to let MS throw in their own variables with auto updates. I'm also an avid image file guy. They've saved my ass many times.

Gerry Peters
Midi Magic Studio
Album Productions and Songwriter Resources
Cakewalk By Bandlab, Platinum 64 + 32 bit, Studiocat AsRock Z97 motherboard, Haswell CPU 4790k @ 4.4GHz, RAM 16GB DDR3/1600, Windows 10 Pro all updates including optional, MOTU AVB Ultralite sound card/Midi interface/Dig mixer, onboard Video HD4600. Midisport 2x2 midi interface, Vienna Instruments, Ivory II piano, Komplete 9, Superior drummer. 5 HD's - OS drive 250GB SSD, Samples drive 1 500GB SSD,  3 data HDs - total of 6.5T
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! December 22, 17 1:10 PM (permalink)
1.  Maybe I am severely confused, but do not comprehend the angst regarding "unlocking" the software.  The online activation is something new; in the past, we had a key.  We simply need to revert to the previous method to insure that 'authorized' users are using the software.  It is/was the same way you install Kaspersky, Windows, and bunch of other software you use everyday.  That KEY to authorize could be linked to your REAL NAME (which Cake has in their database).  Only YOU could authorize YOUR stuff, and the software could not get out into the wild without your real name getting out into the wild as well.  Problem solved (or at least rationally suggested).

I believe the real problem is, if the Cakewalk servers go down (Because Gibson decides its not going to keep paying hundreds of dollars a month for server costs) we are all left with a big ole Sonar Platinum paper weight.
Activation runs off Cakewalk on line. No server = Demo mode. Unless of course you own the software.
However the second you want to reinstall the software, you need Cakewalks servers to re-register and activate the software. No server = no Sonar.
I would like to believe Cakewalk will not leave us in the dark but at this point, we have not heard from cakewalk in almost a month. a terrible disconnect to its user base that is reeling and concerned about the unknown.

Windows 8.1 X64 Sonar Platinum x64
Custom built: Asrock z97 1150 - Intel I7 4790k - 16GB corsair DDR3 1600 - PNY SSD 220GB
Focusrite Saffire 18I8 - Mackie Control
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! December 22, 17 1:56 PM (permalink)
I suspect the servers will go down once their current contract with whoever in the cloud hosts their virtual servers finishes otherwise there would be a penalty clause. It looks a though this forum at least is hosted on Amazon servers.

Sonar: Platinum & Studio One 3
Production PC: Intel i7-6950x 10 cores (20 processors) CPU @ 3.00GHz (with overclock to 3.60GHz), RAM 64GB, Windows 10 - 64 bit, Sound Blaster ZxR Pro, Dual Nvidia GTX1080 with 2 widescreen Monitors
MIDI: Akai Advance 49, Roland A-500Pro, Akai MPD230, Softube Console 1, Akai EWI USB, Roli Seaboard 25
Instruments: Martin D12X1AE Dreadnought - 12 string, Martin Ed Sheeran X Signature Edition, Fender Standard Precision-Bass Black MN, Gibson Custom Shop EDS-1275 Cherry (12 & 6 string dual)
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! December 22, 17 2:50 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Geo524 December 23, 17 0:35 PM
I have every confidence that the remaining Cakewalk personnel would endeavor to give their users a workable/effective solution if they are free to do so.
The problem is that I also have every expectation that Gibson will limit their solution to whatever is mandated/necessary under the law or by creditor agreement etc. These are the same people who simply walked away. If they can simply "walk away" again from their "obligation" to keep the servers running, I would bet that is what they would/will do.

Cakewalk, Studio One Pro, Reaper
Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL
ASUS Prime Z370-A LGA1151, 32GB DDR4, Intel 8700K i7, 500 GB SSD, 3 x 1TB HDD, Windows 10 Pro 64
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! December 23, 17 4:54 AM (permalink)
Many of the former Cakewalk employees also use Platinum. It's certainly in their best interest to make sure we do have off line activation like we had in the past. If something really did go very wrong with Gibson purposely trying to screw us all, I'd be surprised if someone wouldn't come up with a way for off line activation even if it had to be done illegally from a server in a foreign country. 

