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Low End Condenser Mics
If one wanted to purchase a condenser microphone, mostly for vocals, for under $100, which one would people recommend? I know that range will not get a "pro" mic, but still I would like to know which are better in that price range, if anyone here is familiar with them. For instance, the MXL 990 and 909 are both the same price ($60, including shockmount and case). What is the difference between the two? Any good? How about the AT2020, about $100? What other mics would people recommend in this price range?
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 8:50 AM
I have a Behringer B1. It is cheap, but for the price it sounds great! I would highly recomend it for a good cheap condensor. Don't be scared by the behringer label, cause they seem to have gotten this one bit of equipment right... I havn't really tried many mics so I can't really make any comparisons except that for MY vocals it sounds ten times better than a 58 for my vocals. I really do like it and it's worth a look. There are obviously many other good ones out there but I do not know them...
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 8:57 AM
This one got a great review in Tape-Op a while back.
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 9:00 AM
I like this one; Samson CO1 Should be around $70.00
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 9:32 AM
I've looked at a number of these $100-ish large diaphragm condenser mics (for the most part, they all come from the same couple of factories in China) and they all sound pretty good. If all you're used to is a cheap Radio Shack mic or a beat-up SM58 that was handed down from generation to generation, then you'll probably be impressed. We could nit-pick the build quality but what's the point. For a hundred bucks (or less) these are pretty much disposable microphones that sound pretty good and should produce good results as long as you take care of them. Usually the weakest link is the mic clip or shock mount mechanism that comes with these things. Look at Cascade Microphones (the M20u is a good example of one of their LD condensers for around a hundred bux).
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 9:33 AM
The AT2020 audio technica is a great mic for under $100, the C series from Sampson are good also, but the AT2020 is a no brainer Cj
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 10:28 AM
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 10:44 AM
MXL 604s Mogami wired; pad. omni and card caps with rolloff - $99 each very very nice.
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 10:45 AM
ORIGINAL: CJaysMusic The AT2020 audio technica is a great mic for under $100, the C series from Sampson are good also, but the AT2020 is a no brainer Cj Is the AT2020 significantly better than the MXL 909 or 990?
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 11:03 AM
I have an AT2020. It's a great value and it's versatile. I've used it for voice-overs as well as acoustic guitar and upright bass and it did a very respectable job on all of those. It does have a sound characteristic that is identifiable as an Audio Technica condenser mic. Even if you move on to better microphones later on, you won't regret getting this one I also got the matching AT pencil condenser as part of a package, but it is terrible by every standard. Cascade Microphones are very good. I have the Fat Head II ribbon microphone and it's a FAR better microphone than I was expecting to get for the price. I would bet that their condensers are very good as well. They are Chinese mics, but as I understand it, they do a their own quality control.
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 11:04 AM
Any of the mics mentioned are good choices but if you really want to save some cash and still have a good mic I'd go for this one. Let me add this, everyone should have a pair of these at this price. If you record live drums, these work surprisingly well as OH. I've used them once for a live recording, just a bar band type thing, and they captured a very real representation of what it actually sounded like. I've got a pair and am thinking about getting another. Well worth the asking price! There is also the MXL V67. That is supposed be a bang for the buck vocal mic. That's really funny. I was just rereading through the post and clicked on deleter47's link, same mic.
post edited by IzovAge - November 24, 07 11:24 AM
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 11:27 AM
IzovAge, which mic are you speaking of, your link is dead. Most folks haven't even heard of it , but I feel the best mic for this budget is the SHS S71. Besides the studio I also own a retail music store and I we are SHS dealers, and we sell these mics for around $139 They are really surprising! Stratoj
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 11:39 AM
negative on the MXLs from my experience CJ's suggestion is the angle I would bend along -JD
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 11:45 AM
Another vote for the AT2020. I have a couple of them (as well as several far more expensive LDC's) and use them for vocals, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, drum overheads, piano...very useful mic for the price, and pancake flat response from 80-20k.
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 11:50 AM
Just curious about the reason for the negative response. Which one? I've had very good luck with my MXL V67's.(warm sounding) I also am very happy with the CAD GXL2400. (Very clean sounding.) ORIGINAL: negative on the MXLs from my experience CJ's suggestion is the angle I would bend along -JD
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 11:52 AM
The Behringer B-2 Pro Condenser Microphone works good for me... it's 150 bucks though. You can go to Here and hear a few covers I did if you like.... the guitar and vocals were all recorded with the B-2.