Gerry Peters
Midi Magic Studio
Album Productions and Songwriter Resources
Cakewalk By Bandlab, Platinum 64 + 32 bit, Studiocat AsRock Z97 motherboard, Haswell CPU 4790k @ 4.4GHz, RAM 16GB DDR3/1600, Windows 10 Pro all updates including optional, MOTU AVB Ultralite sound card/Midi interface/Dig mixer, onboard Video HD4600. Midisport 2x2 midi interface, Vienna Instruments, Ivory II piano, Komplete 9, Superior drummer. 5 HD's - OS drive 250GB SSD, Samples drive 1 500GB SSD,  3 data HDs - total of 6.5T
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! December 23, 17 10:02 AM (permalink)
Many of the former Cakewalk employees also use Platinum. It's certainly in their best interest to make sure we do have off line activation like we had in the past. If something really did go very wrong with Gibson purposely trying to screw us all, I'd be surprised if someone wouldn't come up with a way for off line activation even if it had to be done illegally from a server in a foreign country. 

I'd rather have a legal solution. My current plan, granted it only works for those of us that are long time users with older version, is to revert to Sonar X3 Studio, which I have the Serial Number AND Activation key for. I really rather have SONAR Platinum (and the latest Home Studio for my Laptop - since my previous Home Studio/Music Creator is ancient).

I expect that the remaining employees are doing their best to make sure we have a way to "permanently" authorize our existing licenses of the final SONAR packages, but I have not heard that those plans are complete and ready to implement in the event of the final demise of the authorization servers. Until they have this ready, if the servers are shutdown and the remaining employees are let go (likely with severe legal restrictions on what they can continue to do) then we don't have permanent licenses (and that is why I created my "final" Sonar workstation with "System Image" backup.).
I really liked the touch interface enhancements in SONAR X3 and later (or was it X2...?) but I'm not going to put SONAR on Windows 10 to take advantage of that. Unless I have a permanent license - then I can put it on Windows 10 with a Touch Screen Laptop or MS  Surface Style device - until it breaks and have to revert to my Windows 7 setup. Meanwhile, I'm playing it as safe as I can make it.

Sonar Platinum, Windows 7 Pro 64 bit, Intel NUC micro-workstation with 5th Gen Intel i5-5250U, 16 GB RAM and 1.25 TB Storage, Yamaha MG10XU Mixer USB Interface, Yamaha HPH-MT8 Monitor Headphones, Yamaha MX-49 controller synth
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! December 23, 17 3:18 PM (permalink)
This is the Music Business, Brah.  To get anywhere, you need to be willing to do anything it takes to get you where you need to get.  Anything.  I'd say more, but I have to get into my pink Tutu as the producer is coming over.

I am "Five Foot Wall" on Spotify, Deezer, etc.  Platinum, Windows 7 64bit, AMD FX-6100 hex-core @3.8ghz, 8 gig ram (never use more than 5 gigs), Delta 44, UM-2
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! December 23, 17 6:31 PM (permalink)
Many of the former Cakewalk employees also use Platinum. It's certainly in their best interest to make sure we do have off line activation like we had in the past. If something really did go very wrong with Gibson purposely trying to screw us all, I'd be surprised if someone wouldn't come up with a way for off line activation even if it had to be done illegally from a server in a foreign country. 

I'd rather have a legal solution. My current plan, granted it only works for those of us that are long time users with older version, is to revert to Sonar X3 Studio, which I have the Serial Number AND Activation key for. I really rather have SONAR Platinum (and the latest Home Studio for my Laptop - since my previous Home Studio/Music Creator is ancient).

I expect that the remaining employees are doing their best to make sure we have a way to "permanently" authorize our existing licenses of the final SONAR packages, but I have not heard that those plans are complete and ready to implement in the event of the final demise of the authorization servers. Until they have this ready, if the servers are shutdown and the remaining employees are let go (likely with severe legal restrictions on what they can continue to do) then we don't have permanent licenses (and that is why I created my "final" Sonar workstation with "System Image" backup.).
I really liked the touch interface enhancements in SONAR X3 and later (or was it X2...?) but I'm not going to put SONAR on Windows 10 to take advantage of that. Unless I have a permanent license - then I can put it on Windows 10 with a Touch Screen Laptop or MS  Surface Style device - until it breaks and have to revert to my Windows 7 setup. Meanwhile, I'm playing it as safe as I can make it.

Many of the former Cakewalk employees also use Platinum. It's certainly in their best interest to make sure we do have off line activation like we had in the past. If something really did go very wrong with Gibson purposely trying to screw us all, I'd be surprised if someone wouldn't come up with a way for off line activation even if it had to be done illegally from a server in a foreign country. 

I'd rather have a legal solution. My current plan, granted it only works for those of us that are long time users with older version, is to revert to Sonar X3 Studio, which I have the Serial Number AND Activation key for. I really rather have SONAR Platinum (and the latest Home Studio for my Laptop - since my previous Home Studio/Music Creator is ancient).

I expect that the remaining employees are doing their best to make sure we have a way to "permanently" authorize our existing licenses of the final SONAR packages, but I have not heard that those plans are complete and ready to implement in the event of the final demise of the authorization servers. Until they have this ready, if the servers are shutdown and the remaining employees are let go (likely with severe legal restrictions on what they can continue to do) then we don't have permanent licenses (and that is why I created my "final" Sonar workstation with "System Image" backup.).
I really liked the touch interface enhancements in SONAR X3 and later (or was it X2...?) but I'm not going to put SONAR on Windows 10 to take advantage of that. Unless I have a permanent license - then I can put it on Windows 10 with a Touch Screen Laptop or MS  Surface Style device - until it breaks and have to revert to my Windows 7 setup. Meanwhile, I'm playing it as safe as I can make it.

Back when MS was allowing all users of Win 7 and Win 8 to upgrade to Win 10 for free. I looked into it carefully and found out that if you make an image file of Win 7 and upgrade to Win 10 you can still revert back to Win 7 or 8 and not having any license issues at all (no message screens to switch over). This information was not easy to find out, but it is accurate, since after upgrading to Win 10 almost 2 years ago,  I’ve been able to boot to any of these OS easily.
What MS was telling everyone was that if you upgraded to Win 10 and decided you didn’t like it and wanted do go back to Win 7 or 8 you had a month to decide and then in Control panel you could choose to rollback. I never even looked into that feature, since I use image files and I’d not want to even try to rollback using that feature, I’d simply reload and old image file or dual boot to a different HD.
So you may want to upgrade to Win 10 and have both Win 10 and 7 or 8 available. Go to   and ask this question if you’re concerned, but I can tell you in my situation it has worked.
Also Acronis has a feature that it can restore an image of dissimilar hardware to your computer. In other words you can have an image file from another computer and restore it to a different computer and Acronis makes it work. I have that feature but never tried it. I’d assume you’d have to boot to the safe mode first and make the changes and then boot regularly.
So possibly others here have tried this and can chime in. But this ability alone may allow any of us to use Sonar on a new computer and not have to reauthorize in case the servers go down. Of course I’d first do it disconnected to the internet, works out any bugs, then make a new image and then connect to the internet in case that could mess something up. 

Gerry Peters
Midi Magic Studio
Album Productions and Songwriter Resources
Cakewalk By Bandlab, Platinum 64 + 32 bit, Studiocat AsRock Z97 motherboard, Haswell CPU 4790k @ 4.4GHz, RAM 16GB DDR3/1600, Windows 10 Pro all updates including optional, MOTU AVB Ultralite sound card/Midi interface/Dig mixer, onboard Video HD4600. Midisport 2x2 midi interface, Vienna Instruments, Ivory II piano, Komplete 9, Superior drummer. 5 HD's - OS drive 250GB SSD, Samples drive 1 500GB SSD,  3 data HDs - total of 6.5T
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! December 23, 17 10:42 PM (permalink)
The problem is that I also have every expectation that Gibson will limit their solution to whatever is mandated/necessary under the law or by creditor agreement etc. These are the same people who simply walked away. If they can simply "walk away" again from their "obligation" to keep the servers running, I would bet that is what they would/will do.