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 12:16 AM
Thanks for letting me know about the dead link. I noticed that deleter47's link is also dead. The mic I'm speaking of is the MCA SP1. It sells for $39.99 and can only be purchased through Pro Sound and Stage Lighting. It is actually made by MXL. If any of you visit Gearslutz you might have heard Jim Williams speak about this mic. He does a mod for it, I think for around $125, that is suppose to really improve on what it already has going for it. Believe me on this one it really is worth the price and more. For $40 what have you got to lose. I just recently used it in front of a kick drum along with a beta 52 and am so far really liking the combo. Haven't actually got into the mix yet but it's giving that nice pillowy low end punch I was hoping for.
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 12:21 AM
+1 for the AT2020. One of the great bargains of the microphone world.
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 12:54 AM
It's my impression that the main reason expensive condensors are expensive is the CONSISTENCY from unit to unit. I've many times heard fine sounding inexpensive mics... but I've also witnessed radical differences in sound from unit to unit. When the MXLs first became available a friend bought 2 and *matched* them by carefully selecting capacitors and resistors and rebuilding the circuit boards in the mic's preamp sections. When he was finished they sounded very good but curiously did not have the low end detail that my AKG 414s exhibit. have fun, mike
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 2:08 PM
My 2 cents worth: Add "Studio Projects" (I think I have the model C1) to your comparisons
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 2:22 PM
overall very thin sounding for a large dia-fram condensor microphone and dreadful on an acoustic baby grande but I am quite pickey all the best -JD
Thomas Campitelli
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 3:30 PM
The Studio Projects C1 is very bright. For that reason, I think it sounds awesome on an acoustic baby grand piano. I also use it on vocals and acoustic guitar. Quite honestly, no one listening cares what mic you use. If you have a good song, that's what's most important.
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 3:34 PM
I have a Samson CL-7 which is a little over 100 bucks but it's a fairly decent mic for acoustic instruments as well as vocals.
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 8:11 PM
ORIGINAL: maikii If one wanted to purchase a condenser microphone, mostly for vocals, for under $100, which one would people recommend? I know that range will not get a "pro" mic, but still I would like to know which are better in that price range, if anyone here is familiar with them. For instance, the MXL 990 and 909 are both the same price ($60, including shockmount and case). What is the difference between the two? Any good? How about the AT2020, about $100? What other mics would people recommend in this price range? I think the Studio Projects B1 is the best one in the low price range. The MXL 990 has a honk to it I don't like. Some of the better MXLs are very good. Even an old 1000 their first good mic was very usable.
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 8:13 PM
ORIGINAL: ohhey ORIGINAL: maikii If one wanted to purchase a condenser microphone, mostly for vocals, for under $100, which one would people recommend? I know that range will not get a "pro" mic, but still I would like to know which are better in that price range, if anyone here is familiar with them. For instance, the MXL 990 and 909 are both the same price ($60, including shockmount and case). What is the difference between the two? Any good? How about the AT2020, about $100? What other mics would people recommend in this price range? I think the Studio Projects B1 is the best one in the low price range. The MXL 990 has a honk to it I don't like. Some of the better MXLs are very good. Even an old 1000 their first good mic was very usable. Frank: Agreed on the 990, I prefer the 603/604 much much better. The 60x's bump in a harsh way around 3k. I prefer my CAD E70's but they're about twice the price. One of my students just bought a pair of the SP B1's we're going to do a shoot out with piano and strings over the Christmas break - I'll post if possible... -D
post edited by DonM - November 24, 07 8:26 PM
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 9:19 PM
I went with the Samson C03. It has a multi-pattern switch that's good for recording live vocal groups. I splurged for a wind screen (pop filter) and an SP01 Shock Mount. Vocals have become more well defined and thus more promenent in the mix and able to handle more compression and subtler effects. The pop filter allows for that intimate feel and the sensitivity allows for the singer moving around. It also picks up the lawnmower next door and the click track in the headphones - so new techniques are required. I was using an old Shure SM58 (stll like those live).
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 24, 07 10:14 PM
just an fyi... the samson c01 mentioned above is only $55 shipped from bh photo (I'm waiting for one to be delivered now)...
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 25, 07 0:25 PM
If you want something a little different try the Oktava mics (Russian). they use to be dirt cheap, but to get a real russian one is over $100 for the LCD. However, it won't be mistaken for a "bright" chinese mic. @ there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. 24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 25, 07 1:41 AM
One quick vote for the MXL v67g. One quick "no!" for the SM 57. (That goes for both vocals and acoustic guitar.) I have not tried the AT2020...but would like to.
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RE: Low End Condenser Mics
November 25, 07 1:43 AM
The Studio Projects B1 recommendations are worth considering. I've got a Studio Projects B3. That's the big brother of the B1 (with a couple extra patterns, etc.). It's a good mic for vocal work, and I even use it from time to time to spot a violin solo. [It's has a bit more character than my flat-as-a-pancake Shure SM81-LC mics. It adds a touch of 'solo bite' to the SM81 accuracy.]