Gibson are staring bankruptcy in the face.

US bankruptcy law differs from that in the UK so I don’t know if the same thing holds true, but if a UK company is in serious difficulties then becomes bankrupt and has been giving away potentially valuable assets - like the code or activation keys for saleable software - while knowing bankruptcy might be coming, there are all kinds of unpleasant legal implications for the company and directors. They might be regarded as having denied their creditors the value of whatever that product might have fetched when the receivers sell off the company assets. Among other things, such as being banned from holding a directorship again, the protections normally awarded to a limited company might be revoked and/or the directors held personally liable for some or all of the debt.

Gibson aren’t in a financial position to choose what they’d like to do, whatever that may be. They need $520,000,000 to hand to their creditors by July or find a way to re-schedule that debt and maybe more. Gibson Brand’s credit rating is in the “junk” category, so re-financing is not very likely and if it happened would almost certainly require big changes at Gibson from whoever put the money up.

Cakewalk as a brand hasn’t made money for years. It survived as long as it did by being bought by Roland who then sold it to GIbson when Roland were in financial difficulties. My guess is both Roland and Gibson thought either Cake could be turned round and make money or provide a “value adding” asset to their stable of brands. Not an asset that directly makes money itself, but helps the other companies in the group make money.

Unfortunately once the bankruptcy court appears over the horizon companies start shedding anything and everything that doesn’t make money right now, this instant. Because if it isn’t making money, it’s costing them money they don’t have.

Sonar Platinum 64bit, Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit, I7 3770K Ivybridge, 16GB Ram, Gigabyte Z77-D3H m/board,
ATI 7750 graphics+ 1GB RAM, 2xIntel 520 series 220GB SSDs, 1 TB Samsung F3 + 1 TB WD HDDs, Seasonic fanless 460W psu, RME Fireface UFX, Focusrite Octopre.
Assorted real synths, guitars, mandolins, diatonic accordions, percussion, fx and other stuff.
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! December 24, 17 0:54 PM (permalink)
We don't want the code or assets.  We simply want an unlocking key for the software we already paid for and -OWN. - If Dodge or Chevrolet goes out of business, I still expect my car to start and take me to the liquor store.
What we all expect is that SOMEONE/ANYONE can come up with a solution, they need to SHARE IT BEFORE THIS FORUM DIES.  I personally do not care what that solution is, even if it requires slaughtering a chicken and sprinkling blood on my motherboard.   Since I have a number of Gibson guitars, I'd hope that solution would come from them.


adj.Of or belonging to oneself or itself: She makes her own clothes.

n.That which belongs to one

v. owned, own·ing, owns a. To have or possess as property
b. To have control over

2. To admit as being in accordance with fact, truth, or a claim

I am "Five Foot Wall" on Spotify, Deezer, etc.  Platinum, Windows 7 64bit, AMD FX-6100 hex-core @3.8ghz, 8 gig ram (never use more than 5 gigs), Delta 44, UM-2
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! December 24, 17 2:56 PM (permalink)
We don't want the code or assets.  We simply want an unlocking key for the software we already paid for and -OWN.

Read the Sonar licence agreement and you will find you do not OWN Sonar. You have a licence to use it. If you OWNED Sonar that would, in some jurisdictions, grant you the legal right to make copies of it and sell them. Which is why software companies sell you a licence to use their software, not the software itself.

Please note I am not defending Gibson or anyone else; just pointing out how the world is, not how it ought to be.

Sonar Platinum 64bit, Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit, I7 3770K Ivybridge, 16GB Ram, Gigabyte Z77-D3H m/board,
ATI 7750 graphics+ 1GB RAM, 2xIntel 520 series 220GB SSDs, 1 TB Samsung F3 + 1 TB WD HDDs, Seasonic fanless 460W psu, RME Fireface UFX, Focusrite Octopre.
Assorted real synths, guitars, mandolins, diatonic accordions, percussion, fx and other stuff.
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! December 24, 17 4:25 PM (permalink)
We don't want the code or assets.  We simply want an unlocking key for the software we already paid for and -OWN.

Read the Sonar licence agreement and you will find you do not OWN Sonar. You have a licence to use it. If you OWNED Sonar that would, in some jurisdictions, grant you the legal right to make copies of it and sell them. Which is why software companies sell you a licence to use their software, not the software itself.

Please note I am not defending Gibson or anyone else; just pointing out how the world is, not how it ought to be.

I don't think he is being too unreasonable. I understand where you are coming form and you are indeed correct about the ownership. So....
" We don't want the code or assets.  We simply want an unlocking key for the software we already paid for. "
That's better right

Windows 8.1 X64 Sonar Platinum x64
Custom built: Asrock z97 1150 - Intel I7 4790k - 16GB corsair DDR3 1600 - PNY SSD 220GB
Focusrite Saffire 18I8 - Mackie Control
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! December 24, 17 5:03 PM (permalink)
I don’t believe that the remaining Cakewalk crew are working on a fix for authorisation. In the time since development has stopped theyve successfully managed to switch off products going into demo mode for those who were paying monthly. They were all fixed on line with no user intervention other than to use CCC.
It wouldn’t take much Code to proved a second stage of authorisation being a registration number issued to us on the next occassion we use the CCC.
Connect to CCC upload a small patch to change the authorisation mode and simultaneously issue a new registration number.

They have the lines of code sitting in X3. Is it really such a big job.

I haven’t heard them say in anything they they are working on it, only if the servers are going to go down they will provide what’s required. I hope they don’t miscalculate. Years of losing money doesn’t fill me with the confidence in Cakewalks ability to get this one last thing right.

Mike V. (MUDGEL)

STUDIO: Win 10 Pro x64, SPlat & CbB x64,
PC: ASUS Z370-A, INTEL i7 8700k, 32GIG DDR4 2400, OC 4.7Ghz.
Storage: 7 TB SATA III, 750GiG SSD & Samsung 500 Gig 960 EVO NVMe M.2.
Monitors: Adam A7X, JBL 10” Sub.
Audio I/O & DSP Server: DIGIGRID IOS & IOX.
Screen: Raven MTi + 43" HD 4K TV Monitor.
Keyboard Controller: Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S88.
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! December 24, 17 6:52 PM (permalink)
I simply wish we knew one way or the other.

I am "Five Foot Wall" on Spotify, Deezer, etc.  Platinum, Windows 7 64bit, AMD FX-6100 hex-core @3.8ghz, 8 gig ram (never use more than 5 gigs), Delta 44, UM-2
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! January 01, 18 3:46 PM (permalink)

2.  As regards "bugs" and "bug fixes" - Windows Media Player and IExplorer are crap.  Expectations for software that never crashes and never scr*ws up are unrealistic.

Happy New Year everyone and lets hope there's a happy ending for the users even if it's not been possible to save anything from Cakewalk, which I sincerely hope is NOT the case.

Greg, as the Op who originally created this post, I feel obliged to answer because if you read what I originally stated, I don't believe my expectations were unrealistic.

Of course it goes without saying about it's an impossibility to have 100% bug-free software but have you ever working in software engineering?

In software, there are things called known bugs which once identified are allocated an ID.  These are often relating to (not always) functions which should work but don't!  So it was these bugs which I was referring to, should get fixed or any other known bugs which cause fundamental issues, maybe they endeavour a commitment to fixing them, not trawl through their code to make it 100% bug free.

I'm also using this as an opportunity to bumping this thread up the forum because it's the new year and it would be good to have some sort of update from Cakewalk this week if there is anything to report.  Perhaps an update even if there's nothing to report but I'd sure like to know how the transition is going as I'm sure you all would.

Cheers to 2018, Cakewalk and Sonar!  :-)

Synth Hardware Aficionado!  Moog Sub 37, Roland MKS-70/XV-5080/JV-1000/JP-8000/JP-8080/Boutique JP-08, Oberheim Matrix-1000, Korg EX-8000/MS2000B, Novation Super Bass Station/A-Station/Drum Station 2/Supernova 2, E-MU Orbit-3, Edirol UM-550/880, Lexicon MX300, Akai MPD226, Mackie ProFX22, M-Audio Delta Soundcard.  PC: AMD FX-6350, 8GB RAM, Samsung 840 EVO SSD, Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, Sonar X2a Producer/Platinum (32-bit).
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! January 01, 18 4:42 PM (permalink)
I would not expect to hear anything to soon. It's the holidays, they have no reason to hurry. when they are done they probably get layed off anyways, so ya, lets just relax and as said in the FAX they expect by Spring to have fixed the autorization issue. I'm not expecting anything for a few months. 

Johnny V  
Focusrite 6i61st - Tascam us1641. 
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! January 01, 18 5:29 PM (permalink)
Cactus Music
and as said in the FAX they expect by Spring to have fixed the autorization issue.

Hey John, where did it say that?  What FAX?  Did I miss something?

Synth Hardware Aficionado!  Moog Sub 37, Roland MKS-70/XV-5080/JV-1000/JP-8000/JP-8080/Boutique JP-08, Oberheim Matrix-1000, Korg EX-8000/MS2000B, Novation Super Bass Station/A-Station/Drum Station 2/Supernova 2, E-MU Orbit-3, Edirol UM-550/880, Lexicon MX300, Akai MPD226, Mackie ProFX22, M-Audio Delta Soundcard.  PC: AMD FX-6350, 8GB RAM, Samsung 840 EVO SSD, Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, Sonar X2a Producer/Platinum (32-bit).
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! January 01, 18 9:43 PM (permalink)
I don’t believe that the remaining Cakewalk crew are working on a fix for authorisation. In the time since development has stopped theyve successfully managed to switch off products going into demo mode for those who were paying monthly. They were all fixed on line with no user intervention other than to use CCC.
It wouldn’t take much Code to proved a second stage of authorisation being a registration number issued to us on the next occassion we use the CCC.
Connect to CCC upload a small patch to change the authorisation mode and simultaneously issue a new registration number.

Well, when it comes to Sonar stopping working caused by missing online authorisation it as simple as resorting to use a crack.
Not an ideal solution but if it is the only one available I wouldn't even hesistate the slightest.
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! January 01, 18 10:37 PM (permalink)
Well... speaking as the owner of about 10 Gibson guitars (from my one owner 1968 Les Paul Custom to my one owner 1988 ES-335 Dot Neck), multiple generations of Tascam/Teac studio electronics, and Cakewalk Software since the early DOS days through Sonar Platinum current update, I am abhorred at the incompetence of Gibson Corporate management. Their production guitars are at an all time low (paint chips, stepped bindings, wood flaws, strange sounds), the illegal importing of woods that led to an actual raid by federal agents, and now this bizarre purchase of Cakewalk only to shut it down... I've had enough. There are plenty of great guitars being made by other manufacturers... my ancient, 1970s Teac 3311 still can record a good 15ips half track... and I'll use my current Sonar Platinum version until I arrive at a suitable replacement. I don't want to make another penny for Gibson while it remains in the hands of Henry Juszkiewicz and his anti-musician gang of Harvard MBAs... and meanwhile, I would certainly avoid Gibson stock if I were and investor -- if Guitar Center goes Chapter 11 in 2018, Gibson will likely be a casualty!
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Re: Gibson / Cakewalk Announcement FAQ - Finally Some Answers! January 02, 18 4:05 AM (permalink)
  if Guitar Center goes Chapter 11 in 2018, Gibson will likely be a casualty!

If Guitar Center goes Chapter 11 in 2018 there will be many casualties, including musicians, in both the short and long term.  Once GC's bankers/creditors decide they'll will be satisfied to recoup 50 cents on the dollar there will be very few instruments of any type sold by either manufacturers or other dealers until that massive inventory is liquidated at bargain basement prices.  There will be very few left standing when that process is over, and that hurts us all.

CBB, Gateway DX, Core i7 2600, Windows 10 64 bit, 6 GB RAM, 1 TB C Drive, 2 TB D Drive, 1 TB Network Drive, Akai EIE Pro 4 channel Audio Interface.  Music:  Blog:
